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Based on the facts of their nature. Born respected births all. AS IS modern day women. Round our world are the best! Of the
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Unlike any past relationships! Impossible! For me to ever! Divorce either of thee! Nor seek to trade you in! Like an used
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Seeing is believing and feeling it deeply ,first! No upfront fee for either of thee! To mouse click on any. Banner ,single
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Like modern day women queens ,deliriously! As online married TGL-Models. International female players. Masters of the look
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Is it a lie or the undisputed truth! Waiting unpaid upfront ,first! An unknown amount of time! For a safe and legit. Adult
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In an economy of snap finger ,quick! Unexpected with little or no warning. Stressful potential respected everyday occupations.
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can get hooked up! Virgin cherry popped naked twice! Hitched and secret gardens mated. Like nature magic! Within their own
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Safe unseen step daddy. For respected single/divorced moms. On their own with female. Pride still alive. Not unburied above
Top to the bottom of either. Models 2 ,3 ,4,5 or 6 pages. Shamelessly! Wide-open dripping hot take a naked look. If you
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Not committed within any relationships ,now! American&Overseas material girls. With dollar sign eyes! Yes I do boss lady
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The outside is only a shadow. Of the complete package inside;
Safely! Not a secret or mystery benefits. To see top to the bottom. Of this page first ,why? To discover all the who. What
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Roy Fennell-11/30/2019-3:22p.m.
Webcam and phone sex employment opportunities!
Our red book diary secret way for us! By Internet financially engaged/online married!
For some women. Is it a lie or the undispued truth
Discover too late! Fell in love with the face. Of a complete stranger belind closed doors!
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Once camming and phone sexing earned amounts!
Becomes equal/greater than everyday jobs paycheckes. Begins priceless peace of mind ,daily!
The above dollars and cents facts! Without hesitation eliminates any and all stressful ,daily! Potential what if respected
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With unseen last names. At work or grocery store
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Not committed within any relationships. Women with dollar sign eyes. Round our world material girls. By Internet can come
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Safe relationship online marriage. To end their financial struggles. To make ends meet ,alone. Benefits of new lives. Online
married camming and phone sexing secret wives. Naked! Can purchase gold coins. Vials and loose diamond stones. To have rich/wealthy
women futures reality. Roy Fennell-11/23/2019-4:51a.m. First and only ones! Respected Mothers ,forever!
Like nature magic within their own castle bedrooms
We became the loud. Proud parents of our baby. Steps game plan creation.
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth! Some women round our world. Love and live hitting club dance floors? Sexually! To tease
and attract? Being in the spotlight of attention?
No matter the stressful ,daily! Total amount of credit cards/student loan debts! Legally! Financial obligations within their
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relationship online marriage. Is a steaming hot! Wet dreams coming true. To increase the amounts! Of their savings and checking
accounts ,first! Unlike all of their past relationships ,combined!As camming and phone sexing naked secret wives.
On an adult dating/jobs website or not! Respected still hot! Single/divorced moms or not! Safely! Seeing is believing and
feeling it deeply ,first! Within our money for us. Safe relationship online marriage. When committed 25 to 30 hours. Per week
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camming and phone sexing naked! Untouchable! Secret wives by Internet. Financially engaged and online married! To their own
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Shamelessly! Daddy's gurls diva women. Safe-n-naked opportunity. To purchase gold coins ,vials and loose. Diamond stones
to stockpile. In their own bank insured not ours. Safe deposit boxes. To create and finance their own future. Respected retirement
funds round our world. Unstoppable! Is the financial power of a nature born woman!
Naked! Without walking out her castle door. Who is roasting alive. On fire with desire. Sexually! To never be trapped!
Locked up within an income prison. Relationship unable to date. Wild-n-free ,daily! Untamable! When the naughty girl! Within
the good girl becomes uncaged! When I first pulled it out! It almost touched the ceiling! Take a naked look. Top to the bottom.
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Once camming and phone sexing naked earned amounts. Becomes equal/greater than your everyday! Respected jobs net paychecks
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With unseen last names! On the job or even asleep
Within our money for us! Safe relationship online marriage
Unseen upon bended knee! Sweetly! Tenderly! If each of thee! Deeply! Think you can take it and not faint! My soon to be every
day live heart beating Valentine's! Not a secret or mystery of who I be! Take a naked look. Top to the bottom for us. Of the
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Right before thy eyes! As Yes I do online married ,first! Untouchable! Never tell secret girlfriends! Camming and phone sexing
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American&Overseas online married ,first! Untouchable! Only wet dreamed about naked! Secret girlfriends of their own! Respected
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size love and respect ,first! Wide-eye see either! Models 2 ,3 ,4 ,5 or 6 pages! Our 3 circles/both hot hands! Secret to the
Webcam/phone sex employment opportunities at once!
Safely! Secretly! Quickly! By Internet financially engaged and online married ,daily!
Safely! Between us round the clock ,24/7! Without a hint or whisper! Of domestic violence fears ,tears or pain. Not committed
within any relationships. Women who are material girls. Round our world with dollar sign eyes! With unseen last names. Within
our money for us! Safe relationship online marriage. Is a wet dreams coming true. Legally! No matter the total amount! Student
loan/credit cards debts! Financial obligation in their names only new lives! Online married camming and phone sexing naked
secret wives!
Experienced female adult film actresses or not! With dollar sign eyes! Not committed within any relationships ,now! While
waiting for a safe. Legit lucrative contract opportunity. Untouchable! Wet dreams makers new lives! Secretly! Camming and
phone sexing naked! Plastic money making and booty shaking secret wives! With unseen last names ,daily! Impossible! Cannot
be an illusion. Mirage ,game ,lie or fantasy! Lustfully about us ,why? Type into google search for us. Online married naughty
girls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell. Their no upfront fee talent agent ,too! Seeing is believing and feeling it deeply ,first!
Roy Fennell-11/15/2019-2:06p.m.
Already online married! Our red book diary. Secret way to the daddy! With King Kong! OMG size delivery love and respect
,first! Without a hint or whisper of pain! Coming hard together for mutual long-term financial gain! Take a naked look for
us! Top to the bottom! Of the red book love page!Of our own mutual karma fate to secret gardens mate!
My every day live heartbeating Valentines
Shamelessly! Who love to buck! Ride and pound like sex machines!
Nature born women! With like gold secret gardens! With like lava hot! Dripping liquid gold pleasure muffin honey! Just like
me in bed! Believed in "69"! Flavor equal opportunity!
While coming like a river! Promised me to never tell on us!
Always super horny-n-wet ,daily! Not committed within any relationships ,now! With dollar sign eyes round our world. Legally!
No matter the total amount of debts. Financial obligations in their names only. New beginnings with unseen last names. Within
our money for us. Relationship online marriage new lives. Legal get paid naked! In multiple new ways. Camming and phone sexing
secret wives. Female TGL-Models ,worldwide. Online married to Roy Fennell. The known daddy of our on purpose. Within their
own castle bedrooms. Giving birth bringing to life! Without any hesitation with loud powerful rhythm. Baby step game plan
International daddy lucky me!
Roy Fennell-11/12/2019-3:18p.m.
Naked! With powerful rhythm together as one !
We became a family of 3! Loud-n-proud parents. Of our baby steps game plan creation!
On an adult dating/jobs website or not! Mouse click on any banner! Single line text link! Or underlined text paragraph ,why?
Discover and see upfront ,first! What camming and phone sexing naked! Can do for your bank book! Bank insured safety deposit
boxes and closets ,too! To reward ,spoil ,pamper and treat! Yourselves like modern day women queens, deliriously! Hotly Desire
opportunity to online? Gamble naked and become for us? A business woman phone sex flirt ,too? Naked! Wide-eyed see! Top to
bottom of phone page! My soon to be for us! Secretly! Online married expecting daddy's gurls! With dollar sign eyes who love
to buck!
International female TGL-Models boss ladies! AS IS no matter the nature. Born sizes of their breasts! Naked! Shamelessly!
Type into google search for us. Online married naughty girls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell. Cannot be an illusion ,lie ,mirage
or fantasy between us! Your soon to be yes I do ready. Secret money making lover. Castle bedrooms bank books teacher! Your
online husband lucky me!
Teaching each of you! Camming and phone sexing naked. Benefits to living to enjoy. The experience of priceless peace of
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1.Once camming and phone sexing earned amounts.
2.Becomes equal/greater than. Respected everyday jobs. Weekly ,bi-weekly or monthly earned amounts Already online married
,daily! Experienced female adult film actress or not! Super wet reasons the plastic money is spent! Untouchable! Only wet
dreamed about while. Receiving benefits of priceless peace of minds ,daily!
Shamelessly! with unseen last name! Of the daddy of our! Within their own castle bedrooms. Together as one baby! Steps
game plan! Creation 3 inch depth sexual souls womanhood released!
Sexually! They boned it to own it! See top to bottom of either Models 2,3,4,5 or 6 pages! Delivery with love and respect
,first! King Kong OMG size! Profusely! With rhythm bed soaked sheets! Sexual fantasy wet dreams coming true!
Online married to their own kind of secret garden meet man!
For benefits of new lives! To become his naughty girls. Secret wives first and only forever! Respected Mothers of our
baby! Steps game plan creation on purpose!
Roy Fennell-11/10/2019-10:02a.m.
With unseen last names. On the job ,at work or asleep!
Webcam/phone sex employment opportunities for us!
Our red book diary! Secret way by Internet. Financially engaged and online married ,24/7!
American&Overseas online married daddy's gurls! With dollar sign eyes round our world. With unseen last names. New lives
camming and phone sexing secret wives No matter the total amount. Of debts and financial obligations. In their names only.
To end their financial struggles. To make ends meet alone and more. Safely! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Long-term benefits for women. With rich/wealth futures. From purchases of gold coin ,vials and loose diamond stones! Naked
to create and finance. Their own future respected retirement fund! Who are not committed within any kind of relationship ,now!
Who are female players. Masters of the no can touch it seduction game itself!
Roy Fennell-11/09/2019-5:45p.m.
With no regrets from lucky me! My soon to be yes I do! Boss ladies ready online married ,first! AS IS seen naked! Within the
reflections. Of your own full-length mirrors ,daily! Naughty girls secret wives with dollar sign eyes! It cannot be an illusion.
Lie ,mirage or fantasy. The more online earned amounts. In multiple new ways naked! Growing bigger your savings and checking
accounts. Becomes cash money coming out! Of your favorite ATM machines. Wearing expensive panties or not! With new lives and
unseen last names ,24/7!
Roy Fennell-10/30/2019-7:00p.m. Is it a lie or the undisputed truth? Sexually! Online married naughty girls. Secret wives
of Roy Fennell. Who have dollar sign eyes and love to buck! When camming and phone sexing naked for us! While using their
just right! Wall-to-wall OMG! Size adult manhood toys of joy! Shamelessly to receive benefits:
1. Get paid naked twice! To endure ,enjoy and experience. Multiple and powerful Big(O) Orgasmic vibrating eruptions ,daily!
Until they become weak in their knees!
2. They can get paid naked twice! Shamelessly! To make and keep their like gold! Secret gardens and pleasure muffins.
Snap finger tight! With a whip it good powerful no slip grip! For the lucky ones. Who love and respect them ,first!
Zero behind closed/locked doors fears/tears daily!
Within our money for us! Safe relationship online marriage!
For their financial happiness! Long-term security futures first ,not mine! Not committed within any relationships ,now! Women
be they submissive ,dominate or switch. Starting over in their lives. Still hot respected single/divorced moms or not! Legally!
No matter the total amount. Of financial obligations in their names only. With unseen last names. On the job ,at work or asleep!
Can begin new lives. Legal get paid in multiple new ways. Team playing naked partners! Safely! Secretly! Quickly! Online married
naughty girls. Secret wives within our money. For us safe relationship one of a kind. Unique online marriage.
Queen's served my financial seeds of website knowledge. With King Kong! OMG size love and respect ,first! 3inch depth
sexual souls released! To become the loud and proud! Parents of our on purpose. Baby steps game plan creation!
Created from 3 wash loads of bed soaked sheets!
My amazing female sexual genies!Boned it to own it!
Take a naked look! At the Models 2 ,3,4,5 and 6 pages!
Big one wet dreams! With lava hot steam coming true! To become the first and only! Respected mothers of our. Baby steps
game plan creation. With powerful bucking rhythm!
Without missing a beat! They reverse cowgirl rode it ,too!
Like female champion rodeo! Bronco riding stars!
Roy Fennell-10/29/2019-9:55a.m.
Experienced female adult actresses or not! Who are not! Being paid to wait! For a safe and legit. Legal adult film contract
opportunity. Untouchable! Can become the online married daddy's gurls. My camming and phone sexing! Expecting secret wives!
Get paid naked twice reasons. The electronic credit cards! Plastic money is spent new lives!
Shopaholic online married material girls! With dollar sign eyes! Who got love of gold coins! Vials and loose diamond stones!
Benefits of rich/wealthy women futures!
Of our own mutual karma fate destiny!
To secret gardens mate! Our red book diary secret way!
What is the financial power? Benefits of online married? Ten Great Lines women ,worldwide? Take a naked look? Top to the bottom
of the power page! My soon to be expecting secret wives! The daddy of our bringing to life. Baby steps game plan creation.
Legally! No matter the total amount! Of financial obligations in their names only. Banging hot bodies or not new lives! With
unseen last names ,daily! Committed bank books first daddy's gurls Shamelessly! Untouchable! International manhood teasers!
Hot and steamy secret garden pleasers!
Roy Fennell-10/25/2019-2:35p.m.
In addition to online opportunity. To purchase gold coins ,vials and loose diamond stones naked! Within our money for us.
Safe relationship online marriage! Is a wet dreams. Coming true for material girls. NSA with no regrets! With dollar sign
eyes ,why?
1. Once camming and phone sexing earned amounts.
2.Becomes equal/greater. Than everyday jobs paychecks.
3.Eliminates potential what if everyday jobs loss fears.
4.Eliminates potential what if everyday jobs lay-off tears.
5.Benefits of stress-free! Priceless peace of minds ,daily!
6.International female TGL-Models. Secretly! Online married to their kind. Of greet and meet man. Adult pleasure of no
small measure! Castle bedrooms bank books teacher! With unseen last names on the job! At work or asleep! Secretly! If yes
I do! Wide-open boss lady ready naked! Type into google search for us. Online married naughty girls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell.
With King Kong OMG size! 3inch depth sexual souls womanhood released. Love and respect ,first! Minds and hearts delivery who
I be. Lucky me the daddy. Of our baby steps. Game plan creation. Naturally! Coming with powerful rhythm together! Within your
own castle bedrooms! Unstoppable! To become the loud and proud parents To begin ,enjoy and experience! Camming and phone sexing
for us! Exciting safe and naked new lives ,daily! Benefits for women drowning alive! From student loans/credit cards debts
,alone! Experienced female adult film actresses or not! No matter the total amount. Of legal financial obligations. In their
names only. Is what dollars and cents counts daily ,now! Secretly! Online 3 circles bucked and married daddy's gurls! To end
their financial struggles to make ends meet ,alone! Of our own mutual karma fate! Includs opportunity to reward! Spoil ,pamper
and treat themselves. Like modern day women queens ,deliriously! Can wide-eyed see naked ,first! Which merchandise can be
shipped to their castle doors! Or exact shipping addresses ,worldwide. Only wet dreamed about never touched! Provided by the
plastic money. Of their own respected women. Men webcam and phone sex secret admirers! Once selected as their favorite. Never
tell secret girlfriends! Who wear for them! Their most on fire! With lustful sexual fantasy desire adult costume.
Roy Fennell-10/13/2019-5:49p.m. Even on the job! At work or asleep. Unseen online married last names round our world.
Hooked up! Hitched and secret gardens mated by Internet! Within our money for us. Safe relationship online marriage! Secretly!
Naked for us type into google search! Online married naughty girls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell!
Secretly! My soon to be yes! I do boss lady ready. To become online married on purpose ,first! With sexy hi-heel shoes over
heads excitement! Virgin cherry popped twice naked! International expecting naughty girls. Secret wives with dollar sign eyes!
Is it a lie! Or the undisputed truth. Many women round our world. Work on respected everyday jobs? Do not or will not? Have
a respected retirement? Benefits package to be waiting and available? For them once reaching their individual? Respected early/full
retirement ages? The daddy of our baby steps. Game plan is thinking of their financial. Happiness and security futures first
not mine. Within our money for us relationship online marriage!
Roy Fennell-10/12/2019-12:33p.m. Banging bodies or not! Respected still hot single/divorced moms or not! Experienced female
adult film actresses or not! New lives with unseen last names at work or asleep. Camming and phone sexing naked secret wives!Online
married female TGL-Models ,worldwide. Committed bank books first! Daddy's legal get paid. In multiple new ways. Naked good
,bad ,naughty and nasty gurls! Legal plastic money makers! Untouchable! World-class assets booty shakers! Sick and tired of
being broke and unhappy ,too! Many who love! To tease and hit the club dance floors ,weekly!
Born to become spoiled online married. Camming and phone sexing daddy's gurls! Addicted to purchasing gold coins. Vials and
loose diamond stones naked! To stockpile in their own bank. Insured safe deposits boxes not ours! To create and finance your
own future. Respected retirement funds ,worldwide. International online married secret wives! The respected Mothers. Of our
baby steps game plan creation! All that be showing to tell on us! Is your own live webcam. Phone sex working hours schedules
Safely! Secretly! With unseen last names new lives
Online married naughty girls. Secret wives of Roy Fennell. The boss of Ten Great Lines.
International not committed within any kinds of relationships super horny women, daily! With a never ending hunger like a
female werewolf. To taste and bathe themselves! Naked in the waters of a Gangnam\Luxury lifestyle. With rich/wealthy women
futures. From purchases of gold coins ,vials and loose diamond stones naked! Committed bank books/material girs for life Can
take bank books financial advantage. Of webcam and phone sex employment opportunities! To make 25/30 hours per week arrangements.
Untouchable! Using their castle bedroom like a live stage! To wide-open get paid naked twice. Live wire wet dreams makers!
Goddesses of seduction reasons! The electronic credit cards plastic money! Is spent and sent in the direction. Of their password
protected. Savings/checking accounts. International manhood teasers! Sugar sweet secret
garden pleasers! Born to become do as they please! Untamable! Wild-n-free spirited not broken! For many why is our safe.
Money for us relationship online. Marriage a wet dreams come true for them, daily? Unlike some of their past relationships!
Their dreams and goals come first not mine! They not me are in the driver's seat. Control of their desired direction. Of their
lives and futures. As female boss ladies. Of their own webcam/phone sex businesses. They are the ones who create ,make and
set. Their own camming/phone sexing schedules. 1 million phone call conversations. Text messages cannot show them. What they
can see naked with their own eyes. Between the Shop-1 to Shop-20 pages. Benefits of an online shopping naked future. In addition
to the above. Sooner or later benefits of priceless peace of mind, daily! Once camming and phone sexing earned amounts. Becomes
equal/greater than their everyday. Jobs paycheck amounts eliminates any what if! Potential jobs loss fears! Eliminates any
and all OMG! What if potential lay-off tears! No matter the total. Amount of debts and legal! Financial obligations within
their names only. Banging bodies or not! On an adult dating/jobs website or not! Respected single/divorced moms or not! New
lives with unseen last names. On the job at work or asleep!
1. As online married naughty girls/secret wives, worldwide
2. Women burning up and consumed alive! On fire from the flames. Of spendthrift/ shopaholic fever
3. Can offline/online shop to be/stay happy.
4. Without going broke or spending a penny. Of their everyday job paychecks ,why? Camming and phone sexing naked! Becomes
their 2nd and 3rd income sources. Online married team playing partners. Of everything within the approx. 60 pages. Of Ten
Great Lines.
5. Camming and phone sexing eliminates. The financial stress. Of their spending habits, weekly!
6. Within our money for us safe. Relationship online marriage. Impossible for either of thee! To ever be replaced. Or
traded in like a used. Car for a newer model!
7. International looking to get cooking within their own kind. Of never tell on them safe relationship! Free willing yes
I do ready. Secretly! To become 25-30 hours per week available! Shamelessly! Untouchable! Live wire daddy's gurls round our
world. Online married to their own upfront, first! Without strings showed them by his own website. All the money, gold coins,
vials and loose diamond stones, daddy!
8. Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! Within their own castles. AS IS seen naked within the reflections. Of their
own full-length mirrors, daily! Good enough to receive treatment. Like legal wives by lucky me! Due to the fact. The outside
is only a shadow. Of the complete package inside.
9. Not an illusion, fantasy , mirage or mistake! Of our own mutual Internet karma. Fate to secret garden mate.
10. Safely! Naked they can discover. Wide eyed see with their own eyes. The underlined text link. To their possible future
dream cars. If working at a fast food drive-thru window or not!
11. Safely! As above on this specific page. Naked can discover underlined text link to rent to own home, nationwide!
12. Safely! Naked they can discover and see! Between the woman-1 and woman-4 pages. How and why they can become their
own travel agent, free! See the $1,000,000.00 dollars. Legal financial game plan, why? To showcase and introduce. Saving money/making
money affiliate programs. In addition to having their own business website. Becoming opportunity to create. Build, maintain
and promote their own brand/diva women empires, worldwide! With a ton of on fire female pride. With never ending shopping
and spending joy, why? Camming and phone sexing provides. Unlimited/no ceiling to the amounts! Of plastic money which can
be earned! Without surrendering a single. Face-to-face drop of their lava. Hot nature born like liquid gold pleasure muffin
honey ,why? International online married TGL-Models. Are female players and masters of the seduction game itself!
Right when many think! They know a woman!
They really don't have a clue about them.
For how can a man? Even begin to love? A
nature born woman? No matter her nature?
Born breasts sizes round our world?
Unless knowing and understanding her?
As a female human being, first? Due to
bedroom facts. Love ain't sex and sex
ain't love. They are as different.
As the daytime is to the night-time.
Already without delivery of eye candy!
Matching respected engagement and
weddings. Rings on thy soft fingers!
Even at work as the only Ones. To back up
in bed, daily! Those powerful naked words.
"I love you" and "I respect you", too!
It may be too late for prince charming.
And friends Ms./Mr. Right to enter. Thy
lives and futures when desired, now! To
end standing at the altar of life, alone.
As an equal partner and team player, daily!
In an economy of snap finger quick!
What if, potential stress of everyday.
Jobs loss fears with unexpected possible.
What if, potential pink slip tears, daily!
Of their own Internet karma fate destiny.
They discovered their own kind of sexual.
Animalistic down below greet-n-meet man.
Just like them was a sexual genie, too!
While receiving what was to belong to
them. We created 3 wash loads of bed.
Soaked sheets doing it like wild animals!
I had their naked backs and hot world-class
assets. With queens treatment like legal
wives! Within their own castles, worldwide.
This is our live "Book of Love" love story!
Which reflects like a mirror my live website.
Based on the documented facts. Of times,
dates even years of my life. What be between
us. Cannot be a minds and hearts lie, why?
Impossible! Exactly for humble me to know.
What was going on within each of their lives.
Within all of their past relationships,
combined. Absolutely&truly! Under the same
heavenly roof. Of the skies, stars, moon
and sun, above. Truly! Round our world.
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first!
Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage.
Secretly! Equally! Absolutely&truly! Who I be for each
of thee! Based on the facts each of thee. Can wide-eyed
see! The website named titles of names. Relationships!
Goddesses of seduction! Naughty girls! Secret garden!
Secret wives all about us. Of our own mutual Internet.
Karma fate destiny to secret gardens mate. Our red book
diary secret way. Unseen behind each of you! I be he
to be the wind. Beneath thy wings to soar! Higher in
life where mighty Eagles. Dare not fly in the sky!
I be not the live anchor ball-n-chain to keep.
Either of you down on the ground broken in spirit!
Unable to reach, touch or kiss the unreachable!
Star of thy own individual dreams and goals in life!
My soon to be amazing live heart beating Valentines.
Roy Fennell-10/15/2018-7:55p.m.
For us and our mutual long-term futures.
Please, do not text-n-drive. As soon to be for us.
International moms Internet brides and wives.
Within thy own castle bedrooms like nature magic!
Without either of us. Walking out neither castle doors!
Based on the unseen power of minds and hearts true
love, itself! Without false promises, lies or games.
To steal, take, or seize! Loads of physical sex, first!
Without remorse or care like a live sexual Vampire!
Delivery of those powerful naked words "I love you"!
No matter the price or cost!Of never ending soul deep pain!
Then burning rubber into the open arms and bed of another.
Woman starving and hungry looking for love, too! And her
own trusted with lust! Adult pleasure bedroom teacher.
Teaching her how to become his sex machine queen, daily!
3 circles both hands tight complete package delight!
Seduced-n-introduced when there be mutual. Trust with
lust lockdown control. Equal risk team player benefits.
Of dine at her "Y" as her! Own downtown man until weak!
In her knees then after a catnap. Taste of "69" flavor!
Legally! Hoping and dreaming of becoming a Family of 3!
Not the victim of another! Unhappy-n-sad tears love story.
is it a lie or the undisputed truth. Some women who
experience. Minds&hearts pain. Due to a broken
heart of a breakup! In seeking to escape the hurt!
By shopping being in dire! Need to make themselves.
Feel good and happy, again! Not unburied above ground.
Still unable to runaway. Erase or heal the unseen
scars. Which remain within their memories, daily!
Without saying a single word only doing it!
Some good even shy girls. May hit the club dance
floors! Round our world on purpose to uncage.
The naughty girls seen looking back at them naked!
Within the reflections of their full-length mirrors.
Hoping to face-to-face. Attract another potential
prince charming. Or Ms./Mr. Right attracted like
a moth. To an outdoor porch light at night! Got
seduced by their working it seductive power magic!
Legal actual show-n-tell only! No touch benefits
of unseen moves within bedrooms. Female masters
of the hook-n-seduction game, itself! Legally!
Not paid for delivery of their live! Club
dance floor show performances. Is why they
became my every day live! Heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth. For many female
human beings women. Round our world material girls.
Offline shopping until they drop! Shopping online
naked delivers! Loads of excitement and happiness!
Which makes them feel good about themselves! If, true
some may experience. In secret big "O" eruptions, why?
When of minds&hearts discover without any strings. Within our
money for us relationship online marriage. Within
everything their happy hearts happiness comes, first!
Roy Fennell 10/14/2018-3:03p.m.
If, they promise not to never!
Ever tell it last names to the grave. The daddy of
our own baby steps. Game plan super lucky me.
Secretly! Down below delivery of OMG size tree!
Impossible! For either of them to experience.
Any face-to-face problems/conflicts. Between
us within their good girls private lives, daily!
Locked within minds and hearts safer than any bank vault!
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls diva
women. International material girls round our world.
Safe-n-naked camming and phone sexing new lives.
World-class assets only dreamed about never touched!
Truly! From the beginning towards their respected
retirement ages. For us as legal get paid naked twice.
Goddesses of seduction bank books, first! Business
women of reality never can kiss or lick it! Sexual
fantasy booty shakers! Heart beating live wet dreams
makers! Legal adult pay-to-play sexual genies. From
free will only purchases. Of gold coins, vials and
loose diamond stones. Unstoppable! Birthday-to
birthday going in direction of rich/wealthy women.
Able to create their own luxury Gangnam lifestyle futures.
Top-to-bottom take a look at the diva women page. They
can see how can be. The desired direction of their lives.
When in the driver's seat control as boss ladies. Of
their own webcam/phone sex businesses. Who create, make
and set! Their own live working hours schedules not me.
Creation of their own get ahead to stay in life. Big
break occupations and careers no can touch, kiss or
ever lick it! International manhood booty shakers!
Manhood teasers and sweet secret gardens pleasers!
Financially! Not depending and hoping a potential.
Future boyfriend/girlfriend will have their backs.
Instead taking care of their own world-class assets.
From the beginning towards their own retirement ages.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Wet dreams coming true for bank
books material girls for life!. Seeking luxury Gangnam lifestyles!
Even had prince charming&friends. Ms./Mr.Right been
pounding all. Night on their castle doors too late, why?
1. Not my opinion! Based on the facts. Of all of their
past relationships, combined.
2.Impossible! For either of them to predict! Know
for a fact upfront, first! What may happen to
their world-class assets. Behind closed/locked doors
3.Or while at work on their everyday jobs, daily!
4.Or out of town on company business/or work.
Such as a female pilot or flight attendant
5.Or visiting respected out of town family/friends
6.Their kind of daddy! Has not a key to their doors
7.While booty clapping and slapping what belongs
to them! Without a hint or whisper! Beyond any
possible minds. Hearts doubts to the grave!
Their kind of daddy has zero interest. In the
sizes or amounts of their respected everyday!
Jobs paychecks from the beginning. Towards
their respected retirement ages. With their
yes " I'm yours" permission, first! I just
popped up! To receive what they had been
saving! To give to prince charming and friends.
Ms./ Mr. Right! Now they be too busy working
lucky me! Shamelessly! Who takes the blame!
Why they had no desire! To let go leaving their beds.
Without any force or pressure from lucky me. Before
it kissed their hot lips! My amazing sexual genies!
Slowly, at first! Were the ones who backed up! Their
world-class assets already kissed-n-licked by me, why?
Between us proven mutual animalistic trust with lust!
The powerful naked words "I love you" not enough for us.
Even at work without being touched! Thinking about us
with animalistic lust! Some may experience shameless!
Unexpected! Secretly! Down below big "O" eruptions, why?
New lives experience having their favorite. Just for
us camming and phone sexing secret wives. Money making
and booty shaking sexy! Hi-heel shoes like cement.
Near the main entrance/exit of their castle doors, daily!
Secretly! Of minds and hearts where desired to be, daily!
Near the main entrance/exit! Of my physical castle in
respected Ceres, California, U.S.A.! The known daddy
of our own just for us. Baby steps game plan creation.
International moms Internet brides and wives new lives.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls.
Diva women committed bank books material girls life.
Looking forward towards luxury Gangnam lifestyle futures.
Reality no longer only a fantasy within their dreams.
Real life not fake having a sense of purpose in life.
Other than only rise-n-shine just to go to work, daily!
Like millions of other respected women round our world.
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls. Diva
women round our world. Born to be wild-n-free! Untamable!
Seeking financial liberty having the only. Set of keys to
locks! Of their own castle doors, daily! Unstoppable!
New lives camming and phone sexing secret wives. Going
in their desired direction. With growing bigger in sizes bank
books. Savings and checking accounts increasing affection!
Towards an offline shop until they drop! Online shopping
naked! No can touch, kiss or lick it! Only have wet dreams
about it! Sexual liberation freedom paradise. To spoil
and pamper themselves, deliriously! Like modern day
women queens! Shamelessly! Free will hooked like a never
ending. Weekly habit without ever face. To face hearing
the words No! Or demanding words take everything back, now!
Too expensive we cannot afford to spend the money! Even
if earned from working overtime everyday jobs paychecks!
American&overseas got online married on purpose.
Daddy's gurls diva women. Within our money for us
relationship. Online marriage when camming and
phone sexing with sexual. Animalistic lust they
can completely trust. When using their favorite.
Never miss G-spot pops OMG! Size adult pleasure
toys of joy! Legally! Can get paid naked twice.
To teach, train, make and keep at once. Their
secret gardens and pleasure muffins to stay! Snap
finger tight! With a powerful whip it good grip!
Becoming in principle experienced without any
physical. Manhood penetration nor potential
relationship. Drama nor risks of any kind of
STD's! Impossible! To ever become unplanned
pregnant. For some women only to discover, sadly!
Respected matching engagement and wedding rings.
On their soft fingers only possible when asleep.
In their dreams and when awake lost within memories.
May I ask, please! Ever heard the words practice
makes perfect? Suppose a woman had a 2nd? Favorite
toy of joy? Without pressure or force? Could she
practice to perfection? Her own go down on it?
Technique and ability to know? For fact her
potential size limit? In addition, could it
become a tool? Within her own live? Legal
adult pay to play? Webcam show performances
to show-off? Her special kind of skill?
As an online live wet dreams maker-n-teaser?
Naked! With locked wide-open thighs! Hot
banging body or not. Suppose a potential
repeat webcam client. Has a manhood erect
OMG size! Pole of 11 inches in her direction.
Suppose her 2nd toy of joy is 11 inches, too!
In his mind based on the facts! Watched and
seen with his own eyes! Could be convinced
he has found? His own secret girlfriend? Of
his dreams for life? Free willing to share?
His credit card plastic money with her only?
Hot banging body or not? Wishing she could
be? The one in his arms, lap and bedroom, daily?
The fact his 11 inch erection! Solid as rock
in her direction only! Leaves zero minds and
hearts. Doubts has no interest in the size.
Or amount of her respected everyday job paycheck!
Not a secret or mystery the nature born sweet treats!
Secret gardens and pleasures muffins at once. Of
each of my fly girls. Virgin cherry popped naked
twice. To become first&only Ones, forever! Based on
the facts. Which can be discovered and wide-eyed!
Seen with their own eyes naked on the Shop-20 page.
Knowing for a fact. They are my live heart beating
Valentines. Lucky me their first&only one, forever!
Coming hard with them became their milky way secret.
Down below secret gardens. Reasons for bed soaked
sheets! Wet dreams with steam and all at work!
Unexpected body jerks wearing panties or not! If,
they promise not tell it! We created 3 wash loads.
Of bed soaked sheets to become the proud parents.
Of our just for us baby steps game plan creation.
Celebrated to begin our never ending financial honeymoon!
Like no other respected women on our Planet Earth.
My every day live heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Are female boss ladies online married, first! Our
red book diary secret way. To the lucky, lucky me.
The boss of Ten Great Lines without a single string.
As their own secret money making lover and online
husband. Of no small measure. Adult pleasure castle
bedrooms. Bank books teacher, too! Shamelessly!
Receive treatment like super horny-n-wet women, daily!
Not like a trophy or picture. Hanging and collecting
dust on a wall! Safely! With lust how it be between us.
Without walking out neither of our castle doors.
Roy Fennell-10/17/2018-9:58p.m.
Sexually! Each of them as my amazing 3 circles.
Both hot hands tight complete package. Female
sexual genies delights. Have sexual ownership
of every single drop! Of financial seeds of
website knowledge. They can claim from me our way!
They can leave their expensive panties anywhere.
When coming to get a taste! Of what belongs to them.
Within our mating place Internet. Address location
home Tengreatlines.com Based on their times zones.
Not mine round the clock morning, noon or night.
Secretly! Due to the fact our online marriage.
Is not physical how it be between us, daily!
Locked within their minds and hearts! Safer than
any kind of bank vault! Be it of money and or gold!
Impossible! For us to ever been seen by anyone.
Entering/exiting the parking lot or room. Of any
motels, lodges or hotels! Anywhere round our world.
Unlike the potential risks! Of having a secret
physical. Under the covers secret lover! Who is
not paying all! Their rent, bills and utilities!
Monthly car payments including car insurance on
time! Worse of all if the secret relationships.
Becomes no more they may tell it all, too!
Secretly! Backed up by potential smartphone facts.
1.Dates, times, places
2.Naked! Phone pictures while they were not
under the covers asleep, why?
3.To get some more free sex benefits.
If knowing for a fact! They are legally married!
Such as an office! Or on the job secret love affair!
To end their financial struggles to make ends meet, daily!
From the beginning towards their respected retirement
ages. Round our world! Why,should women who are and
live? Alone in their lives, daily? Safely! Not have
the free will opportunity? Benefits within our money
for us relationship? Online marriage without walking
out their castle doors? To have more than a hope
chest? Full of dreams and memories? To look forward
to within their futures? Maybe, broke and alone, too?
Unhappily, working up to one foot in the grave?
Roy Fennell-10/16/2018-12:10p.m.
Prince charming and friends. Ms./Mr. Right!
Made the minds and hearts mistake! Of waiting
too late to enter. Come in their lives as
their legal wives. With matching eye candy.
Respected engagement and weddings rings.
On each of their soft fingers, first!
Too late of their own Yes! I do Internet
karma fate destiny. Free will have become
my every day live. Heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Without string, false promises, lies or games.
Even within their own castles treatment his Queens!
Served with OMG King Kong size love-n-respect, first!
Safely! Secretly! Quickly! Online married to thy
own kind. Of greet-n-meet man still able. To
wild-n-free as desired date. If, desired still able.
To wait for a proven, first! Safe-n-legit lucrative
adult film contract. Bottom-line moving forward in life.
Taking financial advantage of webcam. Phone sex
employment opportunities at once, why? Financially!
Helplessly! Due to facts not of thy own control.
Unable to increase the amounts! Of thy respected
everyday jobs paychecks. At least $1000.00 per week!
Camming and phone sexing earned amount above is possible!
Sooner or later like a weekly habit.
Becomes $4000.00 like a monthly habit.
In addition, to her everyday jobs paycheck.
How much shopping could a woman? Do with $4000.00
per month? Like a monthly habit? Without spending
a single penny? Of her everyday job paycheck?
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls
Diva women committed bank books, first! Material girls
for life dedicated to spoiling and pampering themselves.
Like modern day women queens. With the only set of keys.
To the locks of their castle doors, daily! Safely! Nakedly!
Right after work with locked wide-open thighs! In my
direction on purpose. Wearing the exact same just for us.
Legal camming and phone sexing money. Making and booty
shaking for us. Favorite sexy hi-heels shoes. Secretly!
Desired to be like cement! Near or at the main entrance.
Exit castle door in respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Of the daddy of our baby steps game plan creation, why?
Once thy webcam and phone sex. Working hours schedules
becomes live online for us. Unseen queens and secret
wives. Of my physical castle without walking out! Thy
castle doors by Internet. Financially engaged online
married! Within our money for us relationship online
marriage. Female authors documented within thy own
red book diaries. Top-to-bottom take a look at the red
book love page. Of our mutual Internet karma fate destiny.
Like no other respected women on our Planet Earth.
Roy Fennell-10/16/2018-12:46p.m.
When least expected by Internet.
The Elusive Butterfly of Love
Based on the unseen power minds and hearts.
True love, itself! Which has not a human face.
The unseen character is the true face.
Of a female/male human being round our world.
The outside is only a shadow of the inside
complete package. Due to the fact. Love
ain't sex and sex ain't love. They are
as different as daytime. Is to the night-time.
As legal online get paid in multiple new
ways naked! Castle bedrooms team players.
Who are yes I do! Boss ladies ready with
laptops. Desktops with webcams available.
25-30 hours per week on purpose for us!
Impossible! Between us to experience.
Not a single drop of domestic violence.
Tears nor unknown behind closed.
Locked castle doors fears, daily!
When having the only set of castle keys.
Never hearing the words, NO! Or take them
back! Quickly, right away too expensive!
As may have been experienced for some women.
Within some of their past relationships.
About their shopping/spending habits-n-joy!
For not committed within any kind of relationships
women. Secretly or not who are consumed, daily!
Burning up from the flames! Of shopaholic and
spendthrift fever! Even female survivors of
their past relationships, combined. When least
expected and needed most! In their lives, now!
Not in the one day unknown future. As modern day
women! Deeply! When asleep their unseen oceans!
Seas of bed soaked sheets wet dreams can come true!
As my every day live heart beating Valentines.
Absolutely&truly! Like no other women on our Planet Earth.
Secretly or not! For committed bank books, first! Material
girls for life, why? Are diamonds their most trusted best
1.Impossible! Sexually! To ever betray them! Which for some
women may leave. Unseen scars within their minds, daily!
Impossible to erase lasting a lifetime!
2.Impossible! To break their hearts as easy. Like dropping
an egg on the kitchen floor.
3.Faithfully! Solid as a rock! Always hard round the clock.
4.If, in need for snap finger cash! Legally! They can
shop around to accept the highest offer.
5.Financial security benefits of priceless peace of mind.
6.Is it a lie or the undisputed truth. For whatever
reasons some respected relationships end due to money!
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! Truly! Not an
illusion, fantasy or mirage. Without walking out thy
castle doors. Safely! Within our unique one of kind.
Money for us relationship online marriage. New beginnings
and man of no small measure. Deeply! Coming in thy lives
to stay! Never dip-n-go then run away! From the beginning
towards each of your respected retirement ages. Like
nature magic within thy own castle bedrooms. To secret
gardens mate! Of our own mutual Internet karma fate, why?
On an adult dating/jobs website or not! Banging hot
bodies or not! Long over due time. To end the wait
and standing at the altar of life, alone! Waiting
for prince charming and friends. Ms./Mr. Right!
To come in thy lives in the unknown future! Without
a hint, whisper or proof! Of what may happen
behind any closed/locked castle doors, daily! Not
my opinion based on the facts. Actual experiences
within all thy past relationships, combined!
Her dream and goal in her life!
A home of her own one day!
With her dream car in the
driveway. With a fence for
her. Own backyard swimming
pool! With her flowers and
vegetable garden one day.
Shamelessly a shoes freak!
Does not desire to live the
life. Seen with her own eyes!
Like too many of her gurls.
Pregnant even in high school.
Had dreams of a college future.
Instead after high school.
Pregnant and still alone, too!
Potential college degrees with
potential. In demand high
paying jobs opportunities.
Only possible when asleep.
My soon to be expecting female TGL-Models, worldwide.
International moms Internet brides and wives. Every day
live heart beating Valentines, 24/7! Inside/outside
thy castles. Even at work on thy respected everyday jobs.
When making 25-30 hours per week arrangements for us. Not
a minds and hearts lie! In reality not fantasy. It becomes
an investment of time. With benefits of thy futures, why?
Once reaching the end of the rainbow! Of thy respected
early/full retirement ages in thy futures benefits:
1.Making sure having more!
Than a hope chest full of dreams and memories.
2.Opportunity to escape the silent sentence fate.
3.Financially! Unable to retire once reaching respected
early retirement age. What if, potential having to still drive.
From home to work! Then drive from work back home, again!
Beyond respected full retirement age. Live in the respected U.S.A. like me?
A woman of 20 years of age, today! Must work 42 years of her life.
To have the opportunity to receive potential. Early retirement monthly
benefits. From the respected SSA. Work 46 years of her life.
To receive potential full retirement monthly benefits.
Roy Fennell-10/14/2018-10:12a.m.
Suppose a woman 20 years of age, today!
In the unknown future of her life.
Legally! Financially! Became able like a
monthly habit! To stockpile $1000.00. Of
gold coins, vials and loose diamond stones.
In hers' not ours bank insured safety
deposit box. How rich-n-wealthy would she?
Be once reaching her respected early?
Retirement at 42 years of age of her life?
Impossible! To be told by anyone! Or proven
by anybody round our world. Why her phone
was locked and set! To accept emergency
calls only. Nor why she was unavailable.
Naked! Did not care who was knocking on
her castle door! My amazing sexual genie.
3 circles/both hot hands tight complete
package. Coming like a raging river delight!
To become my every day live heart beating Valentine!
As my own live wire! Heart beating and pounding it!
Sex machine queen doing lucky me. Unstoppable!
Why was she in a naked hurry? To become the only
respected Mother? Of our baby steps game plan?
Delivered in her own castle bed? Naked! Wearing
only her soon to be for us sexy? Camming and
phone sexing only? Most expensive favorite
hi-heel shoes? With her own eyes she discovered:
1. On this specific page. The underlined text
link paragraph. Of real not fake new cars.
Saw her desired in the future dream car.
With all the fabulous features, now!
2.On this specific page. With her own eyes!
Discovered the text link to Rent-to-own homes, Nationwide.
3.She can do it all, herself! Without depending on
a boyfriend/girlfriend. Her name only will be on
the pink! Slip of her dream car! Her name alone
will be. On the rent-to-own home contract.
Legally! Provided by the electronic credit cards.
Plastic money of her own seduced/hooked for life.
Secret admirers who are Super Freaks like her.
Unknown to her respected family and friends.
My soon to be respected Mothers! Of our own just for us.
Baby steps game plan creation. Like nature magic within
thy own castle bedrooms. In regards to all information.
Discovered and seen above about retirement ages:
1. Top-to-bottom of Woman-2 page more details
2. Bottom-line opportunity to get paid twice, why?
3. The legal money earned, now! Increases the potential
respected early/full retirement monthly payment benefits.
For committed material girls for life. Safely! Within our
money for us relationship online marriage. Is a complete
package just right skin tight fit for them, why? Just
like them from the beginning all or nothing complete package.
Not an oops, accident or mistake. To protect
their future money! Gold coins, vials and loose diamond
stones wealth. On the power page 2 underlined text.
Paragraphs to respected potential legal lawyers peoples.
Roy Fennell-10/13/2018-10:45a.m. Exactly! What each of thee!
Would expect from humble me! Legally! If, already
married living within thy castles, daily! Thinking about
us as team playing partners! Not just only myself, first!
Unstoppable! Untamable! Unconditional! Together as one
no matter! The distance of miles between us Plan B!
By Internet financially engaged and online married! To
thy own secret money making lover! Online husband of no
small measure. Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank books
teacher! Teaching each of thee special lessons benefits.
As camming and phone sexing secret wives! Safe-n-naked
taking care of business for us. Naked! Wearing only thy
soon be favorite. Expensive money making sexy hi-heel
shoes, why? To discover and wide-eyed see, first! On
the secret wives page. How it is possible not impossible.
Based on dollars and cents numbers facts.
$4000.00, $10,000.00 even $20,000.00. Slowly, in time can become
like a monthly habit! Absolutely&truly! Benefits from the creation of
long-term relationships. Sincerely! One at a time with each and
every single! Respected women and men secret admirers.
From the beginning towards their respected retirement ages.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Safely! Within the privacy and security of their castle
bedrooms. With rising higher to touch the sky pride!
American&Overseas got online married! Our red book diary
secret way. Daddy's gurls diva women. Are nature born female
TGL-Models, worldwide. Female players&adult actresses
entertainers. Of the seduction game, itself! Live heart
beating legal get paid! Naked twice reasons the plastic
money! Is spent and sent in their desired! Direction of
their savings and checking accounts! To swell up growing
bigger! The sizes of their bank books! Like an OMG
financial erection! Solid as a rock! Full-n-plump loaded
with good and plenty! Shopping and spending power! Wet
dreams coming true for committed material girls for life.
Impossible! In silence to have any minds and hearts.
Doubts their own kind of do them money right man! Got
their naked backs and word-class assets! With queens
treatment like legal wives. Legal online money making
partners. Not everyday respected jobs paychecks, first!
Income lollipops with respected engagement and wedding.
Rings on their fingers only within their hopes and dreams.
Shamelessly! Unstoppable! Untamable! Unconditional!
Free willing wide-opened by them not me!
Naked on their stomachs, backs and knees for us!
Became my own heart beating sexual genies. Sex
machines in their own bedrooms. Queens who made their beds.
Shake like a mild earthquake! To receive what belongs to
them! I confess on Models, 2,3,4,5 and 6 pages about us!
International daddy lucky me without a hint!
Whisper of pain only financial gain. From King Kong
OMG size. Delivery of love-n-respect, first! I was
the downtown man to each of my uptown girls! Face
to face with their secret garden place. Between their
thighs dined at their "Ys"! Like a feast gave their hips!
Reasons to rise in the direction of bedrooms ceilings.
Daddy&Mother love locked together as one!
Roy Fennell-10/12/2018-10:41a.m.
With wide-eyed joy each one of them watched me!
Lick their steaming hot cream of sweet delight!
From each of my long strong fingers, why? What they
free will gave lucky me! Without force or pressure.
Was proof for their eyes! I trusted was good enough
to become mine, why? Just like me we of minds and
hearts. Believe and feel actions speak louder!
Than words and Money Talks! From the beginning all
or nothing. AS IS 3 circles/both hands complete package.
Based on facts not our opinions. A single female human
being. Within an exclusive just us relationship. Wearing
adult costumes can become any woman of sexual fantasy.
Of her own mutually with lockdown! Control trusted with lust!
Lucky one adult pleasure castle bedroom teacher, daily!
Safely! Within their own castle bedrooms like a stage.
Without their world-class assets! Never ever touched,
kissed or licked! Only dreamed about as online married!
Secret girlfriends of their own respected women and men.
Secret admirers who sexually desires them. When wearing
for them their favorite adult costumes. Legally! They
can get paid naked twice! To become their live heart
beating booty shakers! Wet dreams makers who receive
benefits. From starving and craving for attention, daily!
As nature born horny-n-wet! Women feeling excited and
alive, daily! Desired not unburied still above ground.
Based on the facts! Which can be discovered and wide-eyed
seen. With thy own eyes on the Shop-20 page. Treatment like
adult super horny-n-wet women, daily! Not like a picture or
trophy! Hanging on the wall! Nor respected school age
little girls. More than any dollars and cents amounts! Thy
sweet treats secret gardens! Pleasure muffins comes, first!
My soon to be yes I do! Live wire every day heart beating
Valentines. Like looking into a crystal ball! To see thy
own futures, now! Each of thee can mouse. Click on any
banner! To discover and see with thy own eyes! Merchandise
which could be shipped. To thy own castle doors! Or exact
shipping addresses, worldwide. Provided by the electronic
credit. Cards plastic money of thy own seduced! Hooked for
life secret admirers! Without surrendering face-to-face.
A single drop of like gold! Secret gardens like lava hot!
Liquid gold super sweet pleasure muffin honey to nobody.
Born to be and live wild-n-free! Able to date anyone doing
as they please! Having the only set of castle keys, daily!
Including the only set of keys. To their bank insured
safe deposit boxes. Birthday-to-birthday going in the
direction. Truly! Having rich/wealthy women futures.
1.Opportunity to create/finance their own future.
Respected early/full retirement funds. Be it 10, 20 or
more years. Down the roads, bi-ways and highways of life.
2.With an unknown amount stockpile. Of gold coins, vials
and loose diamond stones
3.Legally! Provided by the electronic credit cards.
Plastic money of their own hooked/seduced for life.
Camming and phone sexing respected secret admirers.
Seeking their own secret girlfriends wet dreams makers!
Online who never tell it world-class assets booty shakers!
Untouchable!Adult pay to play keepers of fantasy secrets
Roy Fennell-10/11/2018-10:28a.m.
Last names to the grave! Secretly! Who I be for each of thee.
Thy own secret money making lover&online husband. Adult
pleasure castle bedrooms bank book teacher, too!
Legally! If, already married living within thy own
castles, daily! With no texting and driving to bring.
Safely!The complete package home to lucky, lucky me!
If, home first waiting naked for each of thee!
Once behind our closed/locked castle doors! Slowly,
it would be time for each of thee, daily! To pull them
down and taking them off! Allow everything to drop to
floor, why? To become my live teasing naked Stripper!
Shhh, more to the story about us with animalistic lust!
Absolutely&truly! From the beginning towards thy own
respected retirement ages. Being in the driver's seat
control. Of the desired direction. Of they lives and
futures, why? Not an oops, accident or mistake! Of
thy own Internet karma fate destiny, why? On this
specific page not by text messages. Each of thee can
see! With your own eyes! The banner and or website.
Text link to backyard swimming pools delights.
Benefits for committed material girls for life.
Roy Fennell-10/15/2018-8:56p.m.
Last names our secret to the grave about us.
International daddy lucky, lucky humble me.
On an adult dating/jobs website or not! Down below always
hot! Secretly or not as nature. Born female human beings, first!
As IS seen naked within the reflections. Truly! Of thy
own full-length mirrors, daily! Which does not lie! With
the naughty girls like twin sisters. Looking back at
the good girls! Waiting to become wild-n-free! Uncaged!
Safely! Untouchable! Can be set free as legal! Get paid
naked twice for us! Goddesses of seduction. Business
women of reality sexual fantasy wet dreams makers, daily!
American&Overseas online married daddy's gurls diva women.
World-class assets only dreamed about never ever touched!
International manhood teasers and secret garden pleasers.
Committed to spoil and pamper themselves, deliriously!
Like modern day women queens material girls for life.
Legal online money makers in multiple new ways naked!
International moms Internet brides and secret wives. Of
their own free will. Chosen/selected only by them. Adult
pleasure castle bedrooms bank books teacher. Their own
secret money making lover and online husband, too! Lucky
us of our own mutual Internet karma fate destiny, why?
Like nature magic within thy own castle bedrooms! Round
our world just for us. On purpose with animalistic lust!
As soon to be nature born online married, first! Super
horny-n-wet, daily! American&Overseas female TGL-Models.
International moms Internet brides and wives. My fly girls
first&only Ones, forever! Virgin cherry popped naked twice!
By thy own of no small measure. First&only one, forever!
To become the respected Mothers. Mutually! Without any
hesitation of our own desired baby steps game plan creation!
Legal online making money in multiple ways naked!
Includes the $1,000,000.00 legal financial game plan.
Which can be discovered between the Woman-1 and Woman-4
pages. Which introduces affiliate program opportunities.
Benefits of having thy own business websites. Thy own
custom designed business cards, too! With opportunity
to create, build and promote! If, desired in the unknown
future! Absolutely! Thy own Diva Women Empires, worldwide.
Also, between the above pages. Opportunity to get your
wings! Absolutely! By becoming thy own travel agents, free!
It can only become possible! One baby step at a time! Who
I be for each of thee! Secretly! Of thy own Internet karma fate
destiny. Take a wide-eyed look! Top-to-bottom of the red book love page.
My soon to be every day live! Heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Naked! Wearing only just for us thy soon! To be favorite expensive.
Sexy camming and phone sexing.Money making hi-heel shoes!
Naked thighs locked wide-open! Dripping thinking of us!
No matter thy nature born breasts sizes accepted as mine, why?
From the beginning all or nothing complete package!
M-e-o-www! My soon to be every day live heart beating
Valentines! 365 days a year be thee in bed! Submissive,
dominant or in a heart beat switch! No matter thy
respected occupations round our world. When walking
out thy castles doors. Before starting thy engines.
To be on the roads, bi-ways and highways. Driving
to and from thy respected every day jobs. Within
thy minds and hearts. For us and our mutual futures!
From the soon to be daddy! Of our own baby steps
game plan creation! Unseen down on my knees! Tattoo
these words, Please, please do not text-n-drive!
Last names our secret to the grave!
Roy Fennell-10/11/2018-9:32a.m.
Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage.
I do care if either of thee! Lives! Starves! Dies!
Every day thy hearts beat! Not a minds and hearts lie!
Not thy faults prince charming and friends. Ms./Mr.
Right made the minds and hearts. Too late mistake of
no delivery of eye candy! Respected engagement and wedding
rings. At once on thy soft fingers, first as the only Ones!
Lucky me I received some of the best Kitty on our Planet Earth!
Based on the facts of their own known. Unknown respected
family history tree! Banging bodies or not. All nature
born women of today! Already are the best of the best!
Chosen/selected by Nature at their time of childbirth.
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls. Diva
women round our world. Without walking out neither of our
castle doors. Of our own mutual Internet karma fate
destiny. Wildly! Free will with bone it! To own it!
Bump-n-pump it hard with rhythm sexual ownership. Became
secret gardens mated! With their own kind. Of money
making secret lover! Online husband of no small measure.
Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank books teacher. To
become my every day live. Heart beating Valentines online
married! Camming and phone sexing naked secret wives.
Within their own castle bedrooms safe-n-naked new lives.
Roy Fennell-10/17/2018-9:57a.m.
Wet dreams with lava hot steam coming true.
When least expected for bank books, first!
International committed material girls for life.
Even female survivors of all. Their past relationships,
combined. Deserve a new beginnings&man. Safely!
Within their lives while still alive above ground.
For them not meant for prince charming. Ms./Mr. Right
to be the lucky ones. It was meant for me! Who saw
dollar signs! In their eyes which did shine bright.
Sparkled like diamonds like stars in the night sky!
My fly girls first&only Ones, forever! Bucked hard and
got bucked hard. By their own first&only one, forever!
Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage. With never ending
animalistic lust! We can trust between us. Within our
safe money for us. Relationship online marriage on
purpose. Is as close as we can get together. As one
to a respected legal marriage. Not a minds&hearts lie!
From the beginning neither of us played with it! By
Internet financially engaged and online married! Our
red book diary secret way. Like nature magic within
thy own castle bedrooms, worldwide. Doing it for us
like wild! Animals in the jungle. Obeying the ancient
mating call of nature. Mutually agreed no birth control
pills. Without expensive panties naked thighs! Locked
wide-open to stay! Without condoms desired in our way.
To become the howling and growling like werewolves.
Proud parents of our own baby. Steps game plan creation.
AS IS seen naked within the reflections. Of thy own
full-length mirrors, daily! Each of thee are good
enough. For humble lucky me of OMG size tree! Right
before thy eyes! Deeply! Beneath thy umbrellas buried
treasure. Delivery of treatment as my legal wives.
Not dip-n-go then abandoned. Like a broke down car.
Left on the highway. To make it anyway possible, alone.
Secretly! My soon to yes I do! Castle bedrooms expecting
for us! Fly girls first&only Ones, forever! Respected Mothers
of our own baby. Steps game plan creation without hesitation!
Safely! As my every day live heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Right before thy eyes! Being in the unknown future seen, now!
As thy own travel agents! Saving on huge commissions. When
able to make and book for yourselves! The complete travel
package! Including your rental car, too! Opportunity of your
respected family and friends. Maybe, some respected on the
job co-workers, too! Here is a potential big picture.
1.In the future with thy own business websites.
2.With thy own custom designed business cards, too!
3.Opportunity of high school class re-unions
4.Who have respected family and friends, too.
5.College girls have bank books opportunity. To book
flights to-n-from respected colleges. Of respected
students who do not live. Within driving distance
of their respected colleges. Including their spring breaks!
Daddy&Mother love together as one! Unstoppable!
Roy Fennell-10/11/2018-8:23a.m.
Thy own first& only lucky one, forever!
American&Overseas got online married! Daddy's gurls diva
women round our world. Safely! Within their kind of money.
For us relationship online marriage. To begin our never ending.
Love for spending financial honeymoon. Bank books joy
delights! Online making money in multiple new ways naked!
Untouchable! Without ever surrendering face-to-face, first!
A single drop of their always! Down below nature born hot!
Sweet buried treasure pleasure muffin honey to nobody, first!
Not even to put food on their kitchen tables, daily!
Shamelessly! Without walking out their castle doors! Using
the power of their seduction magic! Going in the direction.
Like a weekly habit! Committed and dedicated to spoil!
Pamper themselves, deliriously! Like modern day women
queens! With the only set of castle doors keys, why? To
never hear face-to face! The words No, or take them back!
No matter the expense, cost or price of any merchandise!
Born to become wild-n-free! American&Overseas online married,
first! Untouchable! Only dreamed about naughty daddy's
gurls. Diva women good girls within their respected
personal. Private lives, daily! Without any physical sex
contact possible. Legally! Get paid naked twice. To look
and feel their best, daily! As the trusted female keepers.
Of all the secret sexual fantasies! Of their respected
secret admirers. More than any amount of money. Benefits
having a sense of purpose in life! Other than rise-n-shine!
To go to-n-from their respected everyday jobs, daily!
Roy Fennell-10/10/2018-5:49p.m.
Blame it on lucky me of OMG size! Coming hard with them
surprise tree! Secretly! Delivered deeper than G-spot
pops! Shamelessly! Is why their phones were set and
locked! To accept emergency phone calls only. Why they
were unavailable and did not. Care who was knocking on their
castle! Doors all night long twice! They were too busy
3 circles. Both hot hands tight as my sexual genies!
Complete package working-n-jerking it sex machine queens.
Receiving my financial seeds of website knowledge.
Wildly! Bucking took sexual ownership of every single drop!
On the Models 2,3,4,5 and 6 pages what belongs to them.
Within our saving money. Making money in multiple new
ways naked! Greet-n-meet nonstop! Round the clock!
Internet mating address location home. Tengreatlines.com
My soon to be rising up! To shine like diamonds never
staying down! On the ground webcam and phone sex STARS!
Soon to be expecting female TGL-Models, worldwide.
Naked can discover and see with their own eyes! On the
secret wives page. Dollars and cents numbers facts. How
any why it is possible. Not impossible in time. To
earn $4000.00,$10,000.00 even $20,000.00 Like a monthly
habit! When they deliver outstanding performances. Each time
and every time like a habit, why? What goes around sooner.
Or later comes around from respected repeat! Respected
secret admirers who shout out! To their respected friends!
Priceless/powerful stage names advertising worldwide, free!
Within their own castle bedrooms, worldwide! Safe-n-naked
new lives. Camming and phone sexing secret wives. No longer
waiting for safe! Opportunities to get ahead! To stay in
their lives. When becoming the live never! Can ever touch,
kiss or lick it! Heart beating reasons as online married!
Never tell it secret girlfriends. Of their own hooked!
Seduced for life respected women and men secret admirers!
Spend and free will share their credit cards plastic money!
With them be they within a respected relationship or not.
Legal adult pay to play sexual genies! Wearing their
respected webcam clients. Phone sex customers favorite
adult costumes. When asleep dreaming about them! Wishing
they could be the ones! In their arms, laps and beds, daily!
Available by online working hours schedules only!
Safely! Secretly! Quickly! Without walking out their castle
doors! International not committed within any kind of
relationships! Round our world women with laptops.
Desktops with webcams available 25-30 hours per week for us!
Unstoppable! Free willing and able to create!
Make and set their own webcam/phone sex schedules! To seize
opportunity birthday-to-birthday! To receive benefits of
having for themselves! Truly! Rich-n-wealthy women futures.
Yes I do ready by Internet. Can become without strings.
Financially engaged and online married! To their own show
them upfront, first! Legally! All the money, gold coins, vials!
And loose diamond stones greet-n-meet deep, daddy!
Without any minds and hearts doubts based on facts! Got
their naked backs and world-class assets! With love-n-respect, first!
Queens treatment like legal wives! Bed soaked sheets
wet dreams! Coming true for them in their futures, why?
American&Overseas bank books, first! Material girls with
never ending expensive! Champagne taste for the finer things
in life! Thinking about their own financial happiness!
Long-term peace of mind benefits-n-security futures, first!
Beginning with the elimination! Of the stress from their
respected everyday! What if, potential jobs loss fears!
Unexpectedly! What if, potential pink slip tears, daily!
Unlike all of their past relationships, combined! Within our
money for us relationship online marriage. Without strings
in everything their concerns and happiness comes, first!
Lucky us of our own mutual Internet karma fate destiny.
Roy Fennell-10/08/2018-3:01p.m.
To secret gardens mate our red book diary secret way.
As my every day super horny-wet, daily! Live wire heart
beating Valentines. No matter thy nature born breasts.
Sizes AS IS good enough accepted as mine by lucky me, why?
From the beginning all or nothing as the complete package!
Not fantasy bank books dollars and cents reality for them.
1.Once their safe-n-naked! Camming and phone sexing earned
2.Amounts becomes equal/greater
3.Than earned amounts of their everyday jobs paychecks
4.Ends their potential what if, jobs loss fears, daily!
5.Ends their potential what if, pink slip tears, daily!
On an adult dating/jobs website or not! Without sacrifice
of their own individual! Goals and dreams in life, first!
Too late for prince charming and friends. Ms./Mr. Right
to enter their lives. Without delivery of eye candy.
Respected engagement and wedding rings. On their soft
fingers, first! Minds, hearts and eyes proof, daily!
Sexually!Being the physical complete package only Ones, why?
Within our unique one of kind! Money for us relationship
online marriage. From the beginning towards their respected
retirement ages. Safely! Of their own Internet! Karma fate
destiny to secret gardens. Mate our red book diary secret
way. With their own kind of greet-n-meet man! Their own
individual dreams and goals! In their lives comes, first!
One baby step at a time. In the driver's seat control. Of
the desired direction. Of their lives and futures. As female
boss ladies and co-pilots. Naked reverse cowgirl joy stick!
Riders of OMG size lucky me! On Ten Great Lines Airlines.
Side-by-side in the cockpit treatment like legal wives.
Daddy&Mother love together as one. Unstoppable! No matter
the distance of miles. Untamable! Without any minds and
hearts. Games, lies or strings between us. Unconditional!
Roy Fennell-10/07/2018-11:00a.m.
Of my own yes I do accepted! Internet karma fate destiny.
To become their secret money making lover&online husband.
Who I be for them on purpose. Not a secret or mystery.
Can be discovered and seen naked! Top-to-bottom of the
red book love page. Under the same heavenly roof.
Of the stars, skies, moon and sun, above round our world.
Safely! Without walking out their castle doors, worldwide.
For themselves with long-term benefits. For their financial
happiness! Security futures long over due! Time for each of
them! Secretly! To have their own secret. Money making lover
and online husband. Adult pleasure castle bedrooms. Bank
books teacher like nature magic delivery! Down below OMG
King Kong size. Deeply! Queen's served love-n-respect, first!
Shamelessly! If they promise to the grave. They will never
tell it! Naked! Sexually! Free willing were on their stomachs.
Backs and knees within their own castle. Bedrooms to capture and
seize! What belongs to them delivered by lucky, lucky me!
Inside/outside of their castles even on their respected
everyday jobs! My every day live heart beating Valentines!
They became my own 3 circles/both hands tight! Complete
package sexual genies delights sex machine in bed Queens.
Unstoppable!Nature born female TGL-Models round our world.
Not like respected school age little girls. Instead with
treatment as super horny-n-wet adult women, daily! Their
lava hot sweet-n-juicy! Secret gardens and pleasure muffins
comes, first! Based on what can be wide-eyed! Wide-open
naked thighs discovered and seen on the Shop-20 page, 24/7!
My soon to be for us online married, first! Expecting
nature born respected Mothers. Of our own baby step game.
Plan creation like nature magic within thy own castle.
Bedrooms like no other women on our Planet Earth!
American&Overseas virgin cherry popped naked twice. Got
online married daddy's gurls diva women. Can wide-eyed
see with their own eyes! Not an oops, accident or mistake!
The named website titles. Relationships! Naughty girls!
Goddesses of seduction! Secret garden! Secret wives! Of
our own mutual Internet. Karma fate destiny not an illusion.
Fantasy or mirage is as real! As their heart beats!
My request for us is not to text-n-drive, daily!
Roy Fennell-10/07/2018-2:34p.m.
The daddy of our baby steps game plan creation lucky me.
Secretly! Shamelessly! Who be thy when asleep down below!
Secret gardens flow for all! Bed soaked sheets wet dreams.
Unexpected! All sudden body jerks eruptions at work, too!
International committed material girls for life.
Secretly or not! Shamelessly! Even when asleep
within their dreams. Have money on their minds.
Dollars signs in their eyes! Which shine-n-
sparkle! Like diamonds in the night sky.
Within our money for us safe relationship
online marriage. Lucky us our mutual. Internet
karma fate destiny! To secret gardens mate, why?
Safely! From the beginning towards their retirement ages.
As my every day live heart beating Valentines. Online
married safe-n-naked new lives. Taking care of business
for us. Legal get paid naked twice! Camming and phone
sexing secret wives! Committed material girls for life.
No longer to be waiting to wide-eyed see! Naked their own
rising higher! Amounts within their savings and checking
accounts. Being on an adult dating/jobs website or not!
Yes, I do boss ladies ready! Banging hot bodies or not.
With laptops/desktops with webcams. 25-30 hours per week.
Available, free willing and able. To become the online live!
Heart beating reasons the credit card plastic money is spent.
To swell up growing bigger! The sizes of thy bank books.
Like a financial erection wet dreams! Coming true wide-eyed joy!
Round the clock solid as rock! Never going limp/down!
In a heart beat! Quickly! Which makes super horny!
Hot-n-wet women furious, cry, angry or frown.
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls! Diva
women as female players. Adult actresses entertainers of
the seduction game, itself! Without saying a word! Got
the seductive "You Mine, forever! Magic power to make
some manhood! Erections rise up stand at attention!
Bulging-n-ready to explode without being touched, why?
Sexual fantasy desire of excitement to release, now!
Same kind of secret sexual desires experienced! When
watching some women! Booty working and shaking their
world-class assets! On club dance floors, worldwide.
Sexually! As live wire heart beating attraction magnets!
In bed not a secret or mystery. Female human beings with
either! Of their hot hands got the power! To make the
manhood! Quickly! Of a lucky one become erect then popped!
Legally! Safe-n-naked within their own castle bedrooms.
Round our world working and using the power! Of their own
kind and style of seductive magic! To create their own
big break! Occupations and careers as goddesses of seduction.
Business women of bank books reality, first! Truly! Only
dream about booty shakers! Sexual fantasy money makers!
Not a secret or mystery. Naked their own on the dance
floor! Moves have great potential to become their kind.
Of adult pay to play invitation! To come enter their
live! Online come and get it webcam show performances!
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls diva
women. Became my every day live heart beating Valentines!
International manhood teasers/secret gardens pleasers why?
With rising higher female pride and bank books, too!
Fresh voices and faces delivery of no can touch it!
World-class assets rising webcam and phone sex STARS!
Unstoppable! From the beginning who seek to reign!
Get to the top of the webcam/phone sex! Global adult
entertainment Industries, why? To collect no ceiling
unlimited amounts. Of credit cards plastic money. To
create thy own luxury Gangnam lifestyles and futures!
Naked! Without walking out thy castle doors, worldwide.
Under their own castle roofs, daily! Is it a lie or the
undisputed truth? Some women have no desire in life? To
never be with fire in their eyes? Under the foot, thumb
or financial income? Control of any man on our Planet Earth?
To provide/keep food on their kitchen tables, why?
For some who experienced minds and hearts painful. Past
relationships soul deep drama! When having the only set!
Of castle door keys cannot be the same experience. Behind
their closed/locked doors within their own futures, daily!
In regards to their shopping and spending habits joy!
Never ever hearing the words No! Or take it back, now!
Roy Fennell-10/06/2018-10:03a.m.
To the grave treatment like adult women! Not respected
school age little girls! Neither of them shall ever be
expected! Or required from me to seek my permission!
First! Before spending any amount! Of their camming and
phone sexing plastic money! To spoil and pamper
themselves, deliriously! Like modern day women queens.
Within our safe money for us relationship online marriage.
Wet dreams coming true for committed material girls for life!
Zero questions of their shopping and spending happiness!
Which makes them feel good about themselves as women.
Within thy own castle bedrooms, worldwide. Safe-n-naked
in the driver's seat control! Of the desired direction.
Of thy lives towards rich/wealthy women possible futures.
Opportunity to free will purchase gold coins! Vials and
loose diamond stones. To stock pile within thy own bank.
Insured safety deposit boxes. To create/finance thy own
future retirement fund. To be available at the end. Of
the rainbow once reaching thy own respected early! Full
retirement ages be it! 10, 20, 30 or more years from, now!
Roy Fennell-10/06/2018-5:28p.m.
Real life not fake long-term benefits. When making
castle bedrooms 25-30 hours. Per week safe-n-naked
arrangements! As online married team players just for us!
No longer waiting for safe opportunity.
On an adult dating/jobs website or not!
Safely! Absolutely&truly possible! When becoming the
live! Untouchable! Heart beating bank books. Material
girls reasons thy own hooked! Seduced for life respected
women. Men secret admirers share their plastic money!
With their favorite sexual fantasy wet dreams makers!
Hearing their voices! Seeing their faces and world-class
assets! Wishing their never can ever! Touch, kiss or lick
it! Only dream about them secret girlfriends! Were the
only Ones! Available in their arms, laps and beds, daily!
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls diva.
Women became my every day live heart beating Valentines!
Secretly! By Internet financially engaged and online
married! Our red book diary secret way! Quickly! To
lucky me of OMG size tree delivery! The boss of Ten Great Lines.
Within our money for us safe relationship online marriage.
From the beginning towards their respected retirement ages.
Naked! Upfront proof for their minds, hearts and eyes, why?
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage.
No upfront fee to see everything, free! No matter the time zones!
Within the approx. 60 pages of Ten Great Lines. To discover
and see any desired benefits. Absolutely&truly without strings.
Even merchandise after purchased could be shipped!
As modern day women queens!To thy castle doors or exact!
Specific shipping addresses, worldwide! Target and mouse
click on any single text link! Banner or underlined text
language paragraph. Like magic opens to what is called. The
landing page or direct source. Opportunity as female boss
ladies! To seek-n-speak to a respected professional.
Customer service person based on their available. Working
hours schedules to serve each of you! As their potential
respected customers! The exact same is true with the
respected webcam. Phone sex employers with online sign-up!
Employment applications opportunities too, why? With
their expensive computer systems. Protect your personal
and private information. In principle like bank systems.
Legally! Ten Great Lines has zero access to such info!
Roy Fennell-10/09/2018-4:20p.m.
From the beginning as the complete package.
All or nothing as female boss ladies of everything.
Camming and phone sexing safe-n-naked new lives!
Secret wives unlike all thy past relationship, combined!
To end the stress of potential what if, jobs loss!
Fears and unexpected what if, pink slip tears, daily!
Too late for prince charming, Ms./Mr. Right, why?
From the beginning as female boss ladies! Towards their own
individual respected retirement ages. Long over due time!
Not committed within any kind of just us relationships.
American&Overseas bank books material girls. To have for
themselves! Their own secret money making lover! Online
husband of no small measure. Adult pleasure castle bedrooms
bank books teacher! Safely! Within their kind of unique!
Internet money for us relationship online marriage, why?
To end standing at the altar of life, alone! Waiting for
prince charming&friends. Ms./Mr. Right to come into their
lives! With proof for their minds, hearts and eyes! As
being the only Ones! Having a potential long-term future.
Delivery of respected eye candy! Matching engagement and
wedding rings! On their soft fingers, first! In bed to
back up! Those powerful naked words "I love you", daily!
Without saying a single word "I respect you, too"! For
how can a man? Even begin to love a woman? Without
respecting her? As a female human being first, why? If,
nature able secret. Garden reasons of respected childbirth!
Sexually! Be they experienced or not! Round our world for
soon! To be like nature magic! Virgin cherry popped naked
twice. International moms Internet brides and wives. From
the minds and hearts truth. Not possible to runaway nor
escape! Their own Internet karma fate destiny! Wet dreams
coming true! When least expected for them in life, why?
1.Based on the facts! Of dates, times even various years.
2.Within the approx. 60 pages of Ten Great Lines
3.Impossible! For me to have known exactly! What was
going on within their respected personal lives, daily!
Lucky us of our own mutual Internet karma fate destiny!
Roy Fennell-09/30/2018-1:34p.m.
Even for female survivors. Of all their past relationships,
combined! Like the circle of life. Sooner or later what
goes around. Comes around when least expected for them.
The Elusive Butterfly of Love has not a human face.
Absolutely&truly! The unseen character is the true.
Face of a female/male human being round our world.
Without any minds, hearts, games, false promises or lies!
Accepted without any strings! No matter thy nature born
breasts sizes. From heads-to-toes painted or not! As IS
seen naked within the reflections! Of thy own full-length
mirrors, daily! AS IS good enough for lucky, lucky me! Each
of thee as the complete package! Every day thy hearts beat!
Unseen naked down on my knees behind each of thee, daily!
Thy own soon to be secret! Money making lover and online
husband. Of no small measure. Secretly! Will be thy
secret gardens! Reasons for bed soaked sheets wet dreams
delivery! Unexpected sudden body jerks at work! While
wearing expensive panties or not! Therefore, tattoo this
message! Deeply! Within thy minds&hearts, daily! Please,
do not Text-n-Drive! For us and our futures, why?
My soon to be for us like nature magic! Expecting nature
born female TGL-Models, worldwide. Is it a lie or the
undisputed truth? For reasons not of their own control? Many
women work on respected everyday jobs? Without a respected
retirement HR benefits? Package to be waiting for them?
At the end of the rainbow? Once reaching their own future?
Respected early/full retirement ages in their lives? Be
it 10, 20, 30 even more? Than 40 years from today's date?
Roy Fennell-10/02/2018-11:01a.m.
Be they a respected single/divorced Mom or not still hot!
Legal online money making in multiple new ways naked!
Non adult opportunities benefits as respected Mothers, why?
Sooner or later will discover and see with their own eyes!
The just for them special! Underlined text link paragraph.
Which provides a college education nest egg! For the
future(s) of their precious child and or children.
Lucky me on purpose American&Overseas Internet step daddy, too!
In dollars and cents what does it mean? To the sizes of
their banks books? When able to cut like a razor? Their
weekly grocery shopping bills? To receive saving benefits?
More money to add? To their savings/checking accounts, weekly?
Without spending a penny? Of everyday jobs paychecks?
To increase the amount of groceries within their castles?
In addition to the above! Discover and see naked with thy
own eyes! Nationwide opportunity for professional cleaning
services. Of thy castles located on this specific page only!
From the beginning towards thy own respected retirement ages.
When making 25-30 hours per week arrangements for us! As my
every day safe-n-naked! Live wire heart beating Valentines!
Webcam and phone sex employment opportunities at once! Is
our red book diary secret way! Safely! Secretly! Quickly!
By Internet we can become financially engaged! Online
married within our unique. One of a kind money for us
relationship. Online marriage for real life benefits:
Which can be discovered and seen at Ten Great Lines.
1.Opportunity birthday-to-birthday having rich/wealthy
women futures.
2.From free will opportunities to purchase. Gold coins,
vials and loose diamond stones on purpose.
3.To create/finance thy own future retirement funds
4.Be it 10, 20, 30 or more years from, now!
International daddy of OMG King Kong size!
Love-n-respect, first! Buried treasure surprise tree!
Super lucky, lucky me thank-you all! (*_+)
Roy Fennell-09/29/2018-7:36a.m.
Like nature magic my erection! Became my sexual compass
guidance! In their direction like a wild animal! When I picked up their
down below!Lava hot dripping juicy scent! Of my nature born soon!
To become expecting female TGL-Models, worldwide.
Away I went to secret gardens mate! In their own castle
bedrooms! Together as one with rhythm. Coming with my own
female sexual genies! Who became the respected Mothers! Of
our own baby steps game plan creation. International moms
Internet brides and wives. Shamelessly! Who delivered as
my own sex machine! Queens throne riders before it was time!
To return to respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
American&Overseas got online married daddy'gurls.
Committed bank books material girls diva women!
They obeyed/answered the ancient mating call! Of
nature while naked on their backs! Stomachs and
knees to capture! Seize what belongs to them.
Jungle Love secret gardens delivery by lucky me!
Secretly! Anytime when alone in their castles.
Naked! Wearing only their money making sexy!
Camming and phone sexing for us hi-heel shoes!
They can leave their expensive panties somewhere!
Within their own castles! To do it some more! Within
our saving money! Making money in multiple new ways.
Internet address location home, 24/7! Tengreatlines.com
As super horny-n-wet women, daily! Not respected school age
little girls! As their own secret money. Making lover and
online husband! Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank books
teacher, too! Their secret gardens and pleasure muffins. At
once of my every day! Live heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Have my special down below kind of attention! Based on what
can be discovered! Seen with their own eyes! Round our world
wide-eyed naked! On the Shop-20 page round the clock!
Exactly, by Internet who I be for each of them! Safely!
Long over due wet dreams coming true! Possible! For
women with desire on fire! Secretly or not with expensive.
Champagne never ending taste consumed by the flames! Of
shopaholic with spendthrift fever! To offline/online shop
naked until they drop! As much as possible being happy!
While still alive above ground to enjoy all benefits!
As Goddesses of seduction! Business women of reality!
Sexual fantasy booty shakers wet dreams makers! All the
above without their world-class assets! Being touched
only dreamed about by their respected secret admirers!
Secretly! Online married to their own kind of daddy!
Based on discovered and seen local! Nationwide and Worldwide!
Ten Great Lines online face-to-face! Truly! Adult dating opportunities
without a hint! Whisper of jealousy or phone calls from me!
If, free will desired they can become Sugar babies! Or seek
their own sweet treat! Sugar daddy even momma to enjoy
benefits! Of no strings expensive dinner dates! In public
places to receive special! Queen treatment on all of their
respected everyday! Jobs days-off like a weekly habit!
Walking in looking/feeling like rising female movies stars!
May get lucky! On the arms of a certified millionaire!
Still online married daddy's gurls diva women. At will or
desired able to wild-n-free date! Even wait on a safe-n-
legit! Lucrative adult film opportunity. Still unseen queens secret wives.
Of the physical castle in respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Of the daddy of our own just for us with animalistic lust!
Baby steps game plan creation without hesitation!
Delivery within their own castle bedrooms, worldwide.
Like nature magic like no other women on our Planet Earth!
On an adult dating/jobs website or not. Banging hot bodies
or not. Are you a nature born? Female human being woman?
One of the millions? Of super horny-n-wet women, daily?
Secretly! Unknown to many have a never ending? Powerful
sex drive hot? Like a locomotive steam engine, daily?
Not within any kind of committed relationships? Round our
world with laptops? Desktops with webcams available? Yes,
I do ready as female boss ladies? Castle bedrooms able
to create? Make and set thy own webcam? Phone sex working
hours? Schedules on purpose just for us as team players?
Of our own mutual accepted Internet karma fate destiny?
Shamelessly! May I ask, please? With steam ever had wet
dreams? Of a luxury Gangnam lifestyle future one day?
Have a never ending sweet? Tooth taste for the finer?
Things in life while still alive above ground? Able to
reward and spoil? Pamper yourselves like modern day?
Women queens without walking out thy castle doors? Without
thy world-class assets? Being touched only dreamed about
by thy own? Hooked and seduced for life secret admirers?
No matter their nature born breasts sizes! For all of the
women above! Absolutely and truly what does it mean? Within
their minds and hearts, daily? Safely! Having a man in
their lives? With zero intent or desire? To steal, take
or drain their love? Slowly? Like a modern day Vampire?
To the depth of their sexual souls? For many unable to
completely? Trust and love another male human being, again?
Roy Fennell-09/22/2018-12:54p.m.
For all the women above. Not a secret or mystery. Of who
I be for them like looking into a crystal ball! They can
see with their own eyes! Their own futures naked, now!
Top-to-bottom of the diva women page without any strings!
Under the same heavenly roof! Of the skies, stars, moon
and sun, above. Based on minds&hearts true love, itself!
Within our money for us relationship safe online marriage.
From the beginning towards their respected retirement ages.
Complete package safe-n-naked new lives. AS IS good enough
for lucky me! Camming and phone sexing secret wives. Female
boss ladies and co-pilots. Team players side-by-side. In
cockpit online married! Our red book diary secret way. To
the boss of Ten Great Lines. International daddy of our on
purpose. Baby steps game plan creation delivery. Like
nature magic without walking out their castle doors.
Became online married daddy's gurls diva women. Fly girls
first&only Ones, forever! Sexual souls milky way virgin.
Cherry popped naked twice by their own! Of no small
measure. Beneath umbrellas lava hot buried treasure.
Adult pleasure bank books teacher first&only one, forever!
Not a secret or mystery about us! Safely! Which can be
discovered and seen naked! On the Models,2,3,4,5 and 6.
Pages they are just like me in bed! Sexually! Lustfully!
Secretly! Never ending animalistic lust we can trust!
Only when there be mutual lust control lockdown, 24/7!
Roy Fennell-09/22/2018-11:08a.m.
Your friendly Captain of no small measure OMG joystick!
Of minds and hearts, first! Then financial joy of growing
in size bank books! All nature born female TGL-Models.
American&Overseas material girls. Round our world are
just like me. Believe and feel actions speak! Louder than
any amount of words&Money Talks! Due to the fact. The
outside is only a shadow. Of the complete package inside.
Lucky us of our own Internet. Karma fate destiny to
secret gardens mate. Safely! To be together as one. Like
nature magic without walking out neither castle doors.
Their own kind of show them upfront, first! Legally!
All the money and gold coins. Vials and loose diamond
stones, daddy! Including on the policies page. Opportunity
to purchase actual land. Property title deeds on the moon!
Without strings got their naked backs, now and later!
With treatment being good enough for life legal wives.
Queen's served delivery of 2 adult sexy jobs. Webcam
and phone sex employment opportunities. At once to
receive and enjoy! Benefits of priceless peace of minds, daily!
Less risks of entering a narcissistic relationship!
Their happy hearts happiness comes, first not mine!
1.Not my opinion based on thy own bank books facts
2.Once camming and phone sexing as secret wives for us
3.Earned amounts becomes proven equal or greater!
4.Than the amounts of thy everyday jobs paychecks
5.Ends potential what if, stress of job loss fears, daily!
6.Ends potential what if, fear of pink slip tears, daily!
7.As my every day live heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Shamelessly! As nature born female human beings, first!
Super horny-n-wet women not a secret. Mystery next comes
their sweet! Juicy secret gardens and pleasure muffins!
At once reality attention not fantasy on the Shop-20 page.
Sexually! Like female werewolves in sexual heat to mate!
When their on fire secret gardens! Pleasure muffins honey
thick-n-creamy splatter! Like fresh poured pancake batter!
While bucking me with rhythm to bone and own it! Began with
such force to hit! Their bedroom ceilings and walls! Without
either of them saying a single word. I saw dollar signs in
their eyes! Which did shine-n-sparkle like diamonds! We
became the proud parents! Of our baby steps plan creation!
Naked! Deeper and beyond G-spot pops! While I was still
beneath! Their lava hot erupting like a volcano! Umbrellas
secret gardens buried treasure! Uncaged! Shamelessly!
It was the naughty girls with hot! Bun in the oven secret!
Fire desire within the good girls! Who were first to feel
the heart beats. Next the good girls then lucky me!
International daddy before it was time to leave their beds!
Just like me from the beginning it be all or nothing! They
would not be abandoned! Like a broke down car on the road!
Having to make it! The best way they can all, alone!
Of the billions of respected other women, worldwide.
American&Overseas online got married! Daddy's gurls
diva female boss ladies! Of their own webcam and
phone sex businesses. Not an illusion, fantasy or
mirage! Are the only Ones! Within our money for us
relationship! Safe online marriage without strings!
Online married to the boss of Ten Great Lines, why?
My every day live heart beating Valentines/24/7!
Impossible! To be a minds and hearts lie. Based
on the facts. Of their own live just for us!
Online camming and phone sexing working hours.
Schedules are the unseen Queens. Secret wives
of the physical castle. In respected Ceres,
California U.S.A.! Of the daddy of our baby!
Steps game plan creation like nature magic!
Delivery within their own castle bedrooms.
By lucky me became an online married Family of 3!
Daddy&Mother love still together as one!
Roy Fennell-09/29/2018-3:33p.m.
Unstoppable! No matter the distance of miles.
Without surrendering a single face-to-face! Drop of their
down below lava hot! Like gold sweet treat secret gardens.
Like liquid gold creamy pleasure muffin honey to nobody!
As soon to be rising up!Webcam and phone sex STARS! Modern
day women safe-n-naked! Never ever can touch! Only wish to
kiss-n-lick it! World-class assets female players! Adult
entertainers of the global! No can ever touch it! Webcam and
phone sex adult entertainment Industries. With millions of
respected women. Men customers with millions of credit cards.
Plastic money seeking their favorite secret girlfriends!
Be they in a respected relationship or not! Secretly!
Free willing to share their plastic money. With their own
trusted keepers! Of all their sexual fantasies delights!
Roy Fennell-09/26/2018-7:45a.m.
Ever heard of a massive lay-off? Of webcam/phone sex girls?
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth? Secretly! Within the
minds and hearts for some women? Need to believe and feel, daily?
They have a sense of purpose in their lives? Other
than rise-n-shine? To go to their respected everyday jobs?
Financially! Helplessly! Without a chance with benefits?
Of opportunities to increase weekly? The dollars and cents
amounts? Within their savings and checking accounts? No
matter their debts? Sizes of their financial obligations?
Individual goals and dreams only possible when asleep?
When awake lost within the memories of their daydreams?
Why, is it too late? For prince charming and friends?
Ms./Mr. Right to knock all night on their castle doors?
American&Overseas got online married daddy's gurls! Diva
women live-n-love to use the power! Shamelessly! Of their
own seduction magic! To influence respected women and men!
Round our world without physical sex contact! Sexually! To
hear their voices! See their faces and naked world-class
assets! Wishing they were the only women! In their arms, laps
and beds, daily! Be they in a respected relationship or not.
Roy Fennell-09/26/2018-8:41a.m.Unstoppable! Unconditional!
Untamable! Why they became my every day live Valentines!
Good girls on the outside! Uncaged! Naughty girls on the
inside, daily! Unknown to many never ending sexual lust!
Safely! When camming hard and naked for us. Why will
they experience powerful? Big "O" eruptions without being
touched? Some of their potential respected repeat clients!
May deliver wide-eyed wet dreams come true! Joy have like
respected Male Porn Stars! Corncob solid as a rock 10", 11" or
more! Erections in their naked directions! Knowing for
a fact having no interest! In the sizes or amounts!
Of their respected everyday jobs paychecks, first! As may
have been experienced! Within some past relationships.
Secretly! It would be time to only come! For your
secret girlfriends down on their knees! Webcams up close!
Ever heard the song? Super freak by Rick James?
Lustfully! With wide-eyed joy looking in the direction!
Of standing at attention Big Boys erections! Legally!
They can get paid to scream and cream, profusely! While
being watched by them! Using their down below favorite!
Lust trusted adult pleasure OMG size manhood toys of joy!
Faithfully! Delivery of multiple G-spot pops eruptions!
Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! What may be possible for them!
Within their own dreams when asleep:
1.Seeing the faces of their favorite Big Boys!
2.All night long with rhythm pounding them! Like a wild
animal within their own castle bedrooms.
3.Even at work within their daydreams. Seeing themselves
naked on their knees! Hot tongues teasing their corncob!
Rising up for them erection! Then before being above lips.
Engulfed using their favorite down below toy of joy, too!
International female players no can ever touch it! Only
dream about it! Adult entertainers of the seduction game
itself. Legal get paid naked twice. Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of bank books reality. Never tell it online
married. Secret girlfriends sexual fantasy! Wet dreams
makers of their own secret admirers. Plastic money benefits
of an offline. Online shopping naked sexual freedom.
Paradise opportunity to reward and spoil! Pamper themselves
like modern day women. Queens without walking out their
castles doors. Is the financial power of female human.
Beings round our world. Who believe in themselves, first!
Roy Fennell-09/22/2018-10:32a.m.
International moms Internet brides and my juicy wives.
Have their own team player. Secret money making lover.
Online husband who believed in all of them, first! Super
lucky me of OMG! King Kong size surprise tree delivery!
With butterfly wings of fury! While I held it with both
hands! They clapped and slapped what belonged to them!
Doing it without saying a single word. My amazing sexual
genies. Made their beds shake like a mild earthquake!
Due to the facts of life reality not fantasy. Neither of
us had proof! Of a written contract guarantee of another
tomorrow! Next week, month or even year. Just like me how
it be for us! Absolutely&truly! Banging hot bodies or not.
On an adult dating/jobs website or not! From the beginning complete
package. AS IS good enough all or nothing between us!
Right when many think! They know and understand female
human beings women! They really don't have a clue!
When least expected possible in their lives. Not committed
within any kinds of relationships. American&Overseas material
naughty girls! Of their own Internet karma fate destiny.
Discovered their own down below. Secret garden kind of
greet and meet man.Secret money making lover&online husband.
Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank book teacher, too! Within
their kind of money for us relationship online marriage!
Long overdue bed soaked sheets wet dreams coming true!
As the complete package only Ones! Without delivery of eye
candy! Respected matching engagement and wedding. Rings
on their soft fingers, first! No doubts too late for prince
charming! Ms./Mr.Right! To knock on their castle doors, why?
Naked they have already seen with their own eyes!
On the secret wives page based on numbers facts. How and
why it is possible. Not impossible $4000.00, $10,000.00
even $20,000.00. Sooner or later like a monthly habit!
Without their world-class assets even being touched!
Why they became my every day live heart beating Valentines!
What they gave me in their beds naked became mine! What they
received beyond G-spot pops. Became theirs only within our
secret. Internet mating address location home, 24/7!
Tengreatlines.com Our never tell it secret to the grave!
American&Overseas online got married! Daddy's gurls diva
women! Without any physical sex possible! Legally! Can
get paid naked twice! To look-n-feel their best, daily!
Sexually! Desired feeling alive as women. Not unburied
above ground! Impossible! Of minds and hearts in silence!
To believe and feel taken for granted! By their secret
admirers! Truly! No matter the amounts or the sizes.
Absolutely! Benefits of their everyday jobs paychecks!
Within our saving money. Making money in multiple new
ways naked! Internet address location home. Tengreatlines.com
Safely! As seen right before thy eyes! Some website text
links. May only be a single line. When mouse clicked will
open like magic! Seeing is believing and feeling it, first!
Daddy love! 09/19/2018-12:31p.m.
Benefits of the below opportunities. Not being face-to-face!
With a respected bank loan officer seeking a loan!
Within our money for us relationship safe online
marriage. Not an oops, accident or mistake! Of who I
be for each of thee! Based on the named website titles.
Relationships! Goddesses of seduction! Secret garden!
Naughty girls! Secret wives being all about us no regrets!
From the beginning towards thy respected retirement ages.
Within the approx. 60 pages of Ten Great Lines. Any/all
woman and man pictures. Be they of animated actions doing
it! Motions or not are on purpose symbolic to us. Safely!
The way we love it like wild in the jungle animals.
Unstoppable! Untamable! Nonstop round the clock! Already
by Internet financially engaged and online married!
If, each of thee promise me! Not to faint from excitement!
Of who I be for each of thee! Unexpectedly! Take a naked
look! Top-to-bottom of the red book love. Page based on
times dates even years! Impossible! To ever be a minds
and hearts lie! Of thy own Internet karma fate destiny!
International moms Internet brides and wives. American and
overseas online married! Daddy's gurls diva women. Of thy
own secret money making lover&online husband, why? Not
our faults we are unable. To turn back the hands of the
clock! Of time just for us. Legally! To be already married!
Living within thy own castles, daily! Right after work with
each of thee! No text-n-drive! 3 circles complete package.
Safely! Quickly! Bringing it all home to lucky, lucky me!
1.Like cement would be thy just us. Favorite expensive
eye candy sexy money. Making camming and phone sexing
naked! Hi-heel shoes near/at the main entrance door!
2.I be thy secret garden at work! Unexpected! Down below
sudden body jerk reasons for all eruptions, why?
3.Sexually! Desired as the only Ones! Who find a way 1 hour, daily!
Before the end of thy everyday jobs. Work shifts to pull down.
Then take off thy expensive panties! For us and my eyes only to see!
Like a habit our lovers secret to grave, daily!
Unstoppable! Untamable! Unconditional our Plan B! Safely! Secretly!
Quickly! Webcam and phone sex employment once hired, first! Is
our red book diary secret way by Internet. We can become
financially engaged and online married at once! Without
walking out thy castles doors round our world.
AS IS seen naked within the reflections! Of thy own full-length mirrors, daily!
Without any strings between us right before thy eyes! Seeing
is believing and feeling it, first! Not an illusion, fantasy
or mirage. Like nature magic OMG King! Kong size love and
respect, first! Queen's served delivery within thy own
castle bedrooms, worldwide. The soon to be daddy! Of our
own baby steps game plan creation. Without hesitation does
care, daily! If, either of thee Lives! Starves! Dies!
Upon unseen bended knees for us. Humble me and our future.
If you do my request! Please do not text-n-drive.
Roy Fennell-09/19/2018-4:01p.m.
Do each of thee promise me? To the grave? To never ever
tell it? How delicious, sweet-n-tasty? It was round our
world? For lucky me of OMG size surprise tree? Ever
heard the song Candy by Cameo?
If you do, please! For us and our future. Do not text-n-drive!
Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage. As my every day
live heart beating Valentines, 24/7! Inside/outside thy
castles. No matter thy occupations even at work! AS IS
being the whole wedding cakes. With down below sweet icing!
Without lies, games or strings. Complete package treatment
good enough. For lucky me as legal wives. Not a mystery or
held back secret. Sharing all legal money. Making in multiple
new ways naked! Opportunities includes between the Woman-1
and Woman-4 pages. The legal $1,000,000.00 financial. Game
plan which introduces affiliate programs.
Benefits of having thy own business websites! With thy own custom
designed business cards, too! Real life not fake! Free
will opportunity to create. Build and promote thy own
Diva Women Empires, Worldwide! In the unknown future!
American&Overseas material girls! Safely! Within their
own kind of money! For us relationship online marriage.
Secretly! Are online married to their own kind of daddy!
Lucky me! Roy Fennell-09/27/2018-11:58p.m.
With their I'm yours permission, first! When I arrived
from respected Ceres, California U.S.A.! To deliver
what was to belong to them! When I pulled it out almost
touched the ceilings! I confess blame it on me! Why their
phone ring tones! Was set and locked to answer emergency
calls only! Blame it on me why they were unavailable!
Nor did not care who was knocking on their castle doors.
Sexually! They had started their powerful sexual engines!
To become my own live wire sex machine in bed Queens! Inch
by inch love tunnel journey! All the way no play for us.
3 inch sexual souls depth Secret Gardens Womanhood. Most
trusted/guarded with lust no man's land special place!
Shamelessly! Secretly! Naturally! Nakedly! Just for us
with sexual animalistic lust! They obeyed the ancient call
of nature. They delivered and became the respected Mothers.
Of our mutually desired on purpose baby steps! Game plan
creation before it was time! For lucky me to leave their
beds! To return to respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Within our money for us relationship safe online marriage.
When having the only set of keys! To the locks-n-doors
of thy castles, daily! More than any amount of money, first!
Real life not fake camming and phone sexing benefits:
1.Not my opinion based on dollars and cents facts
2.Including thy respected everyday jobs paychecks, first!
3.Earned camming and phone sexing amounts. Becomes actual
2nd and 3rd income sources
4.In principle the potential combined income. Of a boyfriend/girlfriend.
Living under thy castle roofs, daily!
5.Less potential risks of relationship drama. Or potential
verbal abuse even domestic violence tears and pain, daily!
Daddy&Mother love like nature magic! 09/11/2018-10:39a.m.
Coming together without walking out either castle doors.
2019 and beyond new beginnings lucky us! Not an illusion,
fantasy or mirage. More than any amount of money, first!
Camming and phone sexing 25-30 hours. Per week benefits
opportunities. Can save a woman/women. From making a minds
and hearts. Mistake once entering an under. The same roof
relationship discovers too late! Behind closed/locked doors.
Might is Right, Wrong or Right. Being in the mood for
sex or not, taken. Becoming trapped with no way out! Of
a sexual and everyday jobs. Income paychecks relationship
prison. No longer able to wild-n-free date at will.
Without any strings only unseen. Minds and hearts money
love rings. Just in time within thy lives. AS IS seen
naked! Within the reflections of thy full-length mirrors.
Wet dreams coming true, daily! Unseen who I be for each
of you! Equally, without favoritism banging bodies or not!
Unexpectedly! Take a wide-open naked look! Top-to-bottom
of the red book. Love page wearing only thy soon. To be
sexy favorite. Camming and phone sexing hi-heel shoes!
Chapter 1 documented within thy own red book diaries.
Naked! Creation of thy own red book diary love story.
Not an oops, accident or mistake! Nor illusion, fantasy
or mirage. Including real potential dreams cars. In thy
own unknown futures. On this specific page. Discover and
wide-eyed see naked! With thy own eyes for yourselves!
Opportunity underlined text link paragraphs. To rent to
own homes and more! For women who seek to escape!
Living within apartments lives day-to-day!
For it be not a secret or mystery. Within any relationship
face-to-face or not. Minds and hearts is the foundation.
Like fresh poured cement for a new home! If built to last
on solid ground. If not sooner or later in time. Slowly,
will sink within the quicksand of the truth, why? The
outside is only a shadow of the inside. Minds and hearts
control the outside. Even the actions and direction. Like
the steering wheel of a car. Within our money for us
relationship. Safe for us online marriage. Not me only
each of thee! From the beginning are in the driver's!
Seat control of the desired direction. Of thy lives and
futures. With bank book affection towards thy own
individual. Dreams and goals first not mine benefits.
Unlike all of thy past relationships, combined. Based
on the unseen power! Of minds and hearts true love.
Which has not a human face. Absolutely&truly! The
unseen character is the true face of a woman or man.
Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage. Right before thy eyes!
Safely! Without walking out thy castle doors, worldwide.
Rising higher female pride and bank books, too! Long
overdue treatment like modern day women queens. Any
where within the approx. 60 pages of Ten Great Lines.
When either of thee mouse click. On a banner or any
underlined. Text link paragraph opens. Like a closed
door! Which allows each of you to enter! Or like a window
to see! The benefits inside waiting for each of you, why?
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! Queen's
served with OMG King Kong size! Love-n-respect, first!
As nature born women female TGL-Models. As the boss
of Ten Great Lines. I say without strings deserve.
Treatment being good enough like partners/legal wives!
Due to the facts love! Ain't sex and sex ain't love!
They are as different as the day! Time is to the night.
time under the same heavenly roof. Of the stars, skies,
moon and sun, above. Roy Fennell-09/08/2018-11:26a.m.
For how can a man? Even begin to love a woman? Without
understanding her? As a female human being, first?
From the beginning towards their own respected retirement
ages. Safely! Without walking out their castle doors. Within
our money for us relationship online marriage. American and
Overseas girls round our world. Not committed within any
kinds of relationships available. Yes, I do ready for us!
As female boss ladies. Who within their own castle bedrooms.
Create, make and set their own webcam. Phone sex working
hours schedules, now! Can see how can be the desired
direction. Of their lives and futures. As online married
daddy's gurls diva women. Without their world-class
assets! Ever being touched only dreamed about as secret.
Girlfriends goddesses of seduction. Business women of
reality. Sexual fantasy wet dreams makers. Of their own
got hooked! Seduced respected women/men secret admirers.
All the above still able to wild-n-free date! Truly! Wait on an
adult film opportunity. Absolutely! Even if free will desired be
a Sugar Baby! Even seek a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Momma!
Without a hint or whisper of jealousy from lucky me, why?
From the beginning treatment like super horny women.
Not like purchased merchandise on a retail store shelf!
Not like a picture purchased to hang on a wall.
Not like a respected school age little girl.
Roy Fennell-09/06/2018-11:56a.m.
No longer looking/waiting for safe. Opportunities to
get ahead. To stay while creating better lives and
futures. For themselves becoming the live! Untouchable!
Heart beating reasons the electronic. Credit cards
plastic money is spent! Sent in the desired direction!
First, to increase the amounts! Of their own savings and
checking accounts, first! Not mine to grow bigger the
sizes. Of their bank books, first! Real life not fake
benefits. For committed material girls for life.
Unseen Queens legal fabulous booty shakers! Money makers
in multiple new ways naked! Female adult entertainers and
team players. Secret wives of their own adult. Pleasure
of no small measure. Castle bedrooms bank book teacher.
While teaching them delivery! Of 3 circles/both hot
hands tight! AS IS naked complete package. Special
lessons free will. Takes the blame of why they were
unavailable! Except for only emergency calls! Were too
physically exhausted! To even crawl on their hands and
knees! To answer any knocks on their castle doors! Too
busy becoming my every day! Live heart beating Valentines!
After each catnap were yes! I do ready for more "69"!
Equal risks adult pleasure delights! Then each of my
amazing sexual genies. Uptown girls knew the position!
With locked wide-open naked thighs! To receive dine at
their "Ys" benefits from their own downtown man! A Deep
Sea Diver delivery! Each time down below for 1 hour!
AS IS seen naked within the reflections!
Of their own full-length mirrors, daily!
Banging hot bodies or not! Absolutely&truly! Having
profiles/resumes on any dating. Jobs websites or not new
lives. Unstoppable! Became the 3 circles. Both hot hands
tight complete package. Every day live heart beating
Valentines. Committed material girls for life. American and
overseas daddy's gurls. Online married to their own of no.
Small measure adult pleasure. Castle bedrooms bank books
teacher. Queen's served within their own bedrooms. Deeply!
3 inch sexual souls depth. Of Secret Garden Womanhood!
Lustfully! Sexually! Their most trusted secret place.
Like nature magic without walking out their castle doors!
Too late prince charming and friends. Ms./Mr. Right had
made the minds. Hearts mistake of no delivery of eye.
Candy respected engagement and wedding rings. On each
of their soft fingers as the only ones, first! Sexually!
Lucky us like in sexual heat! Just got married bedroom
lovers! Beneath and on top of the covers! Were in
celebration naked! Like wild animals in the jungle!
Of our own soon to be never ending financial honeymoon!
Proud parents of our own baby steps game plan creation!
With a future they can see! With their own eyes, now!
Impossible! Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage. Possible
when they are in the driver's seat control not me! Of
their desired direction. Of their lives and futures.
Towards their own dreams and goals not mine, first!
Female boss ladies of their own webcam/phone sex.
Businesses is and cannot be a lie, why? Only they are
the only. Ones who create, make and set. Their own
working hours schedules. Not the respected webcam and
phone sex. Employers who at their own expense, first!
Provides expert professional training benefits, free!
Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage. Without spending
a single penny! No upfront fee to see everything at
Ten Great Lines, free! Opportunity to mouse click on
any banner. Underlined text link paragraph. Opens
to what is called the landing page. Actual direct
source with benefits. To actually speak to a
respected professional. Customer service person
depending on their available hours of service.
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! How and
why it is possible. Not impossible to treat! Reward,
spoil and pamper yourselves, deliriously! Like
modern day women Queens round our world daddy's gurls!
Diva women with a luxury Gangnam lifestyle future.
Round our world safe-n-naked! New beginnings and man!
In thy lives without minds&hearts! Games, false promises
or strings! From the beginning deserved treatment. Good
enough as being legal wives. Delivery of webcam and
phone sex. Employment sexy jobs opportunities at once!
Benefits to reward, treat, spoil and pamper not me!
Yourselves like modern day women queens, deliriously!
Of their own Internet karma fate destiny. Nature born
female boss ladies TGL-Models. Are online got married!
Daddy's gurls diva women female co-pilots in the cockpit!
Joystick riding and pounding lucky me! While in flight
on Ten Great Lines Airlines. Like nature magic from
castle bedrooms-to-bedroom. In addition to our saving
money. Making money in multiple ways naked! Internet
address location home Tengreatlines.com without walking
out their castle doors. Who can prove/tell on them?
What we did in their own beds like wild animals?
To end/eliminate their financial struggles? To make
ends meet alone in their lives? To end/eliminate all?
Of their silent what if, potential everyday? Jobs loss
fears or what if? Unexpected, pink slips tears, daily?
1 million text messages! Or phone call conversations!
Cannot reveal what can be seen with thy own eyes, first!
Within the aprox.60 pages of Ten Great Lines. Being on
an adult dating/jobs website or not. Benefits as online
married naughty girls. Camming and phone sexing new lives.
Secret wives of thy own adult pleasure. Castle bedrooms
bank book teacher! Teaching each of thee special lessons.
Safely! How to become material girls for life! Untouchable!
Goddesses of seduction. Without thy world-class assets being touched!
Only wet dreams about business. Women of bank books reality and sexual fantasy!
Creation of thy own safe-n-naked! Castle bedrooms
occupations and careers. International no can ever
kiss/lick it! Too expensive and hot! Manhood teasers and
secret garden pleasers. Truly! Female adult players and
entertainers. Secret girlfriends of thy own hooked!
Seduced for life respected women and men secret admirers!
Free willing to share their credit. Cards plastic money
with the Ones! They wish could be in their arms/beds, daily!
Available by webcam/phone sex schedules only!
The female Keepers they can trust! To share all of their
secret! Lustful sexual fantasies without guilt/shame.
Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage. Round our world having
banging bodies or not! No matter their nature born. Breasts
sizes not of their control. AS Is seen naked! Within the
reflections! Of their own full-length mirrors, daily! All
of the women in the present day. Not my opinion based on
the facts. Of their own respected known/unknown family
history tree! Already are the best! Of the best female
human beings. Women on our Planet Earth! Absolutely!
Chosen/selected by Nature! At time of respected childbirth.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage. From
the beginning to the grave. Unseen by my side like an
equal partner. Of our own mutual financial success! Of
which in everything. My unseen Queens come, first not me!
Of OMG King Kong size! Wide-eyed surprise tree! The only
time either of my female. Sexual genies shall ever be
beneath me! Is locked wide-open naked within their own
castle beds! Coming hard like a raging river delivery!
The International daddy of our own on purpose. Baby
steps game plan creation within their castle bedrooms.
Roy Fennell-09/01/2018-10:17a.m. Like nature magic they
3 circles! Both hot hands tight complete package. Worked
like live wire on fire sex machine Queens. Who delivered
for us before it! Was time for me faster. Than a fighter
jet can fly! Back to respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
As documented within our live "Book of Love"! Secretly!
When lucky,lucky me. Arrived like nature magic! Within
their own castle bedrooms. At their special most juicy
time. Sexually! For delivery of what was to belong.
To them all the way! Beyond G-spot pops! Milky way sexual
souls! 3 inch depth of Secret Garden Womanhood! No man's
land their most! Trusted with lust special secret place.
When I pulled it out! Almost touched the ceilings! I must
confess blame it on me! Why their phone ring tones! Were
locked and set to answer only emergency calls!
Blame it on humble me! Why they did not care who! Was knocking even
banging on their windows or doors! They were banging me!
Unstoppable! In a naked hurry! Untamable! To become the
only fly girls! Respected Mothers of our baby! Steps
game plan creation. Like wild animals in the jungle.
Lustfully! Our kind of in bed animalistic Jungle Love!
Finger nails like live tattoos clawed my naked back!
While I was still deep beneath! Their lava hot erupting
umbrellas. Buried treasure it was the Naughty girl!
Goddesses within the Good girls. Who were the first! To
feel the heart beat! Next the good girls then lucky me!
International moms Internet brides and wives, forever!
No matter what may be of respected future relationships.
Locked within their minds and hearts. Safer than any
bank vaults! Untouchable! Positive memories of when they
were my every day live! Heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Untamable! Never became income lollipops! Legal got paid
naked twice. For us without strings secret wives.
Unseen queens of my physical castle! In Ceres, California U.S.A.!
With zero domestic violence fears/tears between us.
More than any amount of money, first! Is the experience
of the benefits! Of priceless peace of mind!
1.Not my opinion based on dollars and cents facts.
2.Once thy camming and phone sexing naked for us.
3.Earned amounts becomes equal. Greater than the
amounts. Of thy own respected everyday jobs paychecks.
4.Ends/eliminates potential what if, stressful jobs loss.
Fears and what if, unexpected! Potential with little
or no warning! Pink slips tears bank books shock!
Last names our secret to the grave. Thy own soon to be
secret. Money making lover&online husband lucky me!
Roy Fennell-09/05/2018-7:51a.m. Delivery of wide-eyed
OMG! King Kong size surprise tree! Always solid as a rock!
Plump-n-full of monetary bank books juicy joy!
Financial seeds of website knowledge benefits. Loads
of spending offline! Online shopping naked power!
Wet dreams coming true! For shopaholic women who
are always. Burning up from spendthrift fever!
Never ending thirst for the finer things in life!
When I arrived from respected Ceres, California U.S.A.!
Without saying a single word. My amazing female genies.
Began to tease me! Unknown to them at that time. I knew
the score being female entertainers! Benefits of a
potential! Goddess of seduction invitation! To come
enter an adult! Pay to play with them webcam show
performance! As a potential secret girlfriend for life!
Based on adult costumes! Able to become any/all! Of the
women of their sexual wet dreams fantasy without strings!
Queen's served within their own castles bedrooms! Round
our world blame it on me! Their own kind of no small
measure! Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank books.
Teacher teaching them special lessons. How they could
become material girls for life. Why they refused to
accept! Only emergency phone calls! Were unable to
let go! Of what was to belong to them! To even care who
was knocking. On their castle doors! Shamelessly! They
were too busy! Booty slapping and clapping lucky me.
Their own showed them upfront, first! All the money,
gold coins, vials and loose diamond stones, daddy!
Within our money for us relationships online marriage.
1.Opportunity birthday-to-birthday becoming American.
Overseas rich/wealthy women. No can ever touch it!
Goddesses of seduction. Business women of bank books.
Reality no can ever kiss/lick it sexual fantasy
2.Opportunity from free will purchases. Of gold coins,
vials and loose diamond stones. Create/finance their
own future retirement fund. Like a stockpile in their
own bank insured safety deposit boxes not ours.
3.Opportunity of a luxury Gangnam lifestyle future
4.Not a mistake of this page. A unique website
underlined text link. To real potential dream new cars
5.Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage. While still
alive above ground. Benefits of an offline. Online
shopping naked sexual freedom paradise future.
6.Which begins now! On the Shop-1 to Shop-20 pages
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth between us.
1 million text messages or phone call conversations.
Cannot reveal what can be discovered/seen with thy own
eyes! How can be the desired direction? Of thy own
lives and future? With growing bigger bank books?
Affection towards thy own respected retirement ages?
As committed bank books material girls for life?
Online got married real life daddy's gurls diva women?
Of thy own individual Internet? Karma fate destiny real?
Life not fake safe-n-naked new lives? Unstoppable!
Within thy own castle bedrooms secret wives? Legal get
paid naked? In multiple new ways? Booty shaking and
money making Female Lovers? Of thy own secret money?
Making lover and online husband? By the power of the
Internet? Came to come and secret gardens? Mate with each
of you? Together as one so we? Could become the proud?
Howling and growling like werewolves? In sexual heat
became the Parents? Of our own baby steps game plan creation?
On purpose for our own mutual financial success?
Safely! Within our money for us relationship online
marriage. Without minds and hearts lies, games or strings.
From the beginning towards thy own respected retirement
ages. Not under the same physical roofs, daily! Team
players being the wind beneath each other's wings.
Impossible! To ever be the ones. With unseen ball-n-chains!
Like anchors to keep us down. On the ground becoming
unable! To fly and soar to heights mighty! Eagles dare not
go! Spirits like a broken wing! Causing our desired dreams!
Goals within our lives only possible when asleep!
When awake lost within the thoughts of our memories.
American&Overseas online married daddy's gurls. Diva
women round our world. Uptown girls for themselves.
Have their own kind of downtown man. Helper who came with
them. So their dreams and goals can come first, not mine!
Their own do them Money Right man lucky, lucky me.
Roy Fennell-09/04/2018-3:05p.m.
Ever heard the saying birds? Of a feather flock
together? We bucked each other! Like wild animals
in the jungle! Jungle love delivery produced 3 wash!
Loads of bed soaked sheets. To be and stay together!
Without being under the same physical roofs, daily!
Financially engaged&online married by Internet. After
creation of our own baby steps game plan. For our
own mutual financial happiness/security futures!
Within our minds and hearts even depth of our sexual
souls. Between us not a mystery nor whispered secret.
1.Actions always speak louder than words&Money Talks
2.Within any kind of relationship face-to-face or not
From the beginning being the 3 circles! Both hot hands
tight! No matter their nature born breasts sizes! AS IS
accepted being the complete package! All or nothing, why?
The outside is only a shadow of the inside of us. Like the
steering wheel of a car. The inside controls the outside!
Financially! With King Kong OMG size! Delivery of love
and respect, first! Helping them go over the wall!
Wearing their just us sexy favorite. Camming and phone
sexing hi-heel shoes. Jail break out run away! Escape
naked their limited income. Financial prisons only
earning enough to survive, daily! While in silence
living to work being unhappy! About their own financial.
Happiness and unknown security futures, daily! Including
the directions of their lives. Without a sense of purpose.
Making them happy and benefits their bank books, first!
All that be showing to tell on us. Naturally! While
answering the ancient mating call! Wildly! Like
animals in the jungle! Without any birth control
pills. Expensive panties nor condoms in our way.
Within a specific window of just right time. All
that can ever tell on us. Is thy own created. Made
and set like cement. For us is thy own live.
Online webcam and phone sex schedules. Legally!
Not our faults we are already not married! Living
within thy own castles. Round our world, daily!
Absolutely! Has nothing to do with our mutual futures.
Daddy Love! 09/10/2018-12:07p.m.
Lucky me I became an International daddy!
Last names our never tell it secret to the grave.
Roy Fennell-Thank-you all for making me!
Feel like a King within thy own castle beds!
Based on the different time zones. Round our world
I must confess! Thank-you all for serving us!
Breakfast, lunch and dinner naked in your beds, too!
Shamelessly! For lucky, lucky me! Sexually! Without
walking out their castle doors! Became my own female
sexual genies. Who lips sticks, perfume and pleasure
muffins! Scent claimed while boning to own! What was
delivered that belongs to them. How could it be possible?
For anyone to prove or ever tell on them? Still being
able to wild-n-free, date? If, desired still able?
To wait for a safe? Legit adult film opportunity?
Untamable! AS IS seen naked, daily! Within the
reflections of thy own full-length mirrors! Banging
bodies or not. On an adult dating jobs website or not!
Unstoppable! Like runaway freight trains on track!
Going nonstop in the direction. With growing bigger
in size bank books! Affection towards an offline.
Online shopping naked no can touch it! Sexual freedom
liberation paradise benefits. To spoil and pamper
yourselves, deliriously! Like modern day women queens.
Without walking out thy castles doors round our world.
Unlike all of thy past relationships, combined. Daddy
solid as a rock round the clock! Shall be waiting within
our secret love shack! Mating Internet address location
home. Tengreatlines.com When each of thee are alone!
Available to leaving thy expensive panties anywhere.
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American&Overseas good, bad and naughty. Online married
nature born female TGL-Models. From the beginning yes
I do ready! To become rising up new faces and voices.
Stars seeking to Queen bees reign. On top of the
webcam and phone sex. Global adult no can touch it
entertainment. Industries from their own castle.
Bedrooms without walking out their doors, worldwide.
Safe-n-naked they can wide-eyed see, now! Top-to-bottom
of the DiVa women page. From the beginning towards
their retirement. Ages how can be the desired direction.
Of their lives and futures with financial liberty!
Impossible to the graves round our world. To ever be
the same women, again! Before by Internet we became
financially engaged. Online married our red book diary
secret way! Daddy&Mother love together as one, forever!
Elimination without hesitation of all!
1.Potential what if respected everyday jobs loss fears!
2.Potential what if stress pink slip tears, daily!
3.Delivery of priceless peace of mind reality
4.Once thy camming and phone sexing earned amounts
5.Becomes equal/greater than thy everyday jobs paychecks
6.Benefits of happy hearts, first! Going in the direction!
Of thy own individual dreams and goals in life, first!
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth of facts.
1.For what ever reasons not of their individual control.
2.Many women round our world. Do not have the luxury.
Benefits of a written guarantee! Respected everyday
jobs lifetime employment opportunity.
3.No matter their respected occupations. Many women do
not have a respected everyday jobs. Retirement HR benefits package!
Available to be waiting for them. At the end of the rainbow.
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Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
From the beginning towards thy respected retirement ages.
Impossible to be a minds and hearts lie, why?
Top-to-bottom of the Woman-2 page. Treatment like
legal wives without strings. From the beginning to the
grave. Not an illusion, fantasy or mirage between us.
If, yes I do ready! To take a wide-open naked! Look
wearing only thy favorite sexy hi-heel shoes for us.
Soon to be camming and phone sexing money makers!
Like the circle of life. Sooner or later what goes
around comes around. Even for Female Survivors!
Of all their past relationships, combined! Due
to the fact true love, itself! Has not a human
face! Unexpectedly! Even the Elusive Butterfly of Love!
Due to the facts. Love ain't sex and sex ain't love.
They are different as day-time is to night-time.
Based on their own free will on fire. Desire and individual
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the respected Great Bear State. Of California, U.S.A.
some serious! As a sudden heart attack! Committed and
dedicated webcam Models earn $70,000.00 per year.
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To be just another minds and hearts lie between us!
Roy Fennell-09/04/2018-12:13p.m.
How could it be possible? For the respected global?
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Secretly! Sexually! Free willing while naked! On their
backs, stomachs and knees! To seize and take sexual
ownership! Of what belongs to them. Of King Kong size!
Love-n-respect delivery, first! From lucky me of OMG
surprise tree! Prince charming and friends! Ms/Mr. Right
made the minds and hearts mistake. Of no Queens served
delivery! Of respected eye candy engagement! Matching
wedding rings on their soft fingers, first! Too late
we became secret gardens. Mated and became my live!
Heart beating every day Valentines,24/7!
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Online married daddy's gurls diva women. May experience
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Of our own like nature magic! Internet karma fate destiny!
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Real life not fake online married team players! No can
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money! Is spent secret girlfriends. Of thy own got hooked!
Seduced for life secret admirers, worldwide! Business
women of reality and sexual fantasy. Unseen naughty girls
secret wives. Of the physical castle in respected Ceres,
California. Of the daddy of our baby steps game plan
creation. Lucky, lucky me who received some! Of the
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Based on the facts! Of their own known/unknown.
Respected family history tree. Not an illusion, fantasy
or mirage! Before any amount of money! Their down below
sweet-n-juicy! Secret gardens come, first! Take a naked
locked thighs! Wide-open look at the Shop-20 page.
To the TGL-Models page 1. Of our saving money! Making
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Born expecting American&Overseas daddy's gurls diva
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Respected Mothers of our baby. Steps game plan
creation! Without hesitation like nature magic!
Delivery without walking out thy castle doors! Queen's
served like no other women on our Planet Earth. For
lucky me and us! Please do not text-n-drive!
Roy Fennell-09/03/2018-2:35p.m.
Seeing is believing and feeling it, first! Not an illusion
or mirage. Real life not fake opportunity. Safely! To
treat yourselves like modern. Day women queens without
walking out thy castle doors. Love to discover and see
with thy own eyes? How to create/make thy own shoes?
If, yes I do ready! Mouse click anywhere on the above
banner. To go directly to the source. Any/all questions
with answers. Can be provided by their respected customer.
Service professional experts for you! Exact same results
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the approx. 60 page at Ten Great Lines. Including webcam
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Is not the business of Ten Great Lines not a lie! No
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Roy Fennell-06/27/2018-2:47p.m.
Free will equal opportunity for women, worldwide. For
themselves having more than rising higher female pride!
Going in the direction of financial liberty! Truly! If,
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Why do anything unless seeking to be the best? Within
the respected Great Bear State! Of California some
committed webcam! Models earn $70,000.00 per year!
Secretly! Safe-n-naked with animalistic lust for us!
Within their own castle bedrooms naked! American and
Overseas yes I do ready daddy's gurls diva women. On the
Models-2,3,4,5 and 6 pages. Blame it on me! The International
daddy of wide-eyed OMG size! Surprise tree delivery beneath
their umbrellas, why! Sexually! They were too busy! Taking
3 circles/both hot hands tight! Complete package sexual
ownership! Of what belongs to them. To anymore care prince
charming. Ms./Mr. Right made the minds and hearts. Mistake
of waiting too late! Delivery of respected engagement.
Wedding rings on their soft fingers, first! As committed
bank books material girls for life. They were with rhythm
and power! Bucking and being bucked hard! By their own
adult pleasure. Castle bedrooms bank book teacher. To be
in the driver's seat control. From the beginning towards
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direction. Of their lives with benefits. To create luxury
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wild-n-free date! Even wait for a legit-n-safe! Just
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female boss ladies online married. To their own secret
money. Making lover&online husband. Who got their naked
backs now-n-later! With treatment like his legal wives!
Without strings to the grave. No matter their nature
born breasts sizes. Hard-n-erect nipples good enough!
For lucky me the boss of Ten Great Lines daddy love!
Roy Fennell-08/22/2018-9:08a.m.
Lucky us of our own Internet karma fate destiny!
Like nature magic to secret gardens mate.
Our red book diary special secret way, forever!
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth. Under their own
castle roofs, daily! Some women not within any kinds
of committed relationships. Round our world are serious
as a sudden heart attack! Not to never ever be down.
On the ground within their lives! Indirectly/directly
under the income. Foot, thumb or financial control.
Of any man on our Planet Earth! To provide and put
food on their kitchen tables. Absolutely! Without
respected engagement and wedding rings! On their
soft fingers, first! Being unable to wild-n-free date!
Without any minds and hearts shame or guilt, daily!
Without delivery of respected engagement! Eye candy
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and finance their own future retirement fund not ours.
3.Opportunity to create their own luxury. Gangnam
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shopping naked sexual freedom paradise.
4.All the above without any face-to-face! Surrendering
of a single drop! Of their down below like gold!
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5.American&Overseas online married daddy's gurls.
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Inside/outside their castles! Without tears of fears!
Only joy and happiness 365 days a year new lives. AS IS
seen naked within the reflections. Of their own full-
length mirrors, daily! No matter their nature born
breasts! Sizes good enough for lucky me! Treatment
without strings like legal wives. From the beginning
towards their own respected retirement ages.
Not humble me each of thee come, first! Sooner or later
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on fire desire to claim fame! Benefits opportunity
promotions of thy own stage names free, worldwide.
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1.Bank books committed material girls for life.
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3.On the secret wives page. How and why it is possible.
4.Not impossible sooner or later! $4000.00, $10,000.00 even
$20,000.00 like a monthly habit. Delivered by outstanding
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Born to use camming and phone sexing hard! To become
thy own safe-n-naked. Castle bedrooms ATM machines.
Earned plastic money becomes ATM cash available money!
Earned plastic money tracked and provided to your own
savings. Checking accounts not ours or mine. In principle
by computers. Like direct deposit everyday jobs paychecks.
From the respected webcam and phone sex employers. Ten
Great Lines Family. Who got my back and yours, too!
Roy Fennell-06/25/2018-10:56p.m. Thy own no upfront fee
talent agent! Secret money making lover&online husband.
Who got thy backs! Like the circle of life.
Sooner or later what goes around comes around. Even for
female SURVIVORS! Of all past relationships, combined. Who
became my live every day! Heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
American&Overseas not committed within any kinds of
relationships. Women with hot banging bodies or not. On
an adult dating/jobs website or not. Within thy own
castle bedrooms round our world. Can create their own
big break in life. Part-time/full-time committed 25- 30
hours per week. Camming&phone sexing for us benefits.
Safe-n-naked exciting new lives, daily! Without strings
online married naughty girls. Secret wives of thy own
show. Each of you upfront, first! All the money!
Gold coins, vials and loose diamond stones, daddy!Benefits
of a new occupation and career. Online married daddy's
gurls diva women. Untouchable! Goddesses of seduction.
Never can kiss/lick it world-class assets. Business
women of reality&fantasy secret girlfriends. Of thy
own hooked and seduced for life. Respected women and
men secret admirers. Without any physical sex contact.
Possible for a lifetime of plastic money benefits:
1.Opportunity to become rich/wealthy women. From the
free will purchases. Of gold coins, vials and loose
diamond stones.
2.Opportunity to create thy own luxury Gangnam future.
Benefits of a do as you please lifestyle, daily!
3.Opportunity to create/finance thy own down. The
road of thy lives future retirement fund. Available at
the end of the rainbow. Once reaching thy own respected
early. Full retirement ages reality not fantasy. Right
before thy eyes! Is the financial power. Of female
human beings having financial independence. Without
sacrifice of their own dreams and goals, first!
Roy Fennell-06/24/2018-9:31a.m.
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth! Many women
entered past relationships. Only to discover
sooner or later. Their dreams and goals in their
lives. Only became possible while asleep. Even
when awake only memories of their daydreams.
Of our own mutual no escape! To secret gardens mate.
Our red book diary secret way! Unable to runaway.
From our Internet karma fate destiny. Without a
hint/whisper. Of guilt or shame. My amazing female
genies. Always unseen to many others. Have dollar
sign eyes! Which did shine-n-sparkle like diamonds.
Answered the ancient silent mating call delivery.
Deeply! Like nature magic without a whisper. Hint
of pain only financial gain. Lustfully! Wide-eyed
with OMG King Kong size! Queen's served depth of
secret gardens. Surprise with love-n-respect, first!
From their own do them money right man. Safe-n-naked
so they can take a walk on the wild side. Secretly!
Right when you think! You know a female human being
woman you really don't! Ever heard the song Secret
Garden by Bruce Springsteen?
Roy Fennell-06/27/2018-4:38p.m.
Last names our secret to the grave.
Daddy&Mother love together as one.
Lucky us with lust we can trust, forever! Untamable!
Secret wives new lives! While still alive above ground.
Truly! Like no other women on our Planet Earth. Seeing
is believing and feeling it, first! No illusion or mirage.
Fortune while rising up naked! Climbing the ladder of
financial success&liberty. From the beginning seeking
to queens bees reign! On top of the webcam and phone sex.
Global no can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! No!
Never ever can lick it! Adult entertainment Industries
with millions. Of respected women and men. With credit
cards plastic money. To share with their own chosen.
Selected by them favorite fantasy secret girlfriends.
International manhood teasers and secret gardens pleasers.
Available by schedules wet dreams makers booty shakers!
Roy Fennell-06/23/2018-8:07p.m. Neither of my own soon.
To be online married, first! American&Overseas expecting
female TGL-Models. Material girls had no respected
engagement! Wedding rings on their soft fingers, first!
My hands on their naked backs holding it deep-n-steady!
Uncaged! Working and jerking it! Naughty girls goddesses
within the good girls. Like sexual twin sisters team
players. Financially to become enabled in the future. To
never ever be down! On the ground within their lives.
Under the foot, thumb or income control. Of any man on
our Planet Earth. To provide and put food on their
kitchen tables, daily! Including lucky, lucky me.
Sexually! Capturing to own every single drop! Of my
financial seeds of website knowledge. For years of
long-term benefits. Of an offline/online shopping naked!
Sexual freedom safe-n-naked liberation paradise. While
still alive above ground. Able to enjoy all benefits!
Why, for us made their beds shake like a mild earthquake!
3 circles both hands tight complete package. Sexual
engines always running lava hot! Lips sticks, perfumes and
scent claiming no regrets. What belongs to them. Within
our Internet address location home. Tengreatlines.com
Impossible! To be proven or told by anyone! Lustfully! Not
a secret or mystery about us. When their favorite legal
money! Making and booty shaking sexy hi-heel shoes! Like
cement at or near the main. Entrance/exit of their own
castle doors, daily! As they would be near! At the main
entrance/exit door. Of my physical castle in respected
Ceres, California U.S.A.! Creates the sexual heat! Of our
live love affair, daily! Under the minds&hearts protection.
By them round the clock! Safer than any kind of bank vault!
Online married world-class assets secret girlfriends.
Untouchable! International manhood teasers and sweet
secret garden pleasers! Adult female players and entertainers.
Bank books reasons the plastic money is spent!
Live wire heart beating wet dreams makers! No junk in
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Female booty clapping experts! No can touch it delivery.
Bank books opportunity invitation. To come enter their
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Webcam close wide-opened using their seduction magic!
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Wishing they were the women! In their arms and beds, daily!
Available based on their working hours schedules. Some
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knees to up! Webcam close tease wash board abs!
Football players with a sweet taste! Secret desire for older women!
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American&Overseas got online married. Daddy's bank books
material gurls diva women. Untouchable! Camming and phone
sexing female actresses. Role playing goddesses of
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Without any physical sex contact possible. Without their
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1.Legally! They can get paid naked twice!
2.When using their just right-n-tight! Favorite sexual
fantasy wet dreams. OMG size adult pleasure manhood.
Always on target never miss G-spot pops delivery.
No go down or limp toys of joy. Shamelessly! To enjoy
multiple big "O" eruptions. Until weak in the knees!
For complete sexual stress tension relief, daily!
3.Legally! They can get paid naked twice! To train, teach,
make and keep. Their like gold secret gardens! Sweet and
juicy pleasure muffins at once. Snap finger tight with
a whip it! Real good never let it go powerful grip! To
get paid naked to practice. To perfection being ready!
For a potential respected legal honeymoon night! Of
sexual delights being so tight! Some respected female
experienced Porn Stars. May be envy from jealousy!
Down below secret garden results. Without any sexual
contact risks! Without walking out their castle doors.
Online married naughty girls secret wives. Use their
nature born free gift. Of powerful do it urges, daily!
Seduction magic attract-a-mate power. As female players
and no can touch it entertainers. Without surrendering a single drop!
Of their like hot liquid gold muffin honey. Collecting
safe-n-naked electronic. Credit card plastic money.
From their respected hooked-n-seduced secret admirers.
Bank books financial results proof safe sex pays well.
Delivery with less risks of relationships drama, daily!
Priceless potential peace of mind benefits. Less risks
of the unknown. Behind their closed/locked doors, daily!
Impossible! For my amazing sexual genies. Without delivery
of respected engagement. Wedding rings on their soft
fingers, first! Never minds&hearts played income lollipops.
While hearing those powerful naked words " I love you"!
No play not going all the way equal risks saying "I do"!
Legally! Free willing to share potential obligations.
From the beginning all or nothing as is complete package!
Why, no play all the way? From the beginning all or
nothing? AS IS complete package? Next week, month or
year! May be too late! Due to the fact of nobody!
On our Planet Earth to my knowledge. Has an absolute
guarantee. Contract of another tomorrow gift of life.
Roy Fennell-06/27/2018-1:59p.m.
Not an illusion or mirage. American&Overseas got online
married. Daddy's gurls diva women round our world.
Untouchable! Camming&phone sexing world-class assets!
Safe-n-naked within their own castle bedrooms. Became
role playing female actresses. Goddesses of seduction.
Without saying a single word only doing it for us.
With rising higher female pride. Business women of
reality and fantasy. International manhood teasers and
secret. Hot-n-juicy secret garden pleasers. International
moms Internet brides&wives. Having too hot-n-expensive to
touch! Secret gardens like gold with lava hot! Liquid
gold nature born sweetness pleasure muffin honey! Without
surrendering a single drop! Have the seduction power magic!
Without any physical sex contact possible. To collect
plastic money from their own secret admirers. Unlike
past/future boyfriends/girlfriends secret lover or not.
Roy Fennell-07/07/2018-6:34p.m. Their own adult pleasure
castle bedrooms bank books teacher. Queen's served his
own amazing female. Sexual genies delivery with wide-eyed!
OMG King Kong size love-n-respect, first! On purpose to
make their secret! Sexual wet dreams fantasy come true.
Unlike any other women round our world on Planet Earth.
On purpose for us! Took no birth control pills! Within
an exact specific window of most! Juicy-n-ripe time.
Taking all night long naked twice! Secretly! For us
on purpose. Not an oops, accident or mistake! Without
any expensive panties or condoms. In our way so they
could come drown it! Scent claim bone and own it! To
become my every day live! Heart beating Valentines
belonging to each other. No matter the distance of miles.
Having each other's backs! Without lies, games or strings.
When they made their beds shake like a mild earthquake!
It was the naughty girls! Goddesses within the good girls.
Like nature magic team players taking over! Changed my
financial seeds depth of sexual souls creation of life.
To my joyful surprise while deep between their thighs.
Their produced lava hot-n-creamy splatter! Thick like
fresh pouring pancake batter! With such rhythm pounding
force. Began to hit their bedroom ceilings and walls.
For lucky me to see only. Within the windows of their
souls. I saw they had dollar sign eyes! Of different
colors round our world. Looking back at me! Did shine and
sparkle like diamonds. Bright like the stars in the night!
Sexually! We like just got married, today! Bedroom lovers
for us! It was our every day valentine's celebration. To
begin our never ending financial honeymoon! My amazing
sexual genies female outlaws. Were looking for a safe way.
To jailbreak out escape! Go over the wall. Of their
limited income financial prison. Hit the ground on the
run! Naked like female track stars never looking back!
Within their own beds made lucky me feel like a king.
The good girls and twin sisters naughty girls. Without
jealously with lucky me. We became the perfect 3-some.
They had to be the only on our Planet Earth! Respected
Mothers&Aunts of our baby steps game plan creation.
Within the school of life. What goes around comes around. When unexpected the Elusive Butterfly of Love! Is possible
not impossible sooner or later. When needed most just in time within their lives. Even for female survivors. Of all
their past relationships. Combined so they can love, again! Without fears/tears of minds&hearts. Depth of soul pain. Behind
their closed/locked castle doors, daily!
Banging hot bodies or not. On an adult dating/jobs
website or not. For their happy hearts happiness
first not mine. For their savings/checking and
bank. Books first not mine. For our mutual financial
happiness. Security futures together as one. Unstoppable!
Why, should not within any kind of committed relationships?
Women on their own alone in their lives? Not have for
themselves? Their own secret money? Making lover&online
husband? Unselfish team player? Within our one of a
kind unique? Money for us relationship online marriage?
Based on the minds&hearts? Unseen power of true love
itself? Which has not a human face? Cannot be seen even
face? To face naked or not? Only felt no matter the
distance of miles? Has no color, borders or fences?
At any amount cannot be purchased from a shelf?
Seeing is believing&feeling it, first! In everything
for nature born. Online married female TGL-Models.
American&Overseas girls with pride round our world.
Treatment like legal wives not an illusion or mirage.
Daddy&Mother love like nature magic bedrooms creation.
Accepting our own Internet karma fate destiny.
To secret gardens mate! Without physical sex between us.
Our red book diary secret way. Already by website
documented within our live "Book of Love "
Which reflects like a mirror! The red book love page.
Chapter 1, of thy own red book diaries love story.
As soon to be expecting female authors not me!
1.When on the hunt-n-prowl. For potential saving money.
Making money opportunities here is the secret.
2.Quickly! To take the fast lane.
3.Top to bottom of each page. Scroll down to locate.
4.Mouse click target only banners. Or mouse click
only. Underlined text language link paragraphs.
Of your interest right now! To bookmark the page.
To visit at another time no matter the time zone.
5.Not committed within any kind of relationships
women. Who are not paid upfront, first! To have their
profiles/resumes. Exposure on an adult dating/jobs
website. Within our money for us safe relationship
online marriage. As submissive, dominant or switch
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Their respected language we
had nothing to say only do.
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U.S.A. Roy Fennell-12/04/2107-2:51p.m.
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Roy Fennell-12/02/2017-1:13p.m.
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Not being in a snap finger quick-n-fast hurry!
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I hour before the end.Of thy everyday jobs shifts.Slip away to pull down.Take-off thy panties for us
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No matter the soul deep price.Cost of minds&hearts pain!
Roy Fennell-11/04/2017-5:34p.m.
Do each of thee promise? To never tell it to our graves?
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Daddy love! 11/04/2017-6:28p.m.
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Without either of us.Walking out our castle doors.
Not a minds&hearts lie!Having each other's backs!
The daddy of our baby steps!Game plan special delivery!
Did not care about the sizes.Of their nature born breasts!
Due to the facts!From the beginning it was all or nothing!
Lucky me of huge surprise!Buried deep between their thighs tree.
Recieved the complete package twice.Naturally!All night long
whole wedding cake.Good girls&naughty girls 3-some at once!
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dream come true on the outside.Prince charming when
behind/locked doors,daily!.On the inside became the Hulk.
After falling in love,first!Unable to escape!
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth?
1 million phone calls/text messages!
Cannot compare being proof!
For thy own eyes,minds&hearts.
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On the DiVa women page,24/7!
Roy Fennell-11/15/2017-10:33a.m.
Thy own first&only one,forever!
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Roy Fennell-11/04/2017-6:08p.m.
Absolutely&truly! If free will ready without strings right,now!
Time to scroll down this page.Being (TGL)-Models page 1!
Until seeing 13 in a row.Identified/named by choices.
1st choice,2nd choice,3rd choice,etc.! Underlined text linked
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paragraph.The window will open.To what is called the landing page.Of thy favorite(s) webcam choices.Have any/all questions.Answered
by a respected customer service person.After the 13th camsite choice.Discover the outstanding phone sex.Employment opportunity
text link and banner,too! The same way above mouse click for us.Roy Fennell-09/27/2017-4:08p.m.
Round our world! At their expense not ours! Expert professional training&tips,free!
Professional training provided by respected webcam and
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Elimination of what if,unexpected pink slip fears
Shhh,promise to never tell it? 1 hour before the end?
Of thy everyday jobs workshifts? Our secret garden?
Reasons to pull down? Take off thy expense panties?
Secret intimacy sexual desire between just us? (*_*)
Either of our castles! It would be the same secret!
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth! Many female human
beings. Absolutely! Do/will not enter an exclusive.Just us
relationship with a male. Human being without expectations.
Legally!To become respected Mothers&Lovers!Under the covers
learning how,daily! To become in bed sex machine Queens.
Man&wife married respected parents.If,nature able.
Not within a just us relationship,unmarried! Unable to be
wild-n-free! To date other men/women.Exactly! As it was
before they walked in the door. Of the exclusive just
us relationship.Roy Fennell-12/02/2017-12:24p.m.
Sexually! With mutual lockdown control of lust! How can it
be possible? For female human beings? To explore with lucky?
Male human beings as their teachers? Mutual adult pleasure
benefits? Of dine at the "Y" delights? For 1 hour, daily?
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within an exclusive? Just us relationship discovery?
Roy Fennell-12/02/2017-12:38p.m.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
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Ones on their respected honeymoon nights.With eye candy
engagement/wedding rings.On each of their fingers!
Daddy Love!Roy Fennell-11/30/2017-8:48p.m.
For Queen training&riding hard thrones!Not in a hurry!
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Would live for the day!To make a male PornStar!
Beg&cry while being pounded!To the bed or ground!
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Phone sex secret admirers one at a time.To pay all their
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believe and treat!Themselves like modern day women Queens.
Without walking out their castle doors,happily!
Roy Fennell-11/30/2017-4:13p.m.
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth.
A nature born woman's secret garden.
Of endless delights, daily! Is not
like a toolbox. Only used when a
specific. Tool is required for the
job, right now! Once the job in
done. Until another one requires
right, now! Special attention be
it quick! Or for 8 hours or more!
Roy Fennell-12/04/2017-11:46a.m.
Oil lubricates the engine of a car!
OMG size toys of G-spot joy! Sexually!
Lubricates thy secret garden engines, daily!
Eyes wide-open/closed tight! Exact same benefits!
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Without any lubrication, first! How much agony&pain?
For a woman who made the minds? Hearts mistake to enter
a relationship? Where Might Is Right? Wrong or Right? In
the mood for physical sex? Or not it be taken? Her
dream hero becoming her nightmare, daily? Missed the
boat opportunity. Not herself, first! Dependent upon him/her to love!
Take care of her to the grave! Became the victim of
another. Unhappy ending love story in silence, daily!
Each of my first&only Ones, forever! Promised me to
our graves! To never tell on us! Were in the Bow-wow!
For daddy position naked! Wearing Killer sexy shoes!
Writing in their own red book diaries! Chapter 1 of
their red book love story! Multi-tasking before it.
Was time for humble me! Of big huge special delivery
tree. To return to respected Ceres,california U.S.A.
Never seen entering/exiting their castle doors.
They became my live! Heartbeating every day valentine!
Fresh&sweet just right! Picked from the vine! Using the
full-length mirrors.To practice to perfection! Dancing
naked for us! In step to the beat! Of their favorite song!
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Who love to get paid naked on purpose! Safely&secretly to hump,bump,pump
and grind! Their favorite OMG size sexual fantasy! Adult pleasure manhood toy of joy! Enjoying powerful cannon blast
physical orgasms! To practice to perfection for us! Legally,their own special kind of pole it up-n-down technique! Like go
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On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Within our money for us relationship online marriage!
Once earned camming&phone sexing hard amounts.
Becomes equal/greater.Than thy respected everyday jobs
paycheck! How can the above be a lie? Having priceless peace of mind?
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Together as one not a lie,why?
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Bank book reality not fantasy! Safe&naked increased the amounts!
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Born to become legal get paid naked! Goddesses of seduction!
Untamable! Business women of fantasy! Unconditional!
Female bosses&co-pilots joystick riders!
On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Online married our red book.
Diary secret way to the boss.Of Ten Great Lines.
Thy own secret money making lover&online husband.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Opportunity naked! To seduce hook fo' life! Thy own
respected webcam&phone sex.Secret admirers to
wide-open collect.Loads of plastic money.Without
surrendering a single drop! Of thy like hot liquid
gold! Nature born sweet pleasure muffin honey!
Not wasting thy priceless time.Seeking a boyfriend/
girlfriend! Who will not be paying all thy bills.
Including monthly car payments/insurance,too!
Without a ton of strings&loads of sex! In the mood
for it or not! On his/her terms only not yours!
Roy Fennell-10/24/2017-8:30a.m.
Female bosses&co-pilots! Cockpit joystick riders!
On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Within our money for us relationship online marriage!
My International loves within the school of life.
Here be free priceless advice.Based on my own bank
book.Shock experience lucky me.Had more than one.
Legal source income stream.Had it not been true.
By depending my only survival,daily! On a single
paycheck or someone else! Could have been a quick!
Knockout in the first round.For humble me with only.
Flat on my back broke!Hope being a bed at the
respected Gospel Mission,again.High survival risk
to depend on someone else.Or living paycheck-to-
paycheck! More details on the Models-2 page!
Roy Fennell-11/30/2017-7:14p.m.
Of our own mutual Internet karma/fate destiny.To secret
gardens mate.Our red book diary special way.Possible!
Safely! By Internet for us! Financially engaged&online married!
To thy own secret money.Making lover&online husband.
Unseen Queens of my physical castle! Loved,respected
with treatment.Like legal wives without strings! Without
walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.Based on the power.
Of unseen minds&hearts.True love itself which has no
human faces.Unstoppable! Roy Fennell-11/01/2017-8:43a.m.
No matter the distance of miles.Together as one.Untamable!
Being the wind beneath each other's wings in life.
Unconditional! Not the ball-n-chains.To keep us down!
Unable to jailbreak escape! Going over the wall runaway!
From our limited income prisons! Towards financial freedom
power.Butterfly love do as we please lives,daily!
Luxury&gangnam lifestyles futures reality.Down the roads.
Bi-ways and highways of our lives.With only one life to live!
There is more to life.Than living to work! Still broke&unhappy.
Up until one foot in our graves.Absolutely&truly!
After years of labor just to survive,daily! Is it a lie or the
undisputed truth? Many women without a respected everyday jobs?
Retirement HR benefits package? Waiting for them?
At the end of the rainbow? Once reaching respected early?
Full retirement ages in their lives? Financially may be unable?
To escape the silent sentence fate? Having to drive from home to work?
Then drive from work back home,again?
Beyond their respected early&full retirement ages? After
years of labor still unable to rest.Still working up until one.
Foot in the grave just to survive.Living to work unhappy,daily!
Not working to live happy,daily! With only one life to live,daily!
Each of my female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.Are serious as a
sudden heart attack! Living to enjoy&experience for themselves.
No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can lick it! Legal get paid
naked! Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy delights! DiVa women futures happy,daily! Loads of neverending love.For
the size of their Big Bank Books! As female bosses their own webcam&phone sex.
Schedules gives birth creates the heart beat.Brings to life our baby.Steps game
plan within their own castle bedrooms by Internet.Financially engaged&online married.To the boss of Ten Great Lines.Our
red book diary secret way! To begin their own red book love stories! (*_+)
Based on their own individual seduction power magic!
Banging bodies or not.Delivery bank book results below.
Impossible for them naked! Not to believe and feel,daily!
Special with higher self-esteem! With a ton of rose up!
Higher female pride! With more confidence they can
survive! Providing and creating better lives,alone!
Fearlessly! Daring to soar higher in life.To heights
the mighty Eagles! Cannot fly without anyone.
Being the unseen chains.Anchors to keep them.
Down on the ground.Unable to reach,touch and kiss!
The unreachable STAR! Of their goals&dreams.
For their happy hearts happiness,first!
Roy Fennell-10/19/2017-5:37p.m.
Online married, first! Got virgin cherry popped twice!
All night long wide-open naked! Secretly! Within their own
castle bedrooms. Born to be wild-n-free Female (TGL)-Models.
Discovered they could get paid.
Legally! Naked twice to look&feel their best, daily!
Absolutely&truly! For their own seduced/hooked
for life. Respected webcam&phone sex.Secret admirers and can
use.Their own working hours schedules. Like appointments
to wide-open collect. Loads of electronic credit card.
Plastic money without surrendering a single. Drop of their
like hot lava. Liquid gold pleasure muffin honey. Born to
become the respected Mothers. Of our baby steps game plan.
International moms Internet brides&wives.
Daddy love lucky me! Roy Fennell-12/05/2017-22:56p.m.
My all or nothing first&only Ones, forever! Unstoppable!
Of our own mutual. Internet karma fate destiny. For them
not me receiving opportunity. For fame, fortune to reign.
On top of the global. Webcam&phone sex adult entertainment
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eye candy fabulous sexy hi-heel shoes.
Driving new cars as DiVa women.
Dressed to impress the world look at me!
Self-employed wild-n-free! To do as they please, daily!
All night long wide-open naked within thy bedrooms
Do each of thee promise? To never tell it? Untamable! Naturally! We did it twice on purpose?
Of sexual cybersex fantasy. Will be rising up bank books
reality. Got virgin cherry popped twice. All night long
wide-open naked! Within thy own castle bedrooms. Round
our world who do? Each of thee see? Except thyselves got
online married,first! International moms Internet brides&
wives.Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
International manhood teasers! Secret garden pleasers!
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Legal get paid online.In multiple ways naked secret!
Wives&Queens on the run. To escape thy limited income.
Financial prisons as female bosses. DiVa women online married.
To the boss of Ten Great Lines.Deeply! Queen served it! Of no small
measure. Thy own first&only one,forever! Being my first&only
Ones,forever! From the beginning AS IS! Banging bodies or not.
No matter the nature born sizes of thy breasts.
Good enough fo'life. Without strings,games or lies.Having
each other's backs! Going in the direction. Of thy own
respected retirement ages. With us being the proud parents.
Of our creation baby steps.Game plan for our own mutual.
Financial happiness/security futures.Unseen Queens of my
physical castle.Within respected Ceres,california U.S.A.
Roy Fennell-12/02/2017-4:24p.m.
I confess while I was deep. Under the secret garden
umbrellas.Of each of my female TGL-Models,worldwide.
When their hot lava! Thick-n-creamy splatter. Like pancake
batter released with force! Hit ceilings and walls. Neither
of us had to say a word. They were Yes, I do money ready!
To create their own legal. Money making naked occupation&career.
To collect loads of plastic money.
From their own hooked/seduced fo' life.
Respected webcam&phone sex secret admirers.
To support their desired every day luxury.
Gangnam lifestyle futures as DiVa women, period!
To be deep between each of thy thighs all night!
Right before thy eyes! Thy own adult pleasure! Castle beds! Bank books teacher OMG no small measure!
Treatment like legal Wives&Queens! With opportunity of
an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
To spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously.Like modern day
women Queens.Without walking out thy castle doors.
Not a minds&hearts lie! On the online shop(1-20)pages.
Take a wide-open naked look.What in many cases.
Merchandise which could be shipped to thy castles.
Or specific exact shipping addresses,worldwide.
Provided by plastic money of thy own seduced fo'life.
Respected webcam&phone sex secret admirers.
Exactly! As it would be between us! Legally!
If we were married right,now! Living under thy own
castle roofs,daily! Not our faults still benefits possible!
Unconditional! Untamable! Unstoppable! Based on the
power! Of unseen minds&hearts.True love,itself!
Under the same heavenly roof! Of the stars,skies,moon and
sun,above.Not for me to know/understand only do! To help
ease some of soul deep pain! Help heal some of the minds.
Hearts wounds/scars from all! Of thy past relationships!
Roy Fennell-10/24/2017-10:50a.m.
Impossible! Between us for either of thee,24/7!
To become pregnant&alone! Minds&hearts pain!Feeling abandoned like a car.Left in a field/on highway!
To increase the amounts.Entering thy password protected.
Savings&checking accounts.Growing the size of thy bank books.
Legally! Get paid naked twice for us! Without walking out thy
castle bedrooms/doors,worldwide.Right after thy everyday.
Jobs work not our faults.We are unable to be naked.In thy
castle beds making plans.For our own mutual financial.
Happiness&security futures.Legally! Married wide-open naked!
While recieving secret gardens.Special dine at thy Y's!
Attention not less than 1 hour,daily! To relieve sexual tension.
Stress from on the jobs pressure.With risks during thy commutes.
Doing it all for nobody! On our Planet Earth except us!
Daddy love! 10/19/2017-2:44p.m.Adult pleasure of no small
measure.Castle bedrooms bank books teacher,too!
Tell nobody about us! Of sexual cybersex fantasy.
All night long secret gardens mate.Naturally! Nakedly!
Like wild animals in the jungle! Due to the naked facts.
A just us relationship.With mutual lust and trust control.
Is an adult pleasure just us.With lust 2-way street,daily!
Why should super horny-n-wet women,daily? Allow
themselves to enter a relationship? Without upfront
proof,first? Their sweet-n-juicy nature born kitties?
Will recieve the above benefits? Somehow? Someway?
Until weak in their knees,daily? Pleased when round our
world? It be 24 hours in a day? Down below benefits
more sexual satisfaction! Less risk of becoming
unplanned pregnant! Benefits of the "69" position,too!
1 hour per day! How is that too much? To expect and
recieve? Like castle Queens from their lucky ones?
Right before thy eyes never tell it!
Reasons for bed soaked sheets.
Secret garden wet dreams!
Unexpected sudden body jerks
at work.Thinking about us even
within thy dreams with steam!
Time to love,again! Without fear
of the unknown.Behind closed
or locked doors between us,24/7!
Blame it all on me.Why each of thee not able!
To answer thy smart phones.Except emergency calls! Naturally! Too busy wide-open naked doing me!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
From the brginning treatment like legal wives.
Equal side-by-side female co-pilots.In the cockpit with me!
On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Most 747 Jumbo Jets.
Eco-friendly powerful Internet global search engines.
No ticket required all!Round trip flights free on me!
Your friendly captain of no small measure.Lives in respected
Ceres,california.Roy Fennell-12/01/2017-4:22p.m.
Thy own secret money.Making lover&online husband.
For thy safety,first! On the roads,bi-ways and highways.
When driving to thy everyday jobs.Then coming back
home safely for us,daily! Not an oops,accident or mistake.
Of Internet karma fate.On this specific page only.
A new cars underlined paragraph text link.Real life not
fake.Opportunity to visualize naked! With wide-open thighs.
Wearing only thy just us.Camming&phone sexing hard.
Sexy hi-heel shoes.Seeing thyselves behind the wheels.
In the driver's seat.As female bosses online married.
To the boss of Ten Great Lines.Legal get paid naked!
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.
First&only Ones,forever! Like no others on Planet Earth!
Roy Fennell-09/28/2017-9:35a.m.Ain't no lie I do,first!
Care if either of you,lives,starves or dies,daily!
From the beginning no play.All the way special delivery!
Female bosses in the driver's seat control.Of the desired
direction.Not me of thy lives&futures.My first&only Ones,
forever!Within our money for us relationship online
marriage.Ain't no minds&hearts lie.Naked or not!Banging
bodies or not.Right before thy eyes!Be the to our graves.
Secret hidden hot love benefits.Round our world for women.
In silence bored out of their minds,daily!Sexually!
Starving and hungry for safe&naked!Sexual excitement!
They can trust to uncage!Set wild-n-free their secret lust.
Quickly!Right after work,daily!As legal money making secret.
Wives&Queens delivery of financial.Sexual satisfaction delights.
Long overdue excitations every day!
Enjoyment benefits at once.From webcam&phone sex employment.
Opportunity for thyselves first not me!
Camming&phone sexing financial joy.Becoming the safe&naked.
Creation of thy own new!Occupation&career.Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of reality&fantasy.DiVa women
lives luxury&gangnam lifestyles.Futures towards thy own
individual respected retirement ages.Begins once hired for
us!Of webcam&phone sex employment,first!From the beginning
within the more!Than 50 pages of Ten Great Lines.Each of thee come first not me!
Based on the unseen power.Of minds&hearts.True love itself of our own mutual.Internet
karma fate destiny.To secret gardens mate.Our red book diary secret way.With thy own secret.Money making lover&online
husband.With wide-eyed surprise!Slowly!Not in a hurry OMG!King Kong size love-n-respect,first!Special
delivery to stay!Not dip-n-go runaway.Selfishly!No
matter the cost.Price of soul deep minds&hearts pain!
Roy Fennell-12/01/2017-4:41p.m.Zero financial benefits
to gain.From thy own respected everyday.Jobs paychecks no
matter the size.Or amounts not thy income money,first!
While singing the song.Of those powerful naked words!
"I love you" without respected engagement&wedding rings.
On thy fingers,first!Being the complete package.Whole
wedding cake&icing legal only Ones.Good enough to receive
the benefits.To become the only ones fo'life!If not a game!
Each of thee will see,first! Purple color sexy shoes!
Hat with lipstick all of glitter.Then new cars link.
Are you a respected International mom? Right
before thy eyes.Here we be as minds&hearts.
Parents together as one.Thinking about the
safety.Of thy precious child(s)! When each of
you.Are driving on the roads.Bi-ways and
highways.Roy Fennell-10/04/2017-6:35a.m.
Real life not fake benefits.For round our world!
Respected single/divorced moms.On their own
living alone.In their lives,daily! Safely! Secretly!
From the beginning as online married,first! Our red book
diary secret way.Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
On fire actions and motions desire! Seeking to rise up.
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Global adult entertainment Industry! Financial freedom power.
Butterfly love do as thy please lives,daily! Rich/wealthy
women from purchases.Of gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones.
Can be dreams come true.Results for each of you!
Luxury&gangnam lifestyles futures.Mutual Internet karma/fate
destiny.To touchdown on the financial success runway.
Naked! Wearing extremely expensive eye candy.
Camming&phone sexing for us.Sexy hi-heel shoes!
Daddy love! 09/30/2017-5:57p.m.
On the Woman-2&Models-6 pages.Not an illusion,mirage
nor fantasy about us.With animalistic sexual cybersex.
No glove/no birth control pills.Lust being in a naked!
Hurry to create the heartbeats.Giving new lives to
our baby.Steps game plan like nature magic!
Within thy own castle beds,worldwide.
Making history creation of life.
Without physical sex between us!
Roy Fennell-09/30/2017-6:36p.m.
Benefits of financial ecstasy.With hot naked
thighs! Clapping like hands excitement!
Can be discovered on the Woman-2 page,now!
With secret gardens workin'/slappin' it!
All night long mating nonstop joy! OMG!
Big surprise deep special delivery! King
Kong size love-n-respect,first!
Not our faults we are unable to be Legally!
Already married living within each of thy castles,daily! Planning our futures,naked,daily!
To see wide-open naked! The truth about us!
Click the you&me***I do,page.Who I be for each
of thee.Of virtual reality proof.For thy eyes,minds
and hearts.Love itself not just a fairy tale story.
Respected little girl princesses.Dreams when
becoming adult.Women can come true.Without
physical sex coming,first! Roy Fennell-09/30/2017-11:42p.m.
As born to become online married,first! Like nature magic!
Virgin cherry popped twice! Good enough fo' life!
Naughty girls&secret wives.Of the billions of other women.
Round our world! Each of thee born to be making history.
As documented within thy red book diaries!
Female authors of thy own live,daily! Red book love stories!
Take a wide-open naked! Look at the red book love page.
Based upon the unseen power! Of minds&hearts true
love,itself! Which has not human faces!
Roy Fennell-10/10/2017-9:47a.m.
It not be for me.To know why/understand only do.
For each of you without questions.Be my own free will.
Accepted Internet karma fate.Destiny I cannot escape!
Real life not fake.Reality not fantasy in an ecomomy.
Of snap finger quick everyday jobs.What if,loss&stress,daily!
Unexpected store closures not possible.
To be under thy control.Potential buy-outs&mergers.Cuts
in hours/pay.Or sudden shift changes.What if,pink slips,daily!
Some women with an overload of obligations.
Such as monthly car/mortgage payments.Student loans blues
even credit card debts.Trying the best they can alone.In their
lives living paycheck.To paycheck with female pride!
Alive not buried above ground.Within our money for us
relationship online marriage.Opportunity of the creation.
Without hesitation of their own occupation&careers!
To stomp twice like a roach! On the kitchen floor!
Eliminate their what if,jobs loss fears!Eliminate their
what if,pink slip stress&tears,daily!As no can touch it!
Only dream about it!No can kiss it!Forget about it!
No!No!No!Never can lick it!Safe&naked legal get paid!
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of reality&fantasy.
Benefits opportunity to wide-open.
Collect/earn an unlimited amounts.Of electronic cards
plastic money.Be it weekly/bi-weekly!Monthly even yearly
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admirers due to the facts.Together as one like a money.
Making family the respected webcam.Phone sex employers
at Ten Great Lines.Have millions of respected clients&customers.
With millions of credit cards.With millions of respected family!
Friends with millions of plastic money,too!
Roy Fennell-11/30/2017-6:47p.m.
Of our own mutual Internet.Karma/fate destiny secret gardens mate.
Without games,strings or lies.Each of my nature born!
Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.Based on the unseen power.
Of minds&hearts true love,itself! Loved,respected with treatment.
Like legal naked wives,daily! Right before thy eyes! Absolutely&truly! Ain't no oops,accident
or mistake.Being the center of attention! In the spotlight!
Recognized by the website titled pages.Relationships!
Naughty girls&secret wives! Goddesses of seduction!
Secret gardens! Not an illusion,mirage or fantasy.
Roy Fennell-10/10/2017-10:03a.m.
As modern day women of today with female pride,worldwide.
Who live and are alone in thy lives,daily! By birth banging
bodies or not nature born.It be thy own Internet karma.
Fate destiny to secret gardens mate.With thy own secret.
Money making lover&online husband.Due to the facts.
Of thy own known/unknown family tree history!
Each of thee are the best.Of female human beings on Planet Earth!
I say deserves the opportunity to have it all!
Feeling&treating thyselves.Like modern day women Queens!
Born to become financially enable.From webcam&phone sex.
Employment to spoil&pamper yourselves,deliriously!
Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.
With wide-eyed OMG! King Kong size love-n-respect,first!
The known/not unknown daddy.Queen served deep all.
Night long beneath thy umbrellas special delivery.
From respected Ceres,california,worldwide.
International moms Internet brides&wives.
Each of my female (TGL)-Models like nature magic!
Financially engaged&online married,first!
Our red book diary secret way.Roy Fennell-10/10/2017-9:52a.m.
Virgin cherry popped twice.Good enough fo' life!
Under the same heavenly roof.Of the stars,skies,moon and
sun above.By the unseen power! Of minds&hearts true love!
All night long each of my female (TGL)-Models!
Were wide-open in a naked hurry! To create the heartbeats.New lives of our baby steps game plan!
Impossible for me to runaway! Escape my own free will.
Accepted Internet karma/fate destiny.To become for each
of you! Thy own never can tell it! Secret money making
lover&online husband.Not possible for any hiring to be
done.Behind thy backs based on the facts.
For your complete safety&privacy,first! On this specific page.
All applications are online only.Legally,never seen by me.
Only accepted&seen by the respected webcam&phone sex
employers.Who protect with expensive computer.
Systems all your personal ID,true names,etc.!
Roy Fennell-10/10/2017-10:17a.m.The same is true.With non
Under thy own not ours password protection! I have zero
legal access to any of thy accounts! Not an oops,accident
or mistake.You see no shopping carts at Tengreatlines.com.
In principle Ten Great Lines.Is a no upfront fee gateway.
Of underlined text paragraphs which link.To the direct sources.
Should a purchase be made anywhere,worldwide.
Whatever may be my cut/percentage.Comes to me from the
specific source.Not from either of thee.Into my own password
protected accounts.With thy own business websites.
The exact same would be true,too! Zero joint bank accounts!
Therefore,what cannot be denied when naked for us!
Good girls&naughty girls! At once being the complete
package.Minds,hearts,bodies and spirits! Inside/outside
being the whole wedding cake.Within our money for us relationship.
Online marriage treatment like legal wives!
Under the same heavenly roof.Of the stars,skies,moon and
sun,above! Right before thy eyes! Unseen minds&hearts!
True love itself has nothing to do! With physical sex they
are different.Like daytime is to night-time!
Chinese proverb:Reorganization is crucial at this time.
Chinese proverb:Wrinkles should merely indicate where smiles have been.
Chinese proverb:Many recieve advice,only the wise profit from it.
Chinese proverb:Relax and enjoy yourself.
Chinese proverb:Luck is on your side today.
Chinese proverb:Professionalism is knowing how to do it,when to do it,and doing it.
Time to live enjoying the experience,daily!
Of having thy own unseen man! Behind each of thee in thy lives without strings online married!
Of sexual cybersex fantasy bank books reality each one.
Of my 3 circles/both hands tight! Nature born delights!
Online married female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Wide-open naked! Promised to never ever tell it! To
our graves when riding my joystick,wildly!
In the reverse cowgirl position! Like legal naked wives.
Heart pounding sex machines in the cockpit.
Their breasts be held tightly! Within the big strong hands.
Of their own secret money.Making lover&online husband.
Who be their own do! Them money right man,too!
Daddy love! 10/10/2017-12:03p.m.Female survivors of all.
Past relationships combined for us.To secret gardens mate.
Of our own mutual Internet karma/fate destiny!
Like in their castle beds with power! The secret garden
reasons.747 Jumbo Jets shake! Of Ten Great Lines Airlines.
Can it be proven or told by anyone? Each of thee?
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Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Hidden love benefits of webcam&phone sex employment.
When using thy favorite OMG size! Adult pleasure manhood
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Due to the facts.Birth control pills/devices! Cannot protect a
woman/women! From such STD viruses,worldwide!
Benefits to avoid making the minds&hearts.Too late mistake
entering a relationship.Without mutual lust control lockdown.
Being in the mood for sex or not,taken! At will behind closed/
locked doors.No matter the depth/cost! Of silent minds&hearts pain.
With tears soaked pillows of sorrow.Not raining joyful tears of happiness!
What can be worse for a woman/women? Absolutely&truly! She/they made
minds&hearts? Mistake then discovered too late? Had entered a relationship?
Under the same physical roof? Of which Might makes Right,Wrong or Right? Based on physical power&control not love? From
the beginning to agree?
As civilized human beings to disagree without violence?
Online married,first! Queens of thy own castles.
Unseen online married Queens! Of my physical castle.Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide!
Based on the solid as a rock foundation.With the unseen
power.Of minds&hearts true love,itself! Which can never die.
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Not an
oops,accident or mistake.Nor illusion,mirage or fantasy.
Reflects like a mirror.Exactly how it would be between us.
Legally! if married living under thy own castle roofs,daily!
Financially engaged&online married by Internet.Safely!
Our red book diary secret way is not a lie.Having thy naked
backs.Round our world like legal wives,daily! In an economy
of snap finger.Quick everyday potential jobs loss stressful.
Tears with potential unexpected pink slip fears,daily!
For our own mutual financial happiness/security futures.
Time for us to secret gardens mate.To begin our own
neverending monetary honeymoon.For each of thee in
mutiple ways naked.Born to recieve loads of benefits.
Treatment like modern day women Queens excitement.
Financial coming&making money with thy own secret.
Money making lover&online husband.Roy Fennell-10/18/2017-12:38p.m.
Of sexual cybersex wet dreams.Bed soaked sheets fantasy.
Rising up bank books reality.3 circles/both hands naked!
Queens served with special attention,24/7! 365 days a year.
Available within thy own castle bedrooms without strings!
Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide!
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Greeting&mating Internet address location home.Tengreatlines.com
No problems/conflicts possible.Within thy good girls.
Everyday personal/private lives.Zero on the job gossip!
My first&only Ones,forever! These are called banners.
Thy own online husband.Uses within our Internet home.
Location address home, Tengreatlines.com. When banners
are mouse. Clicked by Internet they take you. To the
source/landing page. The same is true. When either of
thee. Mouse click anywhere on an underlined text.
Paragraph within the more. Than 50 pages of your online
husband's! Business name Ten Great Lines. Enjoy wet dreams
and sudden body. Jerks at work when thinking of boy.
Girl names for thy own business websites!
Roy Fennell-12/03/2017-9:22a.m.Exact same true love, first!
For women if, unable by nature to create life, within! If
they be 21,30 or 55 years of age. Like nature magic! Even
respected virgins have what if, jobs loss fears, too!
SugarDaddyMeet.com - the best Sugar Daddy personals and Sugar Baby Female dating site!
International moms Internet brides&wives
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Proud not shamed parents&team players.
Of our baby steps game plan
Financially engaged&online married,first!
Camming&phone sexing hard.Legal money making naked secret Wives&Queens!
Who do each of thee see? From my all night long special
delivery? Except thyselves seeking girl/boy!
Baby names for thy own business websites:
1.Between Woman-1 and Woman-4 pages
2.Near the bottom of the employment&business pages.
Naked! Each of thee can wide-eyed see!
How&why it is possible.Not impossible for each of thee.
To create,build,maintain and promote,worldwide.
With female pride thy own DiVa Women Empires!
Daddy love! 09/25/2017-10:35a.m.When sticking to the
game plan.Like just poured fresh cement.Using the text
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game plan,too!
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One baby step at a time.Without force/pressure.
Female bosses online married! Our red book diary
special way.To the boss of Ten Great Lines.
Roy Fennell-09/25/2017-11:28a.m.
For a safe new beginnings&man in thy lives!
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On this specific page.If there was only to see.
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Underlined paragraph text links and or banner.
Without any other text at all.How could either of thee?
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Naked! All of my nature born female.(TGL)-Models,worldwide.
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While still above ground! Enjoying the juicy fruits.Of their labor.Online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.Spending
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What they do is just do! They made it.This far in their lives.By refusing to remain motionless. Unstoppable!
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For International for the money women! Material&daddy's good,bad and naughty
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above ground.To stay up not down.Rising up as being their savings.Checking accounts amounts towards financial success.Doing
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false promises,strings,games and lies! From others only seeking to get it all free! No matter the minds&hearts.Cost of
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Making lover&online husband. The boss of Ten Great Lines. Of no small measure. Roy Fennell-01/18/2018-2:00p.m.
With a ton of female pride. To survive and get ahead. To stay in life, daily! Nature born female TGL-Models. Round our
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Layover castle bedroom visit in respected Ceres, California U.S.A.! Treatment like legal Wives&Unseen Queens. Lava
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International Respected Mothers of our baby. Steps game plan for our mutual financial success. For our mutual financial
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Within our money for us relationship online marriage. International moms Internet brides&wives. Wearing only thy
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The numbers and facts. On the secret wives page. Not a minds&hearts lie or game. How&why it is possible. $4000.00,
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Based on thy own individual. Yes I do free will only. Acceptance of thy own Internet. Karma fate destiny opportunity.
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No! No! No! Never can ever lick it! Legal get paid naked! Goddesses of seduction. Business women of reality&fantasy.
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If each of thee! Are Yes I do! Wide-open ready to promise. Me of no small measure. Shamelessly! To our graves!
Secretly! From the beginning to never tell it, 24/7! For thy own special kind. Of Greet&Meet with Lust! Do each
of thee. Money Right Man it be naked time. To discover&explore all. Of the shop 1-20 pages. Top to bottom to see
proof! Not an illusion, fantasy nor mirage. What can be shipped to thy castle doors! To feel&treat thyselves. Like
modern day women Queens. Spoiling&pampering yourselves, deliriously! As online married DiVa women of thy own secret.
Money making lover&online husband,24/7! Roy Fennell-01/19/2018-12:43p.m. 365 days a year. Without walking out
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Are you a woman? One of the millions? Of super horny-n-wet? Women not committed within any just us? Relationships round
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first! All employment applications are only. Located near the bottom. Of the TGL-Models page. Identified/named by choices. To
come see about us&our future. Type into google search for us. Tengreatlines.com. Roy Fennell-01/19/2018-1:17p.m.
Bonjour my loves! The underlined text language paragraph you see above!
Is called a text link! A could be a single sentence! You can mouse click! Anywhere on the paragraph and it will open!
Like a locked/closed door! When you see such links as above! Think of them of what you see! As being like a classified ad!
In a newspaper or magazine publication!
This is the same rule of thumb! Anywhere within our online shared website! The
link below is called a banner link without the text visible! it is unseen beneath the banner itself! Roy Fennell-10/09/2016-10:03p.m.
Recently for myself to celebrate Fathers' day! I ordered 2 bottles of spirits! Fantastic service with a thank-you for
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If,the micro-brew source above! Has a sample package! It will be on my list!
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I ordered Scottish Leader(Blended Scotch Whiskey)! And Dutch's Spirits'(New York-Sugar Wash Moonshine) Roy Fennell-10/13/2016-9:18a.m.(I
placed my order! From within our online shared website)! In principle,the same way! Applies with camming&phone sexing
elecronic paychecks! Directly,into each of your individual bank accounts! Not our joint bank accounts! Bottom-line each
of you get paid,first! Not your online husband! Unseen behind each of you in life! A single phone call away 24/7 365 days
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Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Each woman knows for a
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adventure women! Online married Cherrypopped team player Internet brides&wives! Your online unseen husband&no
upfront fee talent agent! In the meantime just keep coming for your secret money making lover! Keep coming for your morning,noon
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No telling on us! Within our secret meeting place/Internet home! Minds&hearts protection safer than a bank vault!
Banging bodies or not! Safely,how you use what you! Got without being played for free! Is all that dollars¢s counts!
Within thy bank book accounts! 10/01/2016-8:32p.m.
Of our own mutual Internet.Karma/fate destiny.How is it our fault? Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! Naturally! Deeply! Lustfully!
Like wild animals in the jungle? Shamelessly! All night long to secret gardens mate? When prince charming did not call? Ms/Mr.Right
were not in a hurry? To knock on their castle doors? When even in their dreams? Were waiting for them? To come&stay in
their lives? To be their ever loyal? Committed and faithful legal brides? If,nature able the respected Mothers? Of their precious
Love to know a secret? About female human beings? Who fall in love? With the lucky ones? Male human beings who understands
them,first? Once a woman enters an exclusive.Just us relationship she is free will.Ready to commit to being loyal! Faithful
without saying a single word.Nor in writing on paper.Having the same minds.Hearts and sexual expectations.Automatically from
the lucky.Ones male human beings.Why,is it not a lie? They could be still free.To date at will.Other men/women even both at
once.Within a relationship as a nature.Born woman with not of her.Control powerful do it urges,daily! Respected secret
garden reasons of respected childbirth.Respected creation of life.To become a respected Mother.If,nature able and female.Adult
pleasure lover,daily! Who can provide financial support.As per rent,utilities,groceries,etc.! As female team players Queens.Of
the castles who got the backs! Of their lucky ones Kings.Who treats them good-n-right! Committed,loyal and faithful!
Even when out of their sight! Becomes wealthy in their unseen.Oceans&Seas of endless love,forever! This is the unspoken
truth! Each of my female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.Good girls&naughty girls.Goddesses within themselves at once.Began to
bounce my naked back! Against each wall of their castle bedrooms! Wildly! Working me hard like in race.Of competition between
them! To feel the heartbeat,first! All night long lucky me! Secret gardens&complete package,too! Whole bodies roasting
alive,daily! 365 days a year.From the flames of secret desire fire.Hot bun in the oven,daily! Within our secret&unique!
One of kind minds&hearts true love affair,daily! Secretly! Shamelessly! Nakedly! Deeply! As much as thee can take
deep.When using their OMG size! Manhood joystick toy bringing weak! In their knees joy thinking about us,Daydreaming and Nightdreaming
of baby.Names of their own business websites.Custom designed business cards,too! In the unknown futures! Some may experience
physical orgasms.Which makes their naked thighs! Clap together like hands.Absolutely! During a standing ovation when for themselves.Discover
these website links.To create,build,maintain and promote! Their own Diva Women Empires.Naked! Without walking out their castle
doors,worldwide.Lucky me with lust of female werewolves.Neverending of sexual heat.They were hungry and thirsty.To take and
seize 3 circles ownership.Of every single drop.I could deliver and surrender.Of financial seeds of website knowledge! Within
our money for us relationship.Online marriage neverending be our financial honeymoon.Their magic moment of sexual.Souls deep
ecstasy was a cannon.Boom-boom eruption when each one.Felt the first heartbeat of true love victory! Upon wings of butterflies&Internet!
The elusive Butterfly of Love! Roy Fennell-09/24/2017-3:31p.m.
Each of them minds&hearts.To the depth of their sexual souls.While working
it like they owned,forever! Discovered the truth about us.Of our mutual Internet.Karma/fate destiny each one.As female human
being SURVIVORS.Based on their own free choices.Within all past relationships,combined:
1.Had they remained they would have drowned! In those relationships while alive
above ground.
2.They took actions and motions of courage.As female warriors to move forward
and live.Not stay to remain motionless.Accepting what made them unhappy as fate.
3.It became their destiny for us to secret gardens mate.For their happy hearts
happiness,first! For what goes around comes around! Absolutely! Like the hands of a clock. Sooner or later within the
circle of life.For secret garden reasons as human beings.Each of thee born to become my legal.Money making naked secret Wives&Queens,worldwide.Nature
born female pride.Coming alive not dead above ground.Rising up to stay not remain on the ground.Naked climbing the ladder.Of
financial success wearing fabulous! Extremely expensive eye candy! Sexy hi-heel shoes.Sooner or later to reign.On top of the
webcam&phone sex.Global adult entertainment Industry.Using the camming&phone sexing opportunities.To swell up the
amounts.Of thy savings/checking accounts.To increase the size of thy bank books,too! As thy own castle bedrooms ATM machines.Without
walking out thy castle doors.Round our world.As female authors of thy own red book.Diaries&red book love stories.Documented
every single baby.Step at a time along the journey.Truly! Not an oops,accident or mistake.Beyond a shadow of doubt! Not a
fantasy,illusion or mirage.Everything at Ten Great LInes.Is free will only based on the power.Of unseen minds&hearts true
love,itself! Unstoppable! Mutual benefits long lasting for years.Possible by women who live alone! In their castles of
homes.Apartment and college dorms,daily! Who seek and desire.To get ahead in life without even a hint.Whisper of zero relationship
drama.Behind their locked/closed doors,period! Roy Fennell-07/24/2017-8:43p.m.
Since ancient times the true! Strength of a female human being! Absolutely&truly! Is her power of seduction.
While naked wearing extremely expensive.Eye candy fabulous sexy hi-heel shoes.With her booty shakin' with each step.Walking
down a path.If there be a mountain.In the distance.She got the power without saying a word.Just point her finger in the
direction.Of the mountain and the men! Following her at a distance! Would be in a hurry! With lots of sticks.Of dynamite
to remove the mountain.And build a road is the power! Of a Goddesses of seduction! Uncaged! The daddy of our baby steps game
plan.Already knows what each of thee.Can do not me! Only each of thee have the power/key! To unlock the cage! Roy Fennell-07/16/2017-11:40a.m.All
of my online married,first! Our red book diary special way! Female (TGL)-Models when thy be ready,first! Not me will
seek to REIGN! Like Queens on top to stay like cement.Of the webcam&phone sex.Global adult entertainment Industry.As naked
as I would be behind them.As their born to be secret money.Making lover&online husband.Within our mutual Internet karma/fate
destiny! In principle Ten Great LInes is their Internet STAGE! Towards their financial success.My first&only Ones,forever.Absolutely&truly!
This be our live! Book of Love story! International moms Internet brides&wives! Legal money making naked secret
Wives&Queens.Role playing Goddesses of seduction.Independent contractors female bosses! Who no play all the way.Create,make
and set their own working hours! Schedules of their own webcam&phone sex! Businesses as business women of fantasy Female
pride is alive.Not dead above ground.Rising to go higher in life! Mighty Eagles dare no go! The truth about us.Can be discovered
and seen on the business page.They deserve the opportunity.Of the online shopping 1-20 pages.To spoil&pamper themselves,deliriously!
As nature born women.My first&only Ones.Feeling&treating themselves.LIke modern day women Queens.Without walking out
their castle doors.Without any tears/fears between us.Of domestic violence behind locked/closed doors.They deserve to be working
to live happy,daily! Not living to work unhappy,daily! They deserve while they still be above ground! An online shopping naked&sexual
freedom paradise! To our graves neither one of them,worldwide! Is expected/required to call me! To seek,request or ask.My
permission,first! Before spending a single penny of their money! No matter the cost/price! Even if it be a $1000.00 gold ankle
bracelet.Tengreatlines.com.Is our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked! Internet location address home!
Unconditional! Untamable! Unstoppable! By Internet financially engaged&online married.Our red book diary lover's
way.Together as one.No matter the distance of miles.No matter the climate or weather.Round our world.Became a family of 3.Like
the nature magic between us.Within their castle bedrooms,worldwide. All night long naked,nonstop! Neither would stop working
me hard! Until within themselves felt the heartbeat! Giving birth/new lives.To our heartbeating game plan.Thank-you all.For I
be a happy&lucky man! International daddy boss of Ten Great LInes.Online married to my naughty girls&secret wives.First&only
Ones,forever! Lucky,lucky me! Roy Fennell-07/16/2017-3:09p.m.
More than any amount of money! Knowing for a fact they have a man.Male human
being in their lives.Not seeking loads of free sex.Nor a share of their hard earned everyday job paycheck.Absolutely&truly!
Without a single string.Actually cares if they live! Starve! Die! Every single day their hearts beat! With only one mind&heart
desire.Being the wind beneath their wings.With opportunity to fly.Higher in their lives.Soaring and rising up! Beyond where
mighty Eagles.Dare not go until they can reach.Touch then kiss their unreachable star.There can be no doubt.The unseen character
is the true face.Of a man/woman,worldwide.The outside just a seen shadow of the inside! Roy Fennell-07/24/2017-4:43p.m.
As a man&male human being. I believe in giving credit.
Where it is due. Recently! It be a woman. Who reminded
me of one. Of my favorite songs in my humble life. Walk a
mile in my shoes, by Joe South. Thank-you!(*_*)
Roy Fennell-12/07/2017-12:12p.m.It was the spark!
Of agreeing to disagree. Minds&hearts relationship.
Truth under the same heavenly roof. Of the skies, stars,
moon and sun above. Without games, strings or lies. She
was the wind beneath my wings. It was amazing to me!
Unstoppable.Like heartbeating runaway freight trains.AS IS once hired without favortism,first! By the respected webcam&phone
sex.Employers each of my female.(TGL)-Models,worldwide.Based on dates,times and years.On the Woman-2 page.Are born sooner
or later.To reign on top of the global.Webcam&phone sex.Adult entertainment Industry for themselves first,not me! For
I be he who answered by special.Delivery their silent female animalistic! Sexual mating call faster than a figher jet! By
the time pulled down.Their soppin' wet expensive.Panties took them off with lust.For us waiting naked with hot! Thighs locked
wide open.Although it was feel good pain.With drippin' ready with creation.Of life secret desire fire.Like nature magic shouted
OMG! When I arrived by Internet.Not by magic carpet.Shamelessly! With lust saw the bulge! Of theirs not mine big surprise!
Of 3 circles delight! Lucky me right before my brown eyes! Untamable! Their legs began to tremble and shake! Making their
sexy hi-heels shoes! Click together making their down! Below wish about to come true! Coming like a river! Upon their bed
soaked sheets! All night long thy delivered to humble me! Roy Fennell-07/21/2017-5:11p.m.When each of us.Heard a loud pop!
Then saw the thick-n-creamy splatter.Like pancake batter pouring out! Which came from the depth.Of their secret garden
womanhood.Naughty girl we knew I would be the lucky! One to become all! Of their secret garden wet dreams.All of their secret
garden! Sudden body jerks at work! Wearing their expensive panties or not! Unconditional!
Chinese proverb:Apply your imagination to any problem that arises.
Chinese proverb:You always see better with your heart.
Chinese proverb:Nature gave us one tongue and two ears so we could hear twice as much as we speak.
For our mutual financial happiness.
Security futures we did whatever.
We had to do together as one.
Are you a woman living,alone? Did you know having financial independence? Does have great value in life,daily? In addition,to
understanding the character? Of the other person before physical sex,first? Under the same roof or not! Did each of you
know these facts? 12.7 millions of peoples? Human beings like us You&me? Are physically abused,raped or stalked? By their
physically loved&trusted? Partners in one year? When a woman or some women.Does not earn enough income! To support
herself,alone. Based on emotions&seeking love! May gamble take a chance! Re-locate themselves under the same roof! With
someone to live&survive! Only to discover later behind closed/locked doors! It was a bad mistake.Too late to runaway or
escape! Becoming trapped living in silent terror,daily! Don't let it happen to either of you,please! May I ask for each of
thee? Could it be possible not impossible? For some of the above? Reasons millions of women cheat worldwide? Having minds&hearts
still hungry? While in pursuit of the Elusive Butterfly of Love? Roy Fennell-02/27/2017-9:46a.m.
International moms Internet brides&wives.Family of 3.Legal money making naked secret Wives&Queens.Female bosses&co-pilots.Naked
cockpit joystick riders! On Ten Great Lines Airlines.
AS IS once hired by the respected webcam! Phone sex employers,first! Like nature magic! Online married to the boss of
Ten Great LInes.To become legal get paid naked for us,daily! Role playing goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.Once
thy own created,made and set! Working hours schedules become online live! Becomes the 3rd step.Of our baby steps game plan. Money
ready between us.Safe new beginnings&man in thy lives. Under the same heavenly roof.Of the stars,skies,moon and sun,above.Making
history be our mutual.Internet karma/fate destiny.Secret gardens mating all seasons.Time to stomp like a roach! On the
kitchen floor.To end thy financial struggles! To make ends meet in thy homes! Apartments and college dorms living alone,daily!
Time to end thy standing at the altars.Of thy lives in thy castles alone,daily! Roy Fennell-07/19/2017-11:06p.m.For why should
nature? Born women who are not? Within any kind of just us relationship,worldwide? Be denied the minds&hearts,daily? Experience
of the elusive Butterfly of Love? Absolutely&truly! Without potential fear/tears? Of the unknown behind locked/doors?
Within the depth of their minds? Hearts and souls do not believe.Nor feel the powerful naked words "I love you"! Will be their
shield of protection.Of their minds,hearts and bodies.Under the same roof.Behind closed/locked doors.From any minds,hearts,bodies
and spiritual.Pain such as low self-esteem.Such as verbal abuse.Leaving no scars which cannot heal.Roy Fennell-07/18/2017-6:35p.m.
A Ten Great Lines woman! Even today,feels the painful deep wounds in her heart! From betrayal&heartbreak from
a past face-to-face! Under the same roof relationship! She feels&believes our money ring love! Can be her
24/7 armor of protection around her guarded heart! No more risk of mind,body,heart or soul pain! Unseen money love
ring on her finger! Means as a woman she is wanted,needed and desired! Every day her hearbeats even at work! Knows I
care if she lives or dies! Based on facts for her not to text and drive! Her heart is hungry like the wolf! For a true love
relationship without strings of which she feels safe from harm! Ten Great Lines women! Know exactly what they want&desire in
their lives,daily! Whatever,it takes they will learn from the knowledge found and discovered within the pages of
Ten Great Lines! Once they begin with wide-eyed excitement! They will never stop in secret with teeth grittin'
fury motions of action! Pumping money into the direction of their bank accounts,legally! Swelling bank balances,daily!
Roy Fennell-09/06/2015-6:41p.m. New beginnings&man in their lives makes them happy and feel alive,why? No fear of a man
seeking to capture or control their hearts like a butterfly within 2 hands! It becomes a fact,as their own travel agent !
At will,they can be,free to fly,like a butterfly,worldwide! A no strings love,happiness&money future! Anyway they
can get&seize it is exactly what they want in life,why? While they are above ground based on bank statement facts! Living&enjoying each
day to the fullest within their futures! They feel&believe exactly as I,action speaks louder than words&Money talks!
They are no longer schoolgirls and know for a fact! It takes work,commitment with a focused sense of purpose and goal! To
make any dream a come true,reality,daily! They will take baby steps towards creating their own business Empires! They will
use the opportunity of camming not just for the money! They will take advantage of the webcam entertainment Industry
like they own it! Rewarding themselves with a Gangnam&Luxury Lifestyle,daily! Like an unheard&unscented
wilderness mating call of Nature! Our true love money for us,relationship! Within our eyes&hearts by Internet power! Becomes
our written&shared Book of Love! Under the same roof ! Of the heavenly skies,moon,sun and stars,above!
Let the whole world see&witness! Even feel the lava hot desire heat and soul deep love! For each of my valentine everyday
webcam girls! Be they 10,1000,10,000 or 1 million women,worldwide! This is how we roll&will stay up to their wedding days!
I seek not to cage them! Only help them uncage themselves so they may run wild and free! Daily,being happy not feeling
like a lifeless picture hanging on the wall! Or just one of many numbers within a computer! Which does not understand
the emotional feelings within the minds& hearts of women! As a man it matters to me! If they financially survive,live
or die,daily!
Welcome,to page 1 of the Ten Great LInes. Sexy adult jobs&webcam models(TGL)
network! Of the non brick-n-mortar.Worldwide,online business of Ten Great Lines! From mail-order to Internet! Location of
our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked! Secret meeting place&Internet address home.Tengreatlines.com.For
your safety&privacy,first! All webcam&phone sex employment.Applications are online only on purpose. Can be found on
this only&specific page! For the money center of attention! Which are text/banner! Linked to the specific website's landing
page.Becoming facts I'm an Independent contractor! Nor on any of their respected employee payrolls! Also,for each of your
safety&privacy,first! Legally,I have zero access! To any of your accounts! Anywhere with the approx.55! Pages of Ten Great
Lines.Being each of your no strings,games or lies! No upfront fee! See everything of my website,free! Taurus no tell it talent
agent! Of no small measure for special delivery! As a man&male human being! Having King Kong size love! Of womanhood&nature
born women! Of mind&heart absolutely! Truly,believe&feel as women! Each of you should always come,first! Therefore,with
a loving&tender kiss! If,each of you promise never tell it! Pleased,to greet&meet each of you! Roy Fennell-03/13/2017-1:59a.m.
For the record! Camming&phone sexing employment! Reality not fantasy are actual businesses,why? Due to the fact! The working
hours schedules! Are created/set by the Individual Models,not me! Real life they become the bosses! Once hired recieving professional
training,too! Without walking out their castle doors! Pleased,to greet&meet each of you,tenderly! Promise not to never
tell it? If,&when Yes,I do,ready? Unseen money love rings are symbolic! To minds&hearts within our money for
us relationship online marriage! Thy own secret money making lover&online husband! Treat his free will only financially
engaged&online married! Goddesses of seduction! for the money women of fantasy! Naughty girls&secret wives! Like legal
wives&Queens within their own castles,period! Without physical sex between us! It is a dollars¢s fact! When everything
is free will! It becomes long lasting for years! Any relationship face-to-face or not! Is a 2-way street as team players!
With the same goals in life with a game plan! With mutual benefits of mutual success! Under the same roof of not!
Safely! Secretly,from within thy castle bedrooms! Who do each of you see? Except
thyselves Yes,I do&will by Internet.Get connected financially engaged&online married! To the boss of Ten Great
Lines! Quickly,to become my naughty girls&secret wives! So we can create the heartbeats! Giving birth/new lives! To our
heartbeating baby! Steps game plan with one! Baby step at a time! Together as one no matter the distance of miles! Unstoppable,towards
our financial goals in life! Roy Fennell-03/2/2017-11:44p.m.
Sisterhood! Motherhood! Womanhood! Female pride is alive.Not dead buried beneath the ground.Rising in savings/checking
accounts.Amounts and bank book sizes.Of our mutual Internet.Karma/fate destiny making history.Be all my nature born.Female
(TGL)-Models of pride,worlwide.Sooner or later once online married,first! Our red book diary secret way.Naked! Documented
within the pages.Chapters of their red book diaries.To reign as legal money.Making naked secret Wives&Queens.Rising up
to the top to stay! Of the webcam&phone sex.Global adult entertaiment Industry.Naked can see the desired direction.Of
their lives and futures,now! On the secret wives page.One respected webcam client.One respected phone sex customer.At a time
not being in a hurry! $4000.00,$10,000.00 even $20,000.00! Is possible not impossible.Like a monthly habit.Naked wearing extremely
expensive.Eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes.Unstoppable! Untamable! Unconditional! Born to be going in the direction.Towards rich/wealthy
women futures.From their own free will purchases.Of gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones.Naked going in the direction
benefits.Spending&financial freedom power! Butterfly love do as they please lives,daily! Naked on the way of the journey.Online
shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.Down the roads,bi-ways and highways.Of their lives roadmap! Luxury&gangnam
lifestyle futures.Unseen their kind of bow-bow man.Behind them asking me? If,I am ready for them! To back it to their
own secret.Money making lover&online husband.Of no small measure.Daddy of our baby steps game plan! When we became secret
gardens.Mated without missing a beat.While doing me all night! Long we talked about our futures.As though we were already!
Legally! Married and it was our first! Honeymoon night within their own castle bedrooms,worldwide.Roy Fennell-07/21/2017-12:31a.m.As
their own no upfront fee talent agent.With 2 sexy jobs opportunities at once! Lucky me like twins the good girls! Naughty
girls began to take turns! Wildly! Secret gardens sharing and working me,why? For their happy hearts happiness,first!
Which did not happen within all! Their past relationships combined! Raining with tears of sorrow and pain! Not tears of joy
and happiness,daily!
Hello World! When I picked up their hot drippin' scent! Of secret gardens just right! Time of the month for each of them!
I heard their silent urgent.Ancient animalistic mating call! From respected Ceres,california.Faster than a fight jet! I was
in a hurry! To special delivery right to their castle doors,worldwide.My erection was my guide! Like nature magic and to my
surprise.When I knock on each door! My soon to be first&only Ones,forever! Unlocked their doors lucky me! AS IS naked
wearing only our just us! Sexy hi-heel shoes with a tight in hand! Their favorite OMG size! Adult pleasure joystick toys.Of
different sizes some were as tall! As them and told me! To my face they had been expecting me! Without saying a word.Lucky
me without force.Like reading each other's minds! Each one dropped down on their knees! Behind their locked castle doors.Took
their time pleasing humble me! While their toy of joys being deep!Buried within their secret gardens treasures! Thy own
secret money.Making lover&online husband.Of no small measure.Did not see prince charming.Ms.Mr.Right along the way no
problem! For tonight like their own just got married! Honeymoon night I'll be their first&only one! Wall-to-walling filling
up! My first&only Ones,forever! While communicating about our mutual! Financial happiness&security futures.Daddy love!
To each of my snap finger m-e-o-www tight!
3 circles/both hands delights!
International nature born female (TGL)-Models.
Lucky,lucky me! I became an International daddy.
Secret money making lover&online husband,first!
Our red book diary special way!
We become financially engaged&online married!
Helplessly! We could not runaway/escape!
Our own mutual Internet.Karma/fate destiny.
To secret gardens mate! Within our money for us
relationship online marriage.International moms
Internet brides&wives.Legal get paid money making
naked! No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No!
Never can lick it! Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of fantasy! Secret Wives&Queens
female bosses.Online married to the boss of Ten Great
Lines.Roy Fennell-09/04/2017-12:08p.m.
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth? The true intent/purpose.
Of physical sex.Within an exclusive/just us relationship.
Between a female human being.Male human being.Is the
creation of life.If,nature able.Becoming a respected family.
As legal man&wife.Not a minds&hearts game.Played for
benefits to recieve loads.Selfishly! Of physical sex,free!
No matter how soul deep.The price/cost of minds.
Hearts pain to them.As nature born women,worldwide.
Seeking love&to become respected Mothers&Lovers!
Safely! Behind closed/locked doors,daily! When they
could have free will.Chosen to remain single.To date
other men/women.Being wild-n-free,daily!
Roy Fennell-10/27/2017-8:45a.m.
Based on the power! Of minds&hearts!
True love,first! Together as one.No
matter the distance of miles.Unstoppable!
Unconditional! Untamable! Of our own
mutual Internet.Karma fate destiny our
red book.Diary special way to secret
gardens mate.Not our faults we are
unable.Legally! To be already married.
Living within thy own castles,now! (*_+)
Daddy love! Oct.31,2017-5:28p.m.
Like nature magic for thy eyes! Minds and
hearts,first! Each of thee are showing only.
Within our Internet address home.Tengreatlines.com
Impossible! To be seen&felt by 1 million phone
converstions/text message.Which are only words.
Seeing is believing&feeling it.Within the school of
life.Action speaks louder than words all the time!
Based on our own mutual acceptance
of Internet.Karma fate destiny.
To secret gardens mate
and when able.To slip away to
visit me.Within our Internet location
address home.Tengreatlines.com
Coming wide-open in my direction
Wearing only thy just us favorite
camming&phone sexing hi-heel shoes.
No matter the distance of miles
Round our world real life not fake
The named title pages.Relationships!
Goddesses of seduction! Secret garden!
Naughty girls&secret wives! Not an oops,
accident or mistake.Nor fantasy,illusion
or mirage.All about us within our live.
Book of Love! Daddy love! 08/05/2017-8:17a.m.
Tell me my soon? To be wide-open all night? Long first&only Ones,forever? Why should any nature born women,worldwide?
Having powerful sex drive do it urges daily? Unstoppable! Untamable! Unconditional! Like a steaming hot locomotive engine?
Lustfully! Powered by hips of up-n-down? Go girls actions and motions,daily? Sexually! Like seductive nature magic can do?
Based on costumes can role play? A different woman in a heartbeat every day? With a ton of female pride?
Absolutely&truly! Not within any committed relationship? Not under the same roof or not? Who lives alone,daily? Without
doubts or questions. Who sets-n-makes all the castle rules,daily? Absolutely! As Queens determines who can stay?
Or must go right away every day? Having the only set of keys?
To their homes,apartments and college
dorms? Enter an exclusive just us? Under the same roof relationship?
Without upfront proof,first? Their special kitties will recieve m-e-o-www
attention? At least 1 hour per day? For everyday jobs sexual tension? Stress relief joy&delights? Within
a 24 hour cycle period? Sexually desired to make them? Feel alive as nature born women? Not dead unburied
above ground? When being a respected Mother&Lover? Is 24/7 365 days a year? For the lucky selected ones? Who recieve the
complete package benefits,daily?
Financial ecstasy peace of mind
Special delivery big surprise
As can be seen on Woman-2 page
The all night long truth about us
And You&Me***I do page,too!
With each of thee,worldwide.
As nature born women,worldwide.Feeling on fire alive,daily!
While still above ground.To enjoy all the benefits.
Excitement of an online shopping naked&sexual freedom
paradise.Spoiling and pampering thyselves,deliriously!
Feeling&treating yourselves.Like modern day women Queens.
Wild-n-free to do as you please,daily!
International moms Internet brides&wives! Sexually
Always hot like a locomotive steam engine! Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! Feeling alive,daily!
As female human beings.All night long climbed&shook.
My special delivery big surprise tree! Secret gardens deep
within their thighs! Woke up the sleeping naughty girl.
Goddesses within who began pounding it,nonstop!
Until we became a family of 3.Nakedly! A re-birth of
womanhood! Sexual liberation benefits of new lives.
like nature magic! When standing in front! Of her full-length
mirror naked! Sees the reflection of the good girl!
Looking back at her,daily! Both are wild-n-free!
Together as one we became the perfect 3-some!
The good girls,naughty girls and humble me.
Zero jealousy of another woman between us! Daddy love!
08/06/2017-4:03p.m.Within our baby steps game plan!
A Ten Great Lines modern day woman.Understands the many benefits.Of financial independence.Having the only set of keys.To
her castle&only Queen.Did you know 12.7 million peoples? Are physically stalked,abused and raped? By their face-to-face?
Loved&trusted partners in a year? Therefore,it is a mind&heart? True love no strings fact! If,my no upfront fee.See
everything free complete website package! Free financial information Internet book,worldwide! Helps a single woman! Escape
being on any domestic violence! Victim list my actions&motions! Based on her own free will choices! Is worth it to me!
As a man&male human being! Do I mean it? Absolutely&truly I do.Be it 10,1000,10,000,100,000 or 1 million women,worldwide!
Loved&respected as being my legal wives! Deserving red carpet treatment! Born to spoil&pamper themselves,deliriously!
Like modern day Queens on purpose! By Internet got hooked up! Naked,red book diary secret way! Financially engaged&online
married! Like unseen thick-n-creamy splatter! Within their castle bedrooms! Like hot skillet pancake batter! To the boss of
Ten Great Lines! To create the heart beats! Giving new lifes as born the be secret wives! To our baby steps game plan! One
baby step at a time! As legal get paid naked for us! Goddesses of seduction! Internet money making business! Female bosses
women of fantasy! Roy Fennell-02/23/2017-12:23p.m.
When we as human beings.Spend too much time.Looking back at our past.Not only can we not see.What is ahead of us.We cannot
stay on a true course.Of our desired direction of our lives&futures.One baby step at a time.Towards our dreams and goals.In
life which make us happy,daily! Is more rewarding to our minds.Hearts&spirits than not steps at all,why? Sooner or later
like quicksand! Slowly! We will sink in defeat.Within ourselves by giving up.On our own goals and dreams.Left with only hope
of a better future&life.Roy Fennell-07/24/2017-10:52p.m.
By Internet each of thee.Got picked up naked! Swept off thy feet.On a 747-Jumbo
Jet.In the cockpit.Side-by-side with me.
Equal the way it should be.It is for us.Each of thee left thy soaked expensive
panties.At home came along wearing only thy favorite.Just us sexy hi-heel shoes.Our red book diary secret way.Online
married,first! Virgin cherry popped twice.Good enough fo'life.International moms Internet brides&wives.
Naked family of 3.Female bosses&co-pilots.
On Ten Great Lines Airlines.My first&only Ones.Cockpit joystick pounders&riders!
Time for unattached experienced or not! Female adult film actresses.While seeking/waiting
for a safe.Legit adult film lucrative contract! To know the dollars¢s facts.When financially engaged&online married!
To their own no upfront fee.Talent agent they can adult entertainment! Bank book profit twice from webcam&phone sex employment.When
camming&phone sexing for us! When using our text based website! Like an adult film script.For guidance they can direct.Themselves
in the direction of their lives&futures.Towards financial freedom power! Butterfly love do as they please life,daily!
Luxury&gangnam lifestyle rich/wealthy women futures.Some hard working top models.Earn $10,000.00 bi-weekly or monthly!
Sooner or later,why not each of you,too? Time for each of you! To live enjoying the experience! Real life new beginnings&man!
Unseen face-to-face in thy lives! Without lies,games or strings! Is thinking of thy long-term futures,first! Not my own at
your expense,first! Do I really mean it? Absolutely&truly I do! Roy Fennell-02/18/2017-11:52p.m. Safely,if in sexual
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On Ten Great Lines Airlines! Type into google search,tengreatlines.com! To signup
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own home,apartment or college dorm,worldwide!
Time to come fly,be&stay like cement with me!
No ticket required free! Round trip flights,nonstop! On Ten Great Lines Airlines! Tengreatlines.com!
Did you know the unseen character? Is the true face of a woman/man? To understand
my human being.Character as a man.Take a look at the public page! To help each of you! Understand the truth about me! Why
I do what I do for women,worldwide! Without strings based on the power.Of unseen minds&hearts true love between us! Is
not an illusion or mirage! So we can be the wind! Beneath each others wings! Not the anchors to keep us down. On the ground
unable to fly! Except within our dreams! Roy Fennell-02/15/2017-11:17a.m.
Of the millions of women who cheat,worldwide? Ever wonder like me? How many would be too tired? From 69/Dine at their
Y benefits,daily? To walk out their castle doors? To seek/find it even from a one night stand stranger? Free willing to deliver
special attention? Without strings or questions? Behind no tell motels closed/locked doors? Roy Fennell-02/22/2017-10:20p.m.
As per our one of a kind special unique.Red book diary secert way! Except for thy just us favorite.Eye candy expensive
sexy hi-heel shoes! To keep at/near the entrance.Exit castle door like cement for us! Time for each of you.To pull them down
for us! Take them off to free will.Signup for webcam/phone sex employment! Minds&heart benefits of red book diary way.To
undress/let go of all! Negative past relationships to live! Enjoy&experience a real life.New beginnings&unseen face-to-face!
Man in thy life not under your castle roof.Benefits between us as individual human beings You&Me***I do! Zero fear of
minds,hearts or physical pain! Zero flashbacks of past deja vu.What if,questions,doubts with haunting memories! Between us
happy hearts happiness futures! Think each of you? Can handle the truth about us? The above would be the same secrets! Between
us if we be face-to-face! Legally married within either of our castles,daily! Do I mean it? Absolutely&truly,I do! Roy
Fennell-02/06/2017-4:20a.m. A relationship is a 2-way street! Bottom-line based on the facts! Upfront,by my complete package
website! Absolutely! I go the backs of the women,worldwide! Who got my back! As team players we got each others' backs!
For years even life! Without violence together as one! We are using the eco-friendly power! Source of the worldwideweb!
To create/enhance our lives,daily! In addition taking motions and actions! In the direction of our mutual financial! Happiness&security
futures,too! For if,we do not look out for us? Each other now and down the roads? Bi-ways and highways of our lives? Who will
take care of us&have our own backs?
Hello,my loves introducing from Europe! New Ten Great Lines webcam site family!
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all the money upfront first,daddy! Your adult pleasure/bank books teacher! 10/08/2016-12:32a.m.
Safely! Secretly,within thy own castle bedrooms! For a new beginnings&man! In thy lives if,Yes,I do ready! To pull
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sexual souls deep! First&only Ones! Cherry popped twice Internet brides&wives! With a neverending thristy/hungry 3
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lover&online husband! Adult pleasure&castle bedrooms bank book teacher! Of no small measure.Solid as a rock,24/7!
Full of financial seeds of website knowledge! Each of you born to be financially coming&making money! Naked for us together
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Like magic without walking out thy castle doors! Who can tell on either of you? Or gossip about our baby steps game plan future?
Being the parents who created the heartbeats? Giving birth new online live life? To thy own working hours schedules?
Daddy love like no other for either of you! 02/25/2017-8:23p.m.Of sexual cybersex fantasy! Safely,right before thy eyes!
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Bonjour,my loves! To discover the other 12! Webcam employment text link sites!
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text link/banner!
Experienced adult film female actress or not! Time to do by Internet fate! What
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Be it part-time/full-time as online married! Naughty girls&secret wives real
life,daily! Begins thy no commute money making occupation! Born to be get paid naked! Safe Internet money makers! Legal booty
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Bosses of thy own working hours schedules for us!
Secretly,online married to the boss of Ten Great Lines! For how can it be a lie?
When based on this site documentation?
The webpage titles named secret garden! Goddesses of seduction! Naughty girls,secret
wives&relationships are about us? Camming&phone sexing thy heavenly assets! Allows each of you real life online shopping
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personal shopper benefits,too! No strings treatment as modern day Queens! Naked for us,now! Or not see the truth with thy
own eyes! On the navagational bar,Shopping-1 to Shopping- 20 pages! Love the opportunity to play some slots? Naked or
not see the gaming page! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Our whole website becomes the complete
package benefits! See for thyselves how special my Nature born! International Internet brides&wives are to me! Each day
their hearts beat! Your born to be no upfront fee talent agent&online husband! Roy Fennell-10/08/2016-11:59p.m.
Individually,time to do what each of you! Were born to do for us! International
to be wide-open! Cherrypopped twice virgin naughty girls&secret wives! Unseen Queens of my physical castle! Lucky me!
Lucky us we got connected! Financially engaged&online married our secret way! Team players no matter distance of miles!
Banging bodies or not! Born to be get paid naked! Goddesses of seduction! To make/keep thy nature born like gold!
Secret garden sugar sweet! Pleasure muffins legally snap finger tight! Pole it
up-n-down delight! If,meant to be for lucky ones! On respected legal marriage honeymoon nights!
Your secret money making lover&unseen online husband! 10/06/2016-4:35p.m.
My International loves for life! Within thy own physical castles!
When thy favorite expensive sexy hi-heel shoes! Be like cement near/about the
main exit/entrance castle door! Exactly as they would be at my physical castle door! Even unseen castle door of our Internet
home! In secret becomes minds&hearts! Secret burning fire within our love affair,daily!
Sooner or later each of you! Free will of minds&hearts! Wet&unexpected
shall discover from Internet&karma fate! Each of you were born to become for life! International Ten Great Lines
adventure women! Internet brides&wives female team players!
Naughty girls&secret wives! In secret online married to the boss! Of Ten
Great Lines while living within thy own castles!
Each of you being the unseen Queens of my physical castle! When you pull them
down take them off! To be camming&phone sexing for us! Within thy own castle bedrooms! Is the reflection like a mirror!
Of each of you would doing within my castle! Due to the fact impossible at once,worldwide! I needed an equal for all free
will plan! To online share for millions! Of unattached,wide-open and available! Financially&sexually unhappy and unsatisfied,daily!
Seeking a new beginnings&man in their lives! Safely,within our money for
us relationship online marriage! Once webcam/phone sex hired,first! Each of you by Internet! Become affiliated/connected
to Tengreatlines.com! The online business address of your online husband! Unseen,together as one! Unstoppable! No matter the
distance of miles! Exactly,the same is true per every webpage! With any adult/non adult saving money! Making money opportunities/programs!
Within our online shared website! Each of you get paid first,not me! Of sexual castle bedroom beds naked fantasy! If,you
promise not to tell it! Us,with your permission,first! With me behind you in the bow-wow position! As the webmaster of our
site! I am behind the scenes! Sometimes when you be asleep! Even on the roads,bi-ways and highways! Maybe,at work based on
the facts! Of dates,times and years working for us! Sometimes,creating new chapters! Of our free to our world Internet book!
Not for sale at any price! Titled Book of Love website! Documented on the employment page!
Safely,camming&phone sexing shamelessly for us! Allows you to seize and control your powerful sexual
pole drown it sex&money addiction! To make bigger your limp bank account! Rise up like a financial
erection growing towards King Kong size! Happily,when a horny&sexy woman,daily! For herself,got her money daddy! To stay
deep unseen in her life! No pain only financial gain for her bank account! Like you mean it? Why,ever let go of your for the
money grip? How many years of financial orgasms? Are you free willing to give&take for us? Question,why should horny sexy
women worldwide,daily? Step outside of their everyday jobs? To jump naked into the world of adult entertainment? Unless,upfront safely
they can wide-eyed see evidence/proof? Of potential long term financial benefits? Due to the fact their heavenly assets?
Can be or are the physical marketable? Money making goods worldwide? To attract possible long term sales? Absolutely,from
their respected repeat customers/clients? Which generates potential higher business,company and shareholder profits?
Indirectly/directly into or for the respected worldwide? Adult entertainment Industry itself? Bottom-line based on their
actions and motions! What is in it for them,first? Other than luck,hope and dreams? For an in the door opportunity to shine
like a star? Roy Fennell-06/13/2016- 8:36p.m.
Chinese proverb:Nothing is impossibe to a willing heart.
In secret pulled them down! Took them off by Internet! Got connected! Financially
engaged&online married! On purpose to the same man! Safely,based on his own free will! Printer-friendly website documentation!
From head-to-toes! Whole heavenly roasting alive banging bodies! Or not AS IS with hot bun! In the oven secret desire
fire! Which becomes the heat!
Of theirs,alone! Minds&hearts secret love affair,daily! With an online shopping
naked! Safe sexual freedom paradise future!
To reward,spoil and pamper themselves,deliriously! From their webcam&phone
sex! Bed soaked sheets labor! As modern day women! Female Queens within their castles! Born to become International Ten Great
Lines adventure women! Jealous dragons or not! Like cement online married! Wild-n-free naughty girls&secret wives! Of
Internet&karma destiny! Deep within our money for us relationship online marriage!
To be served our special way! From their own secret money making lover&husband!
Who is the boss of Ten Great Lines! Roy Fennell-11/07/2016-11:10a.m. Being the wind beneath their wings! To help them
soar and fly in life! Not the anchor to hold/keep them down! On the ground! Drowning alive within an unseen ocean! Sea
of tears from sadness! Of washed away dreams! Without happy hearts happiness,first! Ever heard the song? Outstanding,by The
Gap Band,my loves?
Without walking out their Castle doors,worldwide!
No commute! Unpaid commuting from home to work/work to home risks/dangers to their lives/safety
Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Butterfly Love! Financial Freedom Power! Financial female dollars¢s power!
To live,enjoy and experience! A do as they please life,daily! Financially possible not impossible! Without walking out their
Castle doors! No stressful concerns/fears of lay-off! Unexpected job loss,cut in pay/hours! Stores closures even respected
unemployment benefits stoppage! Roy Fennell-06/11/2016-3:51p.m.
Once NaughtyGirl&Online naked wife married,first!
Begins our money making unseen together! As one financial HoneyMoon for years secret relationship!
Ten Great Lines is a text based language! Learning website for present/future!
Webcam/phone sex money making bosses! Due to the facts when you create,make or set! Truly,your own individual schedule
to work hours! Absolutely,each of you become the boss! Of your webcam business and boss of your phone sex business! If,desired
boss of your own business website! Any/all adult/non adult accounts! Individually are in each your names not ours/mine! As
independent contractors business women! Zero what if panic attacks! Without the above stressful concerns/fears,daily!
Without walking out their Castles doors! Having financial survival protection,daily! While creating their own retirement!
Absolutely,financial happiness/security futures at once! Even if only part-time it is legit virtual employment! Roy
Within all nature born women,worldwide! Within the naked reflection! Of
their full-length mirrors! Be she the attract a mate! Be their seductive secret power! Goddess of seduction being
a good girl/naughty girl! Within the female human being heavenly assets same woman/women! Camming&phone sexing is
a safe! Way to get paid naked using Nature's! Free gift to increase the size! Of their bank books! Without walking out their
castle doors! Roy Fennell-10/09/2016-9:05p.m.
For all Nature women round our world! Based on seductive/atrract a mate facts!
Of reproductive creation of life!
Within depth of womanhood on purpose! Is a dormant/sleeping Goddess of Seduction!
Millions of women who cheat,worldwide! May be unable to stop/prevent themselves!
From steppin' outside of their respected relationships! When inside their respected relationships! The naughty girls within&Goddesses
of Seduction! Is not being sexually satisifed every day! The female human being! Does not have power to turn on/off! Her/their
own creation of life! Unstoppable powerful sexual do it urges,daily! As easy as a light switch! Unseen/hidden within
secret garden delights!
If,interested in having your own website! Why,in the exact order above? Critical steps towards your financial success?
Each of you could place ads! On adult jobs websites! Become a worldwide virtual employer! Like your online husband! It is
a fact! 2 of my ads can be found on the No.1 adult jobs website!
Of the banner below this text! Get paid naked secret wives for life benefits! Camming,phone sexing and recruiting at
Without walking out thy castle doors! Bosses of your own working hours schedules! Bosses of your own websites,too! Legally,I
would have zero access! To any of your password protected accounts,period! Your online secret money making lover&online
husband! Adult pleasure/bank book teacher,too! 09/29/2016-1:42p.m.
Individually,ever wondered what you may do?
Of minds&hearts? Discovered your unseen Mr.Right? Was your unseen do you Money Right,man,too?
Globally,for the money horny sexy women! Who are material and daddys' girls,combined! With powerful attraction to sex
and money! And desired habit for the finer things in life,daily! For their happy hearts happiness,first! Safely for their
peace of minds financial security futures! Absolutely,to enjoy the benefits of sexual freedom and online shopping paradise,deliriously!
Truly,belong unseen online married to their own show them all the money,daddy! Within our money for us relationship online
marriage! Part-time/full-time nakedly camming and phone sexing heavenly assets! Like they mean to unseen wide-open stay! Naked
money maker booty shaker Internet brides&wives! With a pull them down take them off happiness future! For if of the picture
below you see! Actually was of you&me within thy Castle bedroom! Absolutely,as your legal husband it would be me! Based
on your free will pulling them down! Taking them off for you to begin camming and phone sexing for us,daily! Together as one
escaping our financial prison do or die! As legal man and wife I'd dine at your Y! For at least 1 hour nonstop! To help you
get in the mood for us! Roy Fennell-01/22/2016-1:04a.m.
Do each of you promise me? To never tell it? Safely! Secretly! Like unseen true love? Between us magic? Appears right
before thy eyes? One of more OMG size? Favorite adult pleasure? Manhood joystick toy of joy? At Ten Great LInes? Opportunities
which could be shipped? To thy castle doors? Benefits of real life? Red carpet treatment/service? Like modern day Queens?
Who promise never to tell it? Of sexual fantasy? Night-time/daytime dreams? Be they wet dreams? Or unexpected sudden body
jerks at work? When thinking of us? Within thy castle beds naked? In special delivery fill it up? Position wide-open
for sexy hi-heels shoes? Over heads sexual soul? Deep beyond G-spot eruptions excitations? Daddy love of no small measure?
Secret desire fire,24/7? From head-to-toes painted nails or not? Whole bodies comsumed&seduced by the flames? Of our secret
minds&hearts love affair,nonstop? Are you a woman? For International unattached good girls! With hot desire
bad/naughty naked girls! Webcam&phone sex fever! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Safely,can be their
wet dreams! Wide-open come true! Perfect skintight fit goldmine! Jackpot with loads of no tell NSA_FWB for life! Roy
A Ten Great Lines adventure woman,worldwide! From the beginning knows and understands her dollars¢s! Facts
the true solid ground foundation! Of all mutual desired relationships! Is based on mutual free will commitment! Loyalty
and be faithful within minds&hearts! Actions and motions! Between her and each respected client/customer! For they
not her determines financial success or not! For a relationship is a 2-way street! Without them and the financial power!
Of their hard earned credit card electronic money! Her new car or own rent to own home! A do as she pleases life,daily! Like
cement would remain a dream or fantasy! Deep within her own imagination! For herself,first,not me! The reason she free will pulls
them down! Then takes them off! She be on fire with red hot desire! Got unstoppable go girl attitude! To enter the respected
webcam/phone sex Industry door! On purpose to sooner or later! Reign like a Queen without walking out her Castle door!
Roy Fennell-05/01/2016-5:09p.m.
Bonjour my International loves! If,the below stats are based on gross amount!
Of total respected paychecks only! It could only mean these facts! The respected take home! Net paycheck would be less! Which
means in financial reality! The weekly,bi-weekly and sometimes! Monthy paychecks is really a collection! Of net/take home
paychecks! Not a collection of gross paychecks! Bottom-line more details! Can be discovered on the Models-2 page! Even unseen
naked behind you! Within thy castle bedroom beds! I got each of your backs! Loved&respected as being your own legal husband,now!
Proof for thy minds&hearts! A man can love a woman/women! Without seeking to be deep! Within her/their secret garden buried
According to just viewed promotion details sources of the respected Stansberry Investment Advisory! I discovered roughly
75% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck! Roughly 50% of all children born in respected America today will be on food
stamps at some point of their precious lives! 52% of all respected American workers make less than $30,000.00 per year! Therefore,why
would Ten Great Lines webcam girls,not go after all the money of the webcam entertainment Industry,ferociously,like hungry
bears climbing trees to seize and always enjoy fresh beehive honey,daily? Roy Fennell-01/15/2015-9:48p.m.
20 respected webcam clients only dedicated to you per week! 20 respected webcam clients spending $100.00 each by credit
card per week! Equals $8000.00 per month! Big money path to financial success!1.Appearance 2.Presentation 3.Outgoing
person 4.friendly personality 5.Audio/Video
Without walking out your door! Without getting your expensive hi-heels wet if it is raining outside! Banging body or
not! How you use what you got,counts in dollars¢s in your bank accounts! Roy Fennell+$$$+06/17/2015+$$$+3:30p.m.$$$
A Ten Great Lines woman knows for a fact! Every single penny going into her bank account(s) counts in dollars¢s,why?
If you take a single penny! Double it every day for 30 days? What would be the total amount at the end of 30 days? A Ten Great
Lines woman has done her for the money homework! She already knows the answer! It is to her financial advantage! To
jump on top of our money for us,relationship! Cowgirl ride and pump nonstop money into her bank accounts! Learning&Earning
her way towards a Gangnam Lifestyle,daily! Roy Fennell-07/15/2015-9:59p.m.
Global special message&alert to all! Beware,it is a fact! There is no respected person(s) female/male! Indirectly/directly
by payroll employed for/with Ten Great Lines! To shoot films/photo or pictures of any model under zero circumstances!
Due to the fact,Ten Great Lines is not a brick-n-mortar webcam studio! If the above were true everything would be on
studio property! With our own in-house bonded employees only including respected legal female&male attorneys! Roy
Fennell-12/11/2015-6:33p.m. With direct phone/fax contact with respected peoples of specific adult films,fashion&adult
magazine publishers! Absolutely,all the above would be true! If,Ten Great Lines was a big money upfront fee&legal
Talent Agency&webcam studio,too,combined! In addition to above information! If,one or more of our partners database selected
a specific Model(s)! Ten Great Lines would pay for her round trip ticket fare,worldwide! Her hotel stay with on property
benefits,too! Including the cost of rental car,not our partners,period!
The financial climax and true love! Peace of mind and heart with overwhelming joy&happiness! Magic moment surprise
begins once! Touching down as the female Captain not co-pilot! On the financial success runway! Of a do as you please life,daily!
Online married respected and loved! Still wanted,needed and desired like a legal wife,daily! Under the same heavenly roof!
Of the skies,stars,moon and sun,above! With our precious love! No matter where we be above or below ground! Unseen,together
as one! Come closer with naked free will! Wide-open thighs just for us! Ever heard the songs,Love on a Two-way street? Not
on the outside? Gotta find a way? Look at me,I'm in love,by the Moments? Ever heard the song,For your precious love,by Jerry
Butler? Roy Fennell-05/03/2016-2:11p.m.
Should Mr.Right in middle of day or night! Knock on your door tell him he arrived too late! For you have waited
all your life to be his faithful wife! For yourself,you found&got your own do you Money Right man! Together as one unseen&online
married! Pumping hard your money,first,into your bank account! As though naked bumping like you mean it! Your only naked
for you online husband in your Castle bed,nonstop! On purpose for us I created our website! As though we physically lived
under the same roof of your Castle! And within your respected Country legal man&wife! It is a fact the power of unseen
love has no boundaries! True love between a man and woman has no face! It lives or dies within minds&hearts! Under the
same roof of the heavenly sun,moon,skies and stars,above! Roy Fennell-12/17/2015-3:08p.m.
Good,bad and naughty girls,worldwide! Seeking long term financial benefits for years! Who are super horny sexy women,daily!
On fire with secret desire to live and experience! Absolutely&truly a do as they please life,daily! Who are ready,able
and free willing to become online married! Committed&loyal unstoppable go girl! Camming/phone sexing heavenly assets!
As online married team player wives! Like part-time/full-time legal naked wives,daily! Not of minds&hearts phone
call,texting or email fantasy! Can see now! How they can create/make their dream life! Their own to live&experience
reality future,daily! For us&our long term financial futures! For years,see Models-6 page! Roy Fennell-03/06/2016-2:59p.m.
When there are no lies,games or strings! To seek,recieve or get free pleasure muffin honey benefits,first! What else could
our money for us relationship online marriage? Be,except true love for each of you,first? As natural born Goddesses
of seduction women! Roy Fennell-03/06/2016-11:03a.m.
Take charge/control/command and enslave thy unstoppable! Burning secret below
fever of do it urges,daily! Crack the whip like you mean business! Make/force it into your bank book! Direction
using and taking absolute fianancial advantage! Of what camming/phone sex can do! For each of you first not me,daily!
Safely,get paid naked! Making thy like gold pleasure muffins! Work real hard for you! To horny girl bed soak sheets!
From thy like liquid gold! Wide-open and wet get it honey! Secretly,to earn your electronic credit card money! Routed directly
to each of your Individual bank accounts! Not our joint bank accounts! Roy Fennell-07/06/2016-5:34p.m.
Real life it becomes an unseen minds&hearts! Unseen true love fact your unseen
online husband! Is behind each of my International online married Internet brides&wives! Although.not physical,I be,the
webmaster! Of our online sharing&caring live website! In principle,like behind the scenes! Of a TV show or DVD movie!
Doing the work/maintenance for us! Without strings each of you! Can see the truth based on dates,times and years! Each
of you can be a single phone call away! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Only room for one shining STAR!
Per castle being only each one of you,not me! My nature born Goddesses of seduction!
Women of heavenly assets fantasy! Each being the only shining STARS of attraction! Born to be for us naughty girls! Legally,get
paid naked secret wives! Your secret money making lover! Online husband real life! Being the unseen wind! Beneath each of
thy wings&umbrellas,too! Under the same heavenly roof! Of the skies,stars,moon and sun,above! Therefore,how could
it? Ever be possible for either of us? To escape/runaway from our own born? To be by Internet/karma fate? 10/10/2016-4:55p.m.
Safely,without walking out your Castle doors!
Ever dream it could be possible? Not impossble to become financially engaged&online married at once?
Exactly as each of you! Would expect from your own legal husband,daily! To be thinking of our financial happiness/security
futures,first! Your online husband now and later! Got your backs naked or not even when you sleep!
1.Camming/phone sexing thy heavenly assets only for us! Financially protects each of from a what if,situation! Your own
non adult job/hours! Like magic disappears right before your eyes!
2.Question,is there a respected law? Absolutely&truly,which legally prevents a respected company/corporation? In
the unknown future to cut cost and make a profit,too? Begin to charge an unfront fee? No refund or job guarantee amount?
Of $100-250.00 for a job interview? Based on the facts right or wrong they make the rules!
3.Camming&phone sexing allows horny sexy women worldwide,daily! Put themselves in a financial position! To make sure
their heavenly assets! Are covered,first,no matter the economical climate! Without walking out their Castles doors! Better
to be prepared for the unknown not impossible! Than becoming unemployed when least expected! Not having the money to
afford the price of multiple such job interview costs! Even if the example never happens in the future! It is a fact
peace of mind is priceless! So is the life of a precious new born baby,too! It could be children of the future! Paying upfront for
a job interview even at a fast food establishment! Roy Fennell-05/02/2016-1:53p.m.
Please note:On any page of Ten Great Lines! With any underlined text language paragraph 2 options:
1. To open the window/door you can mouse click anywhere on the specific paragraph
2. Or mouse click on the words click-here
Roy Fennell-05/13/2016-11:35p.m. If,you want to play! Jump in and catch me! If you are free willing to be wearing only
your favorite! Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes!
Why,are some resume proven female/male adult film actresses/actors webcam models? 1.Understand&know for a fact adult
film work is limited! Experienced or not! 2.They ain't going broke or drown in financial debt! 3. Fan based profits&online
doing it with their respected fans! What becomes a fact! Experienced female adult film actress or not! Phone sexing&camming
is recognized as adult entertainment work! Which means a foot in the door opportunity! For a woman seeking or waiting specifically
for adult film work! For a woman with a regular job! Phone sexing&camming allows her real bragging rights! Of her success
not failure of entering the multi-million door! Of the adult entertainment Industry worldwide! No commute without walking
out their doors! Some webcam models earn $10,000.00 bi-weekly! Some webcam models earn $10,000.00 per month! Each had a free
trained beginning to learn&earn,just like each of you! Based on excellent customer service! Without walking out their
Castle door and no commute! Look at what is in their financial wallets,now! Living large without fear of a pink slip! Unexpected
job loss bad news surprise! Store or office closures! Forced retirement,downsizing,mergers! Unexpected cuts in hours,pay reductions!
Bonus eliminations or end of the line unemployment benefits! Roy Fennell-10/09/2016-10:12p.m.
Some understand&know the dollars and cents secret facts!
Some camsites provide special status opportunities! For experienced adult film
female/male actresses&actors! To get paid naked during webcam show performances! With their devoted&loved fans without
physical contact! In principle,like backend sales profit from their fame! Taking financial advantage of the seduction game!
New lives experiences as becoming businesswomen! Not income lollipops for life! Born to be/become legal pay-to-play!
No can touch it! Manhood&secret gardens teasers and pleasers! For the money riders of no tell secret! Women of business
boss ladies Queens of their castles! With real life oportunity to increase! Their personal financial net worth!
Yearly,from purchases of gold coins/loose diamond stones! Entered into bank insured safety deposit boxes! Under the financial
protection! From their own respected female/male attorney! They be going in the unstoppable direction! Of get paid naked
rich/wealthy women futures! Secretly,online married to the boss! Of the online business Ten Great Lines! On purpose
his wet-n-juicy Cherrypopped Internet brides&wives! From the beginning each being for us! The complete heavenly packages!
Based on the naked reflections! Of their full-length mirrors wearing their favorite! Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes as STARS!
Seeking,finding and seizing opportunity! To worldwide shine and sparkle like diamonds!
For how can a man begin to love a woman? Without understanding her wants,needs,desires
and heavenly womanhood body daily,first? Then himself with her? Being his committed,faithful,loyal Queen? He being her committed,faithful,loyal
King? When they be in a verbal mutually agreed?Exclusive/committed just us,me&you? Relationship,under the same physical
roof or not? Mutual trust/lust control remains the same! Treatment as his Queen remains the same! Be there a respected legal
marriage license or not! An exclusive/committed relationship! Allows a woman to live&experience,now! Her potential future
as a married wife! Roy Fennell-07/11/2016-1:08p.m. Silence is golden when learning/understanding! The character of the
other person,first! Knowing when to stay or run away!
Based on discovered on relationships page! Secret minds&hearts facts! None
of my business/unknown to me! Some present/future minds&hearts,first! Of my Internet brides&wives! Will be no play
female dragons! Of their past bad/negative relationships! Lived and experienced their lives! With unseen chained hearts became
like magic! Unchained hearts with a new beginnings&man! Not up in their beautiful faces! Down the roads,bi-ways and highways
of their lives! No deja Vu secret minds&hearts nightmare fear! Online married,first! They be to stay like cement!
For us on purpose wild-n-free! Going in the direction of happy hearts happiness,first! Along the way journey! Towards get
paid naked rich/wealthy! Horny and sexy women,daily,futures! For the power of love! Has no labels,boundaries or borders,unstoppable!
Roy Fennell-07/11/2016-1:40p.m.
Page 1-A Ten Great Lines Cybersite,Ten Great Lines!
Free will from the beginning as an online married wife! Can be for life if thee never become a legally married wife!
Having for yourselves peace of mind! Financial happiness/security happy hearts futures! Exactly,the way within minds&hearts!
Each of you believe and feel a marriage! From the beginning with true love! Could/should be to the graves and forever!
Love to know a secret? Absolutely&truly between us me,too! Roy Fennell-04/26/2016-11:48a.m.
Think of yourselves being born for this message from my heart,with only love&money ring,like
a depth of soul french kiss,I say,your always hot for us,no touch priceless,juicy pleasure muffin honey,is worth a lifetime
of sweet money,once you learn how to webcam show use it! Without nobody touching your heavenly bodies! Think of yourselves,wearing
attract scent&booty shorts,with your own business cards at amusement parks,worldwide! Your hips,in motion to rival the
waves of any Ocean! How quickly, with wide-eyed joy,for yourselves,first,not me,shall it be,before you are behind the wheel,naked
or not,of your new car? Roy Fennell-03/14/2015-12:01p.m. Globally,every woman for herself,to free will decide what is best
for her,first,not me!
Been seducing naturally all their life for free! This can be their for the money reality opportunity! To spoil&pamper
themselves! The way they feel,believe&desire without hearing No from me,happily! Safely,wide-open to stay,learn and earn
their money! From heavenly no touch,too hot pleasure muffin honey! For years&us financially coming with their own
shown them! Upfront, show them all the money,daddy! Roy Fennell-12/18/2015-9:32p.m. Depending on your type
of browser! You can wide-eye see real outstanding new cars! Scroll down until you see glittering purple hi-heel shoes
with accessories! Below the picture you will discover the website link!
Like you mean it! Let camming&knowledge within our money for us,relationship! Be used to make your bank balance
grow&rise in size! Slowly,with wide-eyed delirious excitement! Financially,sooner or later it will become like a financial
erection! Swelling,erupting and flowing like a swollen river! With money affection in the direction of your limp bank
accounts! Towards a Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Part-time/full-time the principle is the same! Without walking out
your Castle doors! No commute financial benefits,how can you lose? Roy Fennell-10/10/2016-1:15a.m. Why,seek,wait or hope for
an adult job? When you can experience,enjoy and live your lives,daily? As submissive/switch Internet brides&wives? Being
only a phone call away? If you want,need or desire my opinion,advice or guidance? As women each being treated like unseen
Queens of my Castle,period? For this is what makes&keeps our Internet marriage true love,alive&for real,not fake!
Globally&equal without favortism or discrimination! Towards any natural born woman! Unseen or seen naked during a weekend,week
or max 30 day visit! Banging body or not! Zero physical sex required only mutual free will human desires&seduction!
Only for women actually camming for us! As a man there is zero profits&loyalty with booty calls,why? For real I got tongue
talent,like a werewolf! Are you a single Mom? On the (business) page click the website link! With text language in regards
to a nestegg/education! For the financial futures of each of your precious child(s)! It means I got love for you&child(s)!
As though it was us on fire of his,her or their heavenly creation! Then decide am I for real or just an Internet
mirage or illusion?
No commute without walking out your Castle doors! Financially,prevent&save yourselves from being on the high interest
hook! Of monthly credit card payments debt! Which can&will hen peck feast! The financial life from your net income paycheck
for years! My online loves like legal wives,now and later! Plan on our long term financial futures! A Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle
Future waits for you! If,free willing to seize it! And never let go within our money for us,relationship! Roy Fennell-10/27/2015-11:56a.m.
Give yourselves a weekly $1000.00 or more no commute raise! To stomp like a roach on the kitchen floor! Unpredictable rising
prices and paying more recieving less than expected! Without walking out your door or using a penny of your net paycheck!
Financially&naked without walking out your door!
Unseen,let's create financial orgasms,together! Give yourselves,a no commute! $1000.00 weekly raise!
Like within any type of relationship! Keeping secrets between us is a 2-way street!
I promise not to tell it! When you be,alone!
To tell me of your just purchased adult pleasure! OMG size manhood joy G-spot
delight toy! Was naked wide-open and desired! To share some intimacy while thinking of me! Even in secret desired to share!
Some free will chosen baby names!
Of your business website in the distant future! Your unseen online husband! Roy
If,I of Ten Great LInes not be a virtual worldwide employer? How could it be possible for me? To offer legal
part-time/full-time employment opportunities? Safely,without either of you? Walking out of your respected home,apartment or
college dorm doors? No face-to-face interview required benefits you,why? Truly,zero job opportunity denied to potential
unseen/unknown favortism! Behind your backs,period! Seeing is believing and with your own eyes! You can see,feel and
experience! Queen treatment of what all! Of my Ten Great Lines affiliate program online partners! Can do for each of you!
Without walking out your Castle doors! Based on facts of virtual reality not fantasy! For us everything is or was for
each of you,first,not me! Each of you deserve nothing less,period! Truly,each of you being the unseen Queens of
my physical Castle! Together as one is for real not a lie! Discover&see the truth on the (relationships) page! Roy
Without strings or walking out thy castle doors! See with thy own eyes! For thyselves
when you! Scroll down near the bottom! Of the business&employment pages! To discover the underlined text linked websites!
Based on the unstoppable!
Unseen power of minds&hearts True Love! How it is possible not impossible!
Each of you can have&experience! The free will opportunity! Real life create,build and promote! Your own DiVa Women Empires,worldwide!
Naked,within thy castle bedrooms! Your do you Money Right man! Your show you all the money upfront first,daddy! Your no upfront
fee talent agent! Your secret money making lover&online husband! Treats his for the money Internet brides&wives! As
modern day Queens! Nature born Goddessess of seduction team players! Loved&respected than all their past relationships,combined!
AS IS,banging bodies or not! See how special each of my online married! Naughty girls&secret wives! Are to me each
day they live&breathe! Each day their hearts beat above ground! Under the heavenly roof! Of the stars,skies,moon
and sun! 10/10/2016-2:04a.m.
Individually,ever wonder what you'd ever do? If ,
your unseen Mr.Right? Was your unseen do you Money Right man&secret money making lover,too?
Experienced adult film female actress or not! Still,financially struggle to make ends meet,alone? Waiting for
prince charming or hoping for Mr.Right? Except for your unseen online husband,now and later! Without lies,games or strings,first!
Is there another man on Planet Earth? Not up in your faces? For opportunity to go deep within secret garden spaces,first? Free
willing to treat each of you? Like Queens without walking out your Castle doors? Provide multiple ways to make/earn your money?
So each of you can without questions? Spoil&pamper yourslves,deliriously? Even online shop naked,safely? No matter the
amount you spend? Never hearing the word NO? Not being handcuffed within a relationship! Can have long term get it go
girl benefits! For free willing,wide-open to stay online married team player wives! Who deserve nothing less for being
nature born female Goddesses of seduction! Even DIVAs' deserve to be loved&respected like legal wives! Due to the fact
they are nature born women,period! Believe it or not! What a woman heavenly got is the best! On Planet Earth since ain't no
adult pleasure toy,robot or android! Can replace the joy of a hot body woman! Each are alive adult pleasure Queens for real
not fake! Roy Fennell-04/26/2016-11:25a.m.
Between me&each of you! Based on the unseen power! Of minds&hearts True
Love! No matter thy present day ages of lives! I be each of your first online husband for life! Even to our graves! Even if
either of you! Become respected legally married within thy futures! Hopefully,there be a happy ending for each of you! If,not
you would still have guess who?
Sexual experienced or not! Once free will online married! To your free will belongs to each of you online husband!
Begins your new life as a virgin! Truly,within our money for us relationship online marriage! When seeds of new love
and desire begins past pain ends! If,all of your past relationships never began this way! Coming like a river! Without physical
sex with your free will chosen man! This becomes your first time experience! In principle,to begin/start over in precious
lives,again! Born to be/become my every day! Valentine heartbeating horny sexy women! Online married team player
wives,worldwide! Safely,naked within thy Castles for us! This is what has been website documented on the (employment) page!
Our real life not for print/sale online Book of Love! Free to our world! Live story about them&us! Absolutely,I am
the documented author of my Internet free Book of Love! Based on the facts on the Top-10 page! The website Ten Great
Lines recieves millions of site non human hits worldwide! Ever heard the songs,Knockin' on Heavens' door? Werewolves
of London? Keep me in your heart,by Warren Zevon? Roy Fennell-08/8/2016-2:37p.m.
Globally,when for the money women&material girls! Become financially engaged&hitched,by Internet! Daily,they
can have happy hearts working to make their money naked as money making International Internet wives,why? Their free
will chosen man in their lives,not in their faces! Based on documented facts,from him,first! Becomes proof in their
eyes,minds&hearts! He does not have a problem or issue with how or what they do! Nakedly,to earn their money online of
part-time or full-time employment! A perfect harmony balanced no conflict by Internet relationship&marriage! For
super horny sex addicted women! Secretly,or not,who never give up a female werewolf! Never satisfied hunger&appetite for
money and the finer things in life! Roy Fennell-09/21/2015-10:21a.m. They will fall in love with hi-heels over heads
excitement! When they discover&learn how to benefit their bank accounts! With unlimited income opportunity in their futures!
In principle,like being honeymoon naked on beds within their own Castles! Without being physically touched deep
within heavenly pleasure muffin delights! In principle,free will choice opportunity! To become pregnant or
give birth to their own registered business website! Self-promoted in many ways with their own business cards! The
name of their own business website! Could be named after a desired baby! Truly, how could it be possible and impossible? For
your own business,cheat,betray,run away? Or break your heart in any way? Leave you pregnant and alone? Indirectly or directly,be
up in your face? With another woman playing hurt feelings,mind and heart games?
Love to know a secret about me? As a man my greatest fantasy in life! Could only be,for me at once! Globally,to
be in the Castle bedrooms! Of each free willing Internet wives,within minds&hearts,now! Together,naked so we on purpose!
Not oops,accident or mistake while holding my manhood! And on her cellphone calling to cancel birth control pills prescriptions!
We be done planned 1 year ahead! With estimated 1 year supply of baby food&diapers! So we could begin not end! Going to
love work,with fires of desires! Of creating the life of our baby! Deep within their bellies while looking within each others'
eyes! Like we knew for a fact each day! The world would end tommorrow! Due to the fact,such a desired fantasy is impossible!
I needed to create an Internet for us,game plan! Roy Fennell-09/28/2015-1:00a.m. For what greater way for a man to show-off&brag
to the world! How lucky and fortunate he is to be the only One! Free will chosen by this specific natural born Goddess
of Nature! As her legal husband by her side! With celebration between them with their own bundle of joy! If,by nature she
be able! For there is a free will time to step! Or jump,dive or run across the line from childhood! To manhood&womanhood
live or die! Together,as One,within the financial battle of daily life! Her warm right hand holding my manhood! Leading me
of full erection in the direction! Of her bed once making the call! Then turning off her phone&with my big warm left
hand! The one closest to my heart! Like a cup beneath our pleasure muffin! No need to know her last name! For on purpose,not
oops,accident or mistake! The last name of our precious baby! Even if she be unable to become by nature! Absolutely,has nothing
to do,with the our lava hot desires to work much harder! Her joyful screams and shouts for me! To give her a baby,may be heard
by the Angels! Anything is possible with love&powers unknown!
Why,is our Internet relationship&marriage?A neverending adult pleasure paradise on Planet Earth? They can never become
locked up,caged or trapped within a sexual prison relationship! That begins with lots of hot unbridled sex,daily! Then slowly
the hot sex becomes lukewarm then cold! Globally,could this be a reason millions of women become free will cheaters? Who suffer
in silence from guilt? When all they were seeking was more of what they were recieving in the beginning of their respected
relationship! Based on the facts of the above documention! My money making Internet wives&daddys' girls,round the respected
world! Ain't cheaters, and have no guilt®rets secrets between us! Roy Fennell-10/09/2015-2:31a.m. My only request,if
they do,please,do not text and drive,too,why? Their lives are priceless,to me! For to me,as a man! I do not need to deeply benefit! Being
in receipt of their heavenly pleasure muffins! To love them like legal wives or care if they live or die! The fact,they
are women,I already know what I do not see is the best in the world! They become delirious&wild with wide-eyed shameless
excitement! For the opportunity to nakedly tease&please then get credit card paid! From their goddesses of seduction
powered world class no touch pleasure muffins! Some women have so much sexual power over some men! They lose control of specific
emotions like anger or jealousy! In an attempt to prevent,detour,delay or stop! Them from walking out the Castle doors of
respected relationships! In secret,could this be a reason for degreed amounts? Of domestic violence towards millions
of women worldwide? Why,millions of women seek to jailbreak or escape sexual prison relationships? Like female sexually
hungry werewolves? In secret silence on the Internet? Howling&prowling for an online love&money mating call scent?
By Internet wildly discover wearing an unseen money love ring? On each of their heavenly fingers? Means they
can fall in love&happiness from their experiences! From unlimited sexual freedom,financial&power! Deep within
or beneath the unseen oceans&seas waves! In the depth of the waters within our Money for Us,relationship!
Within minds&hearts Chapel of Love! Becoming naked Internet brides&money making wives! Ever heard the song Chapel
of Love,by the Dixie Cups? Ever heard the song,Love will keep us,Together,by The Captain&Tennille? Was there a book with
written knowledge? Which provided your source of information? Within the depth of your mind&heart? Which led you
to feel&believe love could found or seen on a face? When the unseen face of love? Unseen protected can only be found&discovered
within our minds&hearts? If,I'm wrong,how can it be possible? Within many respected spaces&places of Churches? Many
respected marriages seeking a new love beginnings,together,end? Of past face to face relationships? Ever found
yourself,being the One,standing in the shadows of love? If,unseen standing at the altar of thy life,alone? Is today time for
you to awaken to a new beginnings&man in your life? As a new come to life feeling alive? Sexually desired&excitingly
free like a naked woman? Except for her favorite expensive hi-heel shoes? Jumping out of the shadows of love? Jump naked into
the spotlight of minds&hearts love? Which can be seen&felt within the reflections of your full length mirror? By the
power of love&womanhood magic! Trading places with the woman of the inside! Becomes the woman she sees on the outside
of heavenly body! Uncaged&set free with a heartbeat! Pleasure muffin hot,ready to go girl! Without being touched like
a female tigress! On the prowl of a for her! Neverending&financially satisfied money feast mission! The
webcam adult entertainment Industry is her financial jungle! Her webcam show performances! Are with desired intent
to drive each of her respected clients wild with excitement! As her webcam girl star begins to shine of fortune brighter!
Her fame of stage name being like an unseen growl! Making her competitors for the money! Run&seek shelter within the
unseen bushes and behind unseen trees! Of the global adult pleasure webcam entertainment Industry jungle! She
is driven by her ambition to reign as Queen! Like a respected Amazon Queen Warrior within her own backyard jungle! Ever
heard the song,Standing in the shadows of Love,by the Four Tops? Have you ever heard the songs,Jungleland,Born to Run? Dancin'in
the Dark and Secret Garden,by Bruce Springsteen& the E.Street Band? Ever heard the song,The Lion sleeps tonight,by
the Tokens? Are you a woman not in a relationship? Seeking a new beginnings&man in your life? Not in your face,place,or
personal space? Do it all and have it all without walking out your Castle door! If the secret garden of a woman? Does not
recieve some type of attention,daily? How is she expected to feel&experience happiness? Being alive,desired as a woman
each day her heartbeats? How is it possible? For her to feel loved when it is a fact? When there is no written guarantee?
When she exits her Castle door? Out on the roads&highways in her life? She will be returning to enter her Castle door?
Except for her favorite&expensive hi-heel shoes! If she be drippin'&thighs wide-open until they hurt,now? Part-time/full-time
she will be in the spotlight of attention! Credit card paid while having loads of financial orgasms! Erupting&flowing
in the direction of her bank account,first! Every day her heartbeats she knows our money for us,relationship,is true,not
a mirage! Having a new sexual freedom life of womanhood happiness! With financial bank book affection swelling up financial
erection! A new direction on the roads&highways of her life! A Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Butterfly Love! Financial
Freedom Power! For unseen we be together as one! Together,joined like lustful money making naked lovers! Within our protected
from harm minds&hearts! Forever,wrapped skintight like a respected Egyptian mummy! Bound like our Book of Love,by true,unconditional
and untouchable love! For within any relationship,marriage or not! The cement which protects or shields the love! Can be only found&discovered
within the minds&hearts,face-to-face or not!
If for 10 years sexy burning hot women of today? Could travel back in time to live in the past? How many battles and
wars for real not video games? Would be fought lost or won? Just to feel,touch and have them in powerful Kings' beds? Within
the walls of Castles with many maids,servants and slaves,too? Therefore,globally,why should hot sexy women of today? Truly,who
understand their goddess powers of seduction? Not seek to financially benefit themselves? Spoiling&pampering themselves,like
modern day,Queens within their own Castles,daily? With Queen size bank accounts with professional cleaning services? Doing
their chores and housework like clockwork,weekly? Doing it&having it all? From earning their money by part-time
or full-time employment? As nakedly safe Ten Great Lines webcam daddys' girls&Internet wives? Roy Fennell-09/27/2015-11:38p.m.
Click each merchandise or product banner! Even underlined paragraphs of text language on this specific page! To
know in less than 10 minutes of time! Exactly,how all the pages of our shared like in bedroom beds! Of your or mine physical
Castle! Operates or works without walking out your door! Think of it as financial breakfast in bed for a Queen! Free service
by the powers of love&Internet search engines! Some say history repeats itself,if true! Feel&believe you are financially
overdue? For your big money share of Queen treatment as a woman? Hunger to reign and see your name in record book fame? As
Queen Diva of the webcam entertainment Industry? Globally,is it a lie or fact? Truly,all of us are the true
decendents of our ancestors? Of known or unknown respected family trees of life unseen mystery above ground? Underneath the
roof of the heavenly,stars,sun,moon and skies natural mysteries? Ever seen the DVD Movie,by name of 300? If,I could go back
in time,now? Guess where I would be? Following a respected King&Leader into battle! Even if I knew the ending of
the story,why? As a man,I would be honored to follow a man like me! Into a battle to protect his respected Nation! Who believed
action speaks louder than words like me! Who loved&believed in freedom,as much or even more than me! Without his team
could he truly,have claimed Victory,alone?
Are you a sexy woman who loves sex,money&finer things of life? You were born to have this money for us,relationship
opportunity,why? Due to the fact,between us! I have no issue of each of you! Every day your hearts beat like a drum! Being
get paid&untouched any size manhood pleasers&teasers! Nor any girl/girl horny like female wolves sexual
desires adult pleasure! Help yourselves to exciting multiple face to face Sugar daddy&Sugar baby dates! Without
conflict within our relationship! Daliy,treated like hot,sexy horny full grown women! Not respected little girls not
of adult age! Best of luck if you think you can find,enjoy and live! Daily,a more exciting future&life than becoming an
Internet bride&wife! Did you know within the respected Great Bear? State of California the adverage income of a webcam
model? Is approx. $70,000.00 per year? Bottom-line commitment of non online/offline actions&habits! Truly,can bring
steady no commute financial results into your bank accounts! Roy Fennell-11/01/2015-1:43p.m
Our money for us relationship online marriage! Is for International hot,sexy horny women! Who are serious with
on purpose ambition,desire&financial intent! Never give up to unstoppable go girl reach&seize! What seems to many
impossible the unreachable star of unlimited income happiness! Absolutely,of having for themselves,first, opportunity of a
Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Butterfly Love with Financial Freedom Power! Each can wide-eyed see the truth with their own eyes!
From the onlne beginning equal treatment like a legal wife! Bosses of their own camming for us schedule! Female bosses
of their own business Diva Woman Empire websites! Always even by Internet by my side like being legally married brides&wives!
Never beneath me,unless free willing&naked with expensive! And favorite hi-heel shoes over heads within their Castles
beds,daily! If possible for all at once&same time,equally without favortism! Do I truly mean it? I do! Roy Fennell-11/28/2015-1:56p.m.
The financial power&seductive benefits for Ten Great Lines women,worldwide! Has no limits for women who are on purpose
of motions and actions! Not to accept things as they are or as is seek change,command&control of their own financial futures! Ever
wonder within the reflections of thy full length mirrors? Could it be possible a Ten Great Lines woman is looking back at
you? In secret within thy minds&hearts what you find&discover? Within the webpages of Woman-1 to Woman-4 be the written
truth about you? Us&our meant to be possible of fate online marriage? What would you do,if discovered it be absolutely
true? Free will stay or runaway afraid from the neverending unseen&unstoppable&untamable power of minds&hearts
The bottom-line intent or purpose of the physical sex act! Is for a woman to benefit from orgasm experience! Why
not take financial advantage of the opportunity? To get paid until weak in your knees? As many powerful orgasms possible
for your bodies? Enjoying and benefiting from physical&financial satisfaction at once? Part-time/full-time employment
enjoyment of sexual freedom paradise,daily?Camming your assets for us benefits you,first! With multiple opportunities to learn&earn
then spend online shop! Without walking out your Castle doors,my loves! Treatment&opportunity to spoil&pamper yourselves,deliriously!
As heavenly living on Planet Earth! Natural born female Goddesses of seduction&Queens of your Castles! Due to the
fact,we could not be multiple women legally married! Living under my physical roof! I needed a shared by all money for
us! Free will,relationship plan as if,individually&physically I lived under each of your physical roofs,worldwide!
Proof,when a man or woman desires to do something for real! Which is legal they find solutions to do! Upfront&true relationship/marriage team
players under the same heavenly roof of the sun,moon,stars&skies,above!Roy Fennell-11/01/2015-12:32p.m.
A money for us,relationship! Allows a woman not within a physical relationship! To avoid becoming trapped or locked
up in a sexual prison relationship! Regardless,of her respected age or occupation! Without non physical sexual freedom&womanhood
expressions! In principle,treatment like a respected child! Or little girl of school age not an adult woman! Like an
obedient female servant! On demand sex slave on command! House&cleaning maid like the days of ancient times! Could this
be a reason millions of women,worldwide? Are seeking to jailbreak relationships within their minds&hearts? Which
became a habit of caging their womanhood? Sexual nature which may be the results? Of years of sexual suppression when denied
tensions,pressures and stress release,daily? They can moonwalk before entering the unseen now,that I got you envelope letter!
The unseen double standard relationship letter! Becomes open and can occur unexpectedly within a respected Exclusive
or Marriage relationship! Before,A-okay to wear sexy body clinging teasing dresses! Sexy hi-heel shoes with makeup a special
temptress way! After,wearing makeup the same way seems to cause a 3-alarm fire! Sexy hi-heel shoes&dresses become an issue!
Sentenced to the closet unless there is a special occasion! To show her off or get noticed with her! As his eye candy may
get promoted or land a raise! Such as being seen by the boss who as a man! Enjoys seeing a sexy sharp dressed woman!
Ever heard the song,Wild Thing,by the Troggs? Wild Thing,is a song written by respected New York City! Born respected songwriter
Chip Taylor! Originally recorded by the respected American band,The Wild Ones,in 1965! Roy Fennell-11/07/2015-12:07p.m. As
a woman think of yourself,first! Then me&us when you explore our website! See with your own eyes all the benefits! Waiting
for you to begin your new life&future! Being a part-time/full-time booty shaker,money maker naked Internet bride&wife!
Then learning how to make your money in multiple ways! Safe&naked within your own Castles! Online teamwork using our shared
website! Going into a have it all at once direction! In your life towards happiness,first! Then with unstoppable inspiration
to rise-n-shine with a happy face! Not sad&depressed! Instead,delirious,daily,being on the road towards:1. A Gangnam
Lifestyle Future
2. Your own Diva Woman Empire
3. Your own retirement&health benefits package
4. Making sure 20 yrs from now,you will not be in a tent city! Projects,car,van or an under a bridge safe spot! Due to the
fact! You had nothing in writing on paper no financial help! Down the road at the end of the rainbow! Except a hope
chest&rise-n-shine future! To go from home to work! From work to home! From a possible,not impossible! Present respected
employer,20yrs from,now! In principle,a respected retirement&healthHR benefits package! Is like unseen money&wealth
in the bank! A Financial Investment for the respected employees Health&Wellness Futures!
5. If,now,you had your own business name&website? With your own business designed business cards? And if,your website
was accepted&allowed to become an affiliated site? Of either of the camsites on our website? Like magic,you would become
a virtual worldwide,employer,like me! Able to place ads on adult jobs websites! Not a mistake about those business cards&unlimited
income opportunity,why? Some men&women who hit on you,first! May desire to signup and cam as male&female webcam models!
And become Agents,too!
6.Is it a fact or a lie? Like I said on the home page of Ten Great Lines! I got each your backs,today,tommorrow&futures?
Legally, it is not possible for me to be in your business,pleasure or bank accounts! Due to the facts any and all! Camming,affiliate
program accounts would be in your individual names,including your own business websites! You can discover such info on the
employment&business pages! The content of our online shared website! Contains on purpose all the resources to help each
of you have happy hearts&lives! When creating,building and promoting your own individual Diva Woman Empires! For
if,nobody else without strings&love,first? Is free willing to gamble and take a chance? With each of you becoming
a legal wife? With an engagement&wedding ring on each of your fingers? With only one life to live,why wait at the
altars of your lives,alone? When a new beginnings of being wanted,needed&desired like full grown women,daily? Part-time/full-time
having a new life can begin as a booty shaker,money maker Internet naked brides&wives,today? Wearing unseen money
love rings on each of your fingers? Feeling so good&alive as women? Who get credit card paid? To selfishly enjoy&benefit
from powerful orgasm eruptions? Experience sheets soaked wet cream dreams? Or at work,secret body jerks from sexual daydreams? From
some of the manhood Big Ones?Within the fantasy&imagination secrets of your mind? You would love deep within your
secret garden to swell your naked bellies? Going in the direction with a future you can see on just this web
page? Daily,that can spoil&pamper you like a Queen within your own Castles? Ever dreamed of how you may behave or
do? If when least expected true love found you? Does a woman have options if she does not have laptop/webcam? Yes,based on
her free will desires of actions:1.On the power page is a text link for new computers with low cost monthly payments
2. She can discover multiple ways within the pages of Ten Great Lines! To generate the income to purchase her computer,beginning
on the home page!
3. If,she does not qualify for a regular bank credit card! Easy option is a pre-paid debit card for approx. $10.00-$20.00!
She can load money earned to her debit card! Then online purchase her new computer/webcam! Why allow not having a new computer/webcam?
Prevent or stop you from seizing your Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future? Being the wind beneath each others' wings is for
real with me,not a game or act! This is your opportunity to financially save yourselves! From an unknown what if future! Of
the rise-n-shine drive from home to work either way risks without pay! Drive from work back home for years habit! Living to
work&pay your rent,utilities,food and financial obligations! In principle,as though you are their virtual employee!
Paying them from your net paycheck! Even with direct deposit,how many hands get a cut of your gross paycheck? Before you recieve
your net paycheck share? Financial information&knowledge is power! If used can help each of you save yourselves! From
becoming a female potential victim as you can&will discover on website link below! Click the website link below to see
with your own eyes!
Shhh,I have added some hard-bodied studs for you to wide-eyed see! 2 are waiting for you on this page at the 12
webcam sites! Bottom-line,if you had your own website,now! And was an affiliate of your favorite camsite(s)! Imagine yourself,having
10 such tight abs potential money making men! Camming their assets hard&erect just for you! Opportunity
to get paid when breast feeding or asleep! Roy Fennell-12/20/2015-3:01a.m.
For the record under zero circumstances! Does Ten Great LInes recruit! For potential
Models outside of Tengreatlines.com.For some of these reasons:
1.Such a service may require a respected business license,first! Ten Great Lines
provides financial information/opportunities only!
2.Zero cash direct/indirect transaction.Of any kind due to the fact.Everything
of Ten Great LInes.Involves the Internet.Electronic credit cards plastic money only.
3.Even if a person signed an agreed contract.To do webcam/phone sex work,first!
Is no guarantee they will do so.
Ten Great Lines does not offer.Any type of finder's fee.If a person desires to
become a recruiter.Like me without having a website.The 1st choice of the 13 camsite choices.Offers a talent agent opportunity!
Which is an actual text link! Which can actually be posted round the net! How do I know it works? This respected webcam employer!
Was the first of the Ten Great LInes Family! When Ten Great Lines began in mail-order! Respected potential customers knew
the deal upfront! The price was included in the ad,first,why? Not to lure them to answer the ad! Based on emotions not the
whole truth.Being the known cost being a mystery! Roy Fennell-08/06/2017-11:03a.m.
Welcome,to the Ten Great Lines Models Network page,of Tengreatlines.com!
Thank-you,for visiting and or contacting us,of Ten Great Lines! The powerful art,science and sexual magic
of the seduction game! By nature,allows a woman who loves sex! Without being touched to become her own income magnet or bait!
To tease,please and seductively lure men&women into her private webcam shows! Then influence them to free will adult play
and pay! While they fantasize being in the same room or bed with her! The desire her power can become so great! Only she becomes
the fantasy woman of their dreams day or night! Loyal&credit card sharing repeat respected clients! 40 loyal respected fans or webcam clients! Each spending $100.00 per week! Equals $16,000.00 per month! Always broke switch or submissive sex addicted women! Hungry for love&waiting for an adult submissive
or switch job! Can become for the money hooked on the habit! Becoming free will slaves to love! Shamelessly&naked being
money making Internet wives! Only dollars¢s purpose to overload their bank accounts! Legally,as
much as possible in multiple ways,period! To be happy&financially satisfied hot and horny women! With on fire desires
to be money makers! Going to work making their money pop and swell bank balances like legal wives,not income lollipops! Globally,good,bad&naughty girls,worldwide! Secretly&unseen in training and learning how to overcome!
Their shyness,guilt and uncomfortable feelings of nakedness! By learning how to get in the habit! During each visit to our
shared Internet home! Only wearing their favorite&expensive sexy hi-heel shoes! Queens with only set of keys to
their Castles! Financially,say yes&get yourselves engaged&hitched by Internet! With
your do you Money Right,man! In your lives not faces or bank accounts! Unseen money love rings on your fingers! Signup&safely
cam all your money makers for us! As a Ten Great Lines webcam girl,today! 12 online choices of webcam sites on this
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Butterfly Love! Financial Freedom Power! Ten Great Lines webcam girls&Internet wives! Without jealousy,sexual insecurity or
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to enjoy&you mine magic seize for themselves! Multiple sweet sugar daddy&sugar baby dates! Stomp
boredom&loneliness like a roach on the kitchen floor! Avoiding time wasting&camming conflict situation relationships! Got
an Eagle eye view of a face-to-face? Right or wrong,no divorcing you relationship in your near or distant future? With zero
potential physical or emotional pain? Without joint bank account or financial obligations risks? And regardless of your respected
occupation,now? Like your no strings legal husband! Who would be waiting for you only within your Castle! To safely return
to our shared Castle&your bed,daily! Is looking out for your financial future! 10years from,now,if you are not on
the job protected? With an in writing respected retirement&healthHR benefits package? For you at the end of the rainbow?
Down the roads&highways of your lives? For it is a see for yourselves fact! True love for each of you being natural born
women! Ain't got nothing to do with face to face,shared bed or under the same roof! If,the relationship is true&real not
an illusion! Globally,who else could I be except the unseen husband? Of for the money women&material girls round
the world? With a financial game plan which can allow them neverending&spending financial bank account bliss? Up
to their legal wedding days,if not for them? For the rest of their lives& to their graves? With unseen money
love rings on their fingers,never can be taken or removed? For within your own individual respected Castles! Only each of
you know the absolute true truth! If,you truly belong within a money for us,relationship,or not? For if not of your own free
will power&choice? It becomes an illusion of a daydream/night dream with eyes wide-open! Without a long term financial
future for either of us! This is an equal opportunity for any woman of the world! Who is not in a respected relationship,married
or not! When committed actions speak louder than words broke days end,period! Camming is a great opportunity
of legit steady employment! Which could be financial protection to avoid fear of an eviction notice! Due to financial circumstances
such as ended unemployment benefits! No warning&unexpected store closures,layoff notices,outsourcing,merger,in
addition to no written guarantee of employment! Camming offers women the opportunity! To avoid a dire financial situation!
To save herself,from moving in with someone who becomes abusive! To her mind,body,heart and bank account! When he or
she pays all the rent,utilities,etc. Once she moves in she can become a trapped victim of sexual abuse! And domestic
violence in a heartbeat! Just the beginning of her nightmare life,daily!See in writing,the purpose and intent of the
Ten Great Lines Models Network,has 3 main objectives!
1. Find,seek,and or discover women,of at least,between 18-21,yrs old,of which we believe,see,and
or recognize,having"great potential",of becoming a Ten Great Lines Network"webcam model"! Fill
out your online application today and return consent form,asap!
2. To Internet connect you! To the "hiring source",and or websites! Which provides the application
form(s)! For you to submit and return to the specific website(s) To recieve the opportunity to become a"Webcam
Performer",or"Talent Recruiter"!
3. To help you,make all your financial dreams! Come true without strings! Worldwide
exposure! Free publicity for your stage name! Lots of website benefits to help you seduce your clients! Keeping each of your
live cam shows entertaining&fresh with a professional presentation! Keeping&making your webcam show clients!Entertained,happy&eager,to
see your next live show! Respected repeat webcam clients! Pay to be entertained by women of their dreams&fantasies! Not
women who to them look like the women they see each day! A webcam show is a virtual adult entertainment escape! From
their boredom within a specfic time frame! Waiting for each of you near bottom
of this webpage! Are12 webcam model opportunities! It takes money to make money! Based on your own free will!
And options to purchase or not! How you look,feel and present yourselves! To each of your clients matters in dollars¢s! Scan&do
a visual text search of each page of our website! Quickly,you will discover&find most everything you will need
to seduce&wear to help you! Become the fantasy woman of women&men worldwide! Saving your valuable time and money!
Without the need to walk out your Castle door! Treatment like a Queen&Goddess of seduction! And female webcam girl star, too!
To spoil&pamper each of you! Using the power of the Internet! To our mutual financial benefit! Not each other like
income lollipops! Like a legal wife not the other woman! Remember,your bedroom is your set! Not like an adult
film or photo shoot set! Having other peoples getting paid! To do your makeup,clothing,hairdresser,etc.! Serious
money making takes serious actions! Of commitment,attitude and professional mannerisms! Everything has a learning curve!
If this is your first real job! You can learn the values! Of being a responsible person! No wake up call or director! No 10
or more scene takes to get one scene on film to appear live! After her free training as a webcam girl! Each
webcam girl will understand&discover! She is a more skilled&safer actress,why? Camming for us is live!
Adult pay to play action! Naked she can use a full length mirror! To practice to perfection! Her come get this sweet honey!
With your credit card money! Using her own style! Of come get this seduction persuasion way! Nobody has to
tell her what to do or when to do it! Nor is she at any health&unplanned pregnancy risk! If,birth control pills
are not 100%? Who pays all her medical costs? Before&after labor? Is there a contracted pregnancy leave? Her
legal razor sharp teeth respected twin female lawyers? Would love to see&read any contract agreements,first?
Before swan diving into unknown waters,without knowing all risks,first? Free training webcam job employment opportunities! Did
you learn to crawl,walk,run drive or dance? Roy Fennell-09/24/2015-2:43p.m. Have you visited the new cars website! Linked by
Internet on this specific page? What do you see at the end? Of the rainbow of your life? Is it a retirement&healthHR benefits
package? In addition,to a gold watch? In a gold frame with years of service in diamonds? My Internet wives&daddy's girls
will not allow themselves! To need to eat can cat food! Instead of tuna fish at the end of the rainbow of their lives!
Count on it! It is a sure bet! They are sex&money making machines! Naked or not! Barefoot or sexy expensive hi-heel shoes! At
the end of the tunnel or rainbow of their lives! It will not be them with a ton! Of hope for the best in their bank accounts!
Not on their watch as long! As they have heartbeats! What is a fact! Which can be felt and wide-eyed seen our love! Is real
has life not a performance! TV or DVD movie of fantasy Island! Best of all zero violence with crying Mothers&babies! Not
even Dracula could bring their daddies back!
Ten Great Lines Models Network operates as a no upfront fee,Agent,with 12 of the best webcam
networks in the world! Each webcam site offers a Talent Recruiter,share the profits opportunity! If your website meets
their indvidual approval!Ten Great Lines Models Network introduces you to the above peoples! By
Internet,when you online signup! Fill out your employment application! At your favorite(s) respected webcam website
choice(s)! You find or discover near the bottom of this specific webpage! Respectfully,suggestion create and have your own
script! Or need to know 5-10 questions! Prepared to recieve direct answers! From the respected customer service rep of each
respected cam site,first,why?1.Get&recieve the facts you can write down with times and dates! 2.When you create your questions
to ask,you will know for a fact! Together as one,we come,first! Unseen,I'm behind your back,like we be legal man&wife!
Based on the fact,when you signup! You become affiliated with Ten Great Lines as a no paper trail! Virtual employee of
the business Ten Great Lines seeking employment! Same principle,if and when you signup! To become an affiliate of any adult
or non adult affiliate program! Internet connected to the website address of Tengreatlines.com! Also,when it comes to yours
or our money,yes or no? Did you see 2 legal related website links on the power page,of our shared website? When you signup
to cam your assets for yourself,first,then us! Being alone in your life ends for you! When you become financially engaged&hitched
by Internet! Unseen your life changes to happiness as a Ten Great Lines money making webcam girl&Internet wife!
With a new direction towards a Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future reality,daily! We are not authorized to hire
anyone for them in no manner or form! They train,support,and protect your identity! The more relationships you create
in your chatroom the more money you make privately! All your money is paid directly to you from each
webcam site(s)! By law,I have no legal access to your password protected account! Your money!Your business! Is
no business of mine! We legally "got your back"! We want you to have fun! Make lots of money in a "safe for you" work environment!***
Roy Fennell***10/02/2015***3:25p.m. You can do it all&have it all without walking out your Castle
door! How can you ever lose? When the cost or price of your Ten Great Lines Webcam Models training is free? And it becomes
a fact not fantasy! You become based on their documetations! You are affiliated with Ten Great Lines! Becoming a Ten Great
Lines Webcam Network Model! Same is true with any affiliate programs Internet connected to Ten Great Lines! Which means with
your own business name website! And business cards no paperwork for you to do,like me!
Individually,as women&Womanhood! Being a good girl.
If,nature able a respected Mom&Mother. Being a Naughty girl&Goddess
of Seduction.Of adult pleasure sexual magic.
Individually,who do you see? Of horny girl lustful desire fire.
Secretly,within our Internet home. In charge and control.
Center of attention in the spotlight. Of recieving financial seeds of website
knowledge. Naturally,not shamelessly
within our money for us relationship online marriage.
She be excitedly drippin' for cybersex 3 circles manhood.
Delights from her secret money making lover&online husband. Like Nature intended
it to be between a female human being.And male human being raising a respected family.Within a respected legal marriage!
Respectfully,my loves! Suggestion,use this specific webpage! To gather,understand,see and get the facts! Of what
is in it for you,first,why? You will learn,understand and have knowledge of 4 critical facts! When you click on a merchandise/product banner!
Or any underlined text linked paragraph on any website page! Of Ten Great Lines!
1.All 50 or more pages within our shared website Ten Great Lines! Operates or works the exact or indentical way!
2.See&understand why,there is no drop down menu! Like you see or have seen on other websites! Unless the website
is text based you cannot benefit from knowledge! Which is required as future bosses of your own individual Diva
Woman Empire!
3.When you begin at the top of the page,first! Then scan and search to the bottom of the page! Saves your valuable
time when seeking something of interest to you!
4.When you begin at the top of each page,first! Then scan and search to the bottom of the page! Saves your valuable
time when seeking potential money making affiliate programs! Which could be added to your own business website!
When you begin creating&building your own world class Diva Woman Empire in your future! Why,is this so important,now?
By not searching pages from top to bottom! You may miss seeing a more desired program with higher or greater potential profit! For
yourself,first,then us! Why,not test drive&learn quickly,too? Suppose you wanted 20-25 affiliate programs on your own
website? Based on the above suggestions,for the money! Prowl our website clicking banners&text link underlined paragraphs!
Only that interest you,first,then see Woman 1-4 pages! To understand their potential to make your bank accounts! Be more
erect and swelling up in size! That makes you wet from excitement&feel more financially secure in your lives&futures!
Roy Fennell-09/26/2015-12:38a.m. Bottom-line,everything has a learning curve! Remember&understand this for us! When you
signup to cam or any program at our site! You become affiliated with Ten Great Lines as a person! Internet connected,the
same is true when peoples signup at your own website! Having your own business name,why is this important? To know for
a fact,which account to send your money! How can you lose? And not afford to gamble and take a chance? When your
training to become a Ten Great Lines webcam girl is,free? Everything other than camming for us game! Is learn,promote,earn
more money in the bank opportunity! Becomes the facts not fantasy! Of round the clock! Nonstop&unlimited income while
you sleep! Think of quick search page by page scans! As the opportuntity to plan your own future retirement&health
benefits package,now! Got a computer/laptop webcam and Internet ready? Not earning or making a single penny? Not in any
relationship,married or not? How is it not to your financial advantage?Since a relationship is a relationship no matter the
distance of miles! To jump naked into our money for us,relationship? When with your own eyes? You can
see your potential financial benefits,daily? And 5,10 and 25years down the road/highway of life into your future? If
you do not have a respected retirement&health HR benefits package? Waiting for you at the end of the rainbow?
Thinking of a just right baby name for your own business website? If,yes,then think of each affiliate program! You wish&desire
to be in your website as more children for you! Be honest,ever dreamed of 10 or more kids,one day? In principle, when the
above becomes your children? Would King Kong be in trouble if he came your way? Would even Godzilla jump back if witnessed
what you did to King Kong,when he feel asleep,became a she?
Lots of benefits,for you! No commute or pressure! No favortism! Free training and make your own schedule! Be
your own boss! With treatment like a responsible adult professional performer! Not even the adult film Industry! Offers
you "unlimited income&create your own schedule opportunities"! I have 12 webcam income opportunities waiting
for you! Find your favorite webcam site(s) reviewing each site! Fill out your online application(s)! Return your
consent form,asap,why? They will not schedule you for the free training period! If you are a no show! Can you
blame them? If,there is no commitment to them to work? How can they believe there will be commitment? To their respected customers,worldwide?
This is a 24/7 round the clock business! Why do you see"at least,between,18-21",language? Some states,such
as Pa.,do not consider a person,to be an adult,unless 21 yrs of age! In Ohio,legal age is
18 yrs old!***Roy Fennell***6:31p.m.01/24/2016*** Is it the whole adult film Industry? Or your do you Money Right,man?
Who wants,needs and desires you,daily? Not being unhappy&broke! While waiting at the altars of your lives,alone! For a
part-time job,full-time employment! Or adult entertainment career proven experienced or not! Unseen naked you belong
by my side! As International money making Internet wives&daddys's girls! Financially engaged&hitched by
the power! Of the Internet and free will! Bosses of your own schedules! And future Diva Women Empires! Globally,millions
of women who cheat right or wrong! May feel driven to cheat!Within their respected relationships! Which may be physically
sexless! Or not often enough for them! Why not the 69 position,daily? What goes around,comes around equal quality treatment!
Has created a sexual revolution for women,worldwide! More details on women page!Women who are not in relationships! When
camming for us,first! Have no secrets of guilt! Or shame as cheating wives&girlfriends! Who are not cheating
behind the back! Of their own unseen do them Money Right,man! Who loves&respects them like legal wives! Belonging
to each other without strings,daily! Got an Eagle eye view of a relationship? Safely&deliriously enjoy an online sexual
freedom paradise? Like a full grown adult woman not a schoolgirl? In the near or distant future? Cheating woman
of the past? Or not,free to do as you please,without questions? Could it true some women who cheat? Feel&believe
they are treated like a respected schoolgirl or daughter? Not an adult hot&sexy full grown horny woman,daily? Globally,if
1 million women required over-the counter? Medication to help them fall asleep? How many would prefer after work? And before
their bedtime? For not less that 1 hour each time! A hungry like the wolf dine at their heavenly Y experience? To help them
save money&benefit from stress relief,too? Shhh,love to know a secret between us? Nothing like a woman in motion
like a fish! Out of water until her legs go limp! Then she becomes weak in the knees from being desired feveriously! When
she free will surrenders! The best of herself to go down on her enjoyment! Like a deep sea diver excitation on purpose! Repeated body
thrusting&shoving upwards powerful eruptions! Of all natural like tree sweet lovers honey! Like an overflowing
mountain stream of cream delights! Creating a bedsheets wet spot flood of womanhood! Joy from quality time to the
last drop! Worth the sacrifice of 2 out of 24 hours each day! She lives,walks,talks and has a heartbeat above ground! If,when
least expected what would you do? Ever felt or believed it was impossble? On the road&highway
of your life? You could find yourself? At the altar not alone? With a possible Internet bride,future,virgin,seasoned
or not? Other than me, could there be someone in your life? Willing to use the power of love&Internet search engines,worldwide?
To seek or find you to sweep all? Your heavenly assets off your feet? Queen of your Castle without walking out your door? To
free will allow you to begin a new life? As an online happily married? Internet&money making no fear? Of legal
divorce,betrayal or hearkbreak wife? Are you a horny hot sexy woman? Full of flaming fire of secret passionate desire?
Hungry like a female wolf? And wide-open until if feels so good hurts? Drippin' with feeling like a transformed&happy
to be alive woman? When of mind&heart you can feel&believe? What you are feeling to makes you glow is real? It
can only mean you are becoming Internet bride ready! To with love&lust to magic moment! To signup to cam your assets!
Furiously for us,safely! Absolutely,so you can begin to live,think,feel,experience and know you have become nakedly! Been
sweep off your feet without walking out your door! Became a money maker,booty shaker dream come true! Internet marriage
unseen witnessed by the heavenly sun,skies,moon and stars,even if,never been touched respected virgin! With proud of you convictions&beliefs,principles
and values! Of saving yourself,physically,for a legal marriage! See (sexy) page of our site! To discover,why,this is better
for you! Your future husband would be happy knowing the truth! To be honest coming from you,not a lie! For him,respectfully,to
accept or not! Before taking you home to meet his respected family!
A new Goddess of seduction has touched-down at Ten Great Lines for us! She is only one reigns based on her
visual mood skills! Quickly,which can mood swing a man/woman to want her,right now! The sooner you arouse a respected
webcam client! To desire you the sooner he/she is ready for your live webcam show performance! Bottom-line when you can learn
from professionals&experts,free! You benefit from knowledge to practice to perfection! Your own style of technique
and visual! Let's doing it like we be secret lovers presentation! She waits for each of you on the (sexy) website page!
Some women believe snap finger money is the solution! If,true how much quick&fast money? Would be required to have their
own retirement fund? In the bank when they reach early/full retirement age? Truly,lucky me another Goddess of seduction
has touched down! At Ten Great Lines and she reigns Queen of her professional skills! Absolute car show eye candy with unique
body language communication talent! She waits for each of you on the (road) page,too! Each of these respected women are
world-class performers! Roy Fennell-01/19/2016-8:19p.m.
Globally,my Internet wives are active Ten Great Lines webcam girls! Taking for their money action! In motion caming for
us as Independent contractors! Committed bosses of their own schedules! Within part-time or full-time employment! Their source(s)
of income being free will chosen webcam site(s)! Signed up affiliates at Tengreatlines.com! Zero joint bank accounts between
us! Each webcam site handles their own paper work trail! Including distribution of money for us within their computer
systems! I have no legal authority to access any of your accounts or schedules! No legal authority to fire,hire,change
or reduce hours! Nor layoff or replace you with another woman! Younger,with banging bodies or not! Only a do them Money
Right man who within minds&hearts in their lives not faces! Belongs to them as their own show them the money,daddy!
Understands the neverending financial hunger of for the money women&material girls,worldwide! Seeking&dreaming of
a perfect 3-some for their happiness,daily! Love,money&relationship without fear! Of any pain,sorrow or unhappiness! Bottom-line
being a no paperwork trailed virtual employee! Of Ten Great Lines,benefits you,first,not me! Roy Fennell-09/26/2015-4:39p.m. An
Internet financial engagement begins with webcam site(s) signup! Consent release form returned,asap! Why? Action speaks louder
than words&Money talks! Between us,Ten Great Lines women&I! Feel&believe our money for us,relationship! Reflects
like a mirror how a legal marriage should be,daily! Teamwork,flying towards a mutual goal to get ahead in life! Being the
wind beneath each other's wings! Not ball&chain anchors which keep either of them on the ground! While financially
drowning within financial quicksand of legal obligations! At risk of losing it all by the loss of either paycheck! Ask a woman
who has lost it all? What is the true love&heart priceless value? Of a relationship,not under the same physical roof?
Went from a home into a shoebox apartment,alone! It was not her lifestyle that got them both into financial deep waters,with
sharks! Example, if a person within an under the same roof relationship! Seeks to present to the world! An image beyond their
combined financial sources of income! If,the unexpected,suddenly,without warning appears like magic! In principle,down goes
the relationship ship! Sinking into the murky waters of bankruptcy,divorce and shoebox size apartment! The only thing
she sees in her future! Without a respected retirement&healthHR benefits package! Down the road,in the distant horizon
of her life! Is the habit of rise-n-shine! To go to work another day,swing or graveyard shift! Regardless,of her respected
age! Or length of respected years of employment! Be it 1,3,5,10 or 25 years! Exactly the same hope for the best future! Think
such a woman while above ground? Would ever trust her financial life being under the same roof? With another man of Planet
Earth,rich,poor or in between the financial middle? Suppose a woman of 18yrs of age? Gets lucky and lands a respected minimum
wage job! Discovers no respected retirement&healthHRbenefits package! Which in my opinion,is a great day to day work production
incentive benefit! And upfront committed investment in return! For respected employee loyalty&fruits of labor rewards
future! Without such a benefits package! What does she see down the roads&highways? Other than fear&hope of not being
snap finger fired! With or without cause,right or wrong! 25yrs from today at the end of the rainbow? Same woman of 18yrs
of age becomes a Ten Great Lines webcam girl&Internet wife! Based on what she discovers at our website! Within the
same 25yrs time frame,is it possible? For her to upfront purchase a $30,000.00-50,000.00 new car? Avoiding&saving
money without monthly payments&interests? Is it possible for her to purchase a rent to own home? Is it possible for her
to purchase? A second such home,becoming the landlord? Still being the boss of her own schedule at 43 yrs of age? As
it was or began when we first,became financially engaged&hitched by Internet married? Bottom-line a rich man does not
punch a time clock! His financial freedom&power! Is the size of his bank account! Protected by a squad of respected legal
razor sharp teeth lawyers! The rich man does not play games! Due the the fact he is the game! Not a wanna' be rich man! Indirectly
or directly punching the clock of another man! Financially,when you got your back covered by the reflections? Of your own
viewed full length mirror? As the Captain at the helm of your Ship? It will never be allowed to sink! In principle,or
take on more financial cargo! With too much weight for sudden or unexpected financial storms of life! Better to command your
financial ship of life,alone! And stay financially safe,than risk someone! Else at the helm while you are sound
asleep! Ask a woman who was sleeping within her respected relationship! Put all her love&trust and money! In the hands
of someone she would attempt to walk on water! For in a heartbeat only to be awakened to a financial nightmare! Jump naked
into a relationship with another woman! Lost her love&trust being within a physical relationship! With another man
for the rest of her life,why? He wanted the world to see him as a rich man! Even though he punched a time clock! Took a chance
and gambled it all and lost! More than wealth and money! Lost the love of a woman! Who without a second of hesitation! To
protect him in a moment of danger! Would have taken a bullet in her heart! And with her last gasp of dying breath,saying
I love you,baby!
A Ten Great Lines woman camming for us! As a Ten Great Lines webcam girl! Within our money for us,relationship! Becomes
my equal and she is the boss of her schedule! Will be the boss of her Diva Woman Empire! Equal to me as the boss of Ten Great
Lines! The boss of my own schedule! Equal to me as an Internet wife! Our Internet financial engagement begins when she
online! Applies for part-time or full-time employment position! At free will chosen webcam site(s)! There are 12 choices on
this web page! As long as her or their heartbeats! The only way she or they will ever be beneath me! Is in her or their beds
in their lives! When camming for us! She or they get the CEO share of the money,not me! When they got an Internet virtual husband!
Who is their do them Money Right man&show them all the money,daddy,too! For whatever,they desire to spend their money
like water! How is it not possible an Internet financial engagement? Within our money for us,relationship? Is not a dream
come true? Under the roof of the heavenly skies,stars,moon&sun,above? Even physically&emotionally safer! Than being
under the same physical roof,why?There is zero unknown or unexpected risk factor! Roy Fennell-09/28/2015-12:40a.m.Unseen,we
be side by side! As bosses of our own individual Empires! Walking down the aisles of our lives! Like legal man&wife! In
my case,many Internet wives,why? If nobody else wants,needs and desires them! As women in their lives,daily! I do,naked
or not,all of them,worldwide! Between us,there is no in-between of a relationship! Either you want the complete package,daily?Or
you don't,including Tats,painted toenails&fingernails! Between us,they have 3 kinds of love,at once! True,unconditional&untouchable each
day their heartsbeat! No fear of the risk of an unpredictable domestic violent experience and nightmare! No tears,no
fear! Of having to run hide in a closet! Or naked out the door ! If love is the opposite of hate? How can it be love
which causes a woman? Out of terror and fear for her life? To flee to safety,from someone she loves? In secret could he
be a man? Of emotional anger like an alligator woman hater? In secret could he be a man? Of emotional jealousy
of her beauty like a nile crocodile? In secret could he be a man? Of emotional hate not chosen by nature? To be
given the natural birth power of life creation? In secret could he be a man? Of emotions of 3 combined or mixed,together?
Anger,hate and jealousy becoming like an angry raging river? Directing his frustrations towards her? Instead of himself or
health club punching bag? Some may say feel or believe,even in a lie! There may be a single drop of truth! Ever
heard the songs Ghost Riders in the sky&The Highwayman,by Johnny Cash? Ever heard the songs Pay to the piper&Give
me just a little more time,by the Chairman of the Board? Ever heard the song Time has come today,byThe Chamber Brothers? Ever
heard the song Journey to the center of the mind,by Amboy Dukes? Failure to understand the character of the man,first!
Before physical sex can make a pain/no pain difference in a relationship! When women have love! Safely,within
their minds&hearts! From their own free will chosen unseen man! Absolutely,they have no fear! Of physical harm to
their heavenly bodies! Even when they are asleep! My Internet wives who only have keys to their Castles! Financially,protect
themselves making their hard earned money! From any financial survival risk of a shared key relationship! With a woman or
man without control! Of their specific emotions such as anger or jealousy! The worst or most shameful secret of
all! Is the unknown number amount ! Of not reported documentation and cases! Could this fear or silent terror of
some men? Be a reason some women? Take the risk to cheat? Seeking the opposite of angry raging river love? Having
some love&happiness? Regardless,of risk of losing her life? With a belief better to be loved? Than losing her life&no
love at all! In a closed casket she finds freedom&peace from harm! No longer disrespected,disgraced of womanhood or seeing
sight of his face! Even if he be standing over her grave! In the rain with dozens of roses! Could it be the reason
some women? Run,from terror and race like a track meet super star? Seeking love from other women? Who may be
able to relate to such painful experiences? Some fall in love,too! How amazingly wonderful for them! On the
public page you can discover 2 respected domestic violence website links! They are there on purpose,not by oops,accident or
mistake,why? As a man,I do the best I know how to practice what I preach! I do care if a woman lives or dies! Be she family
related to me,or not! I do,love each of my Internet wives&daddys' girls! Like legal wives,now! For it would be too late!
To tell them while crying over their graves surrounding by expensive roses! They no longer can smell or see,from me!
I desire them to have it all! While they are alive&above ground! Without risks of bruised or broken heavenly bodies!
From a single mistake! Of falling in love with a man! Of hidden character who is a magician! Small,large or big
manhood wand! To secretly disguise what he sees within the reflection! Of his or her mirror! Under the same physical roof,legally,married
or not! Ever heard the song Signs,Five Man Electrical Band? Ever heard the song The Whole World is a Stage,by Fantastic Four?
In secret,could he be a man? Within himself,a magician of fear,sorrow and terror towards womanhood?Could it be he of such
a man? Secretly, If,in a position of power&authority? Secretly,hidden from the world? Create financial suffering
and emotional pain? And grief within their lives? Using a pen of authority,like a magic wand? Not a professional
on stage performance show magician? Who by manhood selection of an unlucky woman! In love with him,first? Becomes
his victim&co-star for live acts,performances and shows? Behind closed doors without and audience as witnesses? Could
it be possible? Respectfully,some men had medical operations? To bring on the outside who was seen in their mirrors? Respectedly,who
they felt within themselves? To avoid an angry raging river love? To become tidal wave rages? Towards a woman not of possible
equal physical strength? Like an alive body punching bag found in professional boxing gyms? Within a relationship
with a natural born woman? How is it possible to blame it on any kind of drugs influence? If,he be not forced to take it against
his own power of free will? It takes a finger to squeeze the trigger of a loaded gun! When the safety is under the control
of the man! Not under the influence or control of his potential deadly force emotions! Ever heard the songs,The Low Spark
of High-heeled Boys&Dear Mr.Fantasy,by Traffic? Ever heard the songs,Walk on the wild side?Satellite of Love,Vicious,or
Make Up,by Lou Reed? Could it be possible? In secret,some men except for the reflections? Within their own mirrors or hers?
Fight&struggle the keep the closet door? Within themselves,locked,hidden and out of sight? From the world except from
emotional acts of rage? Directed towards another man or woman? Within a relationship or not? In principle,doing physical
or deadly harm to their competition? As a false claim of manhood? Such as she cheated on me? Or she was seeing another woman
or man? Could the emotions of pride,anger and jealous become a Tidal Wave? Like a professional boxer defending his title?
Last round if he does not score a knockout,title,becomes a memory? Could it be possible? Such men could get in the habit?
Of committing crimes which becomes a neverending circle? Of being in prison to in secret? Wide-eyed see&dream at night joy
of showers sights? With tree trunk big boys,who are unaware of their secrets? In otherwords,willing to take risks to be behind
bars! Instead of rocking the world of a woman,not behind bars! Of any past relationship with a man! Was there a specific
man who seemed to be more? Of an attention magnet with your man than you? Did he seduce you to cheat? Then confessed&apologized
to your man? So he could avoid or escape the pain? If your man was not sexually attracted to men? How could he confess his
love&desires for him face-to-face? How many man/woman ships of love relationships? In secret have been torpedoed
down the middle? By men who had sexual desires for specific men? And at the beginning chose to hide? Their feelings instead
of being upfront honest? Including the man in the mirror who knew the truth?
A Ten Great Lines' Network webcam model,works smarter,not harder!
How and why? Using smart mobile technology and self promotion material such as business cards! Unique cologne aroma seduction
when out in the public! Why do many women financially fail as webcam girl performers?
The truth even with a ton of web traffic there is no guarrantee of how much traffic directly comes to you! Believe and invest
money in yourself and you can make alot of money! Bottom-line our "money for us" business relationship is real not a lie! Ten Great
Lines can be your making money family! Each of you,as an Internet financial front line shining star to the world! Making
money with you,although many,together as,One! Not from you like a number in a computer or meal ticket! No upfront fee&see
everything upfront free! How do you profit from a respected talent agent/agency fee? Even with your hard earned money?
As a human being and woman would you benefit from love,respect care and financial informational help? Be treated like a legal
wife? Promote yourself! Broke? Beginning on the home page seek other get paid survey opportunities within the pages of Ten
Great Lines! Use some of your free time with such types of surveys to generate money! Without spending a penny from your job,net
pay income! It ain't about upfront making money from you,first! It is about helping you financially soar like an Eagle
in life! Not seeking to keeping you,financially down on the ground! Respectfully,remember adult entertainment
is still a multi-billion yearly business! Your own customized business cards gives you a professional marketing image!
Some future clients may be real business peoples! Including promote your business unlimited income source (business cards)! A
Ten Great Lines woman understands she has a financial edge over adult actresses,how? If,an adult actress does not recieve
a percentage of each photo shoot or DVD sale? She does not profit from having her own business cards! $***12:28a.m.^^^07/15/2015-Roy Fennell
Like a film, mag,or photo shoot,good lighting is important to your financial success! Make sure you get or recieve lighting
details and specific placement instructions during your training period,why? Poor lighting can seem scary to many customers!
You want to create or present a well-lit warm friendly atmosphere,to make your clients desire to stay,not run away!+$Roy$8:18p.m.$06/18/2014+$
Financially,when a woman is over her head in financial deep ocean waters! Remains motionless, taking no motions or actions
to save herself! Slowly,sooner or later she will financially drown! Even when standing on solid ground! Helped many countless
others,some good or bad lovers? Now,you discover safely on a distant shore? They prefer to watch you sinking beneath the choppy
waves? From the weight of your financial obligations,alone? Financially,help,save and rescue yourself! Come aboard,get connected,financially
engaged&hitched by Internet! Cam yourself to financial safety on the shore of your life! As a lustful shameless booty
shaker,money maker Internet wife! When you uncage,release and control the direction! Of the like a hungry sexual female tigress!
Yearning&burning to escape thy cage on womanhood! Sooner than you think,you could be behind the wheel! Of your own new
car or luxury yacht! Set your course in a new direction,today! Towards towards your Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future,daily!
Not feeling&believing you are still,alone! This is opportunity for on fire sexual women! Who know exactly how they desire
to live their lives! Be it part-time or full-time employment! Roy Fennell-10/05/2015-1:00a.m.Ever heard the song,Green-eyed
Lady,by Sugarloaf? Are you a woman not in a relationship,married or not? Got a computer/laptop/webcam and Internet ready,now?
Not adding a single penny to your bank account,daily? Have no respected on the job retirement&healthHR benefits package?
Waiting for you 5,10,20 or 30 years? From now,at the end of the rainbow of your life?No written guarantee of employment 1-10
years from today? How is it not to your financial survival&future? Except for your favorite&expensive hi-heel
shoes? To unseen jump naked into a new beginnings&online relationship in your life? Becoming a part-time/full-time
booty shaker,money maker Internet bride&wife,first? Then learn,promote&earn everything else on our website? Without
walking out your door? Towards Gangnam Lifestyle Futures! Butterfly Love! Financial Freedom Power!
If you have 10 clients!Each spending $100.00 per week ! That would be $1000.00 per week! $4000.00 per month
for you! Are you a woman working part-time 15 -20 hrs a week? Does your "net pay" equal $1000.00,per week? Does
your gross paycheck equal $1000.00,per week? How much money with 20 clients each spending $100.00,per week to see only you? ***
Roy Fennell***09/08/2015***1:41a.m.Got a college student loan or credit card debt monkey on your back? 2. problems with
fast or quickie money! 1.It does not last long 2.It may be unavailable when you need it most! At worst depending on a womans'
financial circumstances! She can become a victim to experts&professionals! Who will lure her into servitude without
pity! Using her own dreams of stardom,fame and fortune! To entrap her based on free will desire to escape her overload of
financial obligations!They know when such women! Do not have boyfriends or husbands helping them out,they are all alone!They
are the Masters of their game! Have free samples and fall in for the money love! With many lonely,bored and tenderly young
hot sexy women! In dire financial survival desperation seeking excitement! Free willing to gamble and take a chance for a
thrill! The masters of the game,know for a financial fact! It is a sure money making profitable bet! Some of the unlucky ones
will be helpless&unable to escape! The temptation monkey of ecstasy excitation! With unseen claws,clinging tightly
to their naked backs! The women who fall into their traps become their financial slaves! There is no more powerful drug
on Planet Earth than free will love! You will not find it in a pill or bottle! Nor discover it on the shelf for sale at the
local pharmacy store! It is not an oops,accident or mistake! My Internet wives&daddys' girls,worldwide! Wear unseen money
love rings on their fingers! When they are ready,not me! To go girl,get&seize their money! Individually,they will be like
runaway freight trains! Fueled&unstoppable powered by their untamable spirits!
How do you blame a honest Master of the game? When it all began by free will choices? He be just making his money! From
a thrill seeking young sugar sweet honey! Super horny for sex like a bunny! At the time of her yes/no opportunity! Said,yes,unaware
when she star eyed thought! Would become an exciting future and life! Turned out to be a living nightmare! The bright light
was the street lights! Fame as a stalker of the night! Not tobacco in that pipe! Text messaged car dates,left&right! Was
in a hurry,seeking fast cash quickie money solutions! Chasing a pipe love dream! With hopes of marriage like a greyhound
dog after a rabbit! Little did she realize,to her shock,mirror secret shame and surprise! The Master of the game
who wrote the book! Was seeking a fast cash quickie money solution,too! Unlucky,for her she was it! By her own free will decision!
Without a scream or shout from pain! Would walk naked&barefoot 1 mile on lava hot coals! To recieve an engagement
ring and promise of legal marriage from him! She did not understand his game! Like a kite on a string! Got her thinking
she will one day! Be chosen to wear his wedding ring,and be the only One! She don't understand his game! Not about love,all
money,his jealous lover! Hope is the string to keep her doing his dirty work! Marriage means financial game over,money
is his jealous wife,too! To become lucky in love,if he asks her to become his legal wife!Little does she know when the
car dates income! Slow down and begin to choke the profits like an unseen anaconda! To his financial unsatisfaction!
Locked on his expensive cellphone tighter than a snare drum! Is lots of telephone numbers of hot&sexy young girls! Seeking
the snap finger excitement from the spotlight of fame&fortune! In a heartbeat for replacement of her by him
actions! To speed up the motions of money flowing into his bank account,not hers! A female not woman,parking lot runner! Under
cover of big brother! Making her King money,like a blazing in the sun Gat attack! If she be lucky,may get a raise! If she
works alittle harder! For to please,her pipe dream King,gladly drop to her knees! As his financial love slave! Out of
the $500.00 or more she earns each night! He rewards&loves her! So much with a wink and a smile she recieves a C-note! Within
their relationship he is the King&she the financial slave! Happy as a bird singing in a cage! Ever heard the
saying hate the game not the player? Anywhere,any place or closet space! While dancing if she met Mr.D,face-to-face?
Lord&Master of a magical dance with feet of heated flames! Like an insurance salesman,new claims! With
invisible ink pen,leaves no trace! She would sign,naked on the dotted line! With natural eyes closed being blind! To
the forever pipe love for her free will! Chosen dream man,with a business spotlight plan! Under cover of big brother!
Her King is her real life Porn Director&Teacher! Of his strict financial rules! From his gold and diamonds dollars¢s school!
OMG his bank account at her expense&risks! She be one of 3! Snap finger fast cash! In a flash stable girls! Use to
be a high school cheerleader! The fans loved her! If,they could see her,now? They would not cheer only cry! Now,in his
eyes,not heart! She be all weather mare money! Out the gate, heart attack full gallop,not to be late,for a date! Should
she dare no pipe dream love! Loves her so much got her in full control! Of directed,full-time employment!
An Agent of Fortune magician,got her bankable financial assets working,car,street corner,motel,hotel or parking
lot dates! Her biggest fan,powerful muscular man,large hands like catcher's mitts,with small tree trunk size manhood tool!
Did a nickle of time, lockup dreamed for a back alley! Behind a neighborhood dumpster,round the world porn star!
Like magic his dream came true,here she be,naked down on her knees! Bathed her always in the dark face with shot glass waves!
His baseball gloves hands,around her head! While deeply recieving her financial lollipop education! Like she be a stay after
school teacher's pet! As he closes his eyes,looking up into the night sky! Silently,saying thanks,for the opportunity! To
tutor his no can say no porn star Queen! Tree trunk lollipop lessons for life! His partners of 3,will jump
with joy,from tree shaking welcome back to the hood gift! An around the world,girl,who for a few lines,they can have
her,free! Her overnight wishes came true! Live snap finger fast cash! In a flash porn star! Like
magic from the pipe love wand! Dirt cheap,magical easy quick tricks sell! Once free will,signed on dotted line,it disappears,he's
a claims wheeler dealer Master magician,too,got no tears of love! Ever heard the song,Can't you hear me knocking,byThe
Rolling Stones?Ever heard the song,30 days in the Hole,by Humble Pie? Honestly,how do you blame the Master of the game?
Roy Fennell-10/02/2015-8:43p.m.
If,it ain't by the power of free will love! Anything else is for absolute love! To control/enslave with unseen whip!
Without even a single rose upon her grave,why? She ain't making her King no more money! From her round the world! Slip-n-slide,do
you wanna ride? Pleasure muffin honey no problem! Her King in a heartbeat done replaced her before the wake! With another
snap finger quick cash! Out his financial mares stable gate! Young and tender money making hot honey bunny!
She got powerful thighs! Long strong legs for days! A fresh full lips out of high school looker! Honestly,how
do you blame? The true Master of the game? Ain't got no time or tears for love? With dancing feet of flame? When
it all began by free will choices? Roy Fennell-04/27/2016-11:37p.m.
Naked or not,take your time! To make up your mind of the direction of your future! Your free will decision to make not
mine! Which power,proposal,relationship or marriage! Is the choice for your sexual soul&heart happiness? Of which shall
thee be of horny wife? When unseen at the altar waiting for the One,alone? Together,going down the aisle on the roads and
highways of life! Like texting&driving looking for love in the wrong place! In a split second can become a fatal mistake!
Go from joy to a sadness wake,in a heartbeat! Roy Fennell-04/26/2016-11:02a.m. Not too late to website run away! From documented
free will given and written 3 kinds of love! True,unconditional and untouchable without strings or control! Of your mind,heart,body
or free will love! Each time I prefer you to call me,first,why? Based on different time zones worldwide! It is impossible
for me to know for fact! If you are driving on a road or highway or not! I love&care about each of you that much!
Respectfully,single mom or not seen or unseen!
Suppose I had a daughter! She asks for my opinion of having a landline! When she already had a cellphone! I would suggest
having both has advantages! If unknown to her she is dating a secret player! I would tell her if there is no sound
with her cell? And she could not see his whole body! How would she know for a fact? He was not naked from the waist down?
With an on her knees to please naked secret girl? While she was working to help keep food on the table? Or if she called the
landline phone? When he was suppose to home? And the phone rings and nobody home? With only a cellphone how does she
know for a fact? He is at home,not together,naked with his secret friend? Acting like he is at home while she is working to
help pay the rent? Roy Fennell-09/27/2015-3:57a.m. Ever known of any girlfriends? Got a STD and discovered based on medical
facts,it did not come from them? Being love blind to signs of things of a man's character! Before becoming physical can save
a brokenheart and more! Being a daddys' girl&Internet wife! Based on facts you discover with your own eyes! Reveals my
intent is not to hurt but help you in life!
To all my African women for life! White or Black within your respected Country of Africa,welcome home! For in a real
jungle! Not of asphalt or concrete,life or death is a struggle,daily! When it comes to paying your rent! Or having food on
your table for yourself or precious child(s)! Your loving you,American man,came to your place! To rescue&show you how
we could make all your dreams come true,together! Under the same roof or not! Do I love all of you equally for life? I do!^^Roy
Ever heard the song The Lion sleeps tonight,by the Tokens? This is a song originally written&recorded by respectfully
Solomon Linda with the Evening Birds! Respectfully,for the South African Gallo Record Company! In 1939,under the respected
title "Mbube" composed in Zulu! Roy Fennell-09/29/2015-11:26p.m.
A relationship,that begins,with a single lie,and or a combination,of lies,sooner or later,will sink,in the "quicksand
of truth"! 8:11p.m. Roy Fennell***05/30/2014
Like business partners&Internet wives is real not TV show,music video or DVD movie fantasy! Face-to-face or not,a
liar,is a liar is a liar! For if untrue the Internet financial engagement within a money for us,relationship! How easy
could it have been for me to hookup,with a single woman? Secretly,with only her having in depth knowledge! Of all affiliate
programs&using smart technology? Including the $1,000,000.00 legal financial plan? Got an Eagle eye view of a happier
relationship? Under the same roof or not,now, or in your distant future? With wide-eye see proof which as a woman!
Makes you feel&believe you are wanted,needed and desired,daily? New beginnings for you can begin,today! Based on actions&commitment
to us! Roy Fennell_07/15/2015-12:57a.m.
My potential future"Internet brides&wives"do you believe what seemed impossible yesterday? Could
become possible for you forever,today? I do! See for yourselves,hit "you&me I do",page,above! Remember
to bookmark,tengreatlines.com,why? Don't miss out on newly added opportunities! Also,you can type these keywords,tengreatlines!
Into your browser searchbox,then hit search!*** Roy Fennell***10/12/2015***2:11p.m. Unseen or not,do you think,feel
or believe fate? Has made an error or mistake? For me not to be in each of your lives? If,you do not have a respected retirement&health
HR benefits package,today? My loves on paper that offers financial protection? Of your respected occupational/work and
labor of today? Your tommorrow and your futures,10yrs or more from,now? Globally,when women begin to think! Feel,believe within
minds&hearts! The unseen love is real&true! They become free will wives! Powerfully,without physically being
touched within their own Castles! For true love has no physical face! Nor boundaries of time,distance of miles,place or space!
For if unseen possible within your Castles or on the job at work! Each time,wearing your favorite&expensive hi-heel
shoes! With naked thighs wide-open until it hurt so good! Deeply,I be within your secret garden G-spot! Natural born woman
pleasure muffin paradise! Stay to feel&experience your hot lava splatter like thick pancake batter! Unseen doing you until
you become physically exhausted! Smilin'&weeping from the joy and experience of becoming weak in the knees! Barely
able to stand or even walk from the bed or desk! Not too late to run away if you prefer relationship treatment!
Like a respected schoolgirl,littlegirl or child of school age! Instead of a full grown woman who is a natural born Goddess
of seduction! Who seeks&hungers to increase the financial spending power! Of her bank book balance&size within as
many ways possible,legally! Who desires more than a drive to work! Drive from work back home future,10 or more years,from
now! With a hope chest full of dreams&financial unhappiness,daily! Absolutely, with no retirement&health benefits
package! To financially,save her from the fate of unknown endless tommorrows! Of drive from home to work! Drive
from work to home future! It is a sure bet,none of my Internet wives,respected single Moms or not! Will not allow
themselves to have nothing but dreams&hopes! At the end of the rainbows of their precious lives& with empty bank
accounts,too! When they feel&believe they are ready,not me! The adult webcam entertainment Industry will become their
financial feast¶dise! They could care less who is at the top! Once they lock in their minds&hearts they desire
to reign! They will become fierce for the money competitors! To establish long term financial relationships with each respected
webcam client,why? Do the math,over a 10yr period from a single client! Who credit card pays $100.00 within 7days per
week! What is the dollars¢s over 10yrs from a single respected webcam client? What about 30? Yes or no,have you seen
the unlimited income opportunity? On the Models-6 page of our website? Not a mistake having your own business websites&cards! See
with your own eyes when it comes to each of your financial survival&futures! It has nothing to do with being face
to face,in the same bed or under the same physical roof! The truth can be found within the minds&hearts of a shared by
free will Internet website! For if,I did not have such love&desire for all women? Not in a respected relationship?
Married or not,how easy could it have been for me? As a man to have only a single woman on top of all you can see within the
webpages? Of our website without each of you having such an equal do it yourselves opportunity,worldwide? This is my
free will chosen fate for material girls&for the money women!
Has nothing to do.With distance or miles.Nor being under the same physical roof or not.
Are you a woman in college? Thinking of camming your naked assets for us? Hungry like a female wolf,for some financial
ideas to feed your starving for money bank book? As your own travel agent? How much money could you bank from college
classmates? Who booked themselves,to travel to and from school? From your own website self-promoted in respected college
newspaper,messageboards and word of mouth? Do they love live concerts? Love to party and drink? Got a student loan monkey on
your naked back? If,you became a talent agent? How many women&men with student debt loans? Nakedly,would be free
willing with some even,together? Gladly,to webcam their assets debt free before they graduate? And have a part-time or full-time
employment financial solution? A what if, just in case financial game plan! If,their respected degreed
job is unavailable after graduation! In your opinion, could there be approx. 10,000 respected colleges,International&Nationwide?
Roy Fennell-09/26/2015-2:31p.m.
Can you handle the truth? I love a girl,anywhere,round the world that loves money! For such a heavenly female,honey,is
a woman of action and motion in or out of bed! Never motionless,she loves making money with the same excitement
when making love,with or without glove! When she turns herself on to cam,she becomes a living sex machine! Any mans' fantasy
or any womans' dream! A Ten Great Lines webcam girl,is in love with the excitement of making money! Every day can be
your valentines' day! Being happy when getting your money,first,not me! Benefits of financial freedom and opportunity
to live in an expensive or $1,000,000.00 home! Am I joking? Click the women page and see with your own eyes,what I desire
for you,not me! Roy Fennell&$&09/18/2015&$12:17a.m. Under one roof or not,it has always been about you coming,first,not
me! Was it a woman or a man? Who decided Valentines' Day is only celebrated once a year? Could this be a reason
millions of women? Who felt love was each day? When falling in love were only seeking love,not the person? Returning love
to them,hungrily? What about Mothers' day,too? Even Fathers' day,too? Could this be a reason some women&men? End up in
prisons seeking a different love? All that was available to survive&live,daily?
Respectfully&sincerely,upon bended knee,tenderly,I say sweetly, to each one of you,as whispered softly,as unseen
behind you! Into your left ear,the closest to your heart! Everything you need to safely make your money,can be found in the
reflections of your full length mirror,naked or not,why? As a woman you were born with the Power of seduction gift!
Love proof? No problem! Click the (power) page of our website! Respectfully,my only humble request is that each of you read
the whole page,why?
1. To understand why I am for real when I say I do,to you
2. Can you handle the absolute truth? Everything of our website you see has a single purpose for us! To reach Millionairess&Millionaire
status,in life,together! The financial honeymoon being you getting your money,first,not me! Under the same roof or not!
Internet creation of having your own business website and business name,why? As I have said Ten Great Lines is about
making money with you,not from you! To respect&treat you like a partner in life instead of source of income! With you
out front taking care of our webcam clients,without the opportunity to share all the profits&benefits! Click the (power)page
of our website,please! Roy Fennell-12/09/2014-4:48p.m.
My loves,when camming your assets for us! How easy could it be for each of you? To take a fixed percentage of your profits?
To cover any&all costs of your self-promotion expenses? Globally,how many hot sexy single women who are Moms&alone?
Who work 2 part-time jobs with unpredictable hours? Would have powerful secret wet dreams from the excitement! Again,feeling
alive becoming hotly desired as a woman! When she becomes financially engaged&hitched by Internet! She has controlled
sexual freedom as a Ten Great Lines webcam girl&Internet wife! Respectfully,when her precious child(s) goes to school!
She can set or fix her schedule! To get paid as the woman she feels comes to sexual life! When she sees her in the
reflections! Of her full length mirror seeking to escape! Inside her&depth of her sexual soul! The woman within
is like a sexual pleasure! Female werewolf hungry for sexual freedom! Now,when her precious child(s) is safe within her
Castle! If,need be,Mom can do non adult work! As the boss of her own Diva Woman Empire! With specific choices of the
4 special adult online dating sites! She can control mutual consent adult pleasure,outside her Castle! Not only does this
benefit her Mommy image with her child(s)! Zero risk of meeting or dating someone for 1 year! Who unknown to her has a secret
past as a sexual predator! Also,when Queen of her Castle,with only keys! She becomes the at home,peacekeeper! She controls
and maintain a safe,peacefully,no fear,environment,for herself&precious child(s),too! For example,her precious daughter,does
not have to grow up,with memories! Which can last to the grave of daddy doing bad things! To her respected Mother,one day,then
the next day,giving her roses! Could this be a reason some littlegirls growing into womanhood? Thinking the
bad things she saw daddy,doing to Mom? For over 10 years,as only his way of showing her how much he loved her? When looking
for love does she seek a man? To love her the way the daddy who gave her wonderful expensive gifts? A new car on her
18th birthday! Including color matched sexy lingerie&hi-heel shoes! With a wink and kiss on her lips! Loved her respected
Mother&his legal under the same roof wife? For over 20 years,then stood crying in the rain over her grave? Spending his
whole weeks pay on beautiful roses? Fooled the whole world with great acting skills! When on the outside like a magician!
He appeared to be such a wonderful man even on his job! Roy Fennell-09/06/2015-10:57p.m.
A Ten Great Lines woman will not allow ungloved front door or back door! Friction with any man who does not want,need
or desire her,daily! Without engagement&wedding rings commitment and love! In addition,to shared legal financial responsibilities!
Should she become unplanned pregnant since birth control pills are not 100%! She is the game player! Not adult games
pleasure played unexpectedly becoming pregnant! Then abandoned like a broken down car on the highway of life,alone!
Roy Fennell-09/09/2015-6:10p.m.This mind,body and heart never be played attitude! Is what separates Ten Great Lines women
from other women! They allow no man to treat them like blow-up adult pleasure dolls! Without risk of pregnancy,feelings and
emotions! They choose their man! Their chosen man does not choose them! Within each of their beating hearts&minds
he stays their man! Under the same roof or not period! How serious about a money for us,relationship? Will Ten Great Lines
women of the respected Country of Mexico? Become who may be earning $5.00 a day? Women in the respected Country of Africa
already know what a beastly croc can do without pity! There are crocs in the streets of concrete jungles! Waiting for fast&quickie
female money seekers! To come close to the edge,jump or fall into their unseen waters and oceans,with sharks! Ten Great Lines
women trust what they can see! Not feel,hope or believe is in life's waters of the unknown!
Ain't too proud or full of self interest pride,first! To beg each of you! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please! Please!
Please! For our mutual happiness future,first! Do not text-n-drive! Roy Fennell-05/16/2016-11:46p.m. Before us,think of all
your past relationships! Ever heard such loving&caring words? In regards to what is truly priceless,your life? If,of the
past had you? Been respectfully,legally married or not? For their can be many secret! Minds&hearts reasons some women,worldwide!
Feel driven to unseen slip away to cheat! Silently suffering within an unseen ocean of guilt! Which seems to fade
away only in the arms! Of another their secret undercover lover!
When for the money women&material girls? Not handcuffed within a relationship,round the world? Are Queens of their
castles,without questions? How soon can such heavenly bodies,with painted fingernails&toenails? Have their hands on the
pink slips&keys? Of the same day driven off the lots pretty colored? And sweet scented new dream cars? This
is a single example of what a money for us! Relationship,can do for you,first,not me! How free time is used matters! In dollars¢s
in bank accounts! Within our lives in many wonderful ways! Roy Fennell-09/26/2015-7:40p.m.Got to be
on fire with on purpose desire! To go after&seize this type of money! Labor is labor regardless the employment! What
matters most,is can you see,now? What is in it for you&bank account? In the future at the end of the rainbow! Will you
need to work harder or take it easy? As you become older in age? Can you travel at will,like take a mini-vacation per month?
Will you own at least one home? Will you have great medical benefits? Have to worry about car payments? Would life have more
value? Than looking forward to feeling like a hamster? Running on a wheel in circles? With no way out to escape to freedom?
Without a retirement&healthHR benefits package! Based on paycheck/paystub facts from respected employer! The human being
regardless,of his or her respected age! Indirectly,must keep working,like the hamster running on the wheel! In principle,the
only difference,human beings! Keep going in a circle of work to home! Home to work! Work to home! Driving their cars on the
roads,bi-ways and highways! Having the freedom to hit the ground! Running when the alarm clock sounds! To do it all over,again,the
following day! A retirement&healthHRbenefits package! Is a destination for respected employees! Ever heard the song Going
in Circles,by the Friends of Distinction? To go or arrive at the end of their employment! Years of service for respected
employer! Have you ever known or heard of any Super bowl game? Of which only the Quarterback was on the field,alone? And
won against the opposing Team Of Players? In my opinion,respected employees are on the same team! As respected employer
which may be in competition! For sales,etc.other respected employers,worldwide! The retirement&healthHR benefits package!
Is the Super bowl for years of labor service!
Money talks with worldwide showroom new car dealers! From the car dealership floor&door and same day out the parking
lot driveway! Once paid in full,wheel&dealed,$30,000.00 being the price of your dream car! At today's date&time,what
man or woman have you got in your life? Without strings,got multiple financial gameplans,with serious great potential,to help
you make your new car dream come true for you? Roy Fennell-09/23/2015-2:55a.m. When for the money women&material girls,take
action,to get in rhythm for the money,what can prevent them from having a shop til' they drop,Gangnam Lifestyle,delirious
future?Some of my Internet wives&daddys' girls! May experience powerful with force physical orgasm eruptions! For the
financial power excitement! With same day out the door! Then from parking lot to street exit with pink slip or legal
documention ownership,why? On paper such a purchase could become a financial status symbol! Your credit score may zoom
like a rocket to the moon! If,you saw a $1000.00 bill in front of you? On a sidewalk,how is it possible the bill can
hurt you? You may be in harms'way! !f another person saw the bill before,after or same time! Bottom-line,money ain't the problem!
What is in the minds&hearts of a man or woman! Then free will action taken to get the money! Determines the positive
or negative results! Think you can handle the truth? If,money was the problem? Honestly,would there be collection plates? Globally,within
any respected churches? If it be of 3? Would 3 $1000.00 bills on a sidewalk bum rush you,trip you? Do a Motorcycle&Hillbilly
boot Stomp? Then Gansta' slap,spank,then against thy free will? Back door you,while smilin',when you be crying from the pain?
Bottom-line money is not the problem! The true problem is what's in the mind&heart of the human being! To act or
takes actions to get the money! Regardless,of the amount! It is either civilized behavior! Within a modern day society beyond
caveman/cavewoman tribal society! Or it is something unknown! In my opinion,it begins with the character of the human being,first!
Chinese proverb: Go for it. You never know what happen next.
Between us,there can be no email or phone signup to cam chases,why? To make sure the door is closed&locked!
To any potential bedroom secret sweet pleasure muffin deals! Indirectly,behind the unseen backs of other International Internet
wives&daddys' girls! No travel by airline,train,bus,taxi or car! Is required or expected to signup! To become a Ten Great
Lines webcam model with professional pride,worldwide! To financially get ahead to stay in life,daily! Not financially drown
within an unseen ocean of rising prices! Or financial tidal waves of student loan debts! Ever slowing rising apartment rents&utility
bills! Or credit card&home morgage loans and debts! Seeming like no mercy barnyard hens pecking your net income paychecks
to death! Including groceries,entertainment and what if,unexpected! Sometimes in life to make change! For survival&happiness
it must begin within us,first! Roy Fennell-09/24/2015-5:35p.m. Ever dream it could be possible! Based on free will desire
you could become an unseen naked? Financially engaged&hitched by Internet woman,today? On the way to becoming
an online Internet bride&wife? With a new beginnings& unseen man in your life? Not in your Castle place,face,adult
pleasures or bank account,tommorrow? With love&desire for you as a hot sexy dangerous curves woman? If you heavenly
be a female astronaut? Living&working in outer space? A woman who is the captain of a 747 Jumbo or business jet?
Taking-off,now,in a blinding snowstorm? Or landing soft as a feather? During a fierce thunderstorm with lightning flashes
and pouring rains? A female fighter jet pilot flying deadly air strike missions? A woman who is a combat soldier with hand
to hand battlefield skills&proven rank? If,you be a woman who is an on the mark crosshairs experienced
sniper? When out of respected uniforms they need not call! To whisper softly,they are live wire hot in bed! Roy
Fennell-09/16/2015-5:53p.m. Even if your money is funny! When free will wearing only your favorite&expensive
sexy hi-heel shoes? Within the reflections of your full length mirror? You could see yourself,happily married as an Internet
wife? Without surrendering a single drop of pleasure muffin honey? Without risk of becoming lock up,trapped or baited? Into
a potential sexual jeckle/hyde,stray cat or tick relationship prison? Based on love hope&dreams of a better future? They
can avoid and Stay Away as though it is a respected Police K-9 puppy in the patrol Unit car! From the double standard relationship!
What do I mean? It is A-okay to watch porn movies,together! Maybe,alone,but not A-okay to earn money as a webcam girl! A-okay
to wide-eyed watch a porn movie! With 2 hot women going at like there is no tommorrow! Not A-okay for the woman within
the respected relationship! To get it on,with another woman! Not respected schoolgirls or children! Even if both adult
women are not legally married to anybody! If,caught in the act! They recieve labels such as lesbian,gay or bi-sexual or straight!
Think you can handle the truth? A woman is a woman is a woman! If,by nature she can become pregnant! Become a Mom! Does it
mean the world can expect? Each precious baby,to be of their labeled respected Mothers? Ever heard of any respected Hospitals,worldwide?
Having a separate respected Maternity Ward,for lesbian,gay,bi-sexual or straight Moms only? If each of the above gave
respected birth to daughters? When they became of age for dolls? When their respected Moms entered a section for respected
children? Would they need to focus on finding toy dolls? With labels lesbian,gay,bi-sexual or straight? If the exact same
dolls would the prices be exactly the same for each doll? Or would there be a magic retail wand to tap? And raise the prices
of only 2? Ever heard the song Woman to Woman,by Joe Cocker? Ever heard the song,Karma Chameleon,by Culture Club? Ever heard
U can't touch this,MC Hammer? Ever heard the songs,True Colors&Girls just want to have Fun,by Cindi Lauper?
Got go girl be a winner attitude? Tough enough to cowgirl up? Jump naked on top of the dual making money? Camming and
phone sexing opportunities as for the money riders? Staying long term in the saddle? Like female bucking bronco champion rodeo
stars? Roy Fennell-your online husband,now&later! 01/20/2016-3:56a.m. Free willing&unafraid to pull them down? Take
them off as nature born? Goddesses of seduction online team players? Money makers proud to be booty shaker
Internet brides&wives? So each day your hearts beat? You can feel,believe and experience,daily? Each of you are wanted,needed
and desired? Treated like full-grown adult horny sexy women? Not like respected little girls or school-aged children?
How many years of knees knockin' beds rockin' physical orgasms? Are each of you free willing to endure and take for us? Without
guilt or shame for always naturally being make a Baby hot?
Within our money for us relationship online marriage! When unseen&free will you be wide-open to stay for me! To begin
slowly&unseen deep enter secret garden heavenly milky way delights! To stay not tease and runaway! From your precious
gold pleasure muffin grip! With natural locomotive motions! Like clapping hands get it actions of hips! Instead
for your eyes to weep with bass drum pounding happy heart! Tears for years of just married newlywed honeymoon&bedroom
excitations,daily! Truly,like legal man&wife with possible our non physical online creation of our baby future! For
how does the mind&heart of a woman not love profit? When all of her heavenly priceless assets? Is the delicious adult
pleasure treat not trick? For married expectations of lifetime love&lust benefits? With a possible bundle of joy for
her own happiness,first?With or without a respected license,engagement&wedding ring? Under the heavenly roof of the
skies,sun,stars and moon! Roy Fennell-08/20/2016-6:58p.m.
For us&our long term financial happiness/security futures? How soon of your own free wills without walking out Castle
doors? Will each of you be wearing minds&hearts? Unseen money love rings on each of your fingers? For us up until your
respected legal wedding days? Roy Fennell-05/17/2016-12:28a.m. Still not too late to escape or runaway! If,you do I still
wish to best for each of you! For it is a minds&hearts true love fact! Some horny sexy women worldwide,daily! Were born
to be/become Ten Great LInes adventure women! Online married team player wives!
For millions of unattached,wide-open and relationships available women,worldwide!
Who promise not to tell it to our graves! In secret,can by Internet get connected! Financially engaged&online married
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secret lives as get paid naked! Team players naughty girls! Online married without being unexpectedly divorced secret wives!
Real life role playing new beginnings of joy! With unseen True Love,first!
Exactly,what was wanted,needed and desired within all! Face-to-face past relationships first beginnings,combined! Right
before thy eyes in secret! Without walking out their castle doors! Safely,they can enter a unique one of a kind! Relationship
which could/can last a lifetime!
For it becomes a dollars¢s fact! Outstanding webcam shows&phone sex
perfomances! For respected repeat clients and customers! Indirectly,gives them electronic credit card money! Reasons
to help each of you! Pay your rent,utilities and grocery bills! Pay your student loan/credit card debts! Pay your car/insurance
payments and more! These are the montary facts! Of committed,faithful and loyal working hours schedules! Roy Fennell-09/05/2016-5:42p.m.
Within the lives of online married secret wives,first! And being no telling it perfect girlfriends secrets keepers! The truth not a lie! Of/for each of your respected female/male clients/customers,worldwide!
Below this text you will find 12 webcam and or agent opportunities,
1st choice,2nd choice,or 3rd choice,etc! I suggest you click each of them,why? Check the FAQ's,to see if you fit their
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discover the facts,fill out your"webcam model" online application,asap! Love to text? Why not do it for profit and fun?
Without spamming,and using the guidelines of any and all social networks,worldwide! Create your own fan base texting men and
women willing to legally,pay-n-play to see all your assets!*** Women not in any relationship who
are addicted to sex&money! Will discover within our money for us relationship online marriage! Part-time/full-time camming/phone
sexing for us! Offers them unlimited rapid&get it furiously motions of their hips! Physical sexual edurance to hit&get
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power! Opportunity to get paid for their actions,daily! Experienced female adult film actress or not! Safe&active sexual
freedom paradise! Without walking out your Castle door! On the road towards A Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Butterfly
Love! Financial Freedom Power! While waiting on a lucrative adult film contract! For the eyes of your respected female/male
attorney to review,first! Roy Fennell***7:32p.m.***12/27/2015
After the 12th choice you see&discover with your own eyes!
A phone sex text underlined paragraph weblink and banner! Click on either will take you! To what is called a landing page!
For reasons within the phone sex text link paragraph! I suggest you consider using the text link! Roy Fennell-09/05/2016-3:00p.m.
Secretly! Between us it does not matter.As online married! Money making lovers like cement! In either of our
physical castles doors! Including secret meeting place&Internet home! Favorite sexy hi-heel shoes at/near! Main entrance/exit.Can
it be proven each of you? Have your own unseen man? Secret money making lover&online husband? Not face-to-face in thy
private/personal lives? Bottom-line zero problems/conflicts! Within thy face-to-face! Adult pleasure dating relationships!
Daddy love! 03/05/2017-8:43p.m.
It's a girl thing! For whatever reasons yes/no? Do some women not within exclusive relationships? Date more than one
person at time? When shopping,looking and searching for love? Without an engagement&wedding ring? On her finger,first?
She be the one who gets the blame! If,seen out with someone else! On a date only without intent of physical sex! Was not on
her agenda one that day,maybe never!
Love to know a secret between us? By chance when I discovered them! Yes,I recall teary eyed joy,why? Of the many
phone sex companies! I visited by Internet the door was closed! To affiliate program opportunity for me! To offer to each
of you worldwide! Which means the door of potential dual profits! Globally,is wide-open as a pso&affiliate,too! Truly,not
an oops,accident or mistake! I selected adult webcam/phone sex! Online partners/team players who offer unlimited income opportunity!
Free training with expectations with no upfront fee! Of at least a commitment of 20-25 hrs per week! What is the importance
of committing time? To a minimum 20-25 per week webcam/phone sex schedule? The truth a potential respected repeat client!
May spend a total amount of $100.00 over a 7 day week! Not $100.00 per cam show/phone sex call! Which
means each respected client has priceless value! When it becomes a second nature habit! Each camming/phone sex performance!
Is performed like it will get you a standing ovation! Your bank account will grow! If not it is a sure bet! Your bank account
will stay low then flow empty! Banging body or not! The keep the money flowing and bank book! Growing secret begins with
commitment to schedule! Be it part-time/full-time camming/phone sex employment! Roy Fennell-03/13/2016-11:55a.m.
With your own eyes,when you see,yourselves,within your full length mirrors,how can you not feel&believe you are not
female goddesses of adult pleasure,learning to become expert webcam show teasers,money making pleasers,without nobody touching
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Make your clients happy and they gladly will make&keep each of you,financially happy! Safely&secretly,lustfully and
personally,satisfying each others' in heat,wants,needs of flaming desires,without knowing real names,locations,jobs or business!
No strings,questions,stray cat or tick relationship issues! Roy Fennell-03/13/2015-7:22p.m.Due to the fact,it is impossible
for me! To be everywhere in the world,at once! To protect them even in their Castles day or night! Should they be in any respected
shopping mall! Retail or store parking lot,with child(s) or not! Without a respected Police or Security Officer in visable
sight! My Internet wives&daddys' girls may jump with joy! When they discover within the webpages of our shared site! More
than one website link to an introduction to the art of self-defense courses! In regards to the respected United Nations International"Homeland
Security"! Within&outside respected America! In my opinion, with respected Countries,sensitive! To firearms with it's
respected citizens! This could be a sure bet! Solution to uncivilized acts or unapproved behavior! Which indirectly or
directly disrupts the intended peace&harmony within our respected shared world!
Please,again,let me say,thank-you,for taking some of your valuable time,to visit us,of Ten Great
Lines! I am pleased and honored,by your presence! Respectfully, regardless,of your decision,I wish you,family,and friends,much
success and happiness in life! I got your back,now,today,tommorrow,and in your future! Our website,is your proof!
Roy Fennell
The making money $1,000,000.00 legal financial plan! Is just the beginning of what a money for
us,relationship,can do for you,first,not me! Sooner or later,even slowly motions of actions create results! For us,our website
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Women&Ten Great Lines Webcam Models! Globally,many,yet,as One,Together! Seeking to reach&go beyond Our Gangnam
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Power of what the Internet,can do for us! Roy Fennell-09/02/2015-7:42p.m. For the money women&material girls,an online
shopping,shop til' they drop paradise on Planet Earth,nonstop future! Worldwide,good,secret bad&naughty girls! Free willing
to earn as they learn to become shameless,female actresses! Safely,in secret behind their closed doors has many benefits!Which
can be wide-eyed seen on our website,now! Based on facts every inch of your heavenly bodies&assets! Including
painted fingernails&toenails and sweetness between has greater value than 1 million dollars to me,now,not unknown
future! What would you do,if a man had so much fire&desire for each of you? With sweep you off your feet game plans?
Within your full-length mirror! How could you not feel&see yourself,as a money making super star?
Worldwide,be it 10 or 1000 women,what will always remain true! Within our non physical money for us,relationship! Under
the same roof of the clouds, heavenly stars&skies! Of free will not games,strings nor lies! There can be&shall always
be,room for only one financial star,not me,only you! Roy Fennell-02/28/2015-9:16a.m.
Ten Great Lines want it all&more hot webcam girls!
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When within our minds&hearts,of non physical bodies,as One,together,If,the act,motions and actions? Of online making
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a year! As Internet man&wife&business partners,for me,wives! Like legally married man&wife,for me,wives! Together
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Under the same roof&spotlight! Of the heavenly stars,skies,moon and sun! Of the Face of Nature,above! Roy Fennell-09/26/2015-2:05p.m.
Apart,we have nothing to lose,as One,kissed by the Sun,we have everything to gain,for us,Together! Equally,do I love
each one of you? I do? More today,than yesterday! Seen or not seen or even within my dreams our love within hearts will feel
true even to our graves! Under the same roof of the heavenly stars&skies so blue!Roy Fennell-02/21/2015-12:51a.m.
Based on non cheating women relationship facts of this webpage! Truly,how faithful,dedicated,loyal,committed and happy,daily?
Could responsible adult full grown&by nature horny women,not respected littlegirls? Legally,not by back alley,motel,hotel,street
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round the clock 24/7? Do them Money Right,man&show them the money,daddy? Globally&truly how could they be viewed
as unfaithful women? When respected peoples of our world,can see the whole truth? Of our money for us,relationship,free?
With heavenly hot bodies in heat due to the fact? Nature has chosen them to stomach house&feed their babies,if
possible? How is it not,to their financial survival advantage? Safely,using what they got and was given at no charge,free?
To escape their chains&shackles of financial bondage? So they may fly high in the sky like Eagles? Soaring in their lives
towards financial freedom&power as independent women? Spending lots of money&creating employment opportunities? Which
enriches their respected Governments,Countries&Economies,too? Roy Fennell-09/02/2015-6:39p.m. Are you a woman not
in a relationship,legally married or not? Been looking for love in all the the wrong places? Tired&income weak from having
to financially struggle to make ends meet,alone? Hungry like a female wolf, prowling&searching the Internet? For a new
beginnings&man in your life,not in your face? Love to wide-eyed see and discover what a money for us,relationship? Could
do for your,mind,heart&bank account,too? Quickly,as you are,now,come to my Internet website home,Tengreatlines.com! See
what Together,as one,we can do for us,and our financial futures,beginning,today!
It is not impossible for respected womens' childhood fairy tale dreams! Of and for love to come true! For with love,first! Found,felt
and discovered within their minds&hearts! Anything is possible beyond their wildest dreams! When least expected love
can find you! Ever heard the song,You can't hurry Love,by the Supremes? Roy Fennell-09/26/2015-2:29p.m.Ever heard the song,Are
you ready,by Pacific Gas&Electric?
Unseen,together as One! Together,at the safer than a bank vault fortress! Internet marriage at the Chapel of Love! Within
our untouchable minds&hearts! Roy Fennell-09/21/2015-9:13p.m.
Once financially engaged&online married,first! Our red book diary way.
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International money making naughty girls&secret wives.Queens unseen
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Businesses to end thy financial.Struggles to make ends meet,alone.
No longer left waiting/standing at the altars.Of thy lives for prince
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Making lover&online husband.Within our money for us relationship
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To bring the complete package.To the daddy of our baby!
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All night long came to wide-open.With thy permission,first!
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With butterfly wings of fury.To create the heartbeats new lives.
International moms Internet brides&wives.Each of my born.
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Lava hot 3 circles juicy-n-tight all night! Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
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At once the good girls&naughty girls,24/7! 365 days a year.
Being the complete package whole wedding cake.With King Kong size.
Love-n-respect for each of thee,first! As nature born women with female
pride,worldwide.Daddy love! Roy Fennell-10/03/2017-4:55p.m.
While tree climbin'/shakin' my big.Surprise beneath their umbrellas.
Each one promised to their graves.To no condoms/birth control pills.
Never ever tell on us.What we did in their castle beds of nature magic!
On purpose bringing to life our creation.Like a mild earthquake!
Made their beds shake! With 3 washloads of bed soaked sheets.
With hot bun in the oven.Lustfully! Flames of secret desire fire.
Bucked me! Like live wire heartbeating sex machine Queens!
Each one made me feel like a King! Lucky,lucky me!
For a safe new beginnings&man.Financially coming&making money!
In thy lives together as one.Benefits of a round the clock,nonstop.
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While pulling down/taking-off! Thy expensive panties with lust.
For us to come-n-get it! Within our saving money.Making money in
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Will you be,a"webcam girl",for me,please,asap?
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My future"webcam girl",in life,the knock of great or big opportunity,does not come very often,when it does,although uncertain
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courage,will surely,fly away!!! Roy Fennell-6-30-2011
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Roy Fennell-12:15p.m.-10/02/2015-Welcome Aboard!(*_*)
Our red book way! Within our money for us relationship online marriage!
Chinese proverb:Benefit by doing things that others give up on.
Chinese proverb:Be magnanimous,be trustful,be hopeful and be patient.
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Location address home www.10greatlines.com Is a bed soaked sheets! Wet dreams with hot! Steam coming true for material girls.
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their dreams can come true. New beginnings and lives with unseen. Last names at work ,club ,grocery or retail stores. Roy
Fennell-03/30/2020-1:48p.m. Safely! Secretly! Quickly! By Internet financially engaged! Online married diva women. Daddy's
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sexual genies.