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A Ten Great Lines Cybersite,10 Great Lines!

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Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Wet dreams coming true opportunity. For committed bank
books material girls. For life legal get paid. Truly! In
multiple new ways naked! Money makers! Booty shakers!
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International manhood teasers and juicy secret garden
pleasers! By Internet financially engaged&online
married! Safely! Secretly! Quickly! To thy own of no
small measure. Adult pleasure castle bedrooms bank
book teacher. Like nature magic within thy own castle
bedrooms. Came together as one. So we could become the
proud! Parents of our own delivered. Baby steps game
plan creation. Of our hot down below love affair, daily!
Protected within their minds&hearts. Safer than any bank
vault!Last names no regrets our secret to the grave.
Roy Fennell-06/24/2018-1:08p.m. The International
daddy who knew best! Not to be 1 minute late! To secret
gardens mate in their beds. With my own future secret
wives. Unseen queens of my physical castle. In respected
Ceres, California U.S.A.! Without strings 365 days a year.
In their own beds like nature magic! We became a Family of
3. At their individual secret most juicy ripe time.
Queens's served all night long sexual. Souls deep naked
twice special delivery. By lucky me of huge OMG size tree!

Safe-n-naked within their own castle bedrooms. Round
our world without saying a single word. My own waiting
for lucky me. Secretly! Amazing female sexual genies.
Obeyed the ancient mating call of nature. Lustfully!
Pulled down then took off for us. Their dripping
expensive panties! When I picked up the juicy scent!
Away I went to secret gardens mate with them. Faster
than a fighter jet! Can fly high in the sky! So we
together as one. No matter the distance of miles.
Became the howling and growling like werewolves!
In never ending sexual heat to meet-n-mate! Loud and
proud became the lucky parents. Of our own mutual
desired in their beds. Baby steps game plan creation.
Daddy&Mother delivery between us with lust, forever!
Roy Fennell-06/20/2018-5:10p.m.
Slowly, with rhythm at, first! Shamelessly! When we
began coming together as one, nonstop! Helplessly! Knew
we were unable to runaway! Escape our own Internet karma
fate. Destiny like nature magic to secret gardens mate.
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No upfront fee to see everything.At Ten Great LInes,free!
Wide-eyed see what you&me! Can do together as one.
No matter the distance of miles.For our mutual financial
happiness.Long-term security futures.Without either of thee.
Walking out thy castle doors with female pride,worldwide.
By Internet financially engaged&online married.Quicky!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
From the beginning going in the direction.To reign
on top! Of the webcam&phone sex global.
Adult entertainment Industry! Safely! Nakedly!
To collect unlimited/no ceiling amounts of plastic money.
From thy own special ones.Hooked&seduced fo' life.
Respected webcam&phone sex secret admirers.
For benefits of DiVa women lifestyles&lives futures.
Reality not TV/Music video fantasy worlds.
Without any physical sex contact possible.
Legal get paid naked! Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of fantasy wet dreams makers.
Female players of the seduction game,itself!
Roy Fennell-11/02/2017-7:06p.m.

Flag Counter

All of my female(TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Adult women of female pride.
Ladies in the streets good girls.

Naked! When I held it with both hands lucky me! Slowly! Taking their time with it! Selfishly! Each of them began to pole it up-down.As though I be a sexual feast! I could tell from their howl.Moaning and growling loud sounds.With new found lust they could trust.In their eyes like female werewolves! Neverending in heat we could meet,deeply! Within their own castle bedrooms,worldwide! Lucky me! With each of my born to become online married,first! International moms Internet brides&wives! Of our baby steps game plan! Special delivery taking each of us! All night long nonstop! Their secret gardens took control! Of the direction with a never let go/slippery grip! Coming like a river.Steaming like a locomotive engine!Shamelessly! Each of their secret gardens! Become the MASTERs of every single drop! Beneath their lava hot drippin'umbrellas! Roy Fennell-06/14/2017-6:54p.m.Each of us agreed! This be our mutual Internet karma/fate destiny lucky us! Slowly! When I backed up! Against the wall to pull it out! From each of them I heard a loud pop.Must be using their OMG size.Manhood toy of joy lots.Staying snap finger tight for us! For our secret gardens reasons! To never tell on us! 

On the wildside not in the sheets.
Camming&phone sexing hard.
Naughty girls no can touch it!
No can kiss it! Never can lick it!
Female sex freaks.Goddesses
of seduction.Business women
of fantasy wet dreams makers!
Safely! To men&women worldwide!
Not an oops,accident or mistake.On our Planet Earth!
Female human beings.Are the perfect family mates.
Of male human beings who treat them right,24/7!
Even when out of their sight.2 feet away can pick up.
The scent and perfume of another woman.Like a female
bloodhound! Without saying a single word of mystery!

Like a fish out of water! The goods girls were doing me.Like female sex machine Queens.Once I reached beyond G-spot pops.I could tell when they were in switch mode.While deep inside with hips in motion.At the foot of their beds.Kicked off their hi-heel shoes.Moved back and planted their bare feet.On the bed and like an elevator! Arched and lifted their whole bodies! To Queens serve me! I knew then the naughty girls! Goddesses woke up to climb my tree.Of special delivery.When I asked them to please! Stay right there and do not move.They obeyed me like their King.Without saying a single word.For 1 hour lucky me! I worked&pumped hard! The good girls&naughty girls at once.Neither of us cared some of their thick! Creamy splatter like pancake batter.Came out with such force! Cannon blasted walls&their ceilngs,too! And promised to never tell on us! Roy Fennell-07/26/2017-7:01p.m.Based on the words.Pouring from their lips above.Truly!They would love PSO labor.With their voices of temptation! Seduce men&women to select them! As perfect secret girlfriends fo' life! Who never tell on them.Absolutely!They can trust will all their lust.Even when they be asleep.Under their protection of silence! Of never asking about their businesses.Without their permission,first!

Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable! My soon to be International! All night long wide-open! Virgin cherry popped twice! Good enough fo'life.First&only Ones,forever! How can there ever be? Between you&me? For each of thee,worldwide? With female pride alive? Not dead above ground? As female human beings,first? Any more pillow tears/fears? Restless/sleepless nights? Of pink slips financial fright,daily? Pregnant or not? Savings/checking accounts amount? Already too low with complete? Bank book shock of what to do? Being alone/afraid in thy lives? Having rent/morgage soon due? Facing cutbacks in hours/pay,too? No matter the the size/amounts? Of financial obligations/debts? Loans and monthly utility bills? More stress like a sudden heart attack? OMG unexpected shift/days-off schedule changes? Respected baby sitter service? 24/7 available or not? With possible potential take to school? Bad mistake to be late? Pickup times of school rules? Schedules not of thy free will control? Possible as a single? Respected working mother possible nightmare? At a local day care center? Unable to take respected public transportation,alone? Trying to make it as a respected single Mom? Alone with a ton of female pride? Not looking forward at all? To seeking public assistance to help out? Doing for you what financially not possible? For you to do for yourself,alone? Do not even have a clue? The locations to go without hesitation? Of respected food banks to stay alive?

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Near the bottom of the named pages.Employment,TGL-Models 2,3,4,5 and 6! Is a direct text link.Or underlined text paragraph! To mouse click to the TGL-Models page 1.The location for online applications.For webcam&phone sex employment opportunities.Located near the bottom! Of the TGL-Models page 1.Think of Ten Great LInes.As a free to our world.Financial information book.With multiple chapters identified by page.Name true titles located on the navagational bar.At the top of each page.To navagate and travel chapter to chapter.Mouse click it and the specific page/chapter.Like magic will appear right before thy eyes! Roy Fennell-03/19/2017-11:39p.m.International unattached super wet-n-horny women,daily! Who desire from life.What I desire for them first,not me.Unstoppable! Will be their actions and motions for us! Long-term for years untamable wild-n-free!

Money Falling
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Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.Female pride rising and alive.Not dead above ground.Going up not to ever stay down.When 13 respected Ten Great LInes Family.Respected webcam employers with one.Respected outstanding phone sex employer.Both at no upfront fee! At their expense invest.In each of thee,first! By providing professional training,free! Right now not to let go! Fire human beings like you&me.Instead always looking to hire.For part-time/full-time employment opportunities.With an expected 25-30 hrs per week labor.Which works in thy favor,first! Less need to tap into thy potential unemployment. Benefits which can run out! Quickly! These respected employers together! As one like a family.Have a collection of millions.Of of respected webcam clients.Respected phone sex customers.Who have millions of respected family&friends.Respected human beings like you&me.Having millions of electronic credit.Card plastic money and on the secret wives page.Facts and numbers how it is possible.Absolutely! Why it is possible for $4000.00.$10,000.00 even $20,000.00.Like a monthly habit! Not being in a hurry.One respected webcam client.One respected phone customer! At a time for what goes around.Comes around take care of them.They will take care of you like family! Like the circle of life.From the beginning treat each person.Like a King&Queen! Invited guest they can believe&feel is real.Not a fake to get their money.Beyond a shadow of doubt.The numbers you discover do not lie! Is a winning hand for financial success.Within the Art&Science of the seduction game! In principle the same rule is true.Absolutely&truly! Within any kind/type of legal business,worldwide.Fail them sooner or later.They will fail you by not! Sharing any of their hard earned money.Not played thy seek outstanding worthy.Of standing ovation adult entertainment! Like a habit by day! By week and by month,why? To relieve their stress/pressure! Going on in their respected lives! Roy Fennell-07/26/2017-2:21a.m.

Freerider from AnimateIt.net

Extra! Extra! Extra! Read all about it! There has been a jailbreak! Last seen wearing extremely expensive.Eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes!

While in the cockpit.One of our respected passenger's.Gave us the big news! There had been a jailbreak! A woman had been locked up! In her financial income prison.For a long time.Naked had gone over the wall! Hit the ground running like a female.Track star and never looked back.3 of her most trusted&loyal Gurls! Had her back like sisters of family.Were in a fast car pedal to the medal.Towards spending&financial freedom power.Girls gone wild with butterfly love.Hot desires hunger and taste.Of do as they please lives,daily! Dangerous! Do not be on the road! In their way on fire.In pursuit to seize for themselves.Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures.Like me they are freedom lovers! Roy Fennell-07/27/2017-2:14a.m. Your very friendly captain of no small measure.Thank-you,for flying Ten Great LInes Airlines.We hope you have enjoyed your free! Round trip flights on me! We will be landing soon! I'm teaching my female co-pilot! How to spread her wings and fly! Higher in life than Eagles dare go! She has been free will! Wide-open to what I teach her! How to climb a big tree to see! Sooner or later she will be in the Captain's! Seat not me for in the school! Of life what goes around comes around! Truly! Thy own no upfront fee talent agent! Who loves&believes in each of thee.Like legal naked wives.Virgin worked and cherry popped twice! Good enough fo'life International moms Internet brides&wives.My first&only Ones,forever! 07/27/2017-2:06a.m.

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Roy Fennell-11/01/2017-6:38p.m.

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Roy Fennell-04/18/2018-3:11p.m.
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Roy Fennell-08/04/2017-12:39a.m.

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Not our faults we are unable to turn back the hands.
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No matter the soul deep price.Cost of minds&hearts pain!
Roy Fennell-11/04/2017-4:42p.m.

Unconditional! Together here we be round our world
Airplane Taking Off
Online married,first! Female bosses&co-pilots! Side-by-side in the cockpit with me!

Financially engaged&online married! Like nature magic without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.For a safe new beginnings&man.In thy lives our red book diary special way.You&me family of 3.Online married,first! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
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Having only one life to live! While still alive above ground.For thy happy hearts happiness,first! Working to live happy,daily! Seeking to touch,reach and kiss the unreachable star! Of thy own goals and dreams in life.Going in the direction.Seen on the Models-6&secret wives pages.Towards spending&financial freedom power.Butterfly love do as you please lives,daily! Luxury&gangnam lifestyles futures. Not living to work
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Time to spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously! As online married modern day women Queens.First&only Ones,forever! Daddy love! 09/07/2017-3:02p.m.

                           Ladies from AnimateIt.net

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Time for each of thee.To laptop/desktop with webcams available! To yes I do&am ready,now! To answer our sexual animalistic.Nature mating secret desire fire call! Naked! Wearing only thy just us.Expensive eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes! Within thy own castle bedrooms,worldwide.Safely! Secretly! Quickly! With the daddy of our baby steps game plan.Of no small measure.With wide-eyed King Kong size.Love and respect of each of thee,first! As nature born unattached women.Born to become my naughty girls&secret wives.Shamelessly! Unstoppable! Camming&phone sexing hard.Creating thy own legal get paid.Absolutely&truly! Money making naked occupation&career! Can see&discover on the secret wives page.$4000.00,$10,000.00 even $20,000.00! Like a monthly habit is possible.Not impossible one respected webcam.Client and phone sex customer at a time.Naughty girls&secret wives.First&only Ones,forever! Virgin milky way cherry popped twice.I discovered each was good enough fo'life! From thy own first&only One.Secret money making lover&online husband.Born to special deliver to each of thee.Naked 3 circles fill you up.Deep-n-wide-open.Financial seeds of website knowledge.With creation of life.Secret desire fire deeper.Beyond G-spot pops available! Unconditional! Round the clock,nonstop! At our Internet address home.Tengreatlines.com Roy Fennell-06/14/2017-4:08p.m.Free will only to come&get it!

Ten Great Lines
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Once financially engaged&online married,first! Our red book diary way.
Begins thy new lives.As legal get paid naked for us.
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy seductive delights!
International money making naughty girls&secret wives.Queens unseen
of my physical castle.Female bosses of thy own webcam&phone sex.
Businesses to end thy financial.Struggles to make ends meet,alone.
No longer left waiting/standing at the altars.Of thy lives for prince
charming.Ms/Mr.Right when for thyselves.Have thy own secret money.
Making lover&online husband.Within our money for us relationship
online marriage.Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.
To bring the complete package.To the daddy of our baby!
Steps game plan who by Internet.Special delivery from respected
Ceres,california.Faster than a fighter jet! Deeper than G-spot pops!
All night long came to wide-open.With thy permission,first!
Queens served/got it,nonstop! In a naked hurry secret gardens.
With butterfly wings of fury.To create the heartbeats new lives.
International moms Internet brides&wives.Each of my born.
To become of sexual cybersex fantasy.Bank books reality.
Lava hot 3 circles juicy-n-tight all night! Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Without guilt or shame.Became virgin milky way.Cherry popped twice
by their own first&only one,forever.To become my first&only Ones,forever!
Being our own mutual Internet.Karma fate destiny to secret gardens mate.
At once the good girls&naughty girls,24/7! 365 days a year.
Being the complete package whole wedding cake.With King Kong size.
Love-n-respect for each of thee,first! As nature born women with female
pride,worldwide.Daddy love! Roy Fennell-10/03/2017-4:55p.m.
While tree climbin'/shakin' my big.Surprise beneath their umbrellas.
Each one promised to their graves.To no condoms/birth control pills.
Never ever tell on us.What we did in their castle beds of nature magic!
On purpose bringing to life our creation.Like a mild earthquake!
Made their beds shake! With 3 washloads of bed soaked sheets.
Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! Shamelessly! Naturally! Rapidly! Lucky me!
With hot bun in the oven.Lustfully! Flames of secret desire fire.
Bucked me! Like live wire heartbeating sex machine Queens!
Each one made me feel like a King! Lucky,lucky me!
For a safe new beginnings&man.Financially coming&making money!
In thy lives together as one.Benefits of a round the clock,nonstop.
Minds&hearts excitations love affair experience,daily!
While pulling down/taking-off! Thy expensive panties with lust.
For us to come-n-get it! Within our saving money.Making money in
multiple ways naked! Internet address location home.Tengreatlines.com.
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Like just got married lovers.Within thy own castle bedrooms,worldwide.

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secret way? Legal get paid naked for us? Naughty girls&secret wives?
Financially enabled to spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously? As modern
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Professional training is provided by respected webcam&phone sex
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1.One sex job for thy savings account
2.One sex job for thy checking account
3.Once earned camming&phone sexing hard amounts.Becomes
equal/greater! Than thy respected everyday paychecks! How can it be
a lie?
Elimination of what if,unexpected job loss fears situation
Elimination of what if,unexpected pink slip fears situation
Of sexual cybersex wide-open naked-n-juicy fantasy!
Making it grow bigger.Solid as a rock bank books reality.
Like nature magic without expensive panties! No glove/birth control pills.
Required to be in our way.Slowly! For a new beginnings&man.
Free willing to come in thy lives.Of no small measure delights.
King Kong OMG size! Sexual souls special delivery big surprise tree!
All night long held with both of my strong hands tell nobody!
Secret gardens buried treasure delivered beneath thy umbrellas.
Without a hint/whisper of pain.All at once minds,hearts and financial gain!
Roy Fennell-10/20/2017-6:41p.m.Not committed within any relationships.
Super horny-n-wet women,daily! Round our world tired of be broke!
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Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Is a skintight!
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With female pride born! To become female (TGL)-Models,worldwide. 

Are you a nature born woman? Have a powerful long lasting sex drive,daily? Steaming hot like a locomotive steam engine? Neverending hunger like a female werewolf in heat? Howling and prowling the Internet worldwide? Chasing&hoping to find and experience? The Elusive Butterfly of Love? For thy own red book diary ecstasy story? Wildly,seeking a new beginnings&man? To come and go deeper than G-spot happiness? To stay not dip-n-go then runaway? Are you an unattached and looking woman? Yes,I do ready to fly? On Ten Great Lines Airlines? To come secret garden wet? Wide-open to butterfly wings rain? From beneath thy umbrella? Sexual souls deep greet&meet me? To mate at our secret mating place&love shack address home? Tengreatlines.com.Without a hint/whisper of pain? With you in the driver's seat? Of the control of the juicy lemon flow direction? I promise a Jumbo Jet 747! Cockpit natural joystick ride! Safe return flight journey! To your home,apartment or college dorm.Unlimited round trip destinations on me free! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain flying to pick you up! Then sweep thee off thy feet naked! Roy Fennell-03/20/2017-10:06p.m.Do each of you as super horny-n-wet women,worldwide? Promise not to tell we were 3 circles? Cybersex bucking each other? LIke wild in the jungle animals,nonstop? Deeper than G-spot pops? More than once hit the jackpot? Of ka-boom-boom eruptions? With bed soaked expensive sheets? In thy own castle bedrooms during a layover,too?

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While still alive with female pride above ground!
Time is long overdue for NSA-FWB bank book.
Daddy,material and booty call girls!
With laptops,desktop with webcams.Round our world.
Not committted within any type of relationship.
To take a wide-open naked flight!
Towards spending&financial freedom power.
To bathe&shower themselves! Within the waters of the
finer things in life.Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures.
Butterfly love do as they please lives,daily!
For their happy hearts happiness,first!
Based on costumes role playing legal.Get paid naked for us!
No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can lick it!
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.
Camming&phone sexing hard money.Makin'/booty shakin'
wet dreams makers.Recieving as much as possible then more!
Financial joy electronic plastic card money.Zero physical sex contact.
Without surrendering a single drop! Of buried down below treasure.
Like liquid gold lava hot! Nature born female secret garden.
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Benefits of an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
Within the school of life.The seduction game is of the highest degree!
Possible for nature born women,worldwide.Rising up with female pride.
To fly and soar higher in life.Where mighty Eagles dare not go!
Staying up until touching down.On the financial success runway!
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Who takes the blame.Each of thee swan dived naked!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Being our own free wills to secret gardens mate.
Unable to runaway/escape. Our mutual Internet karma/fate destiny.
Roy Fennell-09/01/2017-5:46p.m.Beyond a shadow of doubt!
Making plans for 2018&our financial happiness/security futures.
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Not within any kind of committed just us. Exclusive
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become the female authors. Of thy own red book love
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Book diaries. Living to enjoy the experience, daily!

When open for a new beginnings&man! To enter and come
in thy lives. Within our money for us relationship
online marriage. As female authors page. By page thy
own day. By day experiences towards the direction.
Of thy own respected retirement ages. Opportunity of a
life changing event. When what is earned from webcam.
Phone sex employment amounts. Becomes equal/greater than
thy own everyday. Paychecks the magic moment to erase.
What if, jobs loss fears, daily! Erase what if, stressful
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doors. Legal get paid money making naked secret Wives&Queens.
Towards DiVa women lives with luxury!
Gangnam lifestyle futures in the direction. From free
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Impossible! To break thy hearts as easy. Like dropping
an egg on the floor. No matter the cost/price. Of the
soul deep minds&hearts. Pain which can never be erased.
From thy own memories, 24/7! Time to love, again!
Roy Fennell-12/11/2017-9:04p.m.
Not an adult DVD movie. Instead of creation of making
history. Together as one bringing to life. Our baby
steps game plan. International moms Internet brides.
Wives no can touch it! Goddesses of seduction. Business
women of reality&fantasy wet dreams makers. Within thy
own castle bedrooms.Having dollar sign eyes! That sparkle
like diamonds in the night! Using the webcam&phone sex.
Global Industry to create, build and promote!
Thy own DiVa Women Empires. Finance/create thy own
retirement fund. Safe&naked wide-open. Collecting an
unseen ocean/sea. Amounts of electronic plastic money!
Not from ours! From thy own respected men&women.
Secret hot admirers starving&hungry. For their on never
tell it! Favorite secret girlfriends right before thy
eyes! Of sexual cybersex fantasy. With soon to be rising
up! Towards the ceiling bank books reality,why?
Who do each of thee see? Except thyselves in motion!
Taking secret gardens ownership. Of every single drop.
Of financial seeds of website knowledge. With the Good
girls.Sexually! With secret desire fire. Once I reached
beyond. G-spot pop passed the baton. The Naughty girl.
Our kind of perfect 3-some, forever! Not a minds&hearts
lie. As soon as we are done. See with thy own eyes.
The DiVa women page to learn-n-discover the truth of us!

Based on the facts. Of unknown/known family history
tree! When the lucky one.Been selected/chosen.Banging
bodies or not.In the present day. By one of the best
woman. On our Planet Earth! Who can be flesh-hot-blood!
Behind closed doors a different woman, daily!
Wearing costumes and can be touched, daily! Unlike a
DVD movie. Why seek another one? Who never said I do?
Had the lucky one's back,24/7! Available in the sack!
Even endured like a SuperWoman! Labor room pain, too!
Roy Fennell-12/11/2017-9:38p.m.
Love to know a secret? About some of the Other women?
They be like the ancient! Sirens out to Sea. Female
specialist Home&Relationship Wreckers. Like a wrecking
ball. Expert at creating relationship breakup! When the
lucky one has been selected Superwoman! Is hip to her game!
When told about the problem, first! Even if it
be a close girlfriend on the hunt!


Unstoppable! Together here we be round the world.
Making plans to jailbreak. Runaway to escape
our limited. Income financial prisons. Going
over the wall. To hit the ground running
towards mutual financial freedom power.
Mutual butterfly love do as we please
lives, daily! Mutual luxury Gangnam
lifestyles futures ladies, first!
We we be done, please! See the DiVa
women page. My first&only Ones, forever!
Roy Fennell-12/11/2017-9:52p.m.
Thy own first&only one, forever!
The way each of thee. Gave it to me
naked&twice. I was convinced each
of you. Were good enough fo' life at least!

Are you a woman? One of the millions? Of unattached and available women,worldwide? Dreaming to runaway escape? Jailbreak out of their living paycheck? To paycheck financial income prison? Naked! With hi-heels over heads lava hot? Excitement with flames of secret desire fire? Within a money for us relationship? Safe online marriage for a new? Beginnings&man with King Kong? Size love and respect for each of thee? As nature born women of childbirth,worldwide? If,yes I do ready! To come wide-open wet! To fly&be with me.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Nonstop,to our secret meet&mating place.Internet location address home.Tengreatlines.com.Pack thy travel bag.Light within our 747 Jumbo Jet cockpit flight! Bring only thy favorite.Eye candy pump-n-bump you! Like a wild animal! Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes! Time to type into bing/ixquick! Yahoo/google search,tengreatlines.com.Welcome aboard! Your friendly daddy love captain.Of no small measure joystick! Roy Fennell-04/03/2017-9:58a.m.Solid plump with financially juicy! Bank books monetary seeds of website knowledge.Welcome home for deeper than G-spot! Special delivery Queens treatment! All the way no play! No birth control pills! No glove daddy love! All natural between us as nature! Intended from the beginning between a woman&man.Secret garden reasons if able of childbirth! Bundle of joy celebration as respected parents!

Once thy webcam&phone sex schedules.
Becomes online live gives birth reality.
To luxury&gangnam opportunity lifestyle.
Of DiVa women futures not a minds&hearts lie!
Once thy camming&phone sexing plastic money
amounts.Becomes equal/greater to thy everyday
jobs.Paychecks proven reality proof not fantasy.
Enjoyment of the sweet taste for each of thee.
Banging bodies or not.DiVa women experience.
Bank book seduction power sexual magic.
Female live wire heartbeating attraction magnets.
Safe&naked without any physical sex contact.
Legal get paid naked for us.Goddesses of seduction.
Business women of fantasy.Already online married.
To thy own secret money making lover&online husband.
Without walking out thy castle doors round our world.
Queen served all night long no glove daddy love.
Roy Fennell-11/02/2017-11:54a.m.Everyday private lives
benefits.Within our money for us relationship online
marriage.Thy last names never changes at all not a lie!
Not an illusion,mirage or fantasy.Right before thy eyes.
Legally! If,already married living within thy castles,daily!
Naked! Each of thee can see! What would be thy last names.
On our respected marriage license.Legal naked wives,daily!
If,nature able in the 1st year! Would be showing approx.9 months!
Nature born bun in the oven.Female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Expensive panties only worn outside of our castles,daily!
1 hour before the end of thy everyday jobs workshifts!
Our secret gardens reasons to slip away.Pull down/take off for us!(*_+)

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My International loves&nature born.Complete package Queens of endless delights! Time to secret garden butterfly wings.Of fury mate by our mutual Internet.Karma fate with thy own kind.Of animalistic sexual nature cybersex male mate! Solid as a rock waiting at attention,24/7! For his born to become naughty girls! Secret wives from their own castle bedrooms,worldwide.To scent claim every single drop.Of financial seeds of website knowledge.For themselves with benefits! Of monetary bank books joyful spending power! They can camming&phone sexing bed.Soaked sheets shower within the depth.Of savings/checking accounts amounts naked! Female bosses&co-pilots! Online married to the boss of Ten Great LInes.Like just got married! Bedroom lovers cement within our money.For us one of a kind.Unique relationship online marriage! Daddy love! 03/30/2017-3:11p.m.

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Of cybersex sexual fantasy.Rising up savings/checking account.
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To stay between thy wide-open thighs! Treatment like just got
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Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Is a wet dreams come true reality! For super horny-n-wet,daily!
For the money women.FWB-NSA,bank book and daddy.
Material&booty call girls round our world.Not within any kind
of committed relationship.Quickly! They can commit&dedicate.
Themselves like cement making unlimited amounts by Internet.
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Without walking out their castle doors to commute.
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Naughty girls&secret wives.Camming&phone sexing hard!
Creating their own legal.Get paid naked occupation&career.
Eliminating pink slip/job loss stress and fears,daily!
Going in the bank book direction.Towards touching down
on the financial success runway.As female Captains no longer.
Co-pilots on Ten Great Lines Airlines.
Who by Internet got 747 Jumbo Jet! Picked up/swept off their
feet naked! Wearing only their favorite sexy hi-heel shoes.
From the beginning I discovered within their own castle beds.
Each of my 3 circles/both hands.International moms Internet brides
and wives.Were wide-open to stay juicy-n-tight!
For a new beginnings&man! To enter&come in their lives.
As their own secret money making lover&online husband.
International daddy of our baby steps game plan.
Your friendly captain of no small measure.Roy Fennell-09/05/2017-8:07p.m.
Female SURVIVORS who survived all! Their past relationships,combined.
So we could secret gardens mate in their futures.
Good girls/naughty girls at once! Being the complete package.
Whole wedding cake lucky,lucky me!


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Not an oops,accident or mistake.Any/all woman/man pictures.Be they animated of motions.Actions or not are symbolic to us online married!Within our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked! Neverending secret mating/meeting place! Internet address location home.Tengreatlines.com.Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Financially coming&making money.Together as one.Neverending our financial honeymoon,worldwide! Roy Fennell-06/14/2017-5:21p.m.Time for us to secret gardens wide-open mate.Unafraid! Not seek to runaway or escape.Our own mutual Internet karma/fate destiny! As the parents of our baby steps game plan!

Not an illusion,mirage or mystery.The named website titled pages.Within our live "Book of Love"! Relationships! Goddesses of seduction! Secret gardens! Naughty girls&secret wives are about us! Based on the unseen minds&hearts.Power of true love,first! Which has not human faces.Cannot be found/purchased in any store.At any price as merchandise! Roy Fennell-06/14/2017-5:41p.m.Absolutely&truly! For why should unattached women,worldwide? Be denied the opportunity to minds&hearts? Safely! Experience love&respect from a man? Within our money for us relationship online marriage? Without lies,games or strings? They call their own for themselves,daily? Without concerns/fears of the unknown behind? Locked closed/doors and between us? Impossible to experience a single nightmare? From any domestic violence silent pillow tears? Nor verbal,physical,financially or spiritual abuse,24/7? Dream come true for many modern day women?

Unstoppable! Together here we be round our world!
Portrait of bride and groom
Yes, we do ready! By Internet financially engaged&online married! Safely! Secretly! Quickly!

My International soon to be loves&Queens!Time to be in a pull them down.Rip them off for us naked hurry!Quickly!To signup for webcam&phone sex employment.Our red book diary special secret way.Wearing only thy just us sexy hi-heel shoes!For us to let go of past relationships!Moving forward not held back.Being wide-open even.If it hurts so good! Making sure all the way no play.For a new beginnings&man.To come,go deep&stay in thy lives.Not dip-n-go runaway!Breaking your heart,again! Like an egg dropped on the kitchen floor.Then walking out the door never seen no more!Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Ready to secret garden mate? With the soon to be daddy? Of our baby steps game plan? Of no small measure?Even if it takes us all night? Doing it like wild animals in the jungle? Naturally?To create the heartbeats? Giving birth/new lives to our heartbeating game plan? If,yes I do drippin' hot ready!To wide-open become my International!Moms Internet brides&wives,now!Time to mouse click anywhere.On this specific underlined text paragraph.The(TGL)-Models page 1.Will open like magic for each of you.Then for us scroll way down.Until each of you.See 1st choice,2nd choice,3rd choice,etc.!As female bosses,now!Each of thee will have 13 camsite choices.Seek-n-explore to find your favorite(s)!Get all details and facts.With all questions answered by respected customer service person(s)!After the 13th camsite choice.Discover the outstanding phone sex employment opportunity!Click the underlined text link/banner.The window will open.To what is called the landing page.Real life not fake.Safely!Secretly!Quickly! Without lies,games,strings or false promises.This is how we can get connected!By Internet financially engaged&online married,worldwide.Based our free wills acceptance.Of our own mutual Internet karma/fate destiny.No play all the way.Together as one.No matter the distance of miles.Unstoppable!Thinking about our own mutual.Financial happiness/security futures!Naked!Wearing thy just us sexy hi-heel shoes!To wide-eyed see and discover! For thyselves on the Models-6 page!The gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones.Website location and see benefits!Of potential unlimited income having thy own website!In the unknown future!Being thy own creation.Baby named DiVA Woman Empire!Free will only to promote,worldwide!Impossible to happen overnight! Roy Fennell-06/14/2017-5:56p.m.We be wild-n-free!Neither of us in a corral relationship!Ball-n-chain kept down.On the ground unable to take flight!Soaring higher in life!Where mighty Eagles dare not go or fly!

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Roy Fennell-01/03/2018-2:13a.m.
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