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A Ten Great Lines Cybersite,10 Great Lines!

Page 4! Ten Great Lines Financial Employment Network! 10greatlines.com

American&Overseas got online married. Daddy's gurls diva
women round our world. Like sexual nature magic between
us. Without ever saying a single word. Always wide-open
by them never lucky me. With a never slip away deep.
Wall-to-wall hot dripping skin! Tight fit working it
fit! Banging and coming hard nonstop! Round the clock
with rhythm! Sexually! Receiving what belongs to them.
Delivery from their own first&only one, forever! To
create without hesitation make and set. Like cement
their own live! Online webcam and phone sex working
hours. Schedules for the creation. Of their own big
break! Luxury&Gangnam lifestyle futures. Untouchable!
Safe-n-naked goddesses of seduction. World-class
assets never touched! Business women of reality.
Fantasy secret girlfriends with bed soaked sheets.
Making unlimited amounts of plastic money. Rain down
into their savings/checking accounts. To increase the
amounts to grow! Bigger-n-rising up solid as a rock!
The sizes of their bank books. Like a King Kong OMG!
Size financial erection only for them, first not me!
Benefit loads of spending&shopping joyful affection.
My fly girls first&only Ones, forever! Answered our
own mating call of nature. To begin our never ending
financial honeymoon. Safe-n-naked secret new lives.
My every day live heart beating Valentines, 24/7!
Roy Fennell-07/11/2018-7:32p.m.
International daddy super lucky and humble me.


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Welcome! Ten Great LInes Global Family!

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As female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Once hired for webcam&phone sex employment,first!
Not committed within any kind of relationships.
International for the money women.FWB-NSA,
bank books,material,and office.Daddy,good,naughty,
and bad.Born to be wild! Booty call girls round our
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Can commit/dedicate themselves.To earning unlimited
no ceiling amounts.Of plastic credit cards money.
For their savings/checking accounts.Growing the size
of their bank books.As online married,first!
Camming&phone sexing hard legal.Money making
and booty shaking secret.Wives modern day women
Queens.As can be seen,now! Opportunity on the shopping
1-20 pages.To spoil&pamper themselves,deliriously!
Benefits of an online shopping naked&sexual freedom
paradise.Taking a naked flight in their lives.
Towards touching down on the financial success runway.
From the safety,security and privacy.Of their own homes.
Apartments and college dorms with female pride,worldwide.
Roy Fennell-09/29/2017-4:55p.m.

QR Code

As heart beating attraction magnets.Female players&entertainers.
Of the seduction game,itself!
All the above and more.Without walking out their doors.
When using their own powers of seduction magic!
Without surrendering a face-to-face single drop.
Of their nature born.Like gold secret garden.Buried
treasure like lava hot! Liquid gold-n-sweet pleasure
muffin honey.Live wire wet dreams makers.
International manhood teasers&secret garden pleasers.
Legal get paid naked! Goddesses of seduction.Business
women of fantasy.Roy Fennell-09/29/2017-5:24p.m.
International moms Internet brides&wives.
Female bosses of their own webcam&phone sex.
Businesses online married.Our red book diary secret
way.To the boss of Ten Great Lines. 

Horizontal Divider 28

Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable! My soon to be International! All night long wide-open! Virgin cherry popped twice! Good enough fo'life.First&only Ones,forever! How can there ever be? Between you&me? For each of thee,worldwide? With female pride alive? Not dead above ground? As female human beings,first? Any more pillow tears/fears? Restless/sleepless nights? Of pink slips financial fright,daily? Pregnant or not? Savings/checking accounts amount? Already too low with complete? Bank book shock of what to do? Being alone/afraid in thy lives? Having rent/morgage soon due? Facing cutbacks in hours/pay,too? No matter the the size/amounts? Of financial obligations/debts? Loans and monthly utility bills? More stress like a sudden heart attack? OMG unexpected shift/days-off schedule changes? Respected baby sitter service? 24/7 available or not? With possible potential take to school? Bad mistake to be late? Pickup times of school rules? Schedules not of thy free will control? Possible as a single? Respected working mother possible nightmare? At a local day care center? Unable to take respected public transportation,alone? Trying to make it as a respected single Mom? Alone with a ton of female pride? Not looking forward at all? To seeking public assistance to help out? Doing for you what financially not possible? For you to do for yourself,alone? Do not even have a clue? The locations to go without hesitation? Of respected food banks to stay alive?

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Near the bottom of the named pages.Employment,TGL-Models 2,3,4,5 and 6! Is a direct text link.Or underlined text paragraph! To mouse click to the TGL-Models page 1.The location for online applications.For webcam&phone sex employment opportunities.Located near the bottom! Of the TGL-Models page 1.Think of Ten Great LInes.As a free to our world.Financial information book.With multiple chapters identified by page.Name true titles located on the navagational bar.At the top of each page.To navagate and travel chapter to chapter.Mouse click it and the specific page/chapter.Like magic will appear right before thy eyes! Roy Fennell-03/19/2017-10:05p.m.International unattached super wet-n-horny women,daily! Who desire from life.What I desire for them first,not me.Unstoppable! Will be there actions and motions for us! Long-term for years untamable wild-n-free!

Money Falling
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Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide.Female pride rising and alive! Not dead above ground.Going up not to ever stay down.When 13 respected Ten Great LInes Family.Respected webcam employers with one! Respected outstanding phone sex employer.Both at no upfront fee.At their expense to invest! In each of thee,first! By proving professional training,free! Right now not to let go.Fire human beings like you&me! Instead always seeking to hire.For part-time/full-time employment opportunities.With an expected 25-30 hours per week! Labor which works in thy favor,first! Less need to tap into thy potential unemployment.Benefits which can run out! Quickly! These respected employers together.As one like a family on a mission! Have a collection of millions.Of respected webcam clients! Respected phone sex customers.Who have millions of respected family&friends.Respected human beings like you&me,too! Who have millions of electronic credit.Card plastic money in their wallets/purses.On the secret wives page.Facts and numbers how it! Is possible not impossible.$4000.00,$10,000.00 even $20,000.00! Like a monthly habit.Not being in a hurry! One respected webcam client.One respected phone sex customer.At a time to develope.A fo' life relationship of mutual benefits.For what goes around comes around.Like the circle of life.When taking care of them,first! Is a winning hand for financial success.Thy will take care of each of you! Like a family of human beings.From the beginning treat each person.Like a KIng&Queen invited guest! To adult play having civilized fun! Roy Fennell-07/29/2017-2:23a.m. 

Illustration: Be my valentine

Unseen together as one.No matter the distance of miles.Being the wind beneath each other's wings.To soar higher within our lives.Not the unseen ball-n-chain.Which keeps us down on the ground.Unable to go beyond heights.Eagles dare not attempt.To fly within the sky.Unattached laptop/desktop with webcams.Not handcuffed within any committed relationship.Super horny-n-wet for the money women.Strictly material good,bad and naughty bank.Books girl round our world.Like just got married honeymoon lovers cement! Belong online married to their own kind! Of animalistic sexual nature.Mate of Internet karma/fate.Do them a special way money right man.With King Kong size.Love&respect for each of them.As nature born women,worldwide.With no glove daddy love without strings.Daddy love! 04/02/2017-4:04a.m.Time to come wide-open locked! On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Type into google search,tengreatlines.com.Deeply to secret garden butterfly.Wings of fury to mate.Like wild animals within our secret.Meeting place&Internet address location home.Tengreatlines.com.If,yes I do no play.All the way ready!

Your friendly captain.Flying round our world naked
Airplane Flying
On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Howling&prowling for soon to be female bosses&co-pilots!

Do each of you promise? Me not to tell it? Within thy own castle bedrooms? Unstoppable! We were in a naked hurry? To get connected by Internet? Quickly,financially engaged&online married,first?

Ever dream unattached women,worldwide?
Illustration: The Engagement
Could be treated like Wives&Queens? Without free physical sex being required as strings?

Within our money for us! Safe relationship online marriage. American&Overseas unattached women. Round our world while on adult. Dating and jobs websites. Can experience exciting new lives! Online married bank books ,first! Camming and phone sexing naked secret wives. With unseen last names. Of the known daddy! Of our baby steps game plan creation. Roy Fennell who lives in respected Ceres ,California U.S.A. Daddy's gurls going in their desired direction. Of their lives towards rich/wealthy diva woman. Luxury/Gangnam offline. Online shopaholic lifestyle futures. Unstoppable! Of our own mutual Internet karma fate! Untamable! To secret gardens mate. Unconditional! Our red book diary secret way! Roy Fennell-03/01/2020-10:45a.m.

Tell me my soon? To be wide-open all night? Long first&only Ones,forever? Why should any nature born women,worldwide? Having powerful sex drive do it urges daily? Unstoppable! Untamable! Unconditional! Like a steaming hot locomotive engine? Lustfully! Powered by hips of up-n-down? Go girls actions and motions,daily? Sexually! Like seductive nature magic can do? Based on costumes can role play? A different woman in a heartbeat every day? With a ton of female pride? Absolutely&truly! Not within any committed relationship? Not under the same roof or not? Who lives alone,daily? Without doubts or questions. Who sets-n-makes all the castle rules,daily? Absolutely! As Queens determines who can stay? Or must go right away every day? Having the only set of keys?
To their homes,apartments and college
dorms? Enter an exclusive just us? Under the same roof relationship?
Without upfront proof,first? Their special kitties will recieve m-e-o-www
attention? At least 1 hour per day? For everyday jobs sexual tension? Stress relief joy&delights? Within
a 24 hour cycle period? Sexually desired to make them? Feel alive as nature born women? Not dead unburied above ground? When being a respected Mother&Lover? Is 24/7 365 days a year? For the lucky selected ones? Who recieve the complete package benefits,daily?


When they can get paid naked? Legally! Camming&phone sexing hard? Using their favorite OMG size? Wall-to-wall skintight? Just right morning,noon or night? Even right after work? Never go down limp? Making them angry or frown? Adult pleasure manhood trusted with lust? 24/7 365 days a year? When they be out? Of sight or on business? Out of town? Their joystick toy of joy? Deeply! Serves beneath umbrella benefits? Of financial&sexual satisfaction? At once with motions and actions? Delivery without under the same roof? Relationship drama with less risk,daily? Of potential tears/fears? Behind closed/locked doors? Domestic violence taken in the mood? For sex or not being alone? With a complete stranger? Who also has the same key,daily? Within some past face-to- face relationships.To save&protect themselves from harm! Had to be great actresses who faked orgasms.There was no faking it! All night long when all! My female (TGL)-Models,worldwide! Served their secret gardens! To humble me like naked legal Wives&Queens.LIke just got married honeymoon lovers.In a naked hurry! To create life within their own castle bedrooms.International moms Internet brides&wives.Virgin cherry popped twice good enough fo'life! Legal get paid money.Making naked secret Wives&Queens.Camming&phone sexing hard! Real life not fake! To create their own naked occupation&career.Business women of fantasy.Goddesses of seduction.Like me unable to runaway.Escape our mutual Internet karma/fate destiny! Daddy love lucky me! Of big surprise treatment like a King! 08/04/2017-4:21p.m.

Safely! Secretly! Naturally! Shamelessly! Nakedly! Profusely! Deeply!
All night long lucky me! Each of my nature born.Super hot wet-n-juicy!
Delights female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.Of rising up female pride.
Were doing me,nonstop! Wide-open climbing up-n-down my big tree.
Workin'-n-shakin'it! With butterfly wings of fury.Like legal naked wives.
Heartbeating live wire sex machine Queens.Team players who produced
multiple.Ka-boom-boom orgasms.So I could all the way.No play go-n-slide.
Beyond G-spot pops to milky way.3 inch depth sexual souls of secret gardens womanhood.No man's land special place.Making it rain beneath their umbrellas! Without a hint/whisper of pain.Together as one secret garden.Reasons of 3 wash loads of bed soaked sheets.Naked being in a hurry! With burning flames of secret desire fire.To create life within their own castle bedrooms,worldwide.In the spotlight center of attention! Within our live Book of Love.Daddy love! 08/06/2017-4:18p.m.Lucky me an International daddy.Of all my legal get paid naked for us.Money makin'/booty shakin' secret Wives&Queens.International moms Internet brides&wives.Business women of fantasy! Goddesses of seduction!First&only Ones,forever! 

Are you a woman? One of the millions? Of unattached and available women,worldwide? Dreaming to runaway escape? Jailbreak out of their living paycheck? To paycheck financial income prison? Naked! With hi-heels over heads lava hot? Excitement with flames of secret desire fire? Within a money for us relationship? Safe online marriage for a new? Beginnings&man with King Kong? Size love and respect for each of thee? As nature born women of childbirth,worldwide? If,yes I do ready! To come wide-open wet! To fly&be with me.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Nonstop,to our secret meet&mating place.Internet location address home.Tengreatlines.com.Pack thy travel bag.Light within our 747 Jumbo Jet cockpit flight! Bring only thy favorite.Eye candy pump-n-bump you! Like a wild animal! Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes! Time to type into bing/ixquick! Yahoo/google search,tengreatlines.com.Welcome aboard! Your friendly daddy love captain.Of no small measure joystick! Roy Fennell-04/03/2017-9:58a.m.Solid plump with financially juicy! Bank books monetary seeds of website knowledge.Welcome home for deeper than G-spot! Special delivery Queens treatment! All the way no play! No birth control pills! No glove daddy love! All natural between us as nature! Intended from the beginning between a woman&man.Secret garden reasons if able of childbirth! Bundle of joy celebration as respected parents!

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While still alive with female pride above ground!
Time is long overdue for NSA-FWB bank book.
Daddy,material and booty call girls!
With laptops,desktop with webcams.Round our world.
Not committted within any type of relationship.
To take a wide-open naked flight!
Towards spending&financial freedom power.
To bathe&shower themselves! Within the waters of the
finer things in life.Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures.
Butterfly love do as they please lives,daily!
For their happy hearts happiness,first!
Based on costumes role playing legal.Get paid naked for us!
No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can lick it!
Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.
Camming&phone sexing hard money.Makin'/booty shakin'
wet dreams makers.Recieving as much as possible then more!
Financial joy electronic plastic card money.Zero physical sex contact.
Without surrendering a single drop! Of buried down below treasure.
Like liquid gold lava hot! Nature born female secret garden.
Pleasure muffin sugar sweet honey.Without walking out their castle doors.
Benefits of an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.
Within the school of life.The seduction game is of the highest degree!
Possible for nature born women,worldwide.Rising up with female pride.
To fly and soar higher in life.Where mighty Eagles dare not go!
Staying up until touching down.On the financial success runway!
To touch,reach and kiss.The unreachable star of their own
individual goals and dreams.AS IS female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
Virgin cherry popped twice.Snap finger kitty m-e-o-www tight!
International moms Internet brides&wives.
First&only Ones,forever! Of their own adult pleasure.
Of no small measure.Castle bedrooms bank books teacher!
Special delivery daddy of our baby! Steps game plan secret money.
Making lover&online husband.The boss of Ten Great Lines.
Who takes the blame.Each of thee swan dived naked!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.
Being our own free wills to secret gardens mate.
Unable to runaway/escape. Our mutual Internet karma/fate destiny.
Roy Fennell-09/01/2017-5:46p.m.Beyond a shadow of doubt!
Making plans for 2018&our financial happiness/security futures.
Within our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked!
24/7 secret meeting&mating place.Internet location address home.Tengreatlines.com

To create bringing to life? The first 3 baby steps? Of our baby steps game plan as parents?
1st baby step-webcam employment
2nd baby step-phone sex employment
3rd baby step-Set like cement live.Online working hours
schedules.Creation of life without physical sex
Making history documented within thy red book diaries
Real life not fake the power.Of women who live alone,daily! The known not unknown daddy.Of our baby steps game plan.Roy Fennell-08/01/2017-2:00a.m.

Due to the fact.Love ain't sex&sex ain't love.Due to the fact desire itself cannot die! Every day thy hearts beat.With secret desire fire.Beneath thy raining umbrellas.24/7 and 365 days a year.Within our money for us relationship online marriage.As my first&only Ones,forever! Each of thee are desired! International moms Internet brides&wives.As super horny-n-wet women&girls,first! Always drippin'hot never cold! Impossible to be treated like income lollipops! Roy Fennell-10/04/2017-3:01p.m.Proving an endless amount for free sex.No matter the expense/cost.Of soul deep minds&hearts pain.Which brought the rain of tears on thy pillows! In many relationships of thy past.

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Not a mystery it! Was our unique one of a kind. At the
Club Special Love! In time No Condom Glove! No Expensive
Panties! No Birth Control Pills! Unstoppable! In our way
when we Met. On the Dance Floor round our World. Lucky
me&when we looked deep within the Windows. To the depth
of our Sexual Souls. As a Man&male human being. I knew the
Score before Them I could see! Each of my First&only
Ones, forever! On Ten Great Lines Airlines. Naked!
Side-by-Side in the cockpit with me. Fly Girls on the dance
floor! Seeking&Hoping to attract for themselves. Their
own Kind of Downtown Man! Castle Bedrooms Adult Pleasure.
Teacher to Greet&Meet and Dine! Like a Wild Animal!
At their "Y" between their Thighs. Naked on his Knees.
At the Foot of their Beds. For a real Long Time, daily!
Like a Deep Sea Diver! Yum-Yum Man with a Master Plan!
Magical Tongue to make them come! Like a river with Lick!
It Good Power to make their Hips Rise! Up town! Towards
the ceiling&Sky wide-open naked! Like a Magic Carpet Ride!
To the Moon of Sexual Journey, daily! Of No More Able.
To deliver anymore Powerful Big "O" Orgasms. Only possible
when reaching the Sexual Destination. Physical Exhaustion
OMG Station. State of Mind Pleasure Zone. Do not call me!
On my phone of Ecstasy Madness Joy, daily! Shamelessly!
When beneath their Free Willing Do me, Please! Umbrellas
every day their hearts beat! After a M-e-o-wwww Catnap!
Like an Eveready Battery! To go another round! With
Sexual Rights in bed Equal Opportunity! Flavor of "69"
adult Pleasure Team Players. Benefits of Mutual Trust!
Risks with Lust, daily! Proven Just us lockdown control.
If, the Powerful naked words "I love you"& "I respect you"!
Are Minds&Hearts true love real, first! Not a game
of another Broken Heart! No matter the price. Cost of
Soul Deep Pain! Which creates Scars that never Heal!
Nor can be Erased from Memories to the Graves! As nature
born women as female human beings, first! Enter a just us
exclusive relationship. No matter the Manhood Size. Of
the lucky Ones. To have their own available. Sexual Throne
adult pleasure Teacher. They can 3 circles/both hands
tight! As women they Trust. With their own powerful.
Do it urges Lust within their respected Bodies, daily!
For 1 hour for lucky me! They spread their Wings. Up in
the Air within their own bedrooms. They became Flight
Attendants. Of my own Sexual Fantasy. Banging bodies or
not. Like my own Legal Naked Wives, daily!
Their own first&only one, forever!
Roy Fennell-12/23/2017-11:04p.m.
Before first time Manhood Penetration. Does she have
for herself, daily? A lucky one Man? And male human
being? Sexual Genie with a Yum-Yum? Secret Garden
rising in the Air? Scream&Cream Education Master
Degree? Special delivery equal opportunity?
Benefits of "69" Team Player? Mutual adult
pleasure? Heights to the Moon delights?

Time for each of you! With red book diary stories.Being 747 Jumbo Jet picked up naked! Swept off thy feets in the cockpit.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.On a nonstop flight course.To our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked! Secret garden drippin'wet-n-hot,daily! Butterfly wings of fury.Mating place&Internet address location home.Tengreatlines.com.For red carpet treatment like naked Wives&Queens! Too special to be 3 circles! Served within any motel.Hotel bedrooms with condoms.Birth control pills to prevent us.From being in hurry.To create the heartbeats.Giving birth/new lives to our heartbeating baby! Steps game plan together as one.Bringing to life the first! 3 baby steps towards financial freedom.Power with butterfly love.Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures! Under the same heavenly roof.Of the stars,skies,moon and sun,above! Roy Fennell-04/01/2017-4:02p.m.Based on the unseen power! Of minds&hearts true love.Due to the fact.Sex ain't love&love ain't sex.For when it comes to mutual financial! Survival&security physical sex not required within the mix! For women seeking to create better lives for themselves,alone!

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Of virtual reality.Sexual cybersex fantasy.Bank book reality once online married,first.Like female sexual voyeurs.Who will each of thee see? Except thyselves naked about to get it! From thy own secret money making lover&online husband.With King Kong love&respect for each of you! Of soft hot to the touch heavenly assets.Exactly,desired within thy own castle beds! Legally married with engagement&wedding rings! Upon each of thy fingers.Expecting our bundle of joy! In approx.9 months! Promise me neither of you will tell it? Ever dream it could possible? For an unattached woman? To become financially engaged&online married? Naked and drippin' hot? Wide-open without walking out her castle door? Even cybersex 3 circles? Bucking her own adult pleasure? Castle bedrooms bank book teacher? Teaching her as his own naked wife? Hot drippin' Queen special delivery? Lessons without walking out? Of his own castle door? To be the only one? Master of all of her physical orgasms? To the last drop even in her wet dreams? At the foot of her bed? Naked on his knees? Like a male werewolf? Licking his chops for her? To slide with thighs wide-open? Bringing pillows for more dining at her Y delights? Daddy love may come tonight! 08/01/2017-2:34a.m.Hoping to hear the sounds! Of her nipples pop erect at attention! Her heart pounding like a bass drum! Shamelessly,when she erupts like a volcano! Wide-open climbs&shakes my tree? Of cybersex sexual fantasy? When coming to visit me? Wide-open thighs in my direction? Within our mating/meeting place? Tengreatlines.com.Wearing her favorite just for us? Camming&phone sexing hi-heel shoes?

Welcome,to page 4.Of the financial employment network.Of the non brick-n-mortar.Worldwide online business of Ten Great Lines.Internet location of our saving money.Making money in multiple ways naked! Secret meeting place&Internet address home.Tengreatlines.com.No ticket required provided free on me.Unlimited round trip flights! Morning,noon,blue moon or night! On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Kings&Queens benefits of self-serve! First-class treatment service! Without walking out thy castle doors! Benefits of saving priceless time!
Benefits of saving gas money! Opportunity to locate&target! Exactly,what you want,need and desire,now! No upfront see.To explore seeing everything free! Within the safety,privacy and security.Of thy own homes,apartments or college dorms! Due to the facts! Camming&phone sexing independent contractors! As bosses create/set their own working hours schedules! Webcam&Phone sex employment! Are real life businesses for peoples! Seeking long-term for years benefits! Did you know some hard working top models? Earn $10,000.00 bi-weekly? Some hard working top models earn $10,000.00 monthly? Without walking out their castle doors! Zero ceiling,fixed or limits of the amount! They can earn from respected clients! When delivered outstanding no can touch it! Adult entertainment performances! The respected webcam&phone sex employers! At their expense,first! Offer professional training free! See the (TGL)-Models page 1! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain.Roy Fennell-03/17/2017-4:31p.m. Welcome home!

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Sooner or later when they be ready! Not me some of my soon to be fo' life.International naughty girls&secret wives.Will wrap their unseen legs tightly.Around the webcam&phone sex.Global adult entertainment Industry,itself! Squeezing like a lemon.Between their hot thighs as go girls.On fire to rise&shine.To reign as Queens on top.To stay like cement.Taking absolute financial bank books.Advantage to get as much neverending plastic money! As possible to satisfy their neverending hunger! For all the finer things in life.Desire while still above the ground! On our Planet Earth.To live to enjoy the experience,24/7! An online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise! Using the game of seduction,itself! As their own castle bedroom&private! ATM machine to keep their deep! Bank book wells at least full to the top! Benefits of like gold secret gardens! Drippin' hot to the touch! Like liquid gold pleasure muffins! For the lucky Ones who play by their rules only! Being special kinds of online married DiVa women.Who create,build and promote their own Empires,worldwide! Daddy love Queens served by their own secret lover! Online husband&adult pleasure.Castle bedrooms bank book teacher! From special 3 circles special delivery lucky me! Roy Fennell-03/17/2017-5:08p.m.

When least expected sooner or later.When checking themselves out.Within the reflection of a mirror! The Goddesses within will leap out! From the inside of the mirror! Being on a mission.To seize their own desired&determined.Queen's OMG size share of no can never.Touch it webcam&phone sex seduction game.Bank books joyful spending money surprise! To begin living their lives,daily! To the max not working to the max.Just to survive and do.It all over again the next day! Why,chase money when as nature? Born Goddesses of seduction? Heartbeating naked attraction magnets? Sooner or later money? Will come to you? Directed within thy deep? Running on empty bank book wells? Without walking out thy castle doors?

Portrait of bride and groom

From the beginning like online married female werewolves! With neverending hunger.For electronic credit card plastic.Spending money on themselves not me! To seize and take secret garden.Drippin'wet ownership worldwide.Of the webcam&phone sex Industry! Some will be in a hurry! To have their own stripper.Absolutely&truly! Poles within their own castle bedrooms,worldwide.Real life not fake.Once online married,first! Secretly! Each of thee as female (TGL)-Models.Become legal  money making naked! Lovers of thy own secret.Money making lover&online husband,too! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Naked to end thy financial.Struggles to make ends meet,alone! Naked to end thy wait&standing at the altars.In thy lives,alone! Castle bedrooms wide-open naked! Virgin cherry popped twice good enough fo' life.Snap finger tight,daily! International moms Internet brides&wives.First&only Ones,forever! The daddy of no small measure.Of our baby steps game plan.Roy Fennell-08/01/2017-3:04p.m.

Each of my loved it deep&big.All night long within their castle bedrooms,worldwide.Soon to be camming&phone sexing hard! Legal money making naked secret Wives&Queens.Like female warriors on the hunt.For big money can see learn-n-earn benefits.Of affiliate programs opportunities showcase.Of the $1,000,000.00 legal.Financial game plan between Woman-1 to Woman-4 pages.Business women of fantasy not a lie.With the creation of thy own DiVa Women Empires.Based on the special delivery! Financial seeds of website knowlege.When coming to get it naked! Working&climbing my tree! Planted deep within each of thee! To bring to life! Our heartbeating baby steps game plan.As my first&only Ones,forever! International moms Internet brides&wives.Who pulled down their soaked expensive! Panties took them off! With lust for us.So we could secret gardens mate! Accepting our mutual Internet.Karma/fate destiny being in the driver's.Seat control every baby step of the way not me! Roy Fennell-08/01/2017-3:58a.m.

animated sex positions photo: Car Animated 678909845.gif

Uncaged! Goddesses of womanhood.In control going in the direction! Of camming&phone sexing motions.Unstoppable! For us actions no play out the gate! All the way running wild-n-free! Untamable! Towards do as they please lives,daily! Online married female (TGL)-Models.To their own no play wit'it.Kind of man who sees them! As the complete package nothin' less! Who got their naked backs without strings! With our own baby steps game plan! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! Deeply! Virgin cherry popped twice within thy own castle bedrooms,worldwide. AS IS online married,first! International moms Internet brides&wives.Seen naked within thy own full-length mirrors,daily! Wearing soon to be extremely expensive! Eye candy just us sexy hi-heel shoes! Camming&phone sexing hard bed! Soaked sheets plastic credit cards money makers! No play all the way! Like cement near/at thy entrance! Exit castle doors real life not fake! Living to enjoy the experience,daily! New lives as legal get paid naked! Role playing goddesses of seduction! Business women of fantasy! Be it part-time/full-time! Working to live happy,daily! Not living to work unhappy,daily! The daddy of our baby steps game plan! Roy Fennell-08/01/2017-9:39a.m.Never tell it when by Internet! Like nature magic! From respected Ceres,california I arrived for special delivery! At the special just ripe! Time of the month! Was the secret gardens juicy! Reasons each of thee was unavailable! Except for emergency calls only! While I was holding it! With both of my big hands told not to dare move! By each of my legal money making naked secret Wives&Queens! 

Fierce female warrior spirit! Motherhood&Womanhood
Horizontal Divider 28
To protect her precious baby from harm! Would face King Kong,alone! Would dine on Big Monkey meat!

Safely! Taking a walk on the wild side benefits for a woman.
1.Opportunity to magnify/increase her own power of seduction abilities
2.Stay on top of her game.Based on the woman.She sees in the reflection.Of her full-length mirror naked! She can get paid for looking&feeling her best.Her appearance counts in dollars&cents.Best example is how she wears her make-up! See&discover with thy own eyes! On the secret wives page! How and why it is possible.Absolutely! Not impossible $4000.00,$10,000.00 even $20,000.00! Can become a monthly habit.Camming&phone sexing hard! Creating thy own legal get paid.Money making naked occupation&career! Without walking out thy castle doors.With a laptop/desktop with webcam! A respected woman on public assistance! Absolutely! Unemployed respected women.Who have giving up looking for work.Have a chance/opportunity.To create better/happy lives for themselves! As online married naughty girls&secret wives fo'life! Of the boss of Ten Great Lines.Documented naked within their red book diaries,worldwide! Suppose a no play all the way! Woman took such action for herself! Based on facts made it! From the financial seeds! Of website knowledge discovered at Ten Great LInes.Became a female Millionairess! Got her red book diary! Copyrighted under the legal financial protection! Of her not our respected female/male! Legal attorney creating a book&published,worldwide! Each copy sold for $25.00 per book! Her cut was $5.00-$10.00 per book! Sold 1 million copies.How much money would she? Not me or us? Collect for her bank book? Making her favorite banking peoples? Roll out the red carpet for her? While they danced on the ceiling from monetary joy? From having a female VIP customer on their books? What special credit-line limit would be her benefits? Absolutely&truly! As per my website documentation no hesitation! Not an oops,accident or mistake.Nor an illusion or mirage.On the power page for real! Be 2 legal related text based links! Near the picture of legal books! Absolutely&truly!The exact above chance/opportunity! For a new direction in life! Would be true for a respected woman! Released from a respected female prison,too! Real life not fake naked opportunity.To shine for us like a diamond! Into the night.Based on her own individual seduction power! Nothing to lose everything to gain for us! Imagine the inspiration she could be by invitation? On a female talk show on TV? Her not humble me! 3.She can become any woman like magic.Based on costumes from naughty nurse.To a french maid and I recall.At least 2 direct sources site links! At Ten Great LInes even cat woman!
4.Her bedroom becomes her stage.Like an ATM machine source of income streams.Connected to her own financial survival.Happiness,security and future
5.Opportunity to finance/fund her own early/full retirement fund.20,30 or 40 yrs.Down the roads,bi-ways and highways! Of her life based on bank statements.Not a hope chest all will work out in the end.
6.Have a sense of purpose.That can make a huge difference in other peoples lives! Including being paid as a solution! To other peoples right now! Sexual energy release happiness
7.Being desired as a woman.By women and men can become an awakening! To how she is seen by others as an attraction magnet
8.Privately,opportunity to explore a girl-girl.Woman-to-woman experience.Learning from another woman.Without it being known within her circle of friends.For whatever reasons not my business
9.Elimination of boredom even lonliness of daily life.
10.Boss lady to do it her way,period! Peace of mind with less stress wrinkles.Sleepless nights fear of what event.Out of her control could happen being,alone.
Triple unique benefits for an unattached bank book! Powerful wet dreams excitations:
A.Online married to her own upfront.Show her all the money.Gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones first,daddy.
B.Opportunity to help herself! To 2-4 Sugar sweet daddies/momma's! Who sooner or later.Will be theirs for keeps
C.Opportunity to become a Sugar baby herself
D.If a woman is earning $10,000.00 per month.In my opinion to attract her attention for marriage.May take an above average.Size engagement/wedding ring set,why? She can afford to be more selective,why? Does not require the maybe lucky ones! Income to survive,daily! Question,if the above woman? Had a large family and was her own Travel agent? How much could be flowing into her,bank,first? Not mine from respected family re-unions? Including class re-unions,too? While she is asleep? Or bumping a hunk on one of her vacations? Snap finger tight doing him like a jackhammer? Without mercy or pity at all on the spot? The daddy of our baby steps game plan! Roy Fennell-08/03/2017-11:23a.m.Real life benefits of everything.At Ten Great LInes.Taking thy time to learn-n-earn! Not being in a hurry! Loads of benefits for do it all! Themselves women who are self-driven! Self motivated to take actions.Motions towards creating better lives.For themselves can use what they discover.At Ten Great Lines.Like a roadmap/flight course.To financial bank book joy.Along the journey to reach,touch and kiss.The unreachable star of their dreams&goals.Not being in a hurry! Taking one baby step at a time.Shall know victory not defeat! It was my dream to experience! Benefits of a mail-order benefits.It was my dream to experience.Going from mail-order to the Internet.It is my dream to share with our world,free! Truly! Without thinking of me,me,me,first! 2nd,3rd and 4th,too!

They be nature born women&material girls!
Round our world! To feel alive not dead.
Unburied above ground! Sexually satisfied
desired and happy,daily!

Safely! Secretly! Nakedly! Deeply! Wildly! Shamelessly! Each of my born to become fo' life! International moms Internet brides&wives! Within their own castle bedrooms,worldwide! Let go of all their past relationships,combined! No longer reasons to hold back anymore! To down below let go deliver! Like nature magic bed soaked sheets! From their like gold! Secret gardens with juicy pleasure muffins! Surrendering like hot liquid gold honey! All night long while I held it! For them with both of my big hands! While with butterfly wings of fury! Being in a naked hurry! To create the heartbeats! Of our heartbeating baby! Steps game plan camming and phone sexing hard! Like heart beating female sex machines! To create their own legal get paid! Money making naked occupation&career! Without hesitation to go in the direction! Unstoppable&naked towards rich/wealthy women futures! Working to live happy,daily! Not living to work unhappy fo'life!They made sure I was not wearing a condom! To prevent my release within the depth! Of their secret gardens womanhood! Lucky,lucky,me! Roy Fennell -07/04/2017-1:45p.m. Time for each of thee.To wide-open naked accept thy own Internet! Karma/fate destiny for us to secret garden mate! Spoiling&pampering thyselves,deliriously! Like modern day women Queens! While still above ground! Benefits to reward thyselves not me! Online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise! Born to become in the present day&future! Female bosses online married! To the boss of Ten Great Lines! Proud not shamed daddy! Of our baby steps game plan!

Their kind of sexual love.Life prescription is to
buck! And be bucked hard! Together as one.
LIke wild animals of the jungle.
In sexual neverending heat,daily! As female
human beings.Every day their hearts beat.
Respectedly! Legally! Married or not.
Within an exclusive just us relationship.
Each day like a just got married honeymoon.
Delivered by their lucky one! Castle bedroom teacher!
All night long nonstop! Is why they would not stop!
Doing me like being my legal naked wives.
In reality not fantasy! Of minds&hearts! Realized the truth
about us&lust! Once online married,first! They become my
legal! Money making naked secret Wives&Queens.Daddy no glove love! Roy Fennell-08/01/2017-8:25a.m.

When I was naked! Solid as a rock! In neck deep water!
The female scout from their secret Island! Was in a hurry to meet me,first! For one hour before her backup.Came into my view.Underwater on her knees.Helped herself to a taste! When she popped up for air! Told me to my face! She would be the first! To mate me all I could say was lucky,lucky me!

Unstoppable! Be the dollars&cents.Financial bank books power! Of unattached for the money.Strictly material girls round our world.With powerful long lasting locomotive.Hot steam engine sex drives.Untamable! Howling&prowling the Internet.Seeking their own kind of sexual safe.Animalistic male mate like 2 sides of coin.Who are laptop/desktop with webcams! Yes,I do ready! Available for a new type.Fresh start beginnings&man in their lives.Of Internet karma/fate born.To become their own secret.Money making in multiple ways naked! Lover&online husband within our money.For us one of a kind.Relationship online marriage.As naughty girls&secret wives! Female bosses&co-pilots.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Online married to the boss.Of Ten Great LInes.Without a single string right before thy eyes! Our online caring and sharing complete website.Of approx.60 pages benefits.Each of thee as nature born women.Worldwide as being the complete heavenly.Assets world-class packages! As soon to be red book diary special way.Virgin cherry popped milky way.International Internet brides&wives! Roy Fennell-04/01/2017-3:40p.m. 


TGL-Models enjoy the complete package benefits! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Within our Internet space! Secret meeting place&Internet address home.Tengreatlines.com.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.They can come-n-go as they please.Without conflict with other naughty girls&secret wives.
1.See top to bottom.Of the employment&business pages.How it is possible to create.Build and promote thy own DiVa Empire worldwide.Naked thighs wide-open wet.From the excitement seeing thy bank books! Amounts rising up not staying limp!
2.Discover&see between the Woman-1,2,3,4 &5 pages.The legal $1,000,000.00 million dollars! Legal financial game plan.
3.Discover&see on the (TGL)-Models page 1.The real unique new cars website link! Therefore,between us like naked Wives&Queens! Minds&hearts is alive-n-kicking not fake.When online secret garden married! To thy own kind/type of do you.Money right man of no small measure.Thy own adult pleasure.Castle bedrooms bank book teacher,too! 

Chinese proverb:Minutes are worth more than money.Spend them wisely.
Chinese proverb:The secret of happiness is to count your blessings while others are adding up their troubles.
Chinese proverb:Teamwork makes the dreamwork.
Chinese proverb:Take the chance while you still have the choice.
Chinese proverb:Your future is whatever you make of it so make it a good one.
Chinese proverb:The greater part of inspiration is perspiration.
Chinese proverb:You will soon create a favorable impression on someone.
Chinese proverb:The weekend ahead predicts enjoyment.

Not an oops,accident or mistake.Many modern day women.No matter their respected ages! Runaway,like female track stars.From even a hint.Of a respected legal marriage,why? They can see with their own eyes! Behind closed/locked doors mysteries? Of some of their own girlfriends.Are unhappy not living the life.Of many respected little girls hopes&dreams! When they growup become of age! As full grown women who answer the ancient.Nature secret desire fire mating call.As time goes by not always.Sweet peaches&cream as seen on TV.Or at the drive-in movie picture show! Even powerful magazines are unable to change! The stories of too many in pain! Living live nightmares behind closed/locked doors of shame! Unseen rivers of sorrow which haunts.Many adult women of today!

The modern day unattached women.Round our world bank book girls! For their happy hearts happiness,first! Require their own kind of safe,24/7.Online husband with King Kong size.Love&respect for them as nature.Born female human beings.Beyond physical sex itself! Believe it or not on their level.Within the school of life.More than sex objects! Or income lollipops for some a price of pain! For when my actions&motions.Being their husband of mind&heart,first! I become he.LIke magic right before their eyes! Based on the power.Of unseen minds&hearts true love,first! With out of this world! Special treatment like my naked Wives&Queens! Same as if we be already legally married.Under their castle roofs.now! Be their secret garden seduction! Reasons for being naked on castle beds! Within their sexual dreams! Hi-heels over their heads! Wide-open even if it! Hurts soo good drippin' hot aroused! Waiting for special daddy love! Sexual souls deep beyond G-spot pops delivery! They can believe the evidence.Of their own bed soaked sheets! The sexual power of a woman! Without physical contact fabulous orgasms self-induced nature magic! Roy Fennell-03/23/2017-1:24p.m.The Goddess of within Womanhood release power! Of childbirth do it urges at work readiness.Why should a woman? Enter an under the same roof relationships? Without knowing upfront proven experience,first? She will recieve like a habit? A 1 hour per day? Dine at her Y benefits? To relieve her sexual tension stress pressure? From her day-to-day on the job problems? Concerns about her hours being reduced? Her job unavailable next month or next year? Her bills with her own legal financial obligations? Many of the modern women of today.Are not living in the past.They want it all now,yesterday! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Based on their own free will.Actions and motions they can seize it! Unseen hot thighs&powerful legs! Wrapped tightly like an anaconda around.Global webcam&phone sex.Adult entertainment itself! Like a lemon can squeeze it! Like taking ownership for a single reason! Unlimited income opportunity to get their individual! Determined Queen's share of electronic credit card! Plastic money into their own deep bank book well! Savings/checking accounts amounts.Rising up like a seen in the distance tidal wave! Sooner or later coming to shore! My Internet brides&wives! Can create their own special.Kind of legal get paid naked.For us bed soaked sheets.Oceans and seas without walking out! Their castles doors if it.Is raining&snowing which may damage! Their expensive eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes! They can bathe in expensive bath oils! Checking on the dollars&cents coming in their bank books! Step out of the tub! Pop in the micro wave professional chef prepared meals! I know it to be a fact! I ordered a sample pack! And confess some spirits,too! (Dutch's Spirits) New York Sugar Wash Moonshine.(Scottish Leader) Product of Scotland,blended scotch whiskey! Scroll down this page there is more! Roy Fennell-03/27/2017-12:03a.m.-Real life Kings&Queens self-serve treatment not fake!

Naked! Time to become a family of 3.
Airplane Taking Off
Our red book diary special way.Within our money for us relationship online marriage.

Time for each of my International.AS IS naked ladies.Born to pull them down.Take them off at this time.Of their lives wearing only their favorite.Just us expensive eye candy.Sexy hi-heel shoes.Born to become female bosses&co-pilots.Side-by-side in the cockpit! On Ten Great LInes.Online married to the boss of Ten Great LInes.With their wide-open yes,I do permission, first! Cybersex bucked them within their own castle bedrooms.Like a wild animal coming like a river! They promised they would never tell it.

Time for my virgin milky way naked.First&only Ones
Cruise Ship Growing
To be Internet cruising by ship.In a new direction towards all desired goals&dreams online married

Time for each of my International female wolfpack! Of Ten Great LInes webcam models network.Naughty girls&secret wives.Online married to their own born! To be secret lover&online husband.Of no small measure.With King Kong size.Love&respect for each of you! As nature born women,worldwide.Time for a ship cruise new life.Direction towards all thy dreams&goals.In life and I yes,I do! Promise not to tell what each of you! Repeatedly! Naked within each of your cabin rooms! Shamelessly! Without condoms/birth control pills! My born to become female secret garden! Masters of every single drop! Of financial seeds of website knowledge.Refused to allow me to go limp! Thank-you,my International loves! For thy neverending like female werewolves! In heat to greet,meet and mate with me.Roy Fennell-03/23/2017-3:36p.m.Shhh,I promise not to tell or confess.Each of you were polin'it up-n-down hard! Like naked Wives&Queens live wire! Heart beating pounding soppin' wet! Sex machines seeking to get to the 4th inch! Sexual soul deep secret garden depth of womanhood!

Shhh,do each of thee? Promise me to our graves? Not to tell on us? All night long she kept saying OMG daddy! OMG daddy! Blame it on me! When I told her! I was a deep sea diver! She was curious so I showed her,first! Then when I pull it out! It almost touched the ceiling! While I held it with my big hands! I asked,may I have it fo' life? She said Yes! Lucky me her respected grandmother! Was out of town for the weekend! I hit the jackpot! Deeper than her G-spot lucky me! We have a special place! We run naked chasing each other! We always catch each other! Lucky us,She MIne,I'm Her's! She has a red book diary,too! Roy Fennell-07/18/2017-5:52a.m. I'm teaching her to howl like me! Ain't love wonderful!

Are each of thee born? Yes,I do ready? To free will only answer our mating call? For when it be free will.It can be long lasting steady.For years not a quickie.Which is only magic moment! Right now,satisfaction of urges.Until the next one desire surge.Also,the respected webcam&phone sex.Employers prefer commitment of at least.25-30 hours per week.Due to the fact.Free professional training from them.Is at their expense whatever the business cost to them.Roy Fennell-08/03/2017-12:38p.m.The number one mind&heart! Intent of the online shopping 1-20 pages.Is for each of your safety,first! Compared to brick-n-mortar shopping malls.Which may have no armed/unarmed! Respected security peoples outside.In the parking lots when bringing merchandise.From their respected businesses after purchases! Kings&Queens protection is not an illusion.Mirage or fantasy at Ten Great Lines.Worldwide,when peoples can safely! Order merchandise from the safety,first! Privacy and secruity of their respected homes.Apartments and college dorms with priceless peace of mind! Any and all transactions! Are routed by highly smart.Expensive never seen complex computer system! Under the control of multiple network managers! Behind the scenes looking out for us! Unseen money making partners in life! Respected women and men taking care of business! On guard at alert 24/7 experts like a major telephone company! More details on the M&P page.If,there was zero.Underlined text link paragraphs/banners.On any page of Ten Great LInes.On the phone why? Would either of you? Believe there was a such thing? As affiliate saving money? Making money opportunities possible?

As a woman what about her goals? Within a relationship what about her dreams? In life which becomes like a ship.Leaving the dock without her aboard.As she watches with tears.Not raindrop upon her face.As her ship of goals&dreams.Slowly,slips away in silence.Going in the direction.Only her mind&heart can go.Except in her dreams not her body when asleep.New beginnings&man.In thy lives not to smother thy dreams.Goals softly as by pillow.Instead be the wind beneath thy wings,Without strings only unseen minds&hearts.Money love rings to the grave.If never falling in love legally marry.Does not change being a milky way! Sexual soul deep virgin cherry popped twice.First&only One.Nor put out the flame.Of our lava hot bun in the oven.Secret desire fire love affair,24/7.Nor erase the special between us.Secret garden reasons from thy memory.Of thy sexy hi-heels near! At thy exit/entrance castle door.Nor the red book diary story.Shared experiences of the Elusive Butterfly of Love.Which came upon wings from the power.Of unseen minds&hearts true love.Do each of you promise? Not to tell it? If within dreams bed sheets? Soaked with cream was us? Still sexually cybersex bucking each other? Like wild animals within our secret? Meeting place&Internet address home? Tengreatlines.com.Each of you were born.To be 3 inches sexual souls.Depth of Secret Garden Womanhood.Wild-n-free running with female wolfpack.Of Ten Great Lines webcam models network,worldwide.Daddy love.03/27/2017-12:14a.m.

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As a nature born woman! Not handcuffed within any committed relationship? Have a neverending sweet-tooth taste? Hunger like a female werewolf? For the finer things in life? As much as you can recieve&benefit? Highly,qualified sugar baby&daddy? Never tell perfect girlfriend qualifications? Love to see how you could benefit? Seeing on the home? Sexy,dating and roads pages? From Local,Nationwide&Worldwide? Free profile thyself in position? Of online in house Ten Great LInes? Online adult dating websites? With benefits of face-to-face expensive dinner dates? In public places on your terms control,first? With women and men of business? Who can afford to wine&dine you like a Queen? Love the potential of a business jet flight? To an expensive luxury resort? Love the opportunity to hit the jackpot/goldmine? Being out on the town with a certified millionaire? Laptop,desktop with webcam? Yes,I do ready? To come hard and wet wide-open naked? To greet&meet me within secret? Meeting place&Internet address home? Tengreatlines.com. So we can get connected by Internet! Financially engaged&online married! No ticket required on me free! Unlimited round trip flights! Round the clock,nonstop! On Ten Geat LInes Airlines.Time to type into google search,tengreatlines.com.To wide-eyed see naked,first! All benefits within our money! For us relationship online marriage! Roy Fennell-03/12/2017-11:31p.m. 

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She was all the way.No birth control pills no play.Yes,I do ready for her.Daddy love no glove special delivery! Like his own born.To become within her castle bedroom.International naked wife who was in a hurry.For her own red book story.To get connected by Internet.Financially engaged&online married! To the boss of Ten Great LInes.On purpose delivery to give birth.Bringing to life the first 3 baby steps! Of our baby steps game plan.

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Deeply! While I was sexual souls deep.
Within each of my naughty girls&wives
Thick-n-creamy splatter.Like pancake batter
Came out wildly with force.It hit each wall.
And the ceiling thinking about themselves.
While still above ground.Enjoying benefits
of an online shopping naked! Sexual freedom
paradise.Virgin cherry popped twice.
International moms Internet brides&wives.
Like nature magic! Right before my eyes.
Became sexually horny mermaids lucky me
Female human beings of mystery
Gave me the news I was a daddy
Said it was our mutual Ocean&Sea
Karma/fate destiny power of love!

A milky way cherry popped twice! Internet bride&wife.Searching the pages of her own online husband's website! For bank book potential profits.In addition to affiliate programs.To create,build and promote her own business website.Benefits of a single website.Not searching and wasting her time.Searching the whole Internet for saving money.Making money opportunites some of which she must pay,first! To recieve the offer.Even if she does not like it.Can get her credit card money? Payment back what about her credit card? Information she would never have released,first? if she could have seen for free,upfront,first? Now,she has to call her bank! To explain what happened within her account! Bottom-line more problems from an expected solution! That did not solve her problem! At Ten Great LInes.Zero upfront fee! To explore and see everything free,period! Anywhere,if you click a banner.Or underlined text link locate customer! Service to get all questions answered from the source! The respected customer's business is not my business!

Naked for us see the online shopping 1-20 pages.From camming&phone sexing for us! Benefits to reward thy labor.Spoiling&pampering thyselves,deliriously! Feeling&treating thyselves not me.Like modern day women! Queens of thy castles! Without walking out thy doors.Online married unseen Queens of my castle team players! Female bosses&co-pilots.Naughty girls&secret wives! See on the Models-6 page.Going legal get paid naked! In the direction.Of rich/wealthy women.From purchased gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones! On a true flight course touching down! On the financial success runway! Daddy love of no small measure! Secret way red book diary! Virgin depth of womanhood.Cherry popped milky way twice! Born to become  my Internet brides&wives! Like magic within their own castle bedrooms! Who free will pulled them down.Took them off for us with lust! To become financially engaged&online married,first! For what goes around comes around.Mated hard naked to stay like cement. Untamable,wild-n-free! First&only Ones!

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Safely! When a woman learns how to use her! Nature born free gift of do it urges,daily! Under the control and direction.Of webcam and phone sex employment.She becomes the player of the seduction game,itself! Queen of her castle.Who recieves without physical contact! Financial&sexual satisfaction,daily!
Living to enjoy the experience.To perfect her skills role playing a woman! Of fantasy a Goddess of seduction.Benefits of seducing others as a female.Adult entertainer to help her! Pay all of her rent,utilities and bills! On course towards an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise! For her own world-class heavenly goods,first! Hidden love benefit due to the fact! The respected clients&customers are online! Zero guilt or face-to-face conflict.With another woman such as within a night club.Over a man or woman which could be violent! In a heartbeat which means no problems.LIke slashed tires, keyed car finishes,broken windshields,etc.

The financial&seductive bank books power. Of a woman from webcam/phone sex employment.Be it visual or voice.When her nature born as per chidbirth! Goddess within depth of womanhood! Becomes uncaged set free! She when camming&phone sexing like magic! Becomes an attraction magnet of actions&motions.For women and men,worldwide! With sexual desire for her right,now! Of the no can touch it! Seduction game of webcam&phone sex! Employment she becomes a Goddess of seduction.Woman of fantasy with the power! To recieve benefits of electronic credit! Card plastic money going in the exact direction.Of her saving/checking accounts! Delivered from respected webcam and phone employers! When recieved from respected legal clients&customers! Based on these facts power of a woman! Treatment like a modern day Queen! Earning her money without walking out her castle door! When her own castle bedroom becomes her stage.All the above without physical sex.Manhood penetration required for her monetary survival,daily! Ever heard the saying a picture speaks 1000 words? Thy own no upfront fee talent agent.Of no small measure. Plump&full of financially juicy! Lava hot seeds of website knowledge! Roy Fennell-03/18/2017/6:11p.m.See the power page to learn.The financial power of a nature born woman! Secret garden mated to her own kind of mate.Of no small measure to help her.Make&keep her deep bank book well! Wall-to-wall filling up! Beginning with webcam&phone employment.Enjoyment from camming&phone sexing excitations from bed soaked sheets! Electronic credit card plastic money! Flowing into the direction.Of her savings/checking accounts,first! Not mine not ours,period! See the truth about us on the power page.  

Camming&phone sexing castle bedroom STARS! When their bedroom is their STAGE.Enjoy all the benefits for themselves.
Being the only Ones.In the spotlight.Center of attention.As independent female contractors bosses! Who create/set their own working hours schedules.Becomes their own adult entertainment.Business without being required to seek a respected business license,why? They are not the ones making any cash transactions! Nor are they selling any goods/merchandise.Roy Fennell-03/12/2017-9:13p.m.

Illustration: Be my valentine

An unemployed woman with her back.Against the wall for her own survival,alone.Can discover more than hope at Ten Great LInes.When she has her own quality laptop&webcam.In addition to webcam&phone sex.Employment opportunities help to prevent her.Own unemployment benefits from going belly up.Have you ever heard? Of a mass lay-off of 1000 or more? Webcam&phone sex independent contractors? Even 500 who got hours cut? Like potatoes in the kitchen sink? Love to know a secret? The best camming&phone sexing women.On Planet Earth are the ones.Who never thought about doing it in their lives,why? They will enjoy a state of mind! Intoxication of the realization.Benefits of their own free gift! Power of seduction like a drug.A state of mental ecstasy.Produced from the excitment! Dual benefits of financial&sexual! Satisfaction at once benefits.Of no can touch it bank book! Spending power for off-line/online! Shopping til'they drop! Make stressful debts/bills vanish like magic! Without walkin out their castle doors! Like new sheriffs coming to town! Ten Great LInes online married naughty girls&secret wives! Will desire to clean-up as much plastic money! Possible from the webcam&phone sex.Adult entertainment Industry as female bosses&co-pilots! On course for gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones! Once becoming bank book.Enabled with benefits of at least.Every 3-4 months a 2-3 week vacation.LIke clockwork benefits of happy hearts happiness! Yes or no? Did I begin these paragraphs? With an unemployed woman? With a quality laptop with webcam? Based on the closing end! Real life not fake is the power of a woman! Unstoppable! Like a runaway frieght train! Without physical sex between us! By Internet all she had to do.Was greet,meet and with wide-open! Secret garden butterfly wings of fury! Mate with her own kind of man.With a baby steps 1,2,and 3 game plan! The power of a Woman&Man as team players.Not under the same roof,unstoppable! Roy Fennell-03/23/2017-2:24p.m.Bottom-line pumping-n-bumping in her bed! Was not the financial solution! To her survival&future as a woman! Such a woman would become an online married! Bank book girl&secret wife for life! And as serious as a heart attack mean it,why? One of my female dragon secret wives! A heart beating fireball of emotions about us! 

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The more than 50 pages.Of our unselfish caring and sharing online website.Is the complete package of financial information! Free help to end on purpose. Thy financial stuggles to make ends meet,alone.With each of thee being the complete package.Soon to be online married! No longer standing at the altar of thy lives,alone.New beginnings&man.Unseen up in thy faces! Without intent with words! To get as much as possible,free! No matter the cost/expense.Left behind with minds&hearts! Even soul deep pain.Pregnant or not in the saddle.Riding away like back in the day! Horseback full gallop pony express mail rider.

She was a respected virgin.Who even remembers today.Her precious mother by her bedside.As a respected little girl.Reading many books with stories! Fairy tales,poetry,kings and queens! Princes&princesses! Even love stories with happy! Endings when falling in love.Meet the man of her wet dreams.He was a cowboy! At first sight she became love blind.Hung on every word he said to her.She did not understand! His character as a man,first! He was a range rider! Not the kind to settle down! Raise a family in any town.Within her mind&heart! To the depth of her sexual soul! Was sure it was a sure bet! Their love would last to the grave&forever! Using the naked whispered words "I love you" each time! He rode her like a bronco rodeo champion! He was a superb expert! Bed shaker! Scream&cream maker! Ring on their finger or not! Then it was time to break the bad news! He had to be moving on in the morning! After he had rode her the 3rd time! She heard the news in the grapevine! He was riding hard! Another woman who was pregnant,too! Roy Fennell-07/04/2017-11:22p.m.Got the in bed power! Riding a woman with a ring! On her finger to tell her! To take it off put on his finger! She would do it! While she be coming like a river! Tell her to her face! I be your husband right,now! She would agree even calling him! By her respected husband's name! He is a male human being sex machine! Heart-breaker,tears maker fo'life! Got a Big Boy to make some male porn stars jealous! Wide-eyed hanging low! Huge corn cob size! Once women see it like a genie! Garage door without speaking drop! Down on their knees drippin' with gushing excitement to please! Him anyway possible of his sexual desires! A special kind of Master! Dip-n-go secret gardens teaser/pleaser! Happy when women beg him not to go away! If she has enough money! He may stay another few days! If she online transfers! Enough money into his savings/checking accounts! Quickly! This be his occupation self-made man! Seduced and introduced many women! To his kind of OMG! Please never stop bow-wow -WOW! Doggie style made them howl! At the moon in backyard swimming pools,too!

This be her precious little girl daughter!

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For him only an act! Of physical no glove sex release.Deeply! Within her secret garden direction.Without minds&hearts,first! True love and affection.His loss their minds&hearts gain.He sows creation of life.Seeds of sorrow like machines.That plows and sows seeds deep in the ground! Have not a clue about love&happiness! Roy Fennell-07/05/2017-4:00pm.-I do!

Due to physical sex,first! Within her mind&heart! Believed and felt to the depth.Of her sexual soul! He desired her as the complete package.To become his only one&wife.For life and respected mother! Of their respected baby/babies! Their father&protector! Of their family and her respected legal husband! Not an illusion or mirage! Love ain't sex&sex ain't love! Different like day and night! Within the school of life! Roy Fennell-04/04/2017-3:25p.m.Some read or were aware! Of those same books&stories,too! Absolutely! Seen them TV shows and movies,too! Live took control of the endings of their own stories! Became the directors who set the stages for you!

Under zero circumstances some men! Will never marry a woman.Who is not a respected virgin,why? They desire to be her,first! Some men under zero circumstances! Will never marry a respected woman! Who has a child(s) by another man,why? To avoid any potential problems.Man to man conflicts with another man! Roy Fennell-07/04/2017-10:45p.m.Not a lie the unseen character! Is the true face of a woman/man,worldwide! Nothing to do with the outside! Everything to do with the inside! In control of the outside! Without a steering wheel! How could you control? The direction of the car? 


Maybe! 20 or more in his lifetime! From woman-to-woman one man! Like his own mission in life.Taking control creating unhappy! Endings of love stories become real! Life not fake tragedies in their lives! Being the reasons for tear soaked pillows! Believing&feeling true love! Only a fairy tale in books! Not an oops,accident or mistake! About us my first&only Ones,forever! Wild-n-free running with the female wolfpack! Of the Ten Great LInes Models Network,worldwide! On a mission to seize&take secret garden! Ownership of the global! Webcam&phone sex adult entertaiment Industry! Live wire heartbeating female players&entertainers! Born to be making history their way! Rising to the top! Fresh faces&voices! That got the seduction power! To make some men popup! Stand at attention! Without touching it! Roy Fennell-04/04/2017-3:49p.m.No matter who be at the top.now! Competion for that plastic credit! Card money is coming hard! When least expected from online married! Female (TGL)-Models sooner or later! As a woman-to-woman thang! They refuse to believe&feel! What they got down below! Is not better&best in the world! With no can touch! No can kiss it! Never can lick it! Bank book seduction sexual attract-a-mate power! Shamelessly! Camming&phone sex hard to legal! Get paid naked twice! Kitty benefits to stay snap finger tight! While increasing the amounts of spending power! Of their saving&checking accounts,first,not mine! Creating like castle bedrooms seduction! Magic filling their deep bank! Book wells without walking out their castle doors! Nakedly! Going in the direction! Of financial affection towards rich/wealthy women! All profits to the Queens! Being alone in their lives making history! Documented as the female! Authors within the pages/chapters! Of their red book diaries,worldwide! Female pride is alive not dead above ground! To stay like wet cement,forever! Not allowed to die/fade away into the sunset! With naked thighs wide-open! Drippin'hot about us see the power page! Of our own mutual Internet! Karma/fate destiny of which we are unable to escape!

Illustration: Be my valentine

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Are you a woman or a man? Feel you are drowning in life financially,daily? Love to escape your living paycheck-to-paycheck financial prison? Single mom or Single dad? Love to make sure your child(s) can afford a college education without risk or sacrifice of your home with priceless memories as collateral? Daily,ever hope,wish or dream you could live your life with the joy&excitement of your last vacation? Adult or non-adult affiliate programs using and promoted online with smart technology! For men and women this is a free self-employment opportunity worldwide! Be your own boss! Create,build and benefit yourself from having your own financial Internet Empire! Watch&see it grow without walking out your door! Save money/make money at your home,apartment or college dorm! Great way&less risk of your valuable priceless memories and property,is not stolen from you&family! Neighborhood watches with Moms&Dads  could mean a safer community for you and your children,too! Can you really put a price on financial peace of mind? Every woman and man deserves an opportunity of having their own just in case financial plan worldwide! How expensive is free information,here at Ten Great Lines? What is the true meaning&value of seeking a Gangnam Lifestyle Future? Opportunity to create&seize a work to live life for yourself&family! Not being content with a live to work life living on a bread&water net pay income! Roy Fennell-07/17/2015-5:30p.m.

A money for us,relationship,is a great what if plan opportunity! Even if you have a 9 to 5 or part-time/full-time employment,why? Legally, based on the job classification! What if,your on the job duties become unexpected reclassified? Could you become an independent contractor? Even as a fast food associate no longer an employee? If an employee,with benefits could they disappear like magic,unexpectedly? Many respected human beings lost jobs,hours and their homes? Because they trusted someone else who did know their names,never seen their faces,why? They were viewed as being numbers in a computer!  Roy Fennell-07/17/2015-5:26p.m.

Working mother balancing family

Near the bottom of this page you can discover&explore multiple searchable website links,free! See how to have and promote your own site,worldwide! You can begin creating&building your own Internet Empire,today! Broke? No problem,why? Use the multiple get paid surveys you find within the pages of Ten Great Lines to earn the money to cover any and all costs for your website and it's promotion! Save yourself,from financially,drowning in life,daily! For you to take full advantage of the adult,non-adult and smart technology affiliate programs opportunities! You must have your own website,why? To maximize your potential profits,globally! This is the foundation towards your have it all Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Want,need or desire a new desktop or laptop computer? Think you can afford approx. $25.00 per month? On the relationships page you will discover a special underlined paragraph text website link! Find out for free,if you qualify for their program! Roy Fennell-05/08/2015-10:07a.m.

Time to come naked wide-open hot! Wet-n-drippin' in the direction.Of thy soon to be secret.Money making lover&online husband! Of no small measure.Solid as a rock,24/7! Waiting for you to greet&meet me! To yes,I do! Answer our kind of animalistic mating call! To see on the TGL-Models page 1! How we can get connected hooked up! Financially engaged&online married! Like wild animals financially coming&making money! Like just got married bedroom lovers! To begin our neverending financial honeymoon! Creating the heartbeats to give birth! New lives to our heartbeating baby! Steps game plan once online married,first! Taking the first 3 steps going in the direction! On Models-6 page.Towards rich/wealthy women futures! From free will purchased gold coins.Vials and loose diamond stones! Time to type into bing,search,tengreatlines.com On Ten Great Lines Airlines.No ticket required on me free.Unlimited round trip flights! Round the clock,nonstop! Welcome aboard! Your friendly captain of no small measure! Roy Fennell-03/17/2017-6:17p.m.Welcome home! Our neverending natural secret garden mating place.Minds&hearts naked wives&Queens.Legally,who get paid naked for us.As goddesses of seduction! Business women of fantasy! Online married to the boss .Of Ten Great Lines naughty girls&secret wives! Female bosses&co-pilots.Who are red book diary! International milky way drippin'to stay! First&only Ones cherry popped twice! Internet brides&wives like cement.Unseen Queens of my physical castle.Until each of their repected legal wedding days!   

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Are you a woman? Single,lonely,divorced or waiting on prince charming? Think about this,a laptop or computer employment income allows you the financial freedom to live in any respected City,State,Region or Country in the world! Enjoy a new lover of a different nationality or culture every year! You only have one life to live,therefore,why not go for it all? Every heard the song"Can't hurry love" by the Supremes? It is true,love will find you! Before you enter an under the same roof relationship with any man or woman get to know the character of the person,first,why? To protect your heart from falling in love with the wrong person for you!(*_*)-Roy Fennell=11/18/2014-{*_*}+1:05p.m.(*_*) I always want the best of life for you,first,not me! When I say I seek to be the best virtual employer in the world,I mean it! No upfront fee and see everything free! You&me,always making money,legally&safely,together! Virtual financial employment opportunity!

Special human being benefits of becoming a virtual employee of Ten Great Lines! You can see,feel and believe,upfront,you are recognized being more than a number in a computer! Never feeling treated like a contract worker with your whole life chained to a timeclock! Opportunity to become your own boss who can take a nap! At will,bar-b-que! Less fast food and help yourself to healthy professional chef prepared food shipped to your door! Question,more that money,are you a single mom or dad? Do your priceless child(s) walk to-n-from school? How would you feel if you could walk,him,her or them right to the respected schools' door? Be at the door,when the school day is over,to walk respected him,her or them safely home? Indirectly,is a babysitter raising your child(s) because to make ends meet you must work 2 part-time jobs to equal 40hrs per week? As a Ten Great Lines special human being affiliate,you become your own boss,not chained to your own alarm clock! You can treat yourself,like a Queen or King of your castle when you can online purchase expensive merchandise which can be shipped to your door! Affiliate programs,adult or non-adult,in addition to smart techonogy can give you the financial power to save and make money without walking out your door! Virtual employment or non-virtual employment,which is better for you,first,not me? Roy Fennell-12/04/2014-9:10p.m. 

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Respectfully,are you a woman? Respectfully,are you a man? Ever seen the video with Psy singing the song Gangnam Style? In my eyes I see something very special for us&our future! Within the video I see a lifestyle of luxury from non violent income! In my opinion,Ten Great Lines affiliate programs,adult or non adult,in addition to smart technology can do it! You have already seen the numbers and math of the $1,000,000.00 plan! Am I correct? Next time you see this video,see yourself,living the lifestyle you see,daily! Questions,would a $1,000,000.00,for you,first using the above sources? Online,without force,violence or walking out your door give you a gangnam lifestyle you'd love,daily? Worldwide,in my opinion,there may be 10 million respected students who graduate from high schools yearly! Seeking employment& jobs or a source of income! This is a continuous cycle or circle,regardless of the year! Utilizing social media rules within their respected guidelines,why should it not be the special human beings Ten Great Lines global affiliates providing their save money/make money online opportunities? Potential big money without violence can mean less grief,sorrow,children without moms,dads,overcrowded jails and funerals! What is worth to you,first,not just me? Roy Fennell-12/04/2014-9:38p.m.

My first&only Ones,forever! Wide-open cockpit joystick riders!
Female co-pilots naked! On Ten Great Lines Airlines.With only
one life to live! Not our faults we are unable.Legally! To be already married.Living within thy castles round our world! Ain't got nothing to do with us.Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable! When by Internet we can
become,24/7! Financially engaged&online married with mutual benefits.
Luxury&gangnam lifestyle futures reality.Not fantasy safe&naked!
Benefits not a minds&hearts lie.Provided from loads of electronic credit.
Cards plastic money from thy own hooked&seduced fo'life secret admirers.Possible! 
To have,get and seize it all! Absolutely&truly! Without any physical sex
contact.Only when working thy own individual seduction magic power!
Is it a lie or the undisputed truth? Once camming&phone sexing earned?
Amounts in thy savings/checking accounts? Becomes equal/greater than
thy own everyday? Jobs paychecks will be priceless? Peace of mind?
Elimination of what if,jobs loss fears,daily? Elimination without any
hesitation? Of what if,pink slip tears,daily? Beyond any shadow of doubt? Higher self-esteem with
female pride? Being&living alone in thy lives,daily? Actually got ahead in life? Living to enjoy the experience,daily? Not being under the income control? Foot or thumb of nobody in thy path? Towards thy own dreams&goals,first? Without manhood penetration relationship drama?
Under thy own castle roofs? Queens having the only set of keys?
Offline/online shopping like DiVa women? Until each of thee drop?
Financially enabled to make a purchase? Without asking the price,first?
Thy own secret money making lover&online husband.(*_*) When I
picked up the scent.Faster than a fighter jet can fly! Answered each of
your mating calls.Came to get it from respected Ceres,california.
All night long neither of us played with it! Roy Fennell-10/31/2017-7:49p.m. 
Of our own mutual Internet.Karma fate destiny to secret gardens mate. 

Horizontal Divider 28

Bar Tip
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Even with full-time employment,without a retirement package the future becomes unknown! Is there a respected law which prevents the decision-makers(who got the power) from reducing all 40hr per week employees to 29hr per week,at will,when you at least,expect it? In principle,in life,nothing worse than standing neck deep in calm water and not being told there are sharks out there,somewhere,unknown! The have it all concept towards Gangnam Lifestyle,ain't about a job,it is about a see it,now,future! Can you think of anything more serious in your life,than your own financial survival&future,daily? Financial protection,now&in your future is what a money for us,relationship,can do for you,first,not me! Roy Fennell-02/19/2015-8:52a.m. Round the clock money creates financial peace of mind,24/7 and 365 days a year,for you,first,not me!(*_*) 


Serious comittment based on motions of actions(*_*
Airplane Flying
Being in rhythm for the money,as One,makes money begin to flow&gush into our bank accounts,together!

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Horizontal Divider 28


When for the money women&material girls,hot&sexy round the world! For themselves,got an unseen man behind them! With multiple OMG size their bank accounts,make that money game plans in front of them! They become as ONE,like they be money making lovers,working&planning with passion their own financial futures,within a for the money rhythm,together! For such women what could cause them to like an oven bake more than heart pounding joy& excitement of a shop til' they drop&feeling good happiness,daily future? Roy Fennell{*_*}04/24/2016-8:34p.m. For many women,becoming wide-eyed from the huge size of their bank accounts,the numbers of dollars&cents is all that matters&counts to them to be financially satisfied&happy! On Planet Earth,what woman would not love having the financial ability! To online shop and spend an adverage of $100.00 per day,without hearing the word No,without going in debt or walking out her door?

A respected young girl.Round our world.Entering adult ages(18-21).Can see with her own eyes,now!
1.How the direction of her life&future.Can be as a female (TGL)-Model
2.Being in the driver's seat control not me without pressure
3.Safely! Making her horny girl! Camming&phone sexing money
4.Doing it herself,alone.Without physical sex contact
5.Doing it all herself,alone.Without walking out her castle door.
6.Female pride would be rising higher! Becoming financially empowered
to provide.Taking care of herself,first! By her desired lifestyle,daily!
7.Opportunity to be working not.Looking for a job/place to work
8.Feeling/being happy about her life.Not sad and depressed about life,itself!
9.Could save herself for actual engagement/wedding ring,first!
10.Not being in a hurry! To jump into a relationship.With the potential of
becoming pregnant,alone! Based on the facts! She has seen with other girls.
11.Opportunity to have more than a hope.Chest full of dreams.At the end of the rainbow.When reaching her own respected early.Full retirement age 30 or more.Years down the road,bi-way and highway of her life! Ten Great Lines can be her roadmap! Towards the financial success runway.Roy Fennell-08/01/2017-9:36a.m.

Ten Great Lines
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From the beginning round our world.Of cybersex sexual fantasy.Bank book reality for a new beginnings&man.Our red book diary secret way.By Internet financially engaged&online married! Online good girls not within any just us relationships.Who live and are alone.In their lives within their homes,apartments and college dorms,daily! Queens absolute in their castles,daily! Safely! Secretly! Naturally! Shamelessly! Nakedly! Deeply! In thy lives to stay not dip-n-go runaway.Who do each of thee see? Except the naughty girl goddesses? Within each of thee no longer under lock-n-key? The cage door open and set? Uncaged to be wild-n-free? Online married,first! International moms Internet brides&wives.Legal money making naked secret Wives&Queens.Camming&phone sexing hard naughty girls&secret wives.Creating their own money making naked occupation&career.With female pride alive.Not dead above ground.Rising up climbing the ladder of financial success.Not staying down working to live happy,daily! Not living to work unhappy,daily! Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.Role playing no can touch it! No can kiss it! Never can lick it! Manhood small,big,large and huge teasers.Sweet as sugar-n-spice secret garden pleasers.Female bosses&co-pilots.On Ten Great LInes Airlines.Online married naked 3 circles.First&only Ones.Virgin cherry popped twice good enough fo'life.By their own first&only one.The boss of Ten Great LInes.The known daddy not unknown of our baby! Steps game plan of special delivery.From respected Ceres,california.Queen served within thy own castle bedrooms,worldwide.Hello world! For it be of our own mutual.Internet karma/fate destiny.All my female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.Became aware of me of no small measure.Like me they have an animalistic! Sexual nature as female human beings.They live-n-breathe to be sexually desired,daily! Not under their control.Be their powerful do it urges,daily! Free nature born gift of respected childbirth! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Each one was Yes,I do ready! For us to secret gardens mate.Create the heartbeats of our baby steps game plan.Bringing to life in a naked hurry! Each one waited until their own just ripe.Special time of the month.On purpose for us to do it! Within their castle beds like wild animals.When they pulled down their expensive panties.Soaking wet took them off! For humble me to bring what they were going to scent! Claim,bathe and drown all night! Long in charge of the direction! Even control the flow from my erection! When I picked up the scent.Heard the female werewolf in sexual heat! Time to meet come and get it,now! Silent howling-n-growling sounds.Faster than a fighter jet I was in a naked hurry! Using my bulging erection to be my guide.Directly,to their castle doors to serve my Queens.Must be some kind of female human being mystery! They did not tell me.Until later it was wise of me! Not only come to them and not be late,too! Wowww,I was told to my face! They had been watching the clock! They revealed a special lesson to me! Right when you think you know a woman,you don't! Roy Fennell-07/25/2017-5:55p.m.Unseen except within the naked! Reflections of their full-length mirror.For every nature born woman on our Planet Earth! Be the naughty girl looking back at the good girl! Even if it be a one-night stand! Looking for a way out to be wild-n-free! Lucky,lucky me both of them.With flames of hot secret desire fire! Wildly! Taking turns working me like just got married! Legal wives is how we became a family of 3!

Green Dollar
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International together as one of Sisterhood.All female (TGL)-Models.Like a mission sense of purpose.Like a runaway freight train.On the same tracks making it.Rain plastic electronic money.Down into their deep bank book wells.As shining in the night diamonds.Rising with a ton of female pride.To the top of the webcam&phone sex.Global adult entertainment Industry.Sooner or later reign as online married.Money making naked secret Wives&Queens.Of the boss of Ten Great Lines.Who picked up their steaming pleasure.Muffin scent from respected Ceres,california.Faster than a fighter jet! Special delivered their big surprise! Deeply! Safely! Secretly! Within their waiting thighs&umbrellas.They were wide-open! Free willing all night long to climb.Shake my tree to become virgin.Cherry popped twice good enough fo'life.Snap finger tight first&only Ones,forever! International moms Internet brides&wives.Who would never tell or yell it! Of their secret money.Making tree shakin' lover&online husband.First&only One.Allowed to enter their no man's land lucky me! International daddy! Roy Fennell-08/03/2017-5:45p.m.

Rain Hitting Puddles from AnimateIt.net

Once hired for webcam&phone sex employment,first! Safely! Secretly,each of you become at once. Financially engaged&online married! To the boss of Ten Great Lines. Becoming independent contractor female bosses! Legally,who get paid naked.To bed soak thy sheets! Working for us camming&phone sexing as women! Of fantasy Goddesses of seduction! First&only Ones! Virgin cherry popped twice! Sexual souls deep Internet brides&wives.With a neverending thristy&hungry 3 circles taste! For safe sex,money&the finer things in life! Naughty girls&secret wives.Of thy own secret money making lover&online husband! Adult pleasure&castle bedrooms bank book teacher! Of no small measure.Solid as a rock,24/7! Full&erect with financial seeds of website knowledge! Repeatedly! For each of you come naked! Within thighs wide-open! On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Each of you born to be financially coming&making money with me! Together as one no matter the distance of miles! Unstoppable! International Ten Great Lines online married! Manhood teasers/secret garden pleasers! Like magic without walking out thy castle doors! Who could tell/gossip on either of you? Roy Fennell-02/27/2017-11:20p.m

For a long-term for years! Joyful happy hearts happiness.New beginnings&man in thy lives! Naturally! Time to come greet&meet me! On International Ten Great Lines Airlines.Safely! Together as one to pull them down! Take them off for us! Within our saving money.Making money secret meeting place&Internet home. Secretly! To get connected sexual souls deep! Financially engaged&online married,first! As born to become naughty girls&secret wives! So we can create the heartbeats! Giving birth/new online live lives! To our heartbeating baby steps game plan! Financially coming&making money! Like just got married bedroom lovers! To begin our neverending financial honeymoon! Do I mean it? Absolutely&truly I do,with each of you! Roy Fennell-02/27/2017-11:33p.m.

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Round our world.Why should super horny-n-wet! Women&girls not within any committed relationships? Queens of their castles? Having the only set of keys? Take a chance/gamble? With their minds,hearts,bodies and free will spirits? Of the unknown mystery? Behind closed/locked doors,daily? Potential in the mood for sex or not,taken? As if purchased on an auction block? Or from a merchandise shelf store location? Without any proof of receipt? When based on their own seduction power! They go girls on fire have it all! Camming&phone sexing hard! Part-time/full-time to live enjoying the experience,daily! Real life not fake having new lives! While still alive and above the ground! As legal get paid naked for us.Goddesses of seduction.Money naked naked secret Wives&Queens.Business women of fantasy.Without surrendering a single drop! Of nature born sweet-n-hot!  Face-to-face secret garden.Pleasure muffin honey.Without manhood penetration relationship drama,daily! Still wild-n-free to date at will guilt-free! Nor if under the same roof! Having no written guarantee the lucky ones.Will be faithful,committed and sexually loyal.Due to the HIV virus&other.Known and unknown sexual no glove risk,daily! Legally! Married or not same exact risk! Based on the facts as female human beings,first! Actual experiences behind closed/locked doors.Of all past relationships,combined.What is the minds&hearts proof,first! The next face-to-face under the same relationship.Will not be a deju experience.Being the same,better or worse.Will there be freedom? To do as you please,daily? Without questions,strings and zero pain? Of any kind possible except respected childbirth? Is the truth of what many women.Expect when they enter an exclusive.Just us relationship with a man/woman! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Free will opportunity in the driver's seat control.Online married,first! Camming&phone sexing hard legal! Money making naughty girls&secret wives.Creating thy own money making naked occupation&career.Going in the naked&safe.Direction of spending&financial freedom power.Butterfly love! Luxury&gangnam lifestle futures.Roy Fennell-08/01/2017-12:42a.m.

Of no regrets sexual cybersex fantasy.Electronic credit card plastic money! In multiple ways naked reality.Time for each of thee.To all night long wide-open.Accept thy own Internet.Karma/fate destiny to secret gardens mate! With thy own first&only one,forever! Having King Kong size! Love-n-respect for each of thee,first! Special delivery our red book diary secret way.As legal get paid naked for us.No can touch it! No can kiss it! No! No! No! Never can lick it! Goddesses of seduction.Business women of fantasy.Female players&entertainers of the seduction game,itself! Rising up webcam&phone sex STARS! With nature born secret gardens buried treasure like gold.Lava hot like liquid gold pleasure muffin honey.Born to be making plastic money! Rain down into thy savings/checking accounts.Pouring into thy deep bank book wells! Sooner or later climbing the ladder naked! To reign on top of webcam&phone sex.Global adult entertainment Industry.Wearing expensive eye candy sexy hi-heel shoes! Online married female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
With female pride alive not dead above the ground.Rising up to stay not down! On thy way towards financial success.Being on the list best of the best.Is the power of women naked! Without walking out their castle doors.
Safely! Taking bank book financial advantage.Of their own nature born powerful do it urges,daily! Without potential relationship drama,daily! Under their physical roofs monetary gain! Less risk of minds&hearts pain!
Zero joint bank accounts equals no sleepless nights.Within our money for us online marriage.Is a wet dreams come true.For women burning up hot!
With shopaholic/spendthrift fever.Tired of being broke/unhappy,too! Within the school of life.Time to become naughty girls&secret wives fo'life.Of thy own adult pleasure of no small measure.Castle bedrooms tree climbing/bank book teacher! Roy Fennell-09/08/2017-5:00p.m.Without engagement&weddings rings.On thy fingers for priceless love,first! Will the same be true for each of you? With a face-to-face prince charming? Ms/Mr.Right within the unknown future,too? Without strings/physical sex expectations? Behind closed/locked doors,daily?


Who do you see except for individual self! In secret unidentified by first/last name! Free will dripping with excitement! To be in a go girl financial position to commit and stay! For us like cement! To begin your new lives like virgins! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Internet married Ten Great Lines adventure women,worldwide! Money makers,booty shakers! Online married team player wives! Who are 3 circles adult pleasure ready! For a new beginnings&man in their lives! To recieve financial seeds of knowledge! From your belong to each of online husband! Right before your eyes within our Internet home! Nonstop,cybersex doing it,seen,together as one! Seeing yourselves giving completely! Without holding back based on past bad/negative relationships! As horny sexy women being bun in the oven desired,24/7! Until each of your legal! Respected engagement/wedding day of unknown future! Roy Fennell-01/13/2017-11:23p.m. Could it be possible by Internet? Not impossible meant to be of true love? Your Mr.Right was your unseen do you? Money Right man even unknown to me? As my own free will non acting or fake? Internet fate howling and prowling seeking each of you? From the beginning red carpet service! Treatment like naked for us legal wives! Recognized/noticed without strings! Being nature born/chosen and all woman! Queens&Goddesses of Seduction! Within thy Castles be they Local,Nationwide or International!

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Within reflections of thy mirror! Who do your see except a Goddess of Seduction seeking freedom!

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Safely! Secretly! Shamelessly! Naturally! Nakedly! Deeply! While I of no small measure! While I held it steady with both hands.All night long for each of my female(TGL)-Models,worldwide.Special delivery of milky way delights! Wildly! With go girls butterfly wings of fury! Each one began to groan,moan and howl! Suddenly we heard Ka-pow boom-boom! Thick-n-creamy splatter! Like pancake batter soaked their sheets.Thinking about making it rain! Plastic credit card money.Camming&phone sexing hard! Flowing into their savings/checking accounts.Going in the direction of their deep bank! Book wells can make it swell up! Become bigger like me! Beneath their wall-to-wall snap! Finger tight secret gardens.As they push-n-pull my pole! Stirring my release with their honeypot hot bowls!  

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Question,what could cause some good,bad and naughty girls,worldwide? Who are for the money women&material girls,combined? Free will drop to their knees weak from excitement?
Answer,nothing less than opportunity of overload excitations! To wide-eyed see with their own eyes! A future dream coming true! Of an OMG  never to let go limp on them financial erection! Of a King Kong bank book size! Shamelessly and nakedly they make it stay! Financially hard,huge,juicy and plump! By keeping their camming/phone sex credit card! Money dripping and flowing into their bank accounts! Truly,from heavenly pleasure muffin liquid gold bed soak sheets! Safely,doing it within Castle bedrooms! Without walking out their Castle doors! Shhh,in secret for women who dream! Or have the sexual fantasy of an OMG Big One! At Ten Great Lines it is possible not impossible! For such wet dreams to come in loads true! Think feel and believe you can  free will take it? If,I promise no pain only monetary gain? No force unseen when I go slow? Gentle sexual soul deep tenderly beneath thy umbrellas? (*_+) Roy Fennell-04/26/2016-1:47a.m.

Have no fear my loves come closer! Shhh,of no tell it secret! Shhh,if,unafraid with secret garden drippin' for hot excitement! From online part-time/full-time sexy jobs employment? Free will wide-open to go girl get it? Slowly,taking it all sooner or later? Of the King Kong size your bank books? Financial education money making knowledge opportunities? Like feel so good magic feeling no pain only monetary gain? Safely,without walking out thy Castle doors? Slowly seeing the dollars&cents? Amounts within limp bank accounts?! With uprising towards a growing going deeper? Becoming a well deep financial erection? Based on bed soaked sheets actions and motions? The more&harder you work? Can always keep it unseen wall-to-wall full? For the perfect G-spot monetary tight fit 24/7? The only way horny sexy girls worldwide,daily?  Who are for the money women? Material&daddies girls,combined,daily? Love it without guilt or shame? If,you free will agree with me! A safe pull them down take them off for us! Is a great bank balance solution! Truly,of a financial happiness/security future! Be they good,bad or shameless naughty girls! Quickly,once they become internet connected married to their own online husband,first! They can say yes,today! Online signup/fill out their applications! To be free trained camming/phone sexing their heavenly assets! For enjoyment of virtual employment on the TGL-Models page! Except for your show you all the money! Upfront daddy,who else understands and knows your secret? Likes,wants,needs and desires? Every day each of your hearts beat above ground? Before the endless sleep beneath the ground? Ever heard the song,Chantilly Lace,by The Big Bopper? Roy Fennell-04/29/2016-12:49p.m.

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Are you a horny sexy woman,daily? Live anywhere round our world? Seeking part-time/full-time sexy jobs employment? Love to find,discover and wide-eyed see with your own eyes? All the money&multiple ways? To seize&bring financial joy? Slowly&deeply down into your bank account?  Safely,without walking out your home,apartment or college dorm door? Wild about expensive sexy hi-heel shoes,too? Love to discover/create multiple streams of income? To credit card increase your dollars&cents bank account amount? Rising and growing bigger like an OMG financial erection? Towards a King Kong bank book size? No upfront fee&see everything free? Love to get your hands on gold coins&loose diamond stones,asap? If,all your answers are yes for us! Book your free round trip flight on Ten Great Lines Airlines,today! Quickly come to our Internet home! Tengreatlines.com Roy Fennell-04/24/2016-9:37p.m.

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Airplane Taking Off
Taking-off towards neverending adventure,excitement,money and travel! Unseen,together as one!

Worldwide,from thy own castle bedrooms! Unstoppable! No matter the distance of miles! Untamable! Time to back it up hard as castle Queens! Like you mean to scent claim/own it! In the direction of respected Ceres,California! To greet&meet deep thy own.Soon to be secret money.Making lover&online husband! Of no small measure adult pleasure.Castle bedroom bank book teacher! With King Kong size love&respect for each of you! As nature born women female human beings! Are you an unattached woman? One of the millions of unattached women? Wide-open&drippin' hot? For a new beginnings&man? To come in their lives? With a special delivery complete package? Benefits within our money for us relationship online marriage? Are each of you,yes,I do ready? For a new beginnings to create? Safely,within thy own castle bedrooms? Our red book diary secret way? To create the heartbeats of our baby steps game plan? And never tell it? Each of you got milky way cherry popped twice? Without a hint/whisper of pain? Right before thy eyes! Is the secret garden butterfly wings! Mating called lava hot! Roasting bun in the oven.Lustful secret desire flaming fire,nonstop! Unseen minds&hearts love affair without strings,24/7! Time to pack thy travel bags light! Bring only thy favorite eye candy! Expensive sexy hi-heel shoes.To our secret making naked place&Internet home.Tengreatlines.com No talking only motions and actions! Daddy love will be waiting solid as a rock! 03/21/2017-12:58a.m.

Camming/phone sex virtual part-time/full-time employment! offers my horny sexy women worldwide,daily! Dual/double income opportunities! To make/create better lives for themselves,first! Get paid twice enjoying bed soaked sheets on purpose! From multiple weak in the knees physical orgasms enjoyment! As Ten Great Lines adventure women! Money makers/booty shakers International Internet! Married,first,team player online wives! Based on their own individual go girl unstoppable! Actions and motions taking-off naked! Towards horny sexy rich/wealthy women futures! Without walking out their Castles doors! Without physical sex contact/manhood penetration! Experienced adult film female actress or not! Sooner or later it is a dollars&cents fact! It is all about the size of a womans' bank book! And bank account balance that matters and counts! Roy Fennell-06/02/2016-10:52a.m.

Once online married.first! Unseen,together as one!
Illustration: Be my valentine
Banging bodies or not! Every day your hearts beat!Each of you stay my valentine online married wives

Are each of thee? Free willing,wide-open and yes? I do ready and able?
To begin thy new lives? As online married,first? Our red book diary
secret way? Legal get paid naked for us? Naughty girls&secret wives?
Financially enabled to spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously? As modern
day women Queens? Without walking out thy castle doors,worldwide?
Professional training is provided by respected webcam&phone sex
employers,free! Real life not fake. Benefits of 2 sexy jobs at once:
1.One sex job for thy savings account
2.One sex job for thy checking account
3.Once earned camming&phone sexing hard amounts.Becomes
equal/greater! Than thy respected everyday paychecks! How can it be
a lie?
Elimination of what if,unexpected job loss fears situation
Elimination of what if,unexpected pink slip fears situation
Of sexual cybersex wide-open naked-n-juicy fantasy!
Making it grow bigger.Solid as a rock bank books reality.
Like nature magic without expensive panties! No glove/birth control pills.
Required to be in our way.Slowly! For a new beginnings&man.
Free willing to come in thy lives.Of no small measure delights.
King Kong OMG size! Sexual souls special delivery big surprise tree!
All night long held with both of my strong hands tell nobody!
Secret gardens buried treasure delivered beneath thy umbrellas.
Without a hint/whisper of pain.All at once minds,hearts and financial gain!
Roy Fennell-10/20/2017-6:41p.m.Not committed within any relationships.
Super horny-n-wet women,daily! Round our world tired of be broke!
Daddy,material and booty call girls! Loads of for the money women,too!
Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Is a skintight!
Just right wall-to-wall fit! Bed soaked sheets wet dreams come true!
With female pride born! To become female (TGL)-Models,worldwide. 

Horizontal Divider 28

To the depth of my soul,if I Roy Fennell, a man only loved the one,within the reflections of my mirror,how easy could it have been for me,to not include woman 1-4 pages or Models 2-6 pages,which introduce you to affiliate programs,smart technology and unlimited income ideas,ways and methods? In otherwords,all you would or could be seeing now is shopping  1-21 pages with a single page of webcam sites! No gaming sites either,why? The webcam sites are the only hiring sources of part-time or full-time employment at Ten Great Lines! Love to know a secret? When you focus on those who ain't got nothing to live for,first,everything else in between and to the top,will workout worldwide! Question,if homeless,peoples,had access to the Internet and Ten Great Lines information,exactly,how many after 1 year,would no longer be homeless? Roy Fennell-12/04/2014-10:34p.m.

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Are you a man? Got game and sweet talk for the ladies? Been in the joint? Done time? Maybe hard time and was allowed to leave walking? Hard time finding a job? Family man looking for a new direction? Got love for the clubs,bars,strip joints with long legs of dancers and strippers? Ever wished you were the one enjoying all you seen in music videos? Watched adult films seeing and dreaming yourself,making that money and sharing big boy with all them,honeys? Suppose you were a webcam site affiliate with your own affiliate link on your own business card! On the business card was your own website address with 10 affiliate programs! Question,based on info above how many women single,lonely,bored or divorced,may have a desire to begin a save money/make money relationship with you? Question,within the privacy of your castle how much money do you think big boy could make as a webcam guy? Great money news! Did you know some top earners are banking $10,000.00 bi-weekly and legally? Zero risks with more green in your pocket and bank account! Once they see Big Boy on webcam,why would they not tell their friends to OMG,come see it,as though you to them are like an adult film star,up webcam close? Roy Fennell-12/04/2014-11:39p.m.   


Are you a man thinking yet unsure about part-time or full-time adult entertainment employment? Know for a fact,you got the corn cob size Big Boy,women would love to see,with eyes wide-open,up webcam close? As a man how would you feel,up webcam close,and a hot looking woman,without knowing her name? Was hypnotized from big boy,when you say,get down on your knees,and she obeyed you,without hesitation,nor questioned you,why? To her you are her personal male adult film star,why? You can give her attention! Talk to her! Tell her what to do,that pleases you! Can an adult film give her such a face-to-face feeling&experience in her life,daily? Questions,if such a woman,used info of Ten Great Lines,to pay the monthly subscription price,and paid for an adult toy,exactly,the size of your big boy? Who could prevent her from becoming a loyal to you,repeat client? Or alone in bed,with eyes closed,visualizing your face,her hands on the adult toy,yet by imagination,believing and soul deep feeling you are making her pleasure happy,why? Zero risk of STD! Zero risk of her becoming pregnant! Closeness of intimacy! Indirect possible interacial experience! She could become a life long respected client who tells secret girlfriends! Now,what could happen to your bank account with 20 such weekly respected clients?Roy Fennell-12/05/2014-11:15p.m. Regardless,of the credit card costs using Ten Great Lines info to make the money to pay for adult entertainment even gaming does not take a penny from her bank account! Her do as she pleases money would be on her fun only credit card!    

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                           Roadrunner from AnimateIt.net

Are you a man? Motorcycle club rider and got colors for life? Have Respected&proven leaders of the pack and with global chapters? Family man with love for their respected Countries? Got respected always got your back ladies? Based on any and all Ten Great Lines free information! If,$10,000-$20,000 per month could be generated for your respected club or group? Like monthly clockwork,could exactly 50% be used to absolutely ensure flowers,graves and respected widows&children of fallen brothers of colors,recieved excellent care with love? The other 50% could it be used for entertainment,materials for respected club repairs,misc. MC parts,utilities,etc.? Many yrs ago,I once sat on a Harley Superglide in a showroom in Cleveland,Ohio! I was kept company by 2 dobermans and had a new 1974 camero,later,traded in for new 1976 Monte Carlo! Worked for a major airline! Ever since I first saw Easy Rider,at that time of my life,before airline employment! It was my intent to start my own MC with our own colors! If a man cannot create himself,can he truly be the Master of his own destiny? Along came an airline employment opportunity with camero! Problem,2 monthly payments with too much risks! To this day I never forgot about the Colors,never created or never worn! One thing is a sure bet, never forgot the bond of everyday riding Free,Love,with all MC's,wearing their respected colors or not! This is the best I could do,to pay my respects to your respected fallen brothers,widows and children! Roy Fennell-12/0/2014-12:16a.m. God Bless&R.I.P. 

                           with Flowers from AnimateIt.net


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                           Castle from AnimateIt.net

                           Dance from AnimateIt.net


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Paw Tracks
                           Divider from AnimateIt.net

Are you a horny&sexy woman,daily? A for the money woman&material girl combined? Good,bad or naughty girl round the world? Online searching for safe sexy jobs for part-time/full-time employment? Looking for adult entertainment opportunities on adult jobs websites? Internet seeking a new beginnings&man on adult dating sites,worldwide? Love to end your financial struggles to make ends meet,alone? In secret soul fire hotly addicted to sex&money? Silently,howling like a female wolf in dire meet heat? For more money coming into your bank account,deeply? Love to wide-eyed see with your own eyes? Digital products/expensive hi-heel shoes and merchandise? Which may be possible to ship to your International address door? Starving&hungry like a female werewolf? To pursue,seize and never let go of your own Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle? Unafraid&got no fear of safe online sexy credit card get paid opportunities? To go girl wildly having loads of financial orgasms for years? Safely&privately at your home,apartment or college dorm? Web camming&phone sexing your heavenly priceless assets? Within our money for us,relationship online marriage? Love to wide-open free will  like you mean it? Cowgirl up&jump on top to stay in the unseen saddle? Making&pumping your money flow into your own swelling bank account? Like a female nonstop bucking bronco champion rodeo star rider? Without saddle sore pain as a money maker,booty shaker Internet bride&wife? Ever dream it could be possible? To become sweep off your feet&online married? No commute&without walking out your Castle door? Safely,making your money naked&happy,too? If this be us naked in your Castle bed! Celebration without hesitation&happiness! Of our nonstop monetary honeymoon of natures' creation! Together,as one you stay on top as our bedroom webcam star! Without competition within your bathroom mirror! Unseen&together as one for years! As many physical orgasms you can shake&take for us! From the King Kong size your bank book opportunity! Only the way your online husband! Can give it deeply to you 24/7! Even when having powerful wet dreams in your sleep! Been looking around town for the perfect! You know what for most of your natural born life! What would you do? If,it came to come with you? Without walking out you door? Would you be wide-open to stay? Learning&earning how to wide-eyed Cybersex do it for us? Roy Fennell-12/20/2015-2:57a.m. 

                           Cowgirl from AnimateIt.net

Of sexual cybersex fantasy.Spending&financial freedom power reality.
Joy of for the money women.Bank book,material,daddy and booty call girls! Tired of being broke round our world.Not committed within any just us relationships.With hips of actions and motions.Which can imitate mighty waves.Of nature's seas and oceans! Can wide-eyed see for themselves,first! On the secret wives page.How&why $4000.00,$10,000.00 even $20,000.00.Can be possible not impossible.Like a monthly habit.
To create their own legal.Get paid naked occupation&career.Going in the direction.Of rich/wealthy women from free will only.Purchases of gold coins,vials and loose diamond stones.To finance their own retirement fund.As can be discovered/seen.On the Woman-2 page,now! When I was deeper than G-spot pops.All night long with their permission,first! Beneath the umbrellas of each of my nature.Born female (TGL)-Models,worldwide.
With wide-open thighs lucky me! Made their beds shake like a mild earthquake.Each of us by the look of lust.In their eyes knew and realized not.An oops,accident or mistake.Prince charming,Ms/Mr.Right long overdue.Had waited too late it was our own mutual.Internet karma/fate destiny.To secret gardens mate without fear.Of the unknown behind closed/locked doors.Between us each of them not me! Would be in the driver's seat control.One baby step at a time.Of their own desired direction.Of their lives&futures.Good girls&naughty girls.Benefits at once financial&sexual satisfaction,daily! Within our money for us relationship online marriage.Unique one of a kind opportunity.To seize and have it all!
Based on their own individual seduction power magic! Without any physical sex contact.Under their physical castle roofs.Not surrendering a single drop! Of face-to-face secret garden.Buried treasure pleasure muffin honey.When online married,first! To their own kind of big surprise daddy.
Real life not fake adult pleasure.Of no small measure castle bedrooms bank book teacher.Their own tree climbin'/shakin'secret.Money making lover&online husband.Right before thy eyes with female pride.Which sparkle like diamonds in the night! Is the financial power of women,worldwide.Who live alone in their homes,apartments and college dorms,daily! Who are laptop,desktop with webcams available! Yes,I do ready! For a safe new beginnings&man in their lives.Time to begin our neverending financial honeymoon.Time to take a naked flight!
In the cockpit with the daddy! Of our baby steps game plan.On Ten Great Lines Airlines.Towards an online shopping naked&sexual freedom paradise.Which can be discovered/seen,now! Between the shopping 1-20 pages.To spoil&pamper thyselves,deliriously! Like modern day women Queens.Without strings time to cowgirl up! Time to come see about us!Type into google search,tengreatlines.com Safely! Wide-open naked wearing only.Thy favorite camming&phone sexing hard! Just us sexy hi-heel shoes! Your friendly Captain of no small measure.Roy Fennell-10/24/2017-5:37p.m. 

                           and Horse from AnimateIt.net


                           from AnimateIt.net

Come closer! Ten Great Lines is a virtual employer! What does that mean? It means there is no book-keeping or payroll paper trail connection! This is how and why Ten Great Lines is a Worldwide Virtual Employer&Worldwide Virtual Employment! What is financial employment? Financial employment involves information to not only help fellow human beings generate or create income but can be a pathway to self-employment&financial survival,daily! Respected college degree or not there may be only so many jobs or employment opportunities with respected employers! Student loans debt or not, round the clock,nonstop income allows you to stomp up&down rising prices like a roach on the kitchen floor! How&why? Having multiple virtual income sources prevents the hen pecking of your net pay! Have you noticed you are paying more money for items and or merchandise and having less? I can recall in Cleveland,Ohio,you could purchase specific canned goods 3 for $1.00 weekly,like clockwork! Regular size not mini cans! Having multiple virtual income sources means you will not be financially afraid and full of fear if when you least expect it,your hours,part-time or full-time gets peeled like potatoes to make french fries! Sooner or later it is always about the money when it comes to survival,daily! When you depend on yourself,your financial back is covered 24/7 with multiple virtual income dollars&cents game plans!  Knowledge is power,but your success or failure depends in part of the application of the action(s) to market and promote! Mind food for profit! Single idea a company is born! Has a single product to sell to the world! Profit or loss spends millions of dollars to advertise! Ten Great Lines has a collection of products/ merchandise web-linked by affiliate programs! In principle the affiliate becomes the middle woman or middle man! A dream come true for Manufacturing companies and corporations,why? Less chance for their products and or merchandise to set on shelves collecting dust, exactly when unsold!  What could becoming a respected Ebay seller do for your bank account if you are a woman who seriously believes OMG sizing of your bank account could mean shop til' you drop excitation,daily? In addition to becoming a financial ticket to pay for your new car,same day drive off the lot? Dressed to impress wearing an expense sexy dress& hi-heel shoes? Or help you move out of an apartment into your rent to own home which may be closer in distance to your respected job!  Having a job or not,Ten Great Lines has got your back! Nothing ventured,nothing gained!After a retail sale there is a reciept at POS,meaning point of sales! Exactly identifies by paper trail what is the cut to manufacturer for specific product or merchandise,to the exact penny!And or fraction of a penny! Question,how many potential millions of dollars do respected manufacturers lose if and when their merchandise sits in overhead bins,unsold? Fact,technology changes which could mean some of their unsold merchandise may become outdated while sitting on shelves and in overhead bins! Affiliates stock no inventory meaning zero risk of stolen merchandise! In principle and indirectly we become partners to specific manufacturers! Roy Fennell-11/04/2015-8:27p.m. I ain't the only one I see in the reflections of my mirror,I see each of you,not just me,me,me and so precious me!

Horizontal Divider 28

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As a webcam girl or not,Ten Great Lines is about equal opportunity across the board! Having you own website is critical to your potential financial success! For a webcam girl who cams and is an affiliate of her favorite(s) webcam sites,increases her income opportunity,why?
1.Making her money by camming and benefiting from her affiliate cut or exact as me,percentage! Zero discrimination issues of equal pay
2.Like me she becomes a virtual employer,worldwide as a Talent Agent or Talent Recruiter! Her own website and her own business name
3.Why do affiliate programs work to our mutual and equal advantage,meaning shopping,gaming,adult entertainment and dating?
4. You&me,we do not need to pay huge legal fees to seek our cut or percentages for potential money! Their legal peoples have already,indirectly done this for us! This is why the examples you see on the woman 1-4 pages allows you to understand affiliate programs concept! Once you understand or understood the concept of affiliate program partnerships,anywhere,of our website! The sharing&caring about you is real! Bottom-line affiliate programs allow you the opportunity to share the profits,if any,based on their(affiliate managers) guidelines!
5.As an affiliate there is zero requirement of quotas,minimum amount of monthly purchases or upfront fee
6.This is a real opportunity for you to create,build,maintain and promote your own worldwide,Empire,without waliking out your door
7.Take a look at the local and International dating sites of our website! Think of this,once you create and make an honest bond of friendship,first! If you discover your dating sites friends have an interest in making money,too! How quickly could they get to your website to partner with you,once they discover there is something in it for them,too? If you respect and stay within the respected guidelines of each respected dating site,what is the income potential without walking out your door? Roy Fennell_12/15/2014-11:24a.m.


Horizontal Divider 28

Regardless,of the reflections seen in her full length mirror! Camming for us or not based on her own respected individual beliefs! Every respected woman in the world single mom or not,lonely,bored or divorced! Living alone means she is the Queen of her castle with absolutely without zero questions,in regards to her business,pleasure or bank account! When a woman got a man with a for us plan in her life! Without strings she can do anything as she learns to understand he shall be the wind beneath her wings! Unselfishly without jealousy not to cage but free her from financial bondage,first,not him at her expense,indirectly or directly! Due to the fact of zero strings creates the Power of our money for us relationship,from Free Will! Free will becomes the force of a Ten Great Lines webcam girl to be like a runaway freight train to the top of the financial food chain which is the adult entertainment webcam Industry worldwide! Financially,she is hungry like a female wolf,for the money and Gangnam lifestyle,daily! In her castle when there are no questions who can prevent her from getting her money,safely? When she feels&knows she is ready?   

Train Crossing
                           Bridge from AnimateIt.net

Absolutely&truly each of my International! Online married team player wives! Are and stay on top in control! Of how long they desire to be or stay! Within our money for us relationship online marriage! Without questions,conflict,drama nor arguments between us! Which means their online husband! Will never be the man in their lives! With lifetime painful heartbreak news of done found someone else! To replace them or marry in the unknown future! Therefore a happy hearts future! Between us is and stays real life! Every day each of your hearts beat,even when you sleep! As a Talent Agent of finding women worldwide! Allows them opportunity to enter the doorway within the family! Of the Ten Great Lines  Webcam Models Network! Which means ain't no divorce ever coming either of your ways from me! Regardless of your ages for years! From the beginning even to the graves! Exactly,what each of you believe in minds! Feel deeply even secretly within hearts!  Together as one! Like the 2 sides of a coin! No matter the amount or value! Unseen together as one which makes complete! Or whole the priceless value!  A true love marriage could/should be to the grave! Even unknown forever future! Together as one unseen! If,unseen love itself can never die? Truly,how long can it live? Can it live longer than hate? Roy Fennell-04/30/2016-12:20p.m.

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When horny sexy women worldwide,daily! Become free will online married,first! To their own free will chosen unseen husband! Have online married team player wives! Reasons to begin pulling them down! Taking them off of actions and motions! Like legal naked wives inside our money for us relationship online marriage! Not other women outside our Internet marriage! Safely,when they are camming/phone sexing heavenly assets for just us! They can enjoy all the benefits of get paid! Physical orgasms enjoyment of sexilicious virtual employment! Having for themselves their own free will! Equally,belongs to each of them unseen husband,too! Opportunity for a not acting real life! Truly,sexual freedom paradise&happy hearts future,daily! As Goddesses of seduction! Being paid to be the fantasy women! To their respected female/male clients/customers worldwide! Money making business women female bosses! Absolutely,they recieve their money,first,not him! Which becomes a dollars&cents fact! Always,they can never be played as income lollipop girls! By their free will chosen unseen man,period! Why,is this critical information for you? Truly,by computer money does not come to me,first,then you! Shhh,safely&nakedly they can get paid every day! To excercise,sex train and increase,secretly! Their heavenly pleasure muffin secret garden muscle! Whip it like a wet polariod picture power grip! Becoming heartbeating sex machine in bed experts! Goddesses of seduction without physical contact! Prepared for an adult film legal contract opportunity! No fear ready to steady pound professional Big ones! Like they go girl pole it up-n-down own them! Even bone them dry and cry for mercy! Ever heard the song,Hey Ya,by OutKast?  Roy Fennell-04/26/2016-10:59p.m.

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For horny sexy women worldwide,daily! Once hired to be camming/phone sexing heavenly assets for only us! Just between us not them! They become online married team player wives! Part-time/full-time female  financial power independent contractors! Not employees instead bosses of their own webcam scheduled hours! Bosses of their own phone sex scheduled hours! If,desired bosses of their own business websites! Then based on self promotion individual motions and actions! As money making business women worldwide! Can grow/become their own Diva Women Empires,Worldwide! Proof of this unlimited income/business website! Growth potential can be found on the Models-6 page! Within the many website pages of Ten Great Lines! It could be viewed as an Internet City! As a Ten Great LInes City! Travel for free by phone or computer! On the for the money pollution-free information superhighway! Based on their own individual free will! Based on facts of motions! With go girls unstoppable actions! Like an expensive GPS mapping system! Map their own routes/roads towards a financial freedom destination! No toll boothes! No upfront fee&see everything free! Unseen pedal to the medal! No half/mile long traffic jams! Without spending a penny for fuel/gas! No stop signs,speed limits or traffic lights! No risks of flashing lights speeding tickets! Absolutely,park all night/day without recieving a parking ticket! No railroad crossing tracks waits/dangers! On the roads,bi-ways,detours and highways! Of every day life without walking out Castle doors not fantasy! Unless it be your secret desire naked or not! Not seen on respected TV,DVD or Movie theatres,worldwide! Sex in the City of Ten Great Lines! Is real life in multiple ways! For horny sexy women worldwide! Who love being naked women,daily! In secret have been looking and dreaming to find! Their own way to Pleasure Road Avenue! Which can take them down the highways! Of their precious lives towards a naked online shopping&sexual freedom paradise! Do as they please life,daily! As though being in the backseat of a limo! Enjoying nonstop endless ecstasy! Born to be/become naked money! Making Internet married,first! Ten Great Lines adventure women,worldwide! Credit card e-commerce business women! Online married team player wives! With real not acting or fake! New car and rent to own homes futures! Roy Fennell-04/30/2016-1:17p.m. 

Shhh,no tell it! For some good,bad and naughty girls,worldwide! Legal real life secret working girl delights! Zero risks/stranger danger safe excitations! No life or death gamble! Goddesses of seduction with heavenly natural! No can physically touch it! Sweet perfume secret garden pleasure muffins! Always get their money,first,not me! Recieve a Queen's share of electronic per paycheck profits,not me! No play with bed soaked sheets physical orgasms! Never walking out their Castle doors! If,raining or snow falling down! Risking their expensive sexy hi-heel shoes becoming wet! Safely,only them on fire with unstoppable go girl desire! Without shame coming for us like a river! From financial ecstasy feel so good fever,daily! Heartbeating sexpots who love their working it money hot! Filling up and going to make that money work! Like a nonstop sex machine addict! To make and keep their deep monetary well! Wall-to-wall full even overflowing if they got the endurance power! Safely,within their Castle bedroom beds! Eyes wide-open,enjoying whole body jerks! When they get themselves paid,first! To stress release their sexpot/cravings sexual tensions! Absolutely,without anybody recieving/enjoying no benefits! Of adult pleasure skills and naked in bed talent! If,they desire not the complete package! Being the only One! Truly,without an engagement/wedding rings on each of their fingers,first! Including their more than one! No glove or not get it! Tongue talent sugar daddies/mommas',too! Why,the respected legal marriage license? For minds&hearts provides peace of mind! They will not be financially responsible,alone! Due to the fact birth control pills are not 100%! Under the same physical roof or not! Legally married or not! And have their own 1 phone call away respected attorney! To financially protect their money,first! They are the heartbeating new age women! Game players who avoid being sexually played! Treated like adult pleasure toy blowup dolls! Absolutely,only blown air not love! Inside without having zero hearts,emotions,minds or understanding the priceless value! Of giving and recieving no strings love! Truly,from minds&hearts,first! Due to the fact physical sex! Ain't never been love! And love ain't never been physical sex! For if untrue what would be the point? Absolutely&truly of anyone ever becoming legally married,worldwide? In my opinion,a woman can benefit? From a loyal trusted 69 after work adult pleasure mate,how? With a limit of 2 hours after work adult pleasure delight teamwork! Her being adult pleasure served,first! Like a Queen! Then go to her own Castle having the only set of keys! No fear of becoming pregnant! Benefits of 2 hours of lustful attention! Benefits to become stress-free,first! Opportunity for more than one! Great potential of OMG mind blowing powerful orgasm eruptions experiences! Before going to work naked! To be making her camming/phone sex money! No doubt without interuptions,arguments or conflict! Physically,reserving her heavenly assets! For sugar daddy/sugar momma' expensive days off dinner dates! If,by adult mutual agreed consent unstoppable loads more! Bottom-line when a woman of free will! Accepts less recieves less remaining unhappy! Happiness is not about suffering in unhappiness silence! To make someone else happy! Happiness is about mutual minds&hearts happiness! Ever wonder how many women? With unseen wide-eye delights? Watch college and professional basketball games? For secret reasons more than the rising basketball score? Could some be yearning with secret hot flames? Of burning desire below well deep flaming fire? Including respected non professional&professional wrestlers! Without physical contact with any of their favorite! Respected sports players or star atheletes,worldwide! Could it be possible not impossible? Within individual minds&hearts? Their secret desires are protected safer than a bank vault?  Roy Fennell-04/30/2016-11:54p.m.

69 sex position photo: Chocolate Sex Position ChocolateSexPosition.png

On dry land while on the prowl! Howling&growling from sexual soul deep meet a man heat! Been hoping,waiting and seeking Prince Charming or Mr.Right! Not now,they desired long term financial happiness/security futures! Picked up the sexual scent! Of their will belong to them unseen man! To stay theirs like born to be/become for them! Like their own legal husband! Within his own physical Castle! Not need to be running out his Castle door! To faster than a speeding bullet! Flying like superman to come get it! Once entered deep could never quit it! Unable to escape secret garden! No slip never let go! Pleasure muffin hungry tight grip! With their favorite kind of dollars&cents bankable financial game plan! Like track stars they sprinted to the shores! Of unseen oceans and seas website pages! Fearlessly,swan dived naked began swimming like female mermaids on the surface! Seeking money,travel,adventure and excitment! Then went down deep beneath the waves! Like they love it deep! In beds coming like waves from bed soaked sheets! Here they be happy valentine heart lucky me,daily! Ten Great Lines adventure women,worldwide! With unseen naked thighs locked! Wide-open to stay like cement! On top of their own online husband! As Internet married team player wives! On top in control of their money,first! Flowing into our non joint unseen bank accounts! Camming&phone sexing heavenly assets for us! Working hard to create a King Kong size financial erection! Absolutely,for loads of monetary savings/checking satisfaction! They be going deeper with go girl unstoppable attitudes! Based on bank account facts! From each outstanding webcam/phone sex performances! Got hot for all the money desires! Safely,on fire to adult pleasure use the respected webcam entertainment Industry! Like their own Castle bedroom stripper pole! No touch it heavenly delights! Secret garden perfumed pleasure muffins! As their personal private bedroom ATM machine! Towards their individual horny sexy rich/wealthy women worldwide futures! Roy Fennell-05/01/2016-8:39p.m.Their secret no tell wet dreams! Even at work daydream fantasy! Was to somehow,some kind of way! Selfishly,discover and find for themselves! Recieve all the benefits of a real Big One! At Ten Great LInes it is possible! Not impossble for even a sexual fantasy! Right before their eyes! Can come true for good,bad and naughty girls,worldwide! Slowly and unseen deeply without a hint of pain! Only financial gain unseen beneath thy umbrellas! Helping them making it monetary rain! Filling up their deep financial wells wall-to-wall! Ever wonder when least expected? What you would ever do? As a horny sexy woman,daily? Without running out your door? To fly like supergirl? Quickly to come flying faster? Than a speeding bullet to get it? If,an unseen man without strings only money love ring? Had an enormous King Kong size? Your bank book financial game plan for you? 

                           Scene from AnimateIt.net

                           Ladies from AnimateIt.net

Dolphin Divider
                           from AnimateIt.net

animated freight train photo:  train2.gif

Shhh,in secret within our money for us relationship online marriage! Let it so be between us! Of written website documation! Without my mind&heart hesitation without guilt or shame! Nor I untrue seeking false claim of fame! For our whole wide world to bear witness! By Internet eyes to see for free! Between us,If we had super flight abilities! In a heartbeat together as one! Either of our phone called,first,Castle bedroom beds! Super sex machine rockin' bed soaked sheets! Of freight train runaway locomotion! On purpose motions and actions all natural the way we love it! No birth control pills/condoms! Required,wanted,needed or desired together as one! United,from in a heartbeat! From a super comet like a fireball flight! With danger of catching bed soaked sheets on fire! Burning desire howling&growling physical sex it! Turn it up heat so hungry to meet on purpose! And create by super rapid hot desired super babies! Of boy or girl surprise and between us! Shhh,no tell it be our together as one! Super parental adult pleasure fantasy! Roy Fennell-05/05/2016-10:34p.m.

bed sex photo: Busy Bed lovers.gif

Horizontal Divider 7


Are you a woman? Serious online gamer? Know for a fact,there are millions of online gamers,worldwide? Question,my loves,how many women&men online game players? Would love to benefit from the opportunity to make money? From affiliate programs introduced by you without violation of respected game policies? There is a single online game fantasy at Ten Great Lines with 75 million players,globally! Banging body or not,a Ten Great Lines woman is a making money,thinker! Always,got an Eagle eye view of make her money opportunities! Safely,as the Queen of her Castle! New beginnings of living large experiences! Saving her valuable time&priceless body for multiple high quality strictly Sugar Daddy,business jet dates! How for the money serious,do you think my future Internet wives&daddy's girls? Can be within an online relationship with their own show them the money,daddy? Roy Fennell-06/17/2015-4:42a.m. Do I love each one of them? I do,yet know better than being on the road in the lane when they got the pedal to the medal towards their money!

Are you a woman who is a fierce competitor? Got soul fire wolfpack fever? Super bad or naughty girl attitude? Good girl hungry like a werewolf? Looking for a fight? Unafraid to get your claws dirty? Love to become a Wolf Team Soldier? Yes&No? Click-here! Roy Fennell-12/15/2014-3:41p.m. Always a battle to the top! War begins to stay on top! Without a Warrior Spirit! The battle is already lost!When you train yourself for victory! You will never know defeat!


In my opinion,many women seek an adult film career for more than money! When she stands before her full length mirror she believes she can do everything better,than any respected woman of the respected adult film Industry! She is a fierce competitor if and when she decides to do something,which pleases her,first! In principle,if the door is closed to her if she is unable to enter the adult film Industry! In principle,the door of the webcam entertainment Industry is wide-open! Great opportunity for a Ten Great Lines webcam girl,to fiercely compete,indirectly,like a for the money,lioness,seizing Internet fame,fortune,and the spotlight! From not only respected female adult film stars but other women worldwide,for herself! (*_*)Roy Fennell-12/15/2014-4:00p.m. 

Some women get real hot being on top,of everything
Ten Great Lines webcam girl! Single with child(s) got her babies to feed! Got for her money,attitude

Within our you&me,for the money relationship,always,staying wide-open for us can mean wet towels enjoyment of your dreams! Nobody touching your body and always being safe and secure within the privacy of your own home,apartment or college! Respected virgin or not! Love proof? No problem,for it be my pleasure to make you a happy woman,without strings! As a Talent Recruiter with your own website&business name can give birth,create or bring you long term income,first,not me! With secret pleasures&treasures of eyes&legs wide open adult excitement within your good,bad and naughty girl thoughts,24/7 365 days a year!
1.Suppose your cut or percentage was 10% from your single 10inch manhood stud muffin,who like clockwork earned $1000.00 per week! Question,what amount,being your cut,would your affiliate webcam got your back website partner,send to your account,for you,without charge?
2. As a woman,secretly,got Big Ones fever? Suppose while reviewing resumes as virtual Talent Recruiter,would your eyes open wide,shamelessly,drop to your knees when you discover! A stud muffin hunk with 12inch manhood seeking part-time or full-time webcam employment job opportunity
3.Played football! Got tattoos with trampoline abbs! Would you become hypnotized,by the OMG size? Would your mind visualize him as your latest webcam recruit? Shaking that wild girl thang pleasure rope,making that webcam money! If you see a number to call,would there be temptation,to do so? If you engage him in a conversation,would it be a secret of what you are doing if his voice,turns you on,excitedly? If he offered to send you close-up pics,would you scream,yes or no? If he asked if you have a webcam,would your answer be without hesitation,yes or no?
4. Questions,if you had 10 of such sized stud muffin hunks,each like clockwork,each earning $1000.00 per week? What would be the total amount of your percentage,per week and per month? Camming or not? In a deep sleep or taking a nap? Breast feeding your precious child(s) or not? Maybe,on a business jet,with a tongue talent sugar daddy,helping himself,to your pleasure muffin,repeatedly or not?
5. Within our money for us,relationship,the financial icing on the cake,is the single unique dating site and 3 sugar daddy websites of Ten Great Lines! Equal opportunity for you to have the 4 of them on your own website,too! How many women in the world are hungry for quality dates and sugar daddy adventure opportunity? What would be your exact cut per any and all dating sites? Same as mine! Roy Fennell-06/15/2015-8:15p.m. You&me-always equal per percentage partners! Under the same roof or not! What goes around comes around when it is for the right reasons! Love is a powerful unseen force! You do not need to see it,to feel it! It becomes true when there are no strings or hidden intent! Our non physical money for us,relationship,is a mutual survival partnership! Therefore,when a woman got such a man in her life,how can she truly feel,alone? Every heard the song,Let's stay,together,by Al Green? For me&you,it celebrates what seems impossibe can become possible when a woman and a man,become the wind beneath each others' wings! Under the same roof or not! Question,what is the difference when it is about us,instead of only and just me,me and me?  

                           Call Center Girl from AnimateIt.net

Hello! Come closer! Question,got 2-5 yrs actual PSO experience with management skills background? If your answer is yes! Special great news for you! On our website (phone) page is a global build your empire opportunity! On that page is a get your own pay per minute phone sex website,free! What does it mean? Opportunity to actually hire men&women PSO's all over our world! Got girls in prison who fell in love with men of wrong character? Got precious kids? Do your girls need more than only hope at their time of release? In addition to hope and prayers they will have you&me,our for the money relationship,Ten Great Lines Family! Roy Fennell-12/15/2014-12:08p.m. Even the respected Prison Systems benefits,why? 1.Less chance as a repeat offender 2. Less overcrowded jails 3.Less need to build more prisons //It is a fact,small business peoples create jobs worldwide! There is a day/night difference between hiring a person and creating a job,why? The creation of a job has longterm potential which benefits the specific economy of the respected Government which equals tax revenue! When a hired person is laid-off,regardless of reason! Who is paying the bill and has the financial responsibility,sooner or later?

Horizontal Divider 28


Suppose,under the same roof,I lived with a woman,married or not! She be an always loyal bow wow woman! Hungry like a werewolf for a Ten Great Lines webcam girl gangnam lifestyle,for us,daily! As a her&me teamplayer I'd always be the wind beneath her wings! As her physical man of pleasure while behind her! My big hands&strong fingers grasping her hair! My voice would have words with a message which any Ten Great Lines  webcam girl needs to know to flood her bank account,profusely! By your own free will! Your desire becomes like nitro octane for the money! To fuel&focus for us on each and every single webcam show,as your last! Great performances! Create standing&clapping and multiple ovations with a cheering audience! The webcam show becomes the stage or spotlight! Reputation of such performances becomes your Internet fame! From true fame comes financial fortune! The money will flow from repeat loyal clients who will abandon no show&mediocre camgirls,quickly! This knowledge cannot help but make your bank account grow to King Kong size! Our money for us,relationship,is about with serious intent to financially jailbreak our financial prisons which deny our escape to financial freedom,together! If we live or die,fail or succeed it is up to you,not me,why? You,as a Ten Great Lines webcam girl is out front of potential respected webcam clients! Within our you&me,for the money relationship! When we come,first,before reflections in our mirrors! In principle,we got a skintight relationship of which air would need to fight to come between us! Regardless,of where you live in our world,why? Both legal affiliate programs seen on the power page,could be on your own website! Marriage or not to protect your money from anyone! Although,the CEO of Ten Great Lines,I have zero authority to balloon my percentages,fire you,replace you,or cause you to become laid-off,to either swim or financially drown in life,while I fluff my pillow! Under the same roof or not! Changes nothing between us! Seen or unseen within the reflections of your full length mirror! I'll always be behind you 24/7 365 days a year! Therefore,how could I ever make you feel abandoned and left alone? Or drop your heart on the kitchen floor like an egg,then walk out the door of your life? Single mom or not? Roy Fennell-12/17/2014-11:36p.m. 


sparks of passion mariegif photo:  humpday-3.jpg

Horizontal Divider 28


Regardless of her respected age! What is the true character of a Ten Great Lines webcam girl? She is a modern day woman! Lives in the present not the past! Her dream of her future is not to be barefoot&pregnant! Emotionally,feeling like a slave to a kitchen stove! On her TV,mags,movies and music videos! She sees other women wearing expensive clothing,jewelry and ads for new cars! What does that mean to her when she must count change on the counter to pay for gasoline? When it comes to her for the money webcam show competition performances! Within the depth of her sexual soul she is an Amazon warrior! Does not care who is at the top of the financial food chain of the webcam entertainment Industry,why? A Ten Great Lines webcam girl is a want it all,have it all woman,for herself and or precious child(s)! On fire with desire for a Gangnam lifestyle,daily! Absolutely,like a female Amazon warrior princess she intends to rule on Top of the webcam entertainment global Industry,why? 2reasons:in her eyes the woman at the top is only another flesh-n-blood woman! The money is only payment for her outstanding webcam show performances! Most important to a Ten Great Lines webcam girl,is to prove her full length mirror did not lie! Absolutely correct meaning she is the best in the world! Second to zero women walking on Planet Earth when it comes to being on the stage of her webcam show performances! Roy Fennell-12/18/2014-2:04p.m. In principle,anytime,you be at any computer desk,visualize yourself,clothed or not,sitting in my lap! Do I mean it,above or below the ground,I'll always be behind you,even unseen,within the reflections of your full length mirror? Absolutely,I do! Between you&me,ain't no divorce papers coming your way! It is up to us,to make sure each one of your precious children gets a college education,without student debt! Do I absolutely mean it without zero strings? Absolutely&truly, I do!(*_*) Seeking the truth can have happy endings and results! Like you I'm a parent,too!


Individually,who do each of you? Wide-open see with your own eyes?
Except,yourselves tenderly and unselfishly being Queen served!
Each of you being the nature born! Complete package of heavenly asset
Webcam/phone sex part-time/full-time is our secret game plan.
To get internet connected&Financially engaged&Online married,at once.
It becomes of True Love! Minds&Hearts proof of zero doubt. Each of you.
Are wanted,needed and desired,daily! With hot-n-natural of excitations.
Of whole bodies roasting being loved! Respected&desired as a woman/women! As nature intended with bun in the oven fire,24/7!

sexy women making love photo: sexy sexy-8.jpg


                   At Ten Great Lines no upfront fee! See everything free,
                    Individually,based on your own free will! Actions and motions
                    you can see how each of your lives&futures! Can be real life
                    under your own direction and control! Due to the facts
                    everything happens or not! Within your own individual Castle.
                    Zero risk from me to ever have the fear! Of a domestic
                    violence phone call! See everything free provides no charge.
                     See it all as though looking in a window! There are no
                     closed doors except your own to stay safe,period.

Shhh,you know me! I only love to please you not tease you! Suppose as a talent recruiter you are clothed reviewing resumes in your castle,alone! If you get lucky and discover a potential hard bodied man with like a donkey sized manhood! Quickly,will you shed your clothes as though they are on fire? Need kleenex for your lustful werewolf shameless drool? Would you surrender to continuous orgasm trembles? Would you faint then slide out of your chair? Wake up to notice from wet dreams your sheets are soaking wet? Think you are losing your precious mind when thoughts of yourself,having 10 webcam hard bodied guys each having donkey sized manhoods,willing to online cam,for only you? Come closer! For 10 days in a row,if,up webcam close,with both hands on your toy! Would there be serious teeth grittin' fury and loud moans and groans while you think of each of your webcam guys,like clockwork,could be making Momma' $1000.00 per week or more? Would your soft smooth legs be so wide open, until it hurt so good? Nobody touching your body and preventing you from always staying good-n-tight for your 1,2,3 or 4 sugar daddies! As a woman,how would you feel on a business jet? Naked except for expense sandals with a $2000.00 necklace around your neck? Legs spread wide open until you hurt? Eyes wide open watching the OMG manhood of this daddy kneeling behind you? Would you feel alive and fully understand all your past pains will become future pleasure,within our for the money relationship,for life,if it pleases,you first,not me? Zero tears on your pillow due to an emotional breakup! What do I mean of a skintight  relationship? In principle,be at work or in your castle,when you put cheese between 2 slices of bread in the microwave! Like a melted cheese sandwich,who could ever squeeze between you&me,making that money,together? I shall always without strings,love each of you that much! In fact,here is how I feel about the words straight,bi and lesbian! As the CEO of Ten Great Lines,they have zero value to me,why? A woman,is a woman,is a woman! Suppose 3 women labeled straight,bi and lesbian  lived under the same roof with me! Each woman desired a baby with me! Each of the 3  women got their wishes,furiously! Each woman breast feed her own baby! Each of the women went out with their babies in individual baby strollers! Who could beyond a shadow doubt determine for a fact,which was the straight,bi or lesbian woman? Even if one of them was a Gothgirl and neither of them ever missed a respected PTA meeting who could prove or say they are not good Mothers or Moms? A woman is a human being like me! Not a number in a computer nor a brand name label on a can of corn! Do I absolutely mean it without any strings? Absolutely&Truly,I do love you! (*_*) Understanding the character of the man is important in many ways in regards of how he really feels towards women&children,worldwide! Roy Fennell-05/30/2015-9:08a.m. Without financial protection from the Mom,how is the precious child(s) suppose to survive if unable to earn an income or look for a job to help Mom? There is a highly qualified Corporate&Military nannies&baby sitters website link on our website with must see videos,too! Action speaks louder than words in many things in life!

Horizontal Divider 28


Are you a woman? Single,hot&sexy Mom? Lucky you,having your show you the money,daddy,looking out for you! Once you get to know&trust your own personal Sugar daddy,first! Need a babysitter for a weekend business jet flight to a luxury resort? From the business jet,then driven by limo to resort destination with luxury waterbed suite! Weekend of expensive wining,dining and dancing night life adult fun and entertainment! This is the virtual reality of what the unique home page dating site! And sugar daddy dating websites could do for you! All,from a free profile and your chosen lucky one! Roy Fennell-06/11/2015-8:48a.m. No jealous,within our money for us,relationship!

Horizontal Divider 28


Heart-to-heart like pillow talk questions for you&me about the respected adult film Industry! Is it possible some women who get tiny financial nibbles,yet never get callbacks,ain't no accident? Could there be favortism? Potential swinger club memberships or not? Actresses dating or married to film producers or directors? Clicks which keep the door of opportunity closed&locked for you? Got any telephone numbers you can call to say hey,I'm willing&ready to work? Can you call any of the webcam sites which offer part-time or full-time employment,of our website,now? Ever think of the extreme female-to-female fear&jealousy from women of adult film Industry towards new faces&fresh bodies? Would their pay rates go down if a flood of women gained entry to the adult film Industry willing to work for less money? Camming for us is for the money,part-time or full-time,with the door of employment wide open not closed! Your bedroom is your set! Your cam is your worldwide spotlight! As the CEO of Ten Great Lines,I produced money for us information from affiliate program sources! Created&shared with you the written script or documents you actually see within all the pages of our website! This allowed you a behind the scenes look at the potential financial benefits of save money/make money opportunities,why? As a business partner,(not paper connected),to allow you to direct and become directors of information(using smart technology) to the world! Great potential to get paid from billions of peoples who may want,need or desire the information from you!This ain't no game of being broke this is for the money! Ten Great Lines is your source of info! As affiliates you become A Source,with your own business name! Able to promote your own business&business name to the world! When I said I got your back,did I mean it without any strings? Absolutely&Truly,I do! Roy Fennell_12/20/2014-10:36a.m. (*_*) When a woman got her own King Kong bank account,Nobody in the world can play her,why? She ain't desperate for money to feed herself or precious child! When she got her own money,somebody else will be on their knees,like a bee,for her honey! 

Without conflict/problems.Within thy private/personal lives.
I be he being the wind beneath thy wings! Between them
beneath thy umbrellas,too.When coming wide-open available.
On Ten Great Lines Airlines.To our Internet home! Not a no tell
motel/hotel.Where someone may tell it! Without knowing the
truth whole story.About either of you! Without all the facts,first!

Horizontal Divider 28


Are you a woman in college? Yes? Yes,okay age between 21-25 yrs old? Yes,okay approx. 5000 students enrolled in your respected college?Yes,okay do respected students fly home then back to school? Yes,okay have respected frat Brothers&Sisters? Yes,okay graduate in 4 yrs will have $50,000.00 in student loan debt? Yes&No? Yes,okay afraid because the debt is connected to your respected parents' home? Yes&No?Yes,wish there was a way with logical potential to pay-off student loan before you graduate from college,and money left over to purchase a car to look for specific employment? Yes? Yes,okay would a small down payment on a forclosed home help,too? Yes? Yes! Yes! Yes!

Bride and Groom at Wedding

Graduation - Family

The specific program  based on above info has financial potential of $100,000.00 within the specific time frame! Success or failure is based on your actions and  peoples skills to the degree of superior customer service,agree? Yes&No? Yes,okay,the Travel Agent affiliate program is a perfect choice to reach your financial goals,why?

Close Flying
                           Plane from AnimateIt.net

sparks of passion mariegif photo:  blkwhite36-1.jpg

                           Divider from AnimateIt.net

Pool Party

To help you visualize the potential think of 1000 students,first!
1.As your own Travel Agent booking round-trip flights
2.Above students possibly have one or more parents,correct
3.Their parents have other family members and friends,correct
4.Students have respected family members and friends not enrolled in the same college,correct
5.Your respected high school re-union classmates
6.Your respected family re-union
7. Your former respected high school teachers who have family and friends
8.Your respected college professors who have family and friends
9.Superb customer service creates word of mouth advertising for you! This equals repeat customers who will not do business with anyone except you
10. Take care of your customers better than you would take care of yourself,if not sooner or later they will refuse to take care of you!&^^$#@!Roy Fennell&$06/22/2014LKKJ (*_*)$$+8:39p.m. 

Graduation Crowd Cheering

Soccer Players

Birthday Party

Horizontal Divider 28

Come closer!This is what a single example of what a vendor affiliate program of the Ten Great Lines Family can do for you!No upfront fee!Every single Vendor  as far as I am concerned are very special human beings for offering such wonderful share the profits opportunities instead of being selfish with any and all profits!Do I love them?I do! MNBB^%$--12:09a.m.UY%$~Roy FennellN#@~$07/15/2014

Not an oops,accident or mistake.International dating on the dating page.Of Ten Great Lines.Real life not fake opportunity.Of overseas love-n-romance! Possible not impossible your minds&hearts,first.True love face-to-face.Prince charming,Ms.Mr.Right! Hoping&waiting for each of thee.To become a legal family of 3.

Are you a college girl with serious student debts or financial loans fears? As your own Travel Agent! Creating your own travel-vacation related blog geared for other college students worldwide! Using travel-vacation affiliate programs you actually see at Ten Great Lines! What is the potential huge amount of money you could be making booking round trip flights,without walking out your college dorm door? Do not desire any sugar daddy? No problem,this could be a great opportunity of action,to make your money as a Ten Great Lines webcam girl! Travel&relocate yourself,to be under the same roof with your future lover! Without fear of being laid-off or need to look for a job! Alternating per month rent&utilities expenses sharing&reducing living costs for both of you! When you return to school your new lover financially covers your back,which allows you the financial freedom to deal with student debt issues and college expenses! Teamwork survival with mutual win-win benefits! Roy Fennell-04/29/2016-11:03p.m. In my opinion,it may be possible to have a single website link within a blog! If true,your blog visitors could click your link then go to your website! No work for you,since they would save money booking their own flights! Be able to make money becoming Travel Agent affiliates at your website! Saving big money by avoiding huge Travel Agent fees connected to vacation travel packages! How many college students would jump with joy being able to purchase live concert&sports tickets,at fantastic discount prices online from you? Even expensive sexy  hi- heel shoes&clubwear,too?


Are you a woman? Employed&working 40 hrs per week,yet,ain't got on paper no retirement benefits or yearly wage increase cost of living clause? Got bills,debts and too much to lose? Love to protect your financial future with a what if,you get laid-off or lose your job game plan? Got no man in your life,willing to love,care,respect and help you go beyond making ends meet? Desires for your hot sexy body to always be wearing expensive sexy dresses and sexy hi-heel shoes? Helping you make your rent or go from an old undependable vehicle to a new car? Helping you get out of an apartment into a rent to own home? Are you willing to learn new ideas,ways and methods with great potential to super size your bank account? Helping you to reach a Gangnam Lifestyle,daily? For yourself,love having a no strings&non physical show you all the money,daddy,in your life&not in your precious face,business,pleasure or bank account? No upfront fee&see everything free! Based on your free will actions or not,determines your for the money results! Explore&see what a money for us,relationship,can do for you,first,not me! Regardless,where a woman may live in the world! It is a sure bet,when it comes to her financial survival,it is every woman for herself! Under the same roof or not,the right partner in your life does make a difference,when it comes to having your back! Including your whole hot sexy body,painted fingernails&toenails! All of you with a big plump and financially juicy bank account,too! Would all of the above,for yourself,be a dream come true,for you? If your answer is yes,make it real,by using all you discover within the pages of our website,Ten Great Lines! It is every woman for herself! Win or lose,when it comes to getting her money,first,not mine,at her expense! Roy Fennell-08/02/2016-1:52p.m.Absolutely,on paper,without a written lifetime of employment guarantee,you risk everything of your financial future,without,having for yourself,a what if,for the money safety net,game plan,based on financial peace of mind,results,by the size of your bank account! Money talks!

Hey girlfriend! I'm so wet I can shout and scream!
Businesswoman in home office
Here I am,now! Online married! Business woman! Home office!Rent to own home! Life,is a dream,daily!

Horizontal Divider 28


Respectfully,are you a woman,living anywhere round the world who has ever been divorced within a marriage relationship? Come closer,take advantage of everything of our website,why? To create a what if financial plan should you experience a 40hr per week job divorce,when you least expect it! To lose or be laid-off from a job is a financial&legal separation within the employment relationship,between the employee&employer! It can leave you,financially,defenseless,unable to seek justice in any honorable Court of Law! Single mom or not,regardless,of your financial situation or legal obligations! Therefore,based on your actions,within our for the money,for us,relationship,how can you,legally, ever be divorced or laid-off,by me? Or having any of your hours cut,unexpectedly,causing you,financial hardship,single mom or not! Zero emotional pain of you in a panic trying to figure out how to make ends meet,with less income! 01/19/2015-3:08p.m Roy Fennell-Do I mean it? I do! (*_*) Come quickly,into a money for us,relationship! Financially protect yourself&end your present or potential unknown future fears of job loss,cutback of your hours or layoff notice! When I say,ain't no divorce from me,ever coming to you,do I mean it? Absolutely&Truly,I do!

Are you a woman? Living anywhere round the world? In regards to the specific paragraph above! Got a respected brick-n-mortar job or employer relationship? With multiple do you Money Right financial survival&game plans in your future? Including an upfront,free,$1,000,000.00 legal financial plan? Multiple round the clock nonstop&unlimited income opportunities! Allows you the benefits to get paid even on the dance floor! Using your free time to create&build your own Diva Woman Empire! Doing it to protect your financial future without walking out your door! No fear of being unexpectedly let go&computer divorced within our money for us,relationship! Between us,there is only one bottom-line! The protection of your financial future&happiness! Do I mean it without any strings? Absolutely&Truly,I do! Under the same roof or not! Roy Fennell-06/29/2015-6:06p.m. Globally,all women who are Queens of their Castles! For financial peace of mind&happiness deserves their own Empires! For many women the only sweet talk which can excitedly get them red hot! Is how they can legally,King Kong size their bank accounts! So they can online shop til' they drop cause they are in love with spending money,nonstop!

Some time ago,there was a professional football team! Had players many felt did not have the individual ability,talent,skills and teamwork attitude to become champions!Over time when they learned to become unselfish as individiuals!Learned to become a team a collection of individual human beings! Focused on a single goal when nobody else believed in them! How many Super Bowl rings did they wear?Do I believe in you? I do! Roy Fennell(*&^!~06/16/2015$*&^~#_12:17p.m.Back in the day there was the respected Tuskegee Airmen and The Black Sheep Squadron! Many believed was doomed to fail! What was the secret of their proven success? They truly believed in themselves,first,then each other! Then based on collective actions earned their wings and permanent place in History!



                           Call Center Girl from AnimateIt.net

Ever seen the TV program western show by name of Wagon Train? If,not the Wagon Master led the frontier respected pioneers/settlers! On long dangerous trails of travel by way of covered wagons! Powered or pulled by teams of horses and or mules! Long miles rain,shine and blizzards their survival and lives! Even safety,depending on them working&helping each other reaching intended destinations! In principle,the Wagon Master,was like the Captain of a Ship! He led they followed based on his knowledge and leadership skills! At Ten Great Lines you become your own Wagon Master&Captain of your own ship! Set your course towards financial freedom&power! Towards your own view of Luxury&Gangnam Lifestyle Future! Create your wealth so you can make it! To the real in the money circle of life! Got kids? If you think things are tough for you,now? How tough do you think things will be for them,25 yrs from,now? This is your opportunity for yourself and them! To have a silver spoon of wealth in their future,if not born into such a life! You can be using the Power of the Internet and powerful search engines! Making your money and be like comets in the sky! When you have something making money! Going on in your Castles even part-time can be to your financial advantage! To endure&survive the sometimes sudden and unexpected! Financial storms&waves which can hit your life when least expected! This is your opportunity to create your own retirement&health benefits package! Having more than fair weather hope&dreams! Waiting for you at the end of the rainbow in your futures! God Bless each of you,family&friends,too! Roy Fennell-09/30/2015-6:54p.m. What could happen if in future if for new jobs seekers? Not having some type of college degree meant no place of employment opportunity,why? Evolution of computer technology! What do i mean? Back in the day,many high school girls! Had careers&futures as live telephone operators! Like magic such jobs disappeared in a puff of smoke! In addition,to on demand customer service! 3 shifts of human beings vanished! What goes around comes around! In principle,such action may cause my respected Uncle Sam! To come up more than a nickle short with taxes! Such as Public Works Projects for roads&highways! For expected financial help&assistance for respected Cities&States! Which may include funding for AWP programs! Indirectly or directly connected to Public Parks! Example,suppose I had a brick-n-mortar business! 100 peoples working the call center for customer service! I replaced them,laid-off in a heartbeat,with a new automated phone service,today! In principle,could my Uncle Sam collect taxes from the new system? Equal to or greater than the amount? Collected per hour like the 100 human beings? In principle,how much sweet governmental tax dollars? Could my Uncle Sam lose over a 10 yr.period per hour?  Take advantage of the collection of Ten Great Lines Financial Advantage Networks! The Ten Great Lines Financial Employment Network! The Ten Great Lines Webcam Models Network! The Ten Great Lines Online Shopping&Vendors Network! The Ten Great Lines Business Opportunities Network! Ten Great Lines Health&Wellness Network! The Ten Great Lines Airlines Merchants&Partners Network! Ten Great Lines Online Adult dating&Romance Worldwide Network! The Ten Great Lines Airlines Airlines Travel&Vacation Adventure Network! Ten Great Lines Online Adult Gaming&Entertainment Network! To gain access to any network! Use the navigational bar above any webpage! To navigate to another page or network! Within the webpages of our website Ten Great Lines! The best I can do is provide the blueprint game plan! Everything has a learning curve! As your own future bosses you must learn,before you can begin to earn! Even with camming the more you learn helps prevent you! From giving up before you do anything to financially rescue,yourselves,first! When you plan,create and begin making your own retirement&health benefits package! It will become a fact you can see and bank check,daily! 25yrs in your futures if a loaf of bread costs $10.00! You&your child(s) will not be going hungry!  Financially,swell,tidal wave,King Kong and super size! Your bank book savings/checking accounts' financial spending power! Increase your net worth and bank credit score without walking out your door! Owner&CEO of the business Ten Great LInes! It is a sure bet,as a Virtual Employer or not! A man is a man is a man! His respected business either owned or contracted to serve respected Shareholders! Becomes a mirrored reflection of himself,belief and values! Of how he feels towards other human beings! Be they respected employees or customers,seen or unseen!


                           Divider Line from AnimateIt.net


Who is a Ten Great Lines Airlines webcam girl? She is a woman with soul deep fire&desire for a do as she pleases non violent Gangnam lifestyle,daily! Including for herself,1-4 sugar daddies,too! She is unaware of any respected brick-n-mortar job which offers her an income opportunity 365 days a year! And or 24/7 while she sleeps! She knows not even the respected adult film Industry can provide such an income unless by respected legal contract she benefits from royalties,website and or marketed merchandise,worldwide! Including a specific legal "what if" clause should she become pregnant! She understands she is unable to physically do webcam shows 24/7! To give herself a maximum opportunity to swell up her bank account,quickly,even when she is asleep! She takes advantage of any and all increase her income from affiliate programs and smart technology! Including respected social media related information discovered anywhere within the website pages of Ten Great Lines,why? Her financial objective for herself is having the opportunity to get paid 24/7,in addition to camming her priceless assets! From her own always "be there" set schedule,why? She is always in heat to get her money to enjoy for herself,all the benefits of online shopping&gaming of which she is an affiliate only! Sharing some of her webcam girl earnings with her affiliate partners! Who enhance her life without walking out her door,why? What goes around,comes around her chosen affiliate partners are the only ones in her life! If any sales,are sending money to her bank account! If she is camming or not! Riding with pride the OMG manhood of a sugar daddy while flying in the sky by business jet or not! Or breast-feeding or nursing her precious child(s) or not! Or taking a nap! How expensive are free affiliate partnerships at Ten Great Lines? Roy Fennell-12/10/2014-11:13a.m.

                           Eating Pizza from AnimateIt.net

Are you a woman? For your pleasure the sugar daddy sites are on the dating&road pages of our website! On our home page is a unique dating only website! 2 of the 3 sugar websites are worldwide! Ever heard the song love&happiness by Al Green? Or the song let's get it on,by Marvin Gaye? Respectfully,questions? If you&me,we got a not physical money,human love&happiness online relationship? A let's get it on for the money attitude? To swell up our separate bank accounts,together,as one,yet,as individuals,? 24/7&365 days a year? How can our financial futures not shine&sparkle like a 100 caret diamond? As a man,I feel,believe and will take to my grave! A partner is a partner is an equal partner,under the same roof or not! Every human beings family has value! Wealth does not need to be gained indirectly or directly at the expense of other human beings family! If I believe there is no difference below the ground,why should I believe there is a difference within the reflections of  my mirror above the ground? At Ten Great Lines it is not about or shall never be,making money from you as a meal ticket for my own financial gain! At Ten Great Lines,as long as I have breath in my body,it shall always be about us,having the opportunity of making money,together! Absolutely,it was no accident to include specific affiliate programs once I understood the share the profits &benefits concept,why? No man can hide from the truth of himself,within the reflections of his own mirror! Roy Fennell-12/12/2014-10:02a.m.

                           Divider Line from AnimateIt.net


Respectfully! On the (sexy) page of our website is where the bad&naughty girls safe adult play! They are Kink& girl-to-girl specialist pleasure teachers,with a special purpose! Without physical contact,to expand a Ten Great Lines webcam girls' pleasure ability&knowledge for specific respected webcam clients! Example,if a webcam potential client,as per introduction,asked: how do you feel about crops,collars or handcuffs? And your answer was something like:what do you mean? How much potential money would not go into your bank account? How much of your potential money,based on this example? Would swell up another webcam girls' bank account? If asked the same question as you,and she said: Let's play? Why is a Ten Great Lines webcam girl such a special&unique woman? She does not discriminate nor allow her personal beliefs to short change her income opportunity! She is always about her money and a favorite color is green! Your option,less money or not! Roy Fennell-12/12/2014-10:11p.m.   

                           Riding Bouncy Ball from AnimateIt.net

Paw Tracks
                           Divider from AnimateIt.net

Hungry like the wolf with desire to get ahead in life?Here is some free advice for you! The story of the chicken,turkey and eagle! Keep at a distance from anyone who lives and breathes in the sit back zone! The attitude is to do nothing until there is a financial panic situation! Then run in any direction like a chicken without a head! Quickly,if needing money calls or runs to you! Any get ahead in life idea(s) you have the turkey will shoot down like a clay pigeon,why? Control and to keep you on the ground,why? When there is a money need danger the hope is great the predator(s) eats you,not him or her,even them! In life in order to fly high like the eagle! Keep at a distance the chicken and the turkey who by attitude and behavior,seek to ball-n-chain you on the ground,why? To prevent your money and yourself,from becoming the financial meal ticket(*_*)9:35p.m.(*_*) 10/23/2014{*_*}Roy Fennell 


worldwide jobs banner photo: Work at Home Jobs Worldwide Earn an Excellent Income By Work at Home work_at_home_jobs.jpg

Are you a woman? Single mom or not? Lonely&waiting for a wedding ring? Divorced&looking for Mr. Right? Hungry like the wolf for financial security&liberty? Love to avoid a potential physical,mental,emotional,verbal or financially abusive relationship? Love the idea of nobody telling you,how to spend your earned money when you desire to spoil&pamper yourself or child(s) on demand? Based on the investment of your time and actions. A money for us relationship offers you a no upfront fee! Have it all part-time or full-time virtual employment opportunity,worldwide! Have your own sugar daddy for exciting physical pleasure enjoyment! No more time wasters,loneliness or boredom! Zero lies,games or strings! Why should you deny yourself of such a benefits for you,first,relationship? Regardless,good,bad or naughty girl deserves at home employment opportunity to get herself in an expensive or $1,000,000.00 home,equally! {*_*} Roy Fennell(*_*)11/13/2014{*_*}11:47a.m.

                           Flags Divider from AnimateIt.net


Are you a woman? Living alone and having financial independence does have value! In addition to understanding the character of the other person,first! Did you know 12.7 million people are physically abused,raped or stalked by their partner in one year? When a woman does not earn enough income to support herself,alone,based on emotions may take a chance to live with someone! Only to discover later it was a mistake then becomes trapped! Living in silent terror,daily! Don't let it happen to you! Click-here! Roy Fennell-12/22/2014-7:56a.m.

                           Guy from AnimateIt.net

Dolphin Divider
                           from AnimateIt.net

Business handshake

Our you&me,money for us,relationship is a self-employment opportunity for you! To always be&stay the Queen of your castle! Your goal of financial freedom for a do as you please gangnam lifestyle,daily! Financial opportunity to save yourself,from an emotional mistake of judgement! 24 peoples per minute,per day who have already become 24 hr live in fear victims,some got kids like you! As a man who cares the best I can do is provide the information and resources! Of your own save&protect yourself free will,it is up to only you,to take action or not! Zero questions for a woman who lives alone or with her precious child(s)! Nobody to directly or indirectly take your money! Nobody to directly or indirectly detour or prevent you from getting yourself&child(s) into an expensive or $1,000,000.00 home! This is the absolute truth! Roy Fennell-12/24/2014-9:24a.m. As a woman which life is better for you,silent unhappiness or wearing a $2000.00 diamond necklace around your neck? Earned from self-employment,legally,while enjoying teeth grittin'sugar daddy pleasure,on a business jet not commercial flight? A Ten Great Lines webcam girl who earns $1000.00 per week! Another $1000.00 per week as a Talent Recruiter! Questions,yes&no,could she financially afford a $2000.00 diamond necklace to wear around her neck in addition to expensive sandals? Living alone without nobody blowing up her phone to disrupt her pleasure orgasms from her sugar daddy on a business jet,would she be happy,feel like a Queen in control of her life?Upon bended knee this is my request! Please,for us, and our future do not text&drive!

Horizontal Divider 28


Not a lie together as one.No matter the distance
of miles.Unstoppable! Unconditional! Untamable!
Making history be creation of life.Within thy own
castle bedrooms,worldwide.Without physical sex
between us! Only never die secret desire fire


Beyond money,why is camming for us,always a good thing for you? In my opinion,Nature causes a womans' body to always be in sexual heat because she can become pregnant! This natural urge to reproduce is a powerful force! When not active enough these feelings can over power her mind and judgement! Compel her to seek stranger dates! Regardless,of the risks,in a relationship,married or not! Even a pregnant woman could look at a door knob on a door,lustfully,with bad girl intent! As a Ten Great Lines webcam girl! Camming for us,helps  contain&control the lustful sexual beast of nature! Safely,without any risks while getting paid! Taking financial advantage of Nature to super size your bank account! (*_*)Roy Fennell-06/30/2015-2:55p.m. See what an always,You&Me,money for us,relationship,can do for you,first,not me? Always being loyal and wide open to please&make happy the new man in your life,not in your face,pleasure,business or bank account! Can always make&keep you a happy woman with opportunity to King Kong size your bank account,too! Always,no strings&only powerful free will desire between us! Always for the money future for us&our mutual happiness!

                           Eagle from AnimateIt.net

Horizontal Divider 28


See in writing when it comes to any of your earned money the answer will always be Yes,to any amount you desire to spend on yourself or precious child(s)! Zero need to call to seek my permission to make yourself a happy woman! I'm a man who got lots of love for  untamable Born to always be Wild women! Always for the money,type of girls,who lives anywhere in the world! Tired of being broke&dreaming of having their own business one day! Got gigantic appetites for luxury and the finer things in life! Got more money in their bank accounts fever! Hungry like werewolves for the Gangnam lifestyle,daily? Next time you look at yourself,in your full length mirror,ask yourself,got it in you,to be a Ten Great Lines webcam girl? On fire with desire to see yourself rising to the top of the  adult webcam entertainment Industry financial winners circle,worldwide? Regardless,of who is No.1,why? Gotta' be tough to compete! Financially hungry to get to the top! Tough&determined to remain a star with a Ten Great Lines webcam girl reign&legacy! Roy Fennell-01/04/2015-9:45a.m. 


Respectfully,in my opinion,based on the facts of action! If you see or discover you cannot trust the character of the man or woman! It is a sure bet,you cannot trust the physical man or woman! Sooner or later there will be betrayal of you,to your knowledge or not,why? You cannot physically see the character of a human being! It is the character which determines the attitude,behavoir and actions! If a man drives a nice car it does not mean he has a nice character! If a man has a pocket full of money or a great job! It does not mean if you become pregnant! Then after DNA tests proves he is the respected father,he is willing to marry you and financially help you support your child as a family! Therefore,free advice before intimacy,it is better for you to know and understand his character,first,before,entering an under the same roof or not,relationship! The man your heart convinces you that you can change,just may be setting a trap for you! Great lover,yet horrible character,you become his helpless victim! He is a great actor to your friends,family and the world! Behind closed doors,your worst nightmare! Roy Fennell-01/03/2015-12:46p.m. Come closer,babygirl! Secretly,between us,had terrible experiences with your natural or stepfather?Explore& behold our website is proof for your sweet&precious eyes,mind,heart&soul your show you the money,daddy,does not have such a character! Without even a desire to harm a single strand of hair on your head! Do I mean it without any strings? Absolutely&Truly,I do! (*_*)



Are you a woman who has never been fishing in your life? Free advice,bait such as worms or lures are used on a hook to attract or catch a fish! In my opinion,some men of bad character,may use a nice car,great job or flowing money to attract the attention of women! The woman who by attitude,behavoir and actions bends over backwards for him,ends up being hooked and becomes his victim! Her weakness,is that she is in love with him! Always,hopes,feels and believes he will change one day! He does not love her,he loves to be cruel in his treatment of her mind,heart,body&spirit! The relationship,becomes a cage,full of multiple issues with continuous cycles of great make-up sex! Before intimacy learn,know and understand the character of the man,first,to test the potential,hot or cold water,of the relationship! Do not allow yourself,to get hooked into a relationship nightmare,you may regret,in silence the rest of your life! This is the exact advice I'd give if I had a daughter or sister! (*_*)Roy Fennell-01/06/2015-1:34p.m. Please,do not text and drive!{*_*}


Rainbow Swirl
                           Divider from AnimateIt.net

Are you a woman? Would a $2000.00 diamond necklace&$300.00 diamond ankle bracelet make you jump,scream and shout from happiness? If no man or prince charming will make such purchases  without strings for you! Spoil&pamper yourself,with the above and more! Take action within our you&me,money for us, relationship,why? Sooner or later,you will see the financial power of money making opportunities,of Ten Great Lines! Can make all your for the money wants,needs and desires  a reality,not fantasy,daily! When you are absolutely the Queen of your castle,without any questions,how can the word No,be ever heard,about anything,which makes you happy as a woman?(*_*) This ain't just about the money,it is about your happiness and safety,first!{*_+}-Roy Fennell_01/04/2015-9:35a.m. I'm begging you,please,do not text&drive,if you care about us! Think this is a game? How many women in relationships,married or not would love to hear their trusted&loved partner,ask them not to text and drive,daily? How much love do you think,I got&feel for you,and we are not under the same roof,regardless,of where you live in the world?

Are you a woman,single Mom or not? Divorced,lonely,bored,tired of waiting for Mr.Right? Secretly,have deep fear of financial failure in life,alone? Why,be scared,when you got for yourself,a man in your life,not in your faces? Sharing  multiple for the money gameplan opportunities you can see that can guide&help ensure the end results of your financial success,without strings! Like an unseen shadow,always behind&believing in you! Got love,care and respect of you as individual women,deserving to be treated like legal wives,regardless,of the complextion of your skin or where you may live anywhere,in the world! Regardless,if thee be a good,bad or shameless naughty girls or not! Why be afraid,when your happiness&money,comes,first,not mine? Roy Fennell-01/04/2015-11:24a.m.


Based on my own financial budget to promote my business Ten Great Lines! All you actually see with your own eyes at my website is your proof,I'm on my own path of life towards self-employment,financial freedom and non violent Gangnam Lifestyle,daily! My sharing&caring free will actions allows you the exact&equal opportunity to plot your own path or course towards self-employment,financial freedom and Gangnam Lifestyle,too! Under the same roof or not,to me a relationship,is about how we,can move forward,go for it all and reach for the stars in life,together! Refusing to remain motionless,while inflation&rising prices,like a giant Anaconda,financially&slowly swallows us,while still alive! For me, an American man,I prefer to crawl,then take baby steps towards financial independence&freedom! Than do nothing except live within financial slavery to remain and slowly sink in the quicksand of only making ends meet,in silence,as though I am already sleeping in my grave! Roy Fennell-01/10/2015-11:56a.m. A for the money,you&me,money for us,relationship,is all about OUR longterm financial futures! Only,if you are hungry like a werewolf,to have it all,good,bad or naughty girls,regardless,of where you may live in the world! How easy could it have been for me,not to reveal to you any social media affiliate programs which can reach thousands of peoples,at once,without you walking out your door?(*_*)Under the same roof or not,having the right partner makes a difference in your life and bank account,too! Always being the wind beneath each others wings,without strings,means flying like an eagle,not being flown or controlled,by someone on the ground,flying a kite in the air! Control of your life by timeclock,income,financial future,all without a peace of mind written guarrantee of lifetime employment! How does not having a what if,gameplan,benefit you?


                           Eyes from AnimateIt.net

                           Sky Butterflies from AnimateIt.net

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