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Youngblood! Come closer! Let's have a man-to-man talk! You hate your father and or stepfather! I got it! Solution,be
a better man than him,how? Be the opposite type of man! Do not follow in his footsteps! As a man,from within,have you got
it in you,to be as tough as a Zulu warrior,in being a better man,than him?Roy Fennell+++07/10/2014===3:35p.m.
Youngblood! Come closer! Let's talk man-to-man! Free advice!
Thinking about having your,first,go down on a woman experience?
1. If it offends the nose,big boy never goes,condom or not!
2.Mom said if you want to get to know a woman,get a look in her bedroom! What you see is exactly what you can expect
as a homemaker,wife and mother of your child(s)! If you allow big boy to decide what is best for you,do not complain about
the end results! When you go to work,do not get angry at her,if your child(s) is wearing the same diaper,when you return from
work! Why? What you see does not make her a bad woman! What you see does not make her a bad mom! Why? Her childhood was different
from your respected Mother! Her childhood was different from my respected Mother! *Roy Fennell*07/10/2014*3:50p.m.
Hello youngblood! Even with lust,mutual trust,is not something it is everything!Take my free advice above! Use this weblink
knowledge for your,first,go down on her experience,why? A for pleasure relationship,may lead to a money for us relationship,which
may lead to a walk down the aisle marriage relationship,together! Take a look for free! Click-here!***Roy Fennell***09/13/2014***11:02p.m.
Daily,enter her heavenly pleasure muffin with full intent&desire! To become the Master of each and all
her body flopping like a fish out of water powerful Orgasms! Sooner or later,from exhaustion her legs will go limp,let
her rest! As a man you can take pride in watching her barely,able to walk! Mini orgasms will cause her body to tremble,even
shake! Many women would be wide-open&ever ready willing to recieve such benefits! Of after work go down on her like
a hungry werewolf,tongue for stress relief excitement! What would she be gladly&willing to do to say OMG thanks
to you? Roy Fennell-06/04/2015-2:05p.m. Also,if and when a man smacks a woman,it reveals 2 things! 1. He has no control
of himself and his temper! 2. Under certain circumstances at the wrong time or place! His actions&attitude could
leave you both face down or face up,in the streets! Right or wrong,in certain areas of Cleveland,Ohio,you can lose your life,in
a flash,just by bumping into a car! A man without respect for other men and their rides,who cannot control his temper! Would
not live long in that part of town! A wise man respects anyone who could end his life,including his or a woman!
Respectfully,did you know,within some respected States,within,my respected Country of America? Legally,some women may
be packing more than heavenly hips in motion, rivaling the waves upon any ocean wearing booty shorts? Nothing like a woman
who got her free will chosen man's back,in everything in life! Indirectly,including benefits to the respected department
of Homeland Security! Do I mean it? Absolutely&Truly,I do! Roy Fennell- 06/06/2015-9:22a.m.
Hey girl of secret treasure,honey!The way you're looking at me,of no small measure!I'm feeling and thinking,we could be cooking
under your sheets!Big boy loves the way you move&groove!Ain't no color of pills would ever be required,between us!Love to
experience a 69 feast? After I do you,first? Like your own private for your pleasure werewolf beast? Since always you come,first,profusely,not
me? Got all day&night music for us!Regardless,of your native tongue!Behind closed doors the only language we need is love,lust
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talk about an Internet financial engagement?Deeply within a money for us,relationship? And what your heavenly booty shorts
magic can do for you,towards unlimited income,without anyone,touching your body? Love to hear how you could be doing it,in
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of my physical Castle,even 10,000 miles or more,away? Love to spoonplan&pillowtalk? How,as one we can reach a Gangnam Lifestyle,together,not
at your expense? Ain't too late to run away if you cannot take the heat! Willing&love to adult pleasure play with me? Click-here!(+_*)1:01a.m.(*_+)06/09/2015
When for their money women&daddy's girls,round the world! Selfishly,have for themselves a new beginnings&man
in their precious lives,not faces,business,pleasure or bank accounts! If,of free will desire to legs lock and wrap themselves
around our money for us,relationship! They can do so tightly,without fear of holding back! Due to the facts,they can see the
direction with a Gangnam Lifestyle Future destination! Absolutely,no fear of harm to a single strand of hair on
their heavenly bodies! No legal divorce possible! No risk of heartbreak,betrayal or physical pain or emotional breakup!
No risk of ever becoming pregnant with precious child,then left,feeling unwanted and not desired,alone! If,and when you least
expected,what would you do,If,a man,who loves women? Without strings,desired an Internet financial engagement with you? Within
a money for us,relationship? So,we,could create something special between us? You could wide-eyed nurture and watch grow up,to
be your very own business Empire? With your own family name,not mine? Roy Fennell-06/12/2015-9:45p.m. Observe&seek
the character of the man,first,and you may discover your wedding day may be closer than you dreamed!
Chinese proverb :Every important call is a close one.
Chinese proverb : Feeding a cow with roses does not get extra appreciation.
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A moan or groan from that toy pleasure,bone?I'm jealous! Forgive my drool cause your dripping pleasure muffin looks sooo delicious
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Click-here!(*_*)(*_*)()06/23/2014()()()()1:20a.m. Sweet dreams! A non-reflect mirror on the sight of your riot,could see around
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Hello! May I tell you a secret? Can we keep it just between us adults? Shortly,I will on my way to the cockpit! If this
747 Jumbo jet begins to shake as though we hit a turbulent air pocket,do not be alarmed! Shhhh, a mom and daughter are
waiting for me,their captain of pleasure! Both have blue eyes and love to play tennis! My pleasure friends of delicious delights,promised
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Hello! Pssst,you know me I do not like to gossip! Shhh,the woman with legs for days is A Ten Great Lines Airlines flight
attendant! Gets drippingly hot when she wears a nurse uniform! Shhh, another Ten Great Lines Airlines flight attendant loves
phone sex so much I contracted to have her own chat room in one of the lower galleys! Told me phone sex makes her cream of
joy thick as honey! Shhh,sweet too! Do I love them? I do! (*_*%#*_*)(*&^///''~06/21/2014????4:35p.m.Your friendly Captain,Roy
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