Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Wet dreams coming true opportunity. For committed bank
books material girls. For life legal get paid. Truly! In
multiple new ways naked! Money makers! Booty shakers!
Wet dreams makers! Being the no can touch it! Secret
gardens reasons the plastic money is spent! Untouchable!
International manhood teasers and juicy secret garden
pleasers! By Internet financially engaged&online
married! Safely! Secretly! Quickly! To thy own of no
small measure. Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank
book teacher. Like nature magic within thy own castle
bedrooms. Came together as one. So we could become the
proud! Parents of our own delivered. Baby steps game
plan creation. Of our hot down below love affair, daily!
Protected within their minds&hearts. Safer than any bank
vault!Last names no regrets our secret to the grave.
Roy Fennell-06/24/2018-1:08p.m. The International
daddy who knew best! Not to be 1 minute late! To secret
gardens mate in their beds. With my own future secret
wives. Unseen queens of my physical castle. In respected
Ceres, California U.S.A.! Without strings 365 days a year.
In their own beds like nature magic! We became a Family of
3. At their individual secret most juicy ripe time.
Queens's served all night long sexual. Souls deep naked
twice special delivery. By lucky me of huge OMG size tree!
Safe-n-naked within their own castle bedrooms. Round
our world without saying a single word. My own waiting
for lucky me. Secretly! Amazing female sexual genies.
Obeyed the ancient mating call of nature. Lustfully!
Pulled down then took off for us. Their dripping
expensive panties! When I picked up the juicy scent!
Away I went to secret gardens mate with them. Faster
than a fighter jet! Can fly high in the sky! So we
together as one. No matter the distance of miles.
Became the howling and growling like werewolves!
In never ending sexual heat to meet-n-mate! Loud and
proud became the lucky parents. Of our own mutual
desired in their beds. Baby steps game plan creation.
Daddy&Mother delivery between us with lust, forever!
Roy Fennell-06/20/2018-5:10p.m.
Slowly, with rhythm at, first! Shamelessly! When we
began coming together as one, nonstop! Helplessly! Knew
we were unable to runaway! Escape our own Internet karma
fate. Destiny like nature magic to secret gardens mate.
Unstoppable! Our red book diary secret way. Untamable!
American&Overseas online married. Round our world. Daddy's gurls diva women. With shopaholic feel good spendthrift
fever! Can keep more of their respected everyday. Jobs paychecks in their bank books! Enjoying an offline/online. Shopping
naked and sexual freedom paradise. Creation of thy own occupations&careers. While still above ground to enjoy the
benefits! Experience new lives as legal. Money making and booty shaking naked! Secret wives and queens. Of their
own secret money. Making lover&online husband. As no can touch it! Goddesses of seduction. International manhood teasers/secret
garden pleasers! No can kiss it! Secret girlfriends business women. Of reality and fantasy delights! No! No! No! Never
can ever lick it! Collectors of credit card plastic money. From their own respected women and men. Hooked and seduced
for life. Webcam and phone sex respected secret admirers. Shamelessly! To spoil and pamper themselves, deliriously! Like
born to be spoiled modern day women queens. Within our safe-n-naked money. For us relationship online marriage. Absolutely&truly
no illusion. Without walking out of their castle doors, worldwide. With rising higher female pride and bank books, too! Roy
Fennell-04/18/2018-3:11p.m. Seeing is believing&feeling it, first! Not a mirage.
Nature born female TGL-Models. Yes,I do ready!
Round our world. Unstoppable! Rising female
pride going higher. And their bank books, too!
Online married, first! Our red book diary
secret way. International moms Internet
brides&wives the respected Mothers.
Of our baby steps game plan. Within our money for us
relationship online marriage. From the beginning
in everything each of thee. Come first not humble
me. Camming&phone sexing legal get paid. Plastic
money making naked secret Wives&Queens. Nature
born Goddesses of seduction. Business women
of reality&fantasy. Female bosses of thy own
webcam. Phone sex businesses online married.To
the daddy never tell it! Of no small measure.
All night long team player helper! Of our own
baby. Steps game plan who be the boss. Of
Ten Great Lines. So we could become the
parents. Of creation within the bedrooms.
Of my first&only Ones, forever, lucky me!
Their own first&only one, forever! Based
on the unseen power. Of minds&hearts.
True love, itself! Under the same heavenly roof.
Of the skies, stars, moon and sun, above.
Roy Fennell-12/10/2017-9:30p.m. My honor.
Are you a woman? One of the millions? Of unattached&available
women,worldwide? Dreaming of an opportunity? To runaway/escape?
Jailbreak out of your living from paycheck? To paycheck financial
limited income prison? Have a laptop/desktop with webcam?
Love to wide-eyed see? On the (TGL)-Models page 1? How we can
become by Internet? Financially engaged&online married? Our
red book diary secret way? Within our money for us relationship
online marriage? Female bosses&co-pilots on Ten Great Lines Airlines?
Seeing on the secret wives page,now? $4000.00,$10,000.00 even
$20,000.00? Like a monthly habit? From webcam&phone sex?
Employment is possible not impossible? Benefits of an online
shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise? If,all of the above answers!
Are yes I do ready,now! Safely! Time to type into google search,
Secretly! Deeply! Nakedly! Shamelessly! To come wide-open! To greet&meet me!
All night long within our Internet address location
In a naked hurry to create the first! 3 baby steps of our game plan
No upfront fee to see everything.At Ten Great Lines,free!
Roy Fennell-10/08/2017-4:53p.m.Lucky,lucky us! Safely! No condoms!
No birth pills! No expensive panties required of sexual cybersex fantasy!
Every day our valentine's day celebration joy! |
International moms Internet brides&wives.First&only Ones,forever! |
Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable! My soon to be International! All night
long wide-open! Virgin cherry popped twice! Good enough fo'life.First&only Ones,forever! How can there ever be? Between
you&me? For each of thee,worldwide? With female pride alive? Not dead above ground? As female human beings,first? Any
more pillow tears/fears? Restless/sleepless nights? Of pink slips financial fright,daily? Pregnant or not? Savings/checking
accounts amount? Already too low with complete? Bank book shock of what to do? Being alone/afraid in thy lives? Having rent/morgage
soon due? Facing cutbacks in hours/pay,too? No matter the the size/amounts? Of financial obligations/debts? Loans and monthly
utility bills? More stress like a sudden heart attack? OMG unexpected shift/days-off schedule changes? Respected baby sitter
service? 24/7 available or not? With possible potential take to school? Bad mistake to be late? Pickup times of school rules?
Schedules not of thy free will control? Possible as a single? Respected working mother possible nightmare? At a local day
care center? Unable to take respected public transportation,alone? Trying to make it as a respected single Mom? Alone with
a ton of female pride? Not looking forward at all? To seeking public assistance to help out? Doing for you what financially
not possible? For you to do for yourself,alone? Do not even have a clue? The locations to go without hesitation? Of respected
food banks to stay alive?
Near the bottom of the named pages.Employment,TGL-Models 2,3,4,5 and 6! Is a direct text link.Or underlined text paragraph!
To mouse click to the TGL-Models page 1.The location for online applications.For webcam&phone sex employment opportunities.Located
near the bottom! Of the TGL-Models page 1.Think of Ten Great LInes.As a free to our world.Financial information book.With
multiple chapters identified by page.Name true titles located on the navagational bar.At the top of each page.To navagate
and travel chapter to chapter.Mouse click it and the specific page/chapter.Like magic will appear right before thy eyes! Roy
Fennell-03/19/2017-11:39p.m.International unattached super wet-n-horny women,daily! Who desire from life.What I desire for
them first,not me.Unstoppable! Will be their actions and motions for us! Long-term for years untamable wild-n-free!
Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.Female pride rising and alive! Not dead above ground.Going up not
to ever stay down.When 13 respected Ten Great LInes Family.Respected webcam employers with one! Respected outstanding
phone sex employer.Both at no upfront fee.At their expense to invest! In each of thee,first! By proving professional
training,free! Right now not to let go.Fire human beings like you&me! Instead always seeking to hire.For part-time/full-time
employment opportunities.With an expected 25-30 hours per week! Labor which works in thy favor,first! Less need to tap into
thy potential unemployment.Benefits which can run out! Quickly! These respected employers together.As one like a family on
a mission! Have a collection of millions.Of respected webcam clients! Respected phone sex customers.Who have millions
of respected family&friends.Respected human beings like you&me,too! Who have millions of electronic credit.Card plastic
money in their wallets/purses.On the secret wives page.Facts and numbers how it! Is possible not impossible.$4000.00,$10,000.00
even $20,000.00! Like a monthly habit.Not being in a hurry! One respected webcam client.One respected phone sex customer.At
a time to develope.A fo' life relationship of mutual benefits.For what goes around comes around.Like the circle of life.When
taking care of them,first! Is a winning hand for financial success.Thy will take care of each of you! Like a family
of human beings.From the beginning treat each person.Like a KIng&Queen invited guest! To adult play having civilized
fun! Roy Fennell-07/29/2017-2:23a.m.
Are you a woman? One of the millions? Of unattached and available women,worldwide? Dreaming to runaway escape? Jailbreak out
of their living paycheck? To paycheck financial income prison? Naked! With hi-heels over heads lava hot? Excitement with flames
of secret desire fire? Within a money for us relationship? Safe online marriage for a new? Beginnings&man with King Kong?
Size love and respect for each of thee? As nature born women of childbirth,worldwide? If,yes I do ready! To come wide-open
wet! To fly&be with me.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Nonstop,to our secret meet&mating place.Internet location address
thy travel bag.Light within our 747 Jumbo Jet cockpit flight! Bring only thy favorite.Eye candy pump-n-bump you! Like a wild
animal! Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes! Time to type into bing/ixquick! Yahoo/google search, aboard!
Your friendly daddy love captain.Of no small measure joystick! Roy Fennell-04/03/2017-9:58a.m.Solid plump with financially
juicy! Bank books monetary seeds of website knowledge.Welcome home for deeper than G-spot! Special delivery Queens treatment!
All the way no play! No birth control pills! No glove daddy love! All natural between us as nature! Intended from the beginning
between a woman&man.Secret garden reasons if able of childbirth! Bundle of joy celebration as respected parents!
While still alive with female pride above ground!
Time is long overdue for NSA-FWB bank book.
Daddy,material and booty call girls!
With laptops,desktop with webcams.Round our world.
Not committted within any type of relationship.
To take a wide-open naked flight!
Towards spending&financial freedom power.
To bathe&shower themselves! Within the waters of the
finer things in life.Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures.
Butterfly love do as they please lives,daily!
For their happy hearts happiness,first!
Based on costumes role playing legal.Get paid naked for us!
No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can lick it!
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.
Camming&phone sexing hard money.Makin'/booty shakin'
wet dreams makers.Recieving as much as possible then more!
Financial joy electronic plastic card money.Zero physical sex contact.
Without surrendering a single drop! Of buried down below treasure.
Like liquid gold lava hot! Nature born female secret garden.
Pleasure muffin sugar sweet honey.Without walking out their castle doors.
Benefits of an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
Within the school of life.The seduction game is of the highest degree!
Possible for nature born women,worldwide.Rising up with female pride.
To fly and soar higher in life.Where mighty Eagles dare not go!
Staying up until touching down.On the financial success runway!
To touch,reach and kiss.The unreachable star of their own
individual goals and dreams.AS IS female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Virgin cherry popped twice.Snap finger kitty m-e-o-www tight!
International moms Internet brides&wives.
First&only Ones,forever! Of their own adult pleasure.
Of no small measure.Castle bedrooms bank books teacher!
Special delivery daddy of our baby! Steps game plan secret money.
Making lover&online husband.The boss of Ten Great Lines.
Who takes the blame.Each of thee swan dived naked!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Being our own free wills to secret gardens mate.
Unable to runaway/escape. Our mutual Internet karma/fate destiny.
Roy Fennell-09/01/2017-5:46p.m.Beyond a shadow of doubt!
Making plans for 2018&our financial happiness/security futures.
Within our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked!
24/7 secret meeting&mating place.Internet location address
Once thy webcam&phone sex schedules.
Becomes online live gives birth reality.
To luxury&gangnam opportunity lifestyle.
Of DiVa women futures not a minds&hearts lie!
Once thy camming&phone sexing plastic money
amounts.Becomes equal/greater to thy everyday
jobs.Paychecks proven reality proof not fantasy.
Enjoyment of the sweet taste for each of thee.
Banging bodies or not.DiVa women experience.
Bank book seduction power sexual magic.
Female live wire heartbeating attraction magnets.
Safe&naked without any physical sex contact.
Legal get paid naked for us.Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of fantasy.Already online married.
To thy own secret money making lover&online husband.
Without walking out thy castle doors round our world.
Queen served all night long no glove daddy love.
Roy Fennell-11/02/2017-11:54a.m.Everyday private lives
benefits.Within our money for us relationship online
marriage.Thy last names never changes at all not a lie!
Not an illusion,mirage or fantasy.Right before thy eyes.
Legally! If,already married living within thy castles,daily!
Naked! Each of thee can see! What would be thy last names.
On our respected marriage license.Legal naked wives,daily!
If,nature able in the 1st year! Would be showing approx.9 months!
Nature born bun in the oven.Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Expensive panties only worn outside of our castles,daily!
1 hour before the end of thy everyday jobs workshifts!
Our secret gardens reasons to slip away.Pull down/take off for us!(*_+)
Image by Cool Text: Free Graphics Generator - Edit
There was once a woman. As a respected little girl.
Loved to hear her respected Mother! Read by her bedside.
Different respected children's books. To give her precious
child. Happy dreams to chase away. Her fear of the
darkness. Of the night bad dreams. One her favorite
stories! Was about Kings, Queens, and Knights. Princes,
Princesses and maidens, too! The gentlemen Knights
had codes of honor! Sometimes they would come to the
rescue. Of damsels in distress. With risks to their own
lives. When they needed to slay a dragon or 2. When she
became of age! She was hoping/seeking to find her.
Her own prince charming! Become married&become a family
of 3. She got lucky found him. During the ancient dating
ritual! His hand was always touching her hand. And many
other places of her body! He proposed and she said!
I do she was in love! Happy as a lark the first year.
Slowly! She began to notice. The touching of her hand.
And other places were becoming just a memory. Her prince
charming had habit! Never noticed nor revealed at any time.
During the dating ritual. When he desired sex from her.
Secret garden be she in the mood or not! It would
always be in front! Of an adult DVD movie. Made her feel
as though they were watching them. Like peeping toms
looking into their own bedroom window. One day while
looking for a specific! Product at her local retail big
box store. Unknown to her there was a man.
Who was a gentlemen with ladies! Not on purpose just a chance.
Of fate both of them! Reached for the same product.
At the exact same time! By accident when he touched her
hand. She felt magic down below. Sudden body jerk with
drippin' sensations. She found herself holding is big.
Strong hand and noticed he was holding her soft hand, too!
Without neither one saying a single word. Deeply!
Looking into the windows of their souls. Hand in hand
together as one. Went out the exit of the retail store.
The gentlemen man walked directly to his car. Politely!
He spoke to her which made her feel comfortable&safe.
I am on my way home, now! To protect and watch you.
Enter your car, safely! You are welcome to follow me!
She said thank-you! When he pulled up into the drive-way.
Of his 2 car garage. She drove up and parked next to
his car. Like a wife she did not park. In front of his
house. When there was a space available! Without saying
a word to each other. He stretched out his hand. She
took it without fear or questions. He led her directly
to the Master! Bedroom where she fell in love! With his
King size bed. When he was 6 feet. From his bed he let
go. Of her hand she came to a complete stop! With his
back to her he walked to the foot. Of his King size bed.
With his back to her he got naked! He reached down on his
King size. Bed to pick up an adult pleasure. Manhood
toy of joy which was the actual. Mold size fit of his own
manhood of joy. There was silence in the room. Slowly!
When he turned around to face her. He did not take any
pill. A nature born woman. Was the secret garden.
For his full 11 inches erect! In her wide-eyed direction.
Neither of them said a word! Where she stood except for
her! Expensive eye candy fabulous! To die for sexy
high heel shoes! Everything else including purse.
Car keys hit the floor. Neither one of them said a single
word. With his adult pleasure mold toy. In one of his
out stretched hand. In her direction she walked to him.
With his toy of joy, now! In one of her hands as a new!
First time in her life! Complete experience she of her!
Own free will only! Without him touching her!
Without the gentleman saying a single word!
Slowly! While looking into the windows.
Of each other's souls!
She had a feather soft landing on her knees!
Roy Fennell-12/11/2017-12:52a.m.
Welcome,to page 9.Ten Great Lines online shopping adventure travel.Of the non
brick-n-mortar.Worldwide online business of Ten Great Lines.Internet location of our saving money.Making money in multiple
ways naked! Secret meeting place&Internet address ticket required on me free! International
unlimited round trip flights! For always super wet.Mornings,noon,blue moon and wild nights! To come and get it! Together as
one like wild jungle animals.On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain of no small measure.With King
Kong size.Love and respect for each of you! As nature born women,worldwide! Roy Fennell-08/16/2017-12:30a.m.Welcome home!
Naked! Time for us to become a family of 3.Quickly |
Our red book love story way! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! |
Are each of thee? Free willing,wide-open and yes? I do ready and able?
To begin thy new lives? As online married,first? Our red book diary
secret way? Legal get paid naked for us? Naughty girls&secret wives?
Financially enabled to spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously? As modern
day women Queens? Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide?
Professional training is provided by respected webcam&phone sex
employers,free! Real life not fake. Benefits of 2 sexy jobs at once:
1.One sex job for thy savings account
2.One sex job for thy checking account
3.Once earned camming&phone sexing hard amounts.Becomes
equal/greater! Than thy respected everyday paychecks! How can it be
a lie?
Elimination of what if,unexpected job loss fears situation
Elimination of what if,unexpected pink slip fears situation
Of sexual cybersex wide-open naked-n-juicy fantasy!
Making it grow bigger.Solid as a rock bank books reality.
Like nature magic without expensive panties! No glove/birth control pills.
Required to be in our way.Slowly! For a new beginnings&man.
Free willing to come in thy lives.Of no small measure delights.
King Kong OMG size! Sexual souls special delivery big surprise tree!
All night long held with both of my strong hands tell nobody!
Secret gardens buried treasure delivered beneath thy umbrellas.
Without a hint/whisper of pain.All at once minds,hearts and financial
Roy Fennell-10/20/2017-6:41p.m.Not committed within any relationships.
Super horny-n-wet women,daily! Round our world tired of be broke!
Daddy,material and booty call girls! Loads of for the money women,too!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Is a skintight!
Just right wall-to-wall fit! Bed soaked sheets wet dreams come true!
With female pride born! To become female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Time for nature born! Desire to be wild-n-free! Financially&sexually unhappy
and unsatisfied,daily! Unattached wide-open available women,worldwide. Who are Internet/money ready,now! To begin the end.Of
their financial struggles to make ends meet,alone! Once hired for webcam/phone sex! Employment for us,first! Safely! Secretly!
Each of you by Internet! Become financially engaged&online married at once! Quickly,to the boss of Ten Great Lines.As
soon to be legal get paid! Naked for us naughty girls&secret wives! To experience real lives not fake! As role playing/money
making Goddesses of seduction! International booty shakin' business women of fantasy! Free will like cement for years.Even
life within our money for us relationship online marriage! Without walking out their castle doors. Going down the roads! Bi-ways
and highways of their lives! With free will opportunities.From purchased gold coins,vials and loose diamonds stones! Towards
rich/wealthy women early/full retirement ages futures! Roy Fennell-01/16/2017-4:24p.m.
How can there ever be? For each of thee,worldwide? With female pride alive? Not dead above ground? As female human beings,first?
Any more tears/fears? Many sleepless nights? Of pink slips financial fright,daily? By free will choices? Not legally
married pregnant or not? Savings and checking accounts? Already low running of empty monthly? With complete back book shock?
Of what to do? Being alone within thy lives,daily? Counting out change on the counter? To pay for some more gas? Facing
cutbacks in hours/pay? No matter the size/amounts? Of financial obligations/debts? Hoping even praying not a midnight? Visit
by the repo man/girl? Taking back what no longer? Belongs to them laid-off or not? Including stressful like a sudden?
OMG heart attack not under thy control? Unexpected shift/days-off schedule changes? Respected baby sitter avalable? 24/7 or
not? Most painful potential take to school? Pickup from school schedules? Too young for respected public transportation? Same
is true with a potential day care center?
Thank-you all! While missing a beat! In sexual heat secret gardens! Mating for sharing your troubles with humble me!
Like 2 sides of a coin of legal tender! 2 sides of the fence with relationships,too! Not always only about me! There is your
world of dreams! Goals and everyday life problems. Thank-you all! For fixing and bringing us lunch! In thy castle beds,too!
Best of all was the dessert! A dine at thy "Y"s! For 1 hour! Special kind of lick each of you! Up-n-down treat! Always tasty-n-hot
good to the last drop.Never tell it to our graves! Like licked each of my fingers clean,too! I was pleased how each of you!
Obeyed without any force.When I asked each you? Please take the doogie position! So I could lick there what I missed,too!
While my long strong fingers! Got real friendly with kitty! And let go some muffin honey lotion! For lucky humble me! I licked
it like a cat drinking milk! Nothing like mutual trust with lust lockdown control! M-e-o-wwww! 07/20/2017-5:54a.m.
Within our money for us! Safe relationship online marriage. American&Overseas unattached women. Round our world while
on adult. Dating and jobs websites. Can experience exciting new lives! Online married bank books ,first! Camming and phone
sexing naked secret wives. With unseen last names. Of the known daddy! Of our baby steps game plan creation. Roy Fennell who
lives in respected Ceres ,California U.S.A. Daddy's gurls going in their desired direction. Of their lives towards rich/wealthy
diva woman. Luxury/Gangnam offline. Online shopaholic lifestyle futures. Unstoppable! Of our own mutual Internet karma fate!
Untamable! To secret gardens mate. Unconditional! Our red book diary secret way! Roy Fennell-03/01/2020-10:45a.m.
Hello! Naughty girl Goddess of seduction! I see with my own eyes! She has uncaged
thee! To be wild-n- free! Amazing you have jump out! From the reflections of her! Full-length mirror and I must confess! I
with to thank-you! And your good girl twin sister! For double doing me all night! Lucky me our perfect 3-some of adult pleasure!
Hot wild-n-juicy delights! Possible not impossible to end! Thy financial struggles to make ends meet,alone! Possible not impossible
to end thy wait! At the altars of thy lives,alone.When 13 respected Ten Great LInes Family.Respected webcam employers with
one.Respected outstanding business in a box.Special kind unique like you! Phone sex employer together as one.Not upfront fee
and for you! At their expense to invest in you! Offer professional training free! Benefits of red carpet Queen! Treatment
with expectations of at least! 25-30 hours per week labor,why? At their own expense! Are willing to gamble taking a chance
on you! In reality not fantasy a backed up! Vote of confidence in you! As responsible female human beings! Zero standing in
the respected unemployment line.Zero seaching respected Newspaper! Classified ads or spending gas money! Going around town
to fill out! Job applications at desired places to work! In many cases being told at this time! They are not accepting applications.Then
with thy own eyes! Seeing some of their respected employees! Wishing you were anyone of them! Walking out the door feeling
depressed not happy! Is it a lie or the undisputed truth? When right now not unknown future! Like on a mission! Not to let
go! Fire human beings like you&me! Flesh-n-blood with heartbeats! Instead they desire to hire! As many as possible.Without
walking out thy homes.Apartment or college dorm,doors! How&why is it possible? Not impossible for part-time? Full-time
employment opportunities? They have a combined collection.Of millions of respected webcam clients! Millions of respected phone
sex customers! Who have respected millions of family&friends! All of them like us human beings,too! With millions of electronic
credit.Cards plastic money available! Why,is having once set? LIke cement working hours schedules? Such a big deal? 2
1.If your favorite store.Opens for business at 9:00a.m.? Knowing for a fact!
You were there at 8:45a.m.Had other things going on.In your life and 9:00a.m.the door was not open! For you the priceless
respected customer.9:15a.m. the door was not open.9:30a.m. Would you stay or go away angry? At a store you can call the respected
manager/boss! Camming&phone sexing each of you.As independent female contractors! Are the bosses who create,make&set
thy own working hours! Schedules based on trust! Coming from the respected webcam&phone sex employers! Who at their own
expense.Provided professional training,free! In order to program their computers! Your schedules must be included to be paid!
2.One respected webcam client! One respected phone sex customer.Loves thy outstanding
performances.Before thy tell others! Absolutely&truly will make sure! They can count on the schedule! Being predictable
not unpredictable,why? to save themselves from upset! Family&friends who heard the word! About you and in a heartbeat!
Discovered it became a mystery! When the performer would be available! When they have lots of other women! Available for their
plastic money! 1 person tells 2 other persons.Who tell 3 other persons each! Remains fo' life telling everybody! 1 single
person may tell 20 or more! In a year suppose over! A 7-day period! Each person was spending $100.00 total! Per week and it
was 20 people! 10 women/10 men committed,loyal and faithful with their money! To only you with hundreds! Of other women available,too!
The daddy of our baby steps game plan! Roy Fennell-07/20/2017-5:05a.m. All my female (TGL)-Models,worldwide! Sooner or later
will seek to reign,why? Suppose they had 40 respected peoples? Exactly paying the same amount? Per week seduction
hooked? Fo'life on only them,period? All the above! Without walking out their castle doors! Got nothing to do! With the other
saving money! Making money naked opportunities! You don't think any of my female dragons? First&only Ones,forever? Will
not seek to take secret garden! Ownership of the webcam&phone sex? Global adult entertainment Industry? When these respected
persons? Being the ones paying for their rent,utilities,car payments,etc.! Gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones? And
extremely fabulous expensive? Eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes,too? Believe it or not.Many women do not think small.They think
in Empires.Want it all and when they get it! Will want more if they can get it! Special kinds of go girls! Unstoppable! Of
actions&motions like runaway freight trains!
No upfront fee to see everything.At Ten Great LInes,free!
Wide-eyed see what you&me! Can do together as one.
No matter the distance of miles.For our mutual financial
happiness.Long-term security futures.Without either of thee.
Walking out thy castle doors with female pride,worldwide.
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Roy Fennell-11/02/2017-7:06p.m.
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captain.Roy Fennell-03/19/2017-12:31a.m.
My International loves&nature born.Complete package Queens of endless delights! Time to secret garden butterfly wings.Of fury
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scent claim every single drop.Of financial seeds of website knowledge.For themselves with benefits! Of monetary bank books
joyful spending power! They can camming&phone sexing bed.Soaked sheets shower within the depth.Of savings/checking accounts
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cement within our money.For us one of a kind.Unique relationship online marriage! Daddy love! 03/30/2017-3:11p.m.
Financially engaged&online married! Like nature magic without walking
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of 3.Online married,first! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
For modern day women alone.In their lives with female pride! Living to
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1st baby step-webcam employment
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Internet moms Internet brides&wives.Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Who live to enjoy the experience,daily! New lives camming&phone sexing
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Female bosses&co-pilots.On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Treatment like
legal wives.Side-by-side in the cockpit! Online married to the boss of Ten Great Lines.We as the proud parents of our creation.Baby
steps game plan.Together as one.No matter the distance of miles.Under the same heavenly roof.Of the skies,stars,moon and sun,above.Long
overdue time for each of thee! To accept thy own Internet.Karma/fate destiny to secret gardens mate.Like nature magic within
thy own castle bedrooms naked!
With thy own secret money making lover&online husband.
Full of financial seeds of website knowledge special delivery.
To grow the dollars¢s amounts.Of the savings/checking accounts.
Swell up making rise the size.Of thy bank books financial joy! To enjoy
the benefits delights! Online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
Having only one life to live! While still alive above ground.For thy
happy hearts happiness,first! Working to live happy,daily! Seeking to touch,reach and kiss the unreachable star! Of thy own
goals and dreams in life.Going in the direction.Seen on the Models-6&secret wives pages.Towards spending&financial
freedom power.Butterfly love do as you please lives,daily! Luxury&gangnam lifestyles futures. Not living to work
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To begin our neverending financial honeymoon.Like a weekly habit.
Time to spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously! As online married modern
day women Queens.First&only Ones,forever! Daddy love! 09/07/2017-3:02p.m.
Time in Ceres:
If,prince charming! Even Ms./Mr.Right does not hurry,nonstop! Bringing candy&flowers! With engagement&wedding
rings! In their asked for permission,first! Exact sizes in a rented limo.May be too late! When they work their way up!
From $4000.00 to $10,000.00 to $20,000.00! Per month like a habit,why? What will they be able? To do for them? They cannot
do for themselves,first? Without surrendering a single drop? Of nature born sweet pleasure muffin? Thick-n-creamy honey? Without
strings or unknown behind closed/locked doors mystery? Not even a fortune teller? Could predict or see in time? To save
them from a potential domestic? Violence phone call misery? For if a woman cannot trust! A man with her goodness honey? Think
she will trust him with her money? Gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones,too? Roy Fennell-07/20/2017-2:20a.m.Ain't no
joke many women! Not in relationships with loads of free! Time are sick of being broke! With only dreams of owning a closet!
Full of expensive new! Smell of sexy hi-heel shoes! In a heartbeat take the old ones! To their local thrift shop,why?
Taking care of their Sisters of Womanhood! Motherhood! Womanhood Family! Like the circle of life! What goes around comes around!
I confess while I held it! For each of them with my big hands! Within their castle
bedrooms,worldwide.Shamelessly! They were working me! Like coming alive born! To become my heartbeating sex machine! Queens
with teeth grittin' come and get it! Determination without hesitation! Quickly! In naked hurry female adult pleasure!
Team players producing for us.More thick-n-creamy bed soaking sheets splatter! The way we love it like pancake batter! Like
a sexual mission to take it! Deeper towards no man's land.Good girls like female track stars! Running in a track meet to pass!
The baton of esctasy to their twin sisters.The naughty girls within themselves! LIke it was some of female race! Between them
not me! To see who would be first! To feel the heartbeat special delivery! Lucky me they were bucking me! Like legal naked
wives flaming hot! Down below with secret desire fire! Lucky me I watched each of my born! To become first&only Ones,forever!
Some with eyes wide-open had their eyes! On their not mine big surprise.Some with eyes closed tight! So their secret
gardens! Like nature magic unlock the milky way! No man's land doorway.To allow only me to enter.The depth of Womanhood special
place! Feeling inch-by-inch without missing a beat.When they let go what was buried deep.Within their minds&hearts.Telling
lucky me all.Their secret fears with tears! Of unexpected pink slip blues! Tunes of sadness of what could they do? Being alone
in their lives.Still waiting at the altars.Of their lives for prince charming.Ms/Mr.Right! Not to forget about them! While
standing alone at the altars! Of their lives when they want! Need and desire them now not later.Each of them told me about
us! They were free will wide-open.Yes,I do ready,now! For a new beginnings&man.Their first&only one,forever! To be
their secret gardens. Lucky one to virgin cherry pop them twice.By Internet financially engaged&online married! To begin
our neverending monetary honeymoon.Financially coming&making our money! In multiple ways naked! Within our money for us
relationship online marriage.Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! Happily! With loads of financial bank books.Savings and checking
accounts affection! Financial seeds of website knowledge.Without walking out their castles doors.Knowing for a fact! I be
not seeking to get as much.As possible for free and from the beginning! It be for us to become online married,first! Being
the complete package cake.Not just the icing all or nothing! When a single woman in a just us relationship! Possible not impossible
based on costumes! Can become a different woman! 365 days a year! With all the way no play Queens! Absolute trust with lust
control lockdown,why? She be under no obligation! To enter an exclusive just us relationship! When she could have kept dating
playing the field! Sexually! If desired exploring a man! Woman or both at once as consenting adults! Like nature no reasons
for female human beings! To become sexually involved with a specific! Male human being unless testing the water! Of love for
a potential down.The roads,bi-ways and highways! Of their lives towards a legal marriage! If,nature able a respected Mother!
Within a family structure&family community! Roy Fennell-07/20/2017-2:23a.m.What is the financial power? Of a single woman?
Who earns $10,000.00 per month? Camming&phone sexing hard,daily? Could respected local places? To eat in her downtown&community?
If she ate like a Queen? A different place 7 days a week? Would beauty salon girls? Hit the floor dancing seeing her? 3 times
a week? Would the grocery store manager? Jump with joy knowing she may drop? $500.00 cash per week? Of the best cuts of meat
only? What could the financial power? Be with 10 female human beings? Earning the same amount? In the same respected local
community,daily? Suppose they were between the ages? Of 21 and 55 years of age? Would they be wearing their own custom designed?
Female pride tops unique one? Of a kind like them proud? To be a nature born woman? Naked all their power! Can be seen within
the reflections! Of their full-length mirrors! Drippin' from the excitement from financial success! Wearing only their extremely
eye candy! Expensive&fabulous sexy hi-heel shoes!
Are you a nature born woman? Have a powerful long lasting sex drive,daily? Steaming hot like a locomotive steam engine? Neverending
hunger like a female werewolf in heat? Howling and prowling the Internet worldwide? Chasing&hoping to find and experience?
The Elusive Butterfly of Love? For thy own red book diary ecstasy story? Wildly,seeking a new beginnings&man? To come and
go deeper than G-spot happiness? To stay not dip-n-go then runaway? Are you an unattached and looking woman? Yes,I do ready
to fly? On Ten Great Lines Airlines? To come secret garden wet? Wide-open to butterfly wings rain? From beneath thy umbrella?
Sexual souls deep greet&meet me? To mate at our secret mating place&love shack address home? a hint/whisper
of pain? With you in the driver's seat? Of the control of the juicy lemon flow direction? I promise a Jumbo Jet 747! Cockpit
natural joystick ride! Safe return flight journey! To your home,apartment or college dorm.Unlimited round trip destinations
on me free! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain flying to pick you up! Then sweep thee off thy feet naked! Roy Fennell-03/20/2017-10:06p.m.Do
each of you as super horny-n-wet women,worldwide? Promise not to tell we were 3 circles? Cybersex bucking each other? LIke
wild in the jungle animals,nonstop? Deeper than G-spot pops? More than once hit the jackpot? Of ka-boom-boom eruptions? With
bed soaked expensive sheets? In thy own castle bedrooms during a layover,too?
Chinese proverb:Be happy. I'ts one way of being wise.
Chinese proverb:Avoid taking unneccessary gambles.
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Social media networks are wonderful! A post is like a window! Why post anything you do not want the world to see,at once?
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Globally! TGL-Models female bosses online married, first!
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